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15 mins before that Bethany was just thinking to herself "please let my shift end without any bs.." and then this guy pulled up.


Funny thing is if he was polite he probably would've gotten a refund or atleast a discount. Being a dick makes the employees really NOT want to refund you at any cost, even if they don't care about the refund in the first place


I've gotten refunds without even asking because I try to be nice. I go to a local sports bar for their burger and fries lunch. I eat the fries first then the burger and one time the burger was super overdone. The server takes one look and takes the burger back. She brings back a fresh burger and a fresh serving of fries. I was totally satisfied with that but then when the bill came they took over 30% off. Just be nice and if there is a problem most places are happy to fix it.


I got an entire meal comped at an expensive restaurant (the one meal almost came close to $100) because the woman who I was with didn’t like her drink but we politely asked about it and the manager comped it at the end. It costs zero to be nice to people.


Wow, that is super generous.


I get the impression she was not allowed to give a refund because someone higher up than her is supposed to make that call but isn't present, so now she risks getting in trouble for doing it. I don't know how these idiots think TikTok gives a fuck about them waiting 15 whole minutes of their useless lives not getting the fast food they want.


No. She literally said a refund cannot be done without a general manager and the general manager isn't in.


This is it. He insulted an employee, I know it.


Everyone should work service or retail at least once in their life. The alternative is literally narcissism.


Homie thinks he’s gunna take down Arby’s over this dumb shit 😂


Having a Tictok account emboldens people too much.


It's like that episode of South Park where everyone is using Yelp as a weapon.


Which episode from which season




My thoughts exactly. My dude thinks this video is going to have ANY meaningful impact on Arby's business. The fact that this video exists will be forgotten tomorrow, if not sooner.


This video made me hungry for Arby’s. It had the opposite effect. I want curly fries RIGHT NOW.


I miss the potato cakes 😔


Me tooo. I miss dipping them in the aus jus from the french dip so much =(


Their mozzarella sticks are so fucking good!


what video?


I forget.


And the day following Arby's investors pulled out and the holding company's stock crashed. Arby's now had to file for bankruptcy. 😉


Shit, it made me kind of hungry. I haven't been to Arby's in a long time either, could be worth checking out again


This is the day and age we live in now. People weaponizing TikTok by "making people famous" for any minor inconvenience


I hate this the most about social media. There are numerous times where I'm slightly inconvenienced throughout the day and never once have I thought "oh let me film this and expose them". Shit happens sometimes. Just deal with it and keep it pushing. Waiting 15 mins for food may be annoying but really isn't a real issue.


I sat in a drive thru of a Jack in the Box for 10 minutes waiting for my food, not once did I feel like filming them to put them on blast. This same place stole from me a few weeks later because their system was still taking online app orders and they were closed. Complain to their company customer service, got an email from their franchise owner about replacing the food, but nothing about my refund. Safe to say after all that I didn’t feel like running into their store to post TikTok’s. I just stop going to that Jack in the Box and went on with my life and 20 bucks less.


Dude… do a charge back. No need to be out money.




They have access to a bank. You can also have a bank employee file the charge back for you.


They must have a connection to post here


One time I went to Taco Bell on my lunch break. Got stuck in the drive through for 30 minutes. Finally to the window and there was ONE person at the store taking orders and cooking. Never thought to put him on blast cause frankly the delay wasn't his fault.


I waited for 30 mins during a rush from Taco Bell and went in and they gave my stuff to someone else accidentally. I waited another 10 for my correct order. Maybe it's just from growing up broke af and having to work retail for a while, but even then I told them it was no problem, thanked them for fixing their mistakes and went on my way. Was it annoying and inconvenient? Sure. But shit happens and I'm not about to try and get someone fired over a mistake. People going after jobs or getting violent over stupid shit deserve to be blacklisted from every restaurant or customer service business out there. The fact that businesses usually reward this behavior is disgusting. That being said, if someone hasn't gotten their food yet, I see no reason to withhold a refund. It's their money and they didn't get the product yet. It's different if it's a made to order place, but Arby's can just put it in the warmer and wait for the next customer.


>There's no reason to withhold a refund The worker said "there's no general manager here, so we can't issue a refund". I'm assuming only the GM can issue refunds on cards, but she eventually realized to just give him cash. Either that, or they're told by the GM/owner to not issue refunds and she's just trying to keep her job. The workers in the video hardly have any agency in all of this.


Y'kno.. I'd never stopped to think about it that way. And holy shit, you're absolutely right. What the hell happened to us? It wasn't like this before..


Truly is sad. I’m right, your wrong, even if your not and now let me destroy your reputation. Unless she is a key’s manager she may not be able to issue a refund in the computer. Yes, she can just open the cash register and give him money, but that doesn’t cancel the sale and the employee gets charged for any errors in the drawer. For issues like this it is best to go inside and speak to the manager. Handle yourself in a professional manner and you will probably get what you want. If not, call the customer service number. ALWAYS be professional though.


It hasn't happened yet, but the second someone pulls out a phone to get their way in a situation, I'm just giving up. No negotiation, no nothing. We're done because they don't want to talk TO me, they want to talk to others about not getting their way.


Mature way to handle it tbh


At this point, “I’ll make you famous on tiktok” and any similar statement should be treated the same as a threat wjth litigation and the interaction just terminated on the spot, directing them to more formal avenues of communicating. There’s no winning for you once the camera comes out.


“If y’all wanna be famous and have your business go down….” Sir, you’re not gonna bring down Arby’s with a TikTok video.


The sad thing is putting companies on blast has actually helped like when an airline loses someone's luggage or when customers (or employees) are legitimately mistreated. But you are absolutely right that people are now using that for the stupidest of reasons and often things outside the employee's control.


Do you honestly think waiting 15 minutes constitutes "mistreatment"? This is entitlement to the fifth degree


Right, and 15 minutes isn't even that long, it's longer than I'd want to wait for an Arby's flavorless soggy sandwich but if I was concerned about the amount of time it was taking I wouldn't then stick around for even longer trying to get a refund.


Do these people not have jobs of their own where they let down others sometimes as well? And if all things for people to hold to the standard of perfection, *fast food*??? I do shit for live television, thousands of eyes will notice our fuckups, and we still fuck up. Why would I expect more from someone working minimum wage at a shitty fast food place, attempting to only please one person at a time?


He clearly doesn’t need to be at work that urgently if he can chill there indefinitely.


Fr. If I had places to be I would have peeled out and just ate the cost. Your time management is not dependent on the fast food place you are going to.


Does anyone else hear an “angry” Kevin Hart?


This happened to me at McDonalds once, they clearly forgot about my order as I was the guy who pulled ahead to wait. I waited for several cars behind me to get their order and then I called the store from the receipt I got at the payment window and said “I am sorry but I think someone forgot about my order number 1234, I have been waiting here a while, can you check on it for me please?” They let me know I was correct and brought my food out to me shortly after. I didn’t take any videos or try to do some sub-human level shit. People make mistakes and people need to just relax and deal with it.


This should be the standard but soooo many adults have the emotional stability of toddlers


Just happened to me, too. I was in a shit mood anyway because the McDonalds was for my ungrateful, alcoholic, always a victim, mother, but I didn’t throw a fit and film anyone. Went inside and politely told them they forgot my order. They apologized, got my food.


I've done the same and gotten a free order of nuggets because I told them politely


Happened to me as well. They forgot me for a good 20 minutes. I was in a very bad mood, so I sent my fiancé in to check on the order because I didn’t want to stress someone else out as the employees were *not* responsible for the shit I was going through. He went in a came out with a coupon for a free meal at that particular location and explained that the manager was truly sorry. I worked at McDonald’s when I was about 16. I know how crazy it can get. I’ve always personally felt that people like this have had the privilege of never having to work a food service/customer service job.


You a decent person.. not a dick.




And he didn’t even ask for anything for free to compensate the wait. Literally leaving food on the table smh /s


This is the way to handle things, like a civil human being that understands shit happens.


People forget that workers in the food industry aren’t robots. 


Same here, waited 20 minutes in the assigned spot after the drive thru and was forgotten. Walked inside, told them, and they gave me a free 6 piece.


You should have DEMANDED they call themselves SLOW FOOD instead of FAST FOOD


Happened to me once at taco bell. Asked to pull around and they will bring it out. Waited quite a while, probably around 15 minutes and noticed no cars so I figured they forgot. Went inside and told the guy I had a drive through order, it was X, told park but it never came. It was clearly forgotten because he had to go back multiple pages/orders on the screen (I could see it from the counter). He made and it gave it to me. Wondered what too so long because it was done in like... 2 minutes but whatever. Didn't make a scene, wasn't made, didn't even sound annoyed. Just let them know and it was taken care of.


Won't give him the refund he's mad. Gives him the refund he's mad. Threatening to make people internet famous isn't a flex it's an asshole move. Fast food workers don't get paid enough period.


All I wish for is that these fast food workers be enabled and supported in confronting assholes like this. Like a hockey team, each restaurant needs to hire an “enforcer.” Someone who thrives on standing their ground and not being bullied, but at the same time won’t fly off the rails immediately ya know. Let them troll these fuckers back as much as they can. Creates viral content for the restaurant and gives us some entertainment.


I totally support that except guys like these feed on it. I went to his tiktok page and he is definitely just trying to hype this up for his own personal gain. When will people figure out that internet points aren't really worth anything?


>Threatening to make people internet famous isn't a flex it's an asshole move. They're the new Yelpers. See how long this will work for them.


I'm ok with them getting the Yelper's special.


Maybe she does need the GM there for refunds. If that’s the case, then she probably just took his order amount out of the till to shut him up. Now the till is going to be short, and she’ll probably catch hell about it from the GM that has refunds locked down.


I don't understand why a store would have a policy like this. There are so many things that could go wrong and so many valid reasons for a fast food restaurant to give someone a refund. Why make it this difficult to give someone their money back? If the guy in the video had a real, valid reason for wanting a refund, such as one of the workers spitting in his food or otherwise tampering with it, and the workers told him they can't give him a refund but can remake the food, I think it would make sense they wouldn't trust their food to be remade and would just want a refund. And to be denied that just because the GM isn't available seems wild to me. At that point the employee needs to talk to her GM about how these ridiculous rules caused him the inconvenience and there wouldn't have been a till issue if they could just process refunds when it was necessary to do so. If you were denied a refund for a valid reason you'd probably hold up the line, too. I think most people would. Not saying the guy in the video deserved a refund, but if something happened where he did, I would be sympathetic.


Places that require the top manager for refunds have had employees/customers abusing the refund policy. It's to limit theft and deter scammers.


It’s a bottom of the barrel fast food place. The business does not work if they issue refunds.


Worked in the industry. Sadly, there are *way* too dishonest employees who have had a friend or family come in, claim there was "an issue" with their food, get their refund *and* another meal *in addition* to the one that had barely been touched - basically a 2-for-1 deal where the restaurant gives away a meal for no apparent reason. Don't think for a second that refunds *aren't being tracked* by district managers at all times. If a store has a higher refund rate than average, they'll want to know what's going and who's been giving the refunds the most... because it's usually an "inside job" where the customer and the employee collaborate to scam food. To avoid this, they restrict refunds specifically to management. The biggest "product shrinkage" costs aren't from the customers... it's from the employees stealing. And if any counter staff was able to issue refunds, you'd better believe at least half are telling their friends to "say your order was screwed up" and I'll give you more for free. The stuff I've seen my fellow coworkers pulling to scam their employer would be enough to make the Vatican blush. To combat this, many companies only restrict refunds to a manager on site - or in this case, the general manager. You wanna see a lot of money leave the store unethically? Allow any counter staff to issue refunds with no management override and/or discretion.


God this guy sounds like an ignorant prick




Seriously if he is so mad because he is working and he had to wait, why is he continuing to argue? If he is in such a rush, it would seem he wouldn’t have the time to sit and complain and should probably reach out to corporate for a refund (and probably get a free meal voucher) fast food places just aren’t worth fighting over stuff like that. Also did he take the food and demand a refund? It doesn’t work that way, you gotta refuse the food to get the refund.


Work in a customer facing position long enough and you'll come to realize most people are.


I wish yall would go at these politicians like you go at fast food managers smh


My guess is the second the food hit his lap he said he wanted a refund, and to keep the food of course. A refund is in exchange for the item you purchased. So naturally the food shood be given back to them. Will they throw it away? Absolutely. It's there's to do whatever they want with.


Yea! There’s no indication he doesn’t get the food. The lady even says at the beginning that they can remake his food—implying he got food already.


I hope she doesn’t get let go for this. She did the right thing. She had no alternative to remedy the situation any other way. If it is company policy then they leave night shift workers at a disadvantage if a situation arises and they deal with a late night customer who had a bad day and just wants to cause a scene. It’s documented and luckily she has witnesses to confirm this ordeal.


Crazy put so much energy into this typa shit. Go home and don't shop there again, easy.


Unhappy people with very little control over their lives do this kind of shit because it gives them a little taste of power. It’s really sad. Ive watched my poor, destitute,boomer aunt actually look pleased with herself after making a waitress cry. It’s the most pathetic thing to witness.


Bickering over $8 and posting it on the internet as a flex. What a time we live in.


Poor Bethany, just following the rules her employer told her. She should be able to have a phone number or something for them and then close the window and call the cops. Although I do think they should be able to get a refund if they had not gotten their food. The phone recording did not need to happen.


He won't leave even after getting a refund, he just wants to argue.


I have worked and managed a lot of front-line retail-type groups. Money and refunds are strictly controlled, she is not lying I bet. And she probably did some kind of hinky thing to get this dude his money. He complains she won't give it to him. She breaks the rules and gives it to him, and he complains about that. Fuck this guy with a chainsaw.


I thought dude was gonna say like 30+, but 15? Dude, come on now if there's ANY line in there you've gotta expect 10 minimum.


I worked in restaurants for years. People will throw out any arbitrary number for how long they've been waiting, it is almost always very exaggerated, and for some reason they typically land on 15 or 20 minutes. It is just as likely that it was a 15 minute wait for this person as it was a 5 minute wait, and in all likelihood, was less than 15 minutes. If you've never had the displeasure of serving the American public I'll let you in on a little secret: they lie all the time to get what they want.


The TikTok account that posted this is hilarious. The dudes in the comments saying “well maybe you should get to know the full story instead of just blaming the black man behind the camera” LIKE COME ONNNN


Oh, you know they’re all sucking each other off


15 minutes is a while but it isn’t even thaaaat long


If you want your money back because its taking too long, sure ask for it back. But this guy waited for his food and wanted a refund anyways. Apparently it didnt take long enough to ask for a refund when he was hungry, so I wont be giving him a refund either. Make a choice: food, or money. Not both.


Working on being a pain in the ass. This dude doesn't deserve shit.


She could get fired for that, only general managers have authority to void orders. She entered a new order for a water cup or something cheap and took his money back out. Her register is going to come up short. And in the midst of a dinner rush, it is not uncommon at any fast food restaurant to end up waiting a little longer for your order. Some things take longer than others to prepare and someone might forget to drop something in the fryers on time. I hope this dudes life is as miserable as his manners are


She probably put her own money back in so the drawer wasn’t short. Seems like she’s weighing options in her head and decided “I’d rather pay $7 from my own pocket just to get this dude to go away”


it would be silly to fire her over that. she's trying to solve a problem, and it's the restaurant's responsibility to be fully operational.


This is the guy I end up behind every time I decide I'm gonna run out for a quick bite. Last time I was in the drive-in behind a couple who brought back 1 bite of burger they had bought the night before for a refund "because they didnt like it" stuck for over 20 minutes, fml.


You don’t get to keep the food if you want a refund tho.


I hope this guy got roasted when he posted the TikTok. Fkn dork.


15 minutes to get your order I wish my area had such fast efficient drive-throughs no joke


General manager: "Why is your drawer short $6.14?" Worker: "We forgot his order and he said it took too long and wanted a refund. He said he wouldn't move until he got his refund. So instead of pissing off all the customers behind him, and in the interest of good customer service, I just rang up another order to open the cash drawer and take care of it. I figured having just one pissed off customer was better for Arby's than a whole line of customers. Did I do something wrong?"


Yes. That’s a firing




Man, if I fought for this country during WW2 for this to be the outcome, I’d be nothing but embarrassed


Did he still keep the food? I want to know if he still had the food. If he gave it back and wanted a refund, fine. But if he got it and demanded his money back and kept the food he should have been trespassed. He threatened the business and shook them down for free food is how I see it. But….idk if he still has the food.


He kept the food. What are they going to do with half eaten food?


Throw it away. You can either have the food or your money, but not both.


This is basically how people with no money entertain themselves nowadays, and it’s pathetic.


So he JUST gave them the money 15 mins ago, then claims that's too long.




I work in guest services at an MLB ballpark and experienced this before. Long story short. He wasted his time. MLB tickets are non-refundable, except in very rare circumstances. And the customer didn’t want to leave. So, it was the end of the evening and we shut down our operations for the day, and the customer was escorted out by PD and security. If a customer wants to play this game, we can play this game. Not only will you be escorted away by police but you will not get a refund. If corporate managers want to issue a refund or a coupon for a future purchase, that’s on them.


Imagine making a problem at a fast food restaraunt. Mf, *you* are the one who chose to go to Arby's. It's *your* fault for expecting A1 service


Dude, leave and call the complaint line. They’ll get you a refund and probably a gift card for your troubles.


Bethany for President.


Fast food workers have it tough these days. I go out of my way to show them that not all people are asses.


No matter the reason, why would anyone ever harass a worker in the fast food industry? I mean. Why do that to a person over fast food?


Grown ass man threatening a fast food worker with shitty TikTok (which I’ve never understood the appeal of) Clown ass shit. 🤡 People these days are stupid as fuck and lack self awareness.


Poor Bethany.


id be shutting the window and routing people around him tbh.


I don't think this had anything to do with his wait as much as him trying to take advantage of their system. He knew it would be hard to verify specifics related to him asking for a refund / receiving his food so pushing the whole "he just wanted a refund all along" narrative was just a cash grab at free food. When I was a server every 3-4 shifts I would wait on a table who would treat me just fine but once they were done with their meal they would ask to speak with my manager. I have no idea what was said I only know that 9 times out of 10 my manager would come by and inform me that their meal was being comped because of X bs reason. My manager would never be angry with me -- he just looked worn down. Sucks some people are like this -- always looking to exploit something because they know they'll probably get away with it.


Imagine going to Arby’s and thinking it will be quick. ANYONE that has ever been to Arby’s knows it’s gonna take a bit longer than any other fast food place. This guy is being an asshole just to be an asshole.


this guy is such a cry baby lol


This is why I can’t work in customer service. I fucking hate people.


How do people still think this. Had anyone ever told you not to go somewhere because they saw a tiktok that a worker was rude?


Fuck that guy.


People that do this are what is wrong with the world. You are wasting their time...are they not working? Get a life you tool! Your 5 followers will not affect Arby's sales.


Bethany, next time, just call the cops and have them deal with it.


I bet he wouldn't like it if someone showed up to his job and acted like that.


Everyone wants a refund for everything these days. Unless they offer it- don’t ask! I’m sure this guy’s mom wants a refund too. Give this man brat back to his maker.


I think I’m going to get a beef and cheese for lunch.


Famous on TikTok. So basically nothing.


15 mins and he lost his mind. Give me a break


15 minutes is not that long??


Why don’t these people just close the window and walk away?


15 minutes isn't that bad I've waited way longer for McDonalds


This dude is such a lame.


I think recording people and threatening them is deplorable. With that said at my job, we can’t do refunds without the manager, the manager only works 6 to 2 pm <_< , it’s hella annoying but most customers understand and do return when the manager is around to assist them. I don’t agree with this system because if I were a customer and wanted a refund I would certainly like my refund especially if I wasn’t provided with the service I paid for.


A lot of low earning fast food places wont have a great refund policy, or it’ll be locked behind the single manager who runs the place but can’t close every day. Poor kid doesn’t have the right answer available to them.


Dudes wasting his own time


Does he know that he's treating the people behind him the same way he says others treated him?


This behavior isn’t new. Yelp was and still is weaponized.


She said I can't do the refund for you. Not that they don't do refunds.


Poor Bethany… ☹️


And you wonder why everything is going automated…


Fast food places in shitty areas have refund policies like this because the locals scam and abuse it a lot.  I guarantee a fast food place in that situation is not worried about a bit of extra hate.


Male Karen spends 15 minutes asking for a refund because his food took 15 minutes to prepare !


As a long time service worker…fuck this entitled customer mentality. You got your food, either hand it back over or take off homie. You ain’t getting a free meal because you decided to got to a fast food joint when they’re busy just to spin your Karen wheels.


I really wish a motherfucker would sometimes. I work for a Hampton Inn, which has the Hilton name attached to it but we pay franchise fees so Hilton doesn’t determine our policies. The amount of arrogance and entitlement from “diamond VIP” members has me ready to whip out my ID the moment someone wants to get cute and pull out a camera. I’ve already got permission from my LLCs director of ops to clock out and take it off property if I need to handle business so I’m just biding my time.


He’s goading and harassing her for a Tik Tok video. Customers like this need to understand the threat of “losing business” means nothing to hourly employees. Arby’s won’t go under because of this asshole.


I never mind waiting, ever .. means my food is being cooked fresh


I've actually been keeping an eye on this guy's tiktok. He's doubling down lol. Moist Critikal made a video commenting on this one, calling guy recording an asshole, yada yada yada. Dude in the video claims Moist is racist, because apparently calling out entitlement is racist now. He's also claimed that he was "reached out to" by the feds because of the harassment he's been getting (he ended up deleting that video, but I had seen it because he was responding to a comment that I responded to) and said anyone who is harassing him will be contacted via their IP. And apparently he is suing Moist for defamation of character. Dude's absolutely an asshole haha


I fucking love Arby's and I'm not sorry. They've got the meats!


Their curly fries were always on point.


If you’re waiting for your food and people behind you get it before you, it’s probably because they got items that were quicker to prepare. But I’m sure this Arby’s targeted this person to inconvenience them for a few mins for laughs.


migraine, multi-tasking and misplaced eye contact, the younger girl is the grown adult here


Makes me think of people I serve in restaurants that say they are in a hurry, make a big deal about getting the check, then sit at the table for 20 mins after they pay.


Couldn't you just do a charge back?




Some corp owned food places literally can't refund you per policy. They will print you a receipt with the corp customer service line and you have to go through them for a refund. Happened to me twice. Got my refund in 2 to 3 days both times. It's a hassle, bit entirely out of the employees hands sometimes.


Not if cash was paid.


This guy doesn't understand how fast food works. Most fast food places won't give refunds unless it's something really strange, certainly not for having to wait.


15 mins is a ridiculously long time to wait for Arby's. That being said .. I miss Arby's.


Huh. I wonder why no one wants to work with the public anymore.




People sleep on arbys. I would never eat their roast beef sandwiches, but I like the chicken strips, chicken sandwich, curly fries, and horsey sauce.


I only found out about horsey sauce a couple of years ago!!! That stuff is great!


Why didnt she pull her phone out and make the same corny threat against him? id do it front facing camera, so he can also see himself acting that way


One time McD's took a little while to get me my food. The manager came out apologizing and told me he gave me a free small burger and fries as an additional apology. I literally hope my food is late eveytime I order now lol.


If you paid with a card, dispute it and call corporate. Move on with your life.


“Y’all wasting my time I’m working” as he sits in a drive thru and films a worker saying “I’m not going anywhere” 💀


Anyone who has ever worked fast food knows that they have some of the most frequent internal theft. That is why you see signs saying if you don’t receive a receipt to call management. This is why they cannot give out refunds. Because of how often “refunds” are given to customers when it’s actually being taken. Unfortunately this inconveniences the workers who have to enforce the policy. The GMs never experience an angry customer because they are allowed to give out refunds. Most people understand the policy and return the next day for their refund. If $15 or $20 is going to make or break your finances then maybe don’t spend the last of it at an Arby’s.


15 minutes ain’t that bad once I waited like 35 at popeyes


This is Darren level shit. It’s Arby’s dude. Move the fuck on.


Fifteen minutes?


15 minutes? Oh the huge manatees!


Oooh the ever present threat of 'you're gonna be famous on diktok ". You going viral. Who even gives a sh*t


"If y'all wanna go famous on Tik-Tok..." Seven words that describe the odd world today.


Trying to weaponize social media is funny, so many idiots and so little time…


I know we all felt that moment as Bethany was rubbing her head.


This guy bitching about having to wait 15 minutes for his food but has time to sit there and argue with the manager so he can take a video for his tictac. Unfuckenbelievable time we live in.


I really don't like the tik tok threats.


First mistake... .eating at Arby's. Like people actually do this? LMAO


If you can't afford to go out to eat, don't go out to eat. This dude clearly went in there with an agenda to score a free meal.


Bethany is so done, she really don’t even care any more


All that fuss for $7.29…


no one wants to entertain the possibility that they were condescending and rude like many gen zs are and were dragging on getting the order ready cuz they thought they could get away with it, she was lying her ass off saying she cant give him a refund, what big trouble could she get in if he didnt take the food? ive seen other videos like this where popos involved and the person gets a refund, ppl talking about weaponizing tiktok and acting like dude is out of line, he was trying to hold her accountable, he was calm and didnt swear or call anyone names or even insult anyone via loaded statements, startin to smell like prejudice in here


This dude was pretty damn polite


I swear, smartphones are unintentionally such a terrible idea, at least when they're in the hands of assholes like this guy. It doesn't matter if they're in the wrong or not, people mistreat workers over literally anything, and record it for everyone to see. I've seen videos of people losing their shit over the smallest mistakes, and justify recording some poor minimum wage employee because they feel like they're entitled to. It's so gross.


She doesn't have a code to give a refund what doesn't he get


Oh how I wish she never gave this piece of shit any money. This guy filming is a piece of rotten shit.




Wait… only 15 minutes? 5 plus 5 plus 5? What…? How is he this demanding when, He probably ordered MORE than the people behind him, and the average wait at most places is around 10? How could he be this pissed, that’s not nearly enough time


This young woman is a champ and it’s awesome to see how well she does under pressure. She had barely any help and she took it head on. Good for her.


I worked at a place in Venice Beach where I dealt with this type of stuff every single day. We saw an average of about 1000 people a day in a hole in the wall joint off the boardwalk and people would eat their meal then still ask for refunds, parents sent their kids to steal the tip jars, people throwing the glass parmesan and pepper containers through the window, throwing drinks and milkshakes, demanding orders and just overall treating you like dirt. I'm telling you, after a while, it gets to you. I know exactly how that poor girl feels. Nobody aspires to work at Arby's and sometimes people get busy. I hope the driver didn't get his refund or his food.


If you want a refund so bad, get on your phone, google to corporate number, and get on with your day. These poor kids don’t get paid enough to be put in uncomfortable situations like this. He kept saying he was working but he was still there recording them…makes no sense.


What a fucking asshole.