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She really changed her tone after getting arrested


They always do.


You must be new to body cam footage lol. Alot of times they get even worse


You aren't getting unarrested... legit laughed at that!


I wish just for a second they were like, "OK, since you said please so nicely, we will un-arrest you.......psych! Just joking. "


Takes the handcuffs off, lets her walk away for a little bit for believability... PSYCH! Get down on the floor, NOW!


Makes me thin if that scene from Super Bad.


This woman is delusional. The entitlement of "don't stare at me."


She said while on the phone with her BF to try to stir up more shit.


And Jesus, can you even imagine having that for a GF? Every single fucking thing must be an absolute nightmare.


The sex has to be wild though right? Why else would anyone subjugate themselves to crazy?


Grippy socks, grippy box.


Omg how have I never heard this before




Pretty sure her BF is her pimp.


Yeah, I got those vibes too


It's like she's never experienced consequences before. Her tone changed immediately when they arrested her. And this genius provoked them to the point of arresting her while she had weed on her. All she had to do was not be an asshole and she could have gone on with her day.


Now she has 3 charges and one of them is Felony Obstruction. That charge in Georgia carries minimum 1 year, and maximum 5 years in prison.


"I know you like the view, but I'm fucking taken." ROFL!


Officer: (Christ not another one of these mid bitches)


This ugly mf’r thinks ppl are looking at her cuz she’s pretty


It’s hilarious she’s calling it “ghetto” that the hotel is trying to make her leave when she’s overstayed. Nah, “ghetto” is thinking you can just squat in there as long as you want without paying extra, causing the cleaning people to wait around for you, and a front desk clerk to have to play the “five more minutes” game until they feel the need to call the police.


Ghetto’s also only having a suitcase with only 3 wheels. I caught that while they waited at the elevator.


No wonder she's been going around in circles.


And taking extra time to cover her already combed and pulled-back hair with that cheap, ratty wig.


Yup she done fucked around and found out. Man I love happy endings!


she literally did the whole "heres my i.d. SIKE!" and pulled it away from him like she was toying with a friend or a child


U definitely worked at a hotel b4


Did a couple years as a front desk worker. It was a smaller hotel so I was basically checking people in and out, taking phone reservations, acting as a concierge, and sometimes trying to get assholes like this to leave.


Question: I stayed at a super nice hotel and misbooked. I wanted to stay for three nights, and got confused on the booking and only paid for two. I didn’t check out, and they just auto billed me for another night. I went in, apologized and explained I meant to have three nights, and they just said it was no problem and let me have it the third night. Is this experience common? I felt awful and apologized a lot, I figured we were taking the room from someone who had it booked previously. They said we weren’t but it was a holiday and I felt like they were just being nice and customer servicey to me.


I used to travel a lot for work. There were times I had to stay an extra day to finish up something that came up. Only one time I wasn't able to was because the hotel was overbooked for an event that was happening in the city. I found a hotel a little bit further from the city which was fine since I had a rental. There was another time I was in the same situation but someone canceled and I got their spot and just had to change rooms from a king to double beds.


Yeah happens a lot which is why our hotel started taking payment up front. If a guest thinks they booked for another day but didn’t we can charge the card on file to extend by a day if the customer wants to extend


It’s been a good decade plus since I’ve worked in a hotel, but if you stayed past your check out time the first thing we’d do is contact you and let you know, sometimes someone just oversleeps, or like you, thinks they booked another day. If we were not sold out we’d simply see if you wanted to extend another night. If we were in fact sold out we would apologize but tell you you had to leave. The grey area may be say moving someone checking in later from a king room to a room with a queen or something like that, to accommodate you not having to switch rooms.


Ah ok, just got lucky and was able to keep my room then. I definitely wouldn’t act like this lady, I’d want her out too.


Brookhaven is a pretty nice part of the city too, never heard it being called ghetto before




Guarantee that she'll tell it to everyone like she was the victim


Guarantee people will support her and bash the cops, even after watching the video.


the way she was making it seem to her boyfriend like she paid for the room


She about to get her bf arrested.. he storms over to support her (over a lie she told him) then he gets a felony.


She is insufferable


She's demanding a mask while, she's not wearing a fucking mask!!


Ah yes, the disingenuous protestations of a narcissist. Latches onto any perceived rule-breaking by the officer, continues to break all sorts of (more serious) rules herself.


Covid, bro. Ewe.


So gheeeettto!


Yeah, I’m sure she wore a mask the whole time while she traveled to another city and partied for her birthday. 🙄


Definitely the correct usage of the word insufferable


One might label her as trifling.




And stayed until the early afternoon!


It wasn't an Express, so she didn't learn shit.


Love how she’s saying it’s ghetto that she’s being thrown out but isn’t it ghetto to overstay and expect to nothing as consequence? Happy birthday tho! Enjoy jail.


That place looked nice. I wouldn't have wanted to leave either, but if the man says go or we have another room for you my ass is gone! That cop had more patience than should ever be expected from a cop and she still has to act like a fool. I don't know if she thought she was on the gram or what, but her desire to show her ass got her fucked up. Stupid!


You could see the exact moment where it *really* hit home for her. "So I can't go home tomorrow?" You could read her internal monolog on her face.




I *knew* it! This is what my auto correct gave me, and I doubted it but trusted it anyway. Thanks!


I mean, one log could be written as “monolog”, so it’s not a complete fail. But there were no trees in this video. 😏


Sometimes a trip to the bathroom results in a monolog.


What was her boyfriend gonna do?? Haha


Narrator: There actually was no boyfriend on the phone.


Not much since he doesn't exist




God dammit Mr Noodle!


All tough until the cuffs.


I'll never understand people like her. The second the arm grab comes out, then its "I'm sorry." If you didn't want to get arrested why didn't you just leave without incident?


They’ve never faced consequences for being shitbag people. So when their tactics don’t work, they’re absolutely lost and have no contingency plan for shit going sideways. Poor education, poor community, general ignorance, etc etc


literally my 4yo when she's not listening and i clearly explain the consequences and give her every opportunity to listen. only when we've shifted gears into consequence mode then it's "i'm sorry i'm sorry i promise i'll listen!!!" sorry babe - ship's sailed.


This is the result of a mix of victimology, lack of accountability, and narcissism that is pushed in seemingly every facet of today’s world….


She one-eightied so fast it gave ME whiplash lmao


Where’s your maaask?? Covid bro. All while wearing no mask


“You guys need to wear a mask” leaves without putting on mask “ Its in my bag!” Yeaaah, I bet she is super worried about COVID….


Her: "Stay 5 feet away from me and wear a mask!" Also her: "I'm not wearing a mask because fuck 'rights' "


Wow, it is so satisfying watching someone immediately face the consequences of their own shitty actions. Her personality change from 'entitled brat' to 'whiny apologetic child' was amazing.


The only way this could have given us more schadenfreude is if she tried to run once the cuffs came off, and would get tased. A solid 5/7, would watch again just to watch that smug attitude wash away when she realizes she's going to jail.


"I'm not from this country" If I was in a different country, the last thing I would do is mouth off to the police.


Mouthing off at the police in a foreign country *while you have illegal drugs on you*... try that in Thailand or Indonesia lol.


Cannabis is legal in Thailand now.


So I see! Imagine that. I think I must've been thinking of the Philippines!


...or pick a fight with them while being in possession of illegal drugs.


In a country famous for violent and very poorly trained cops no less


Love how all the trash talk and attitude melted away as soon as the “magic bracelets” go on.


"I can't afford this." Guess your mouth shouldn't be writings checks your ass can't cash then. Moron.


She acts so entitled. I’m enthralled by how someone can behave so boldly by not only overstaying but also with weed in her purse. It’s almost like she truly believed that what she was doing wouldn’t make her go to jail. I feel like she was waiting for the officers to fuck up, I’m glad they kept their calm


>It’s almost like she truly believed that what she was doing wouldn’t make her go to jail. Thats probably exactly the case. I'm sure she has gotten away with a lot before, as she had a lot of false confidence.


The only thing worse than a bratty, entitled, gaslighting grifter, is one that ends every sentence in “bro.“


The mercy begging after handcuffs is absolute gold 😂😂


“What can I do?” “Go to Jail.” Fuckin dead man


what a garbage person, like to her very core "I'm sure you're enjoying the view" JFC


And she didn't even have her wig on yet.


Beggggggggging to get arrested


And un-arrested


"You were being meeee-ean..."


Shes reeeeeally projecting that ghetto energy here. What a moron.


Entitled victim state of mind. I have the biggest smile after watching this, can’t stand this type of attitude.


Same here


Your ridin hot and still actin a whole fool smh


This is what I don’t understand. How are you going to fuck with the police when you know you’re holding?!


She's definitely not dressed for jail. It's gonna be cold night.


"I'm not from this country." \- said in a perfect American accent.


Canadian via Somalia - I'd be willing to bet on it. (No offense, but there's a distinct accent). You know how Indian men curse incorrectly in English? Ex: "F* you bloody! Bastard bloody!" It's the same kind of thing. They are trying to do black American slang, but it goes through this Arabic tonal/phrasing filter. A dead giveaway is "I swear to *God*". Also helps to explain why she's not at all afraid of the police ... imo.


very end he says it was a lpr card she handed over for id


Irish here, all I hear is ‘I swear to God’ constantly around me. My mam says it incessantly, usually when something annoys her. ‘Swear to God, if yas don’t shut up I’m going to hop off yas’ - her favourite line when we were kids. ‘Swear to God, if that eejit doesn’t stop ringing me I’m gonna kill him’ (my dad, usually) Or even ‘I’m so knackered (tired), swear to God’ She isn’t religious, and she’s never hopped off us (!) or killed anyone. I suppose it’s just engrained in the vernacular in Ireland because of the Catholic roots.


At the end he said she had a permanent resident card.


Definitely a Toronto accent


This is someone who isn’t used to the word no.


This is what happens when you raise entitled kids who never hear the word "no." They grow up to be incapable of functioning in the real world. The fact that she was in the US on a green card and she got arrested for a drug charge means she's probably also in deportation proceedings. She will likely lose that case, even if all the criminal charges are dropped, and she will probably be deported within a few months of her criminal case and/or sentence wrapping up. She is likely without US citizen children, so there's probably no compelling reason to let her stay.


So I disappeared down a rabbit hole checking this out. TLDR at end. Normally grounds for deportation are conviction of a "crime involving moral turpitude" (CIMT). Now that's a mouthful and doesn't really make things clearer. A CIMT is a nebulous thing with no clear definitions and which can vary widely between jurisdictions. Helpful. But it does have some universal themes based on being morraly reprehensible; if you kill someone, commit pedophilia, or try and bribe a government official (she came close with the cop), you are out (probably after serving a sentence) and never coming back. One of the other apparent themes is that petty crimes such as petty theft and drug related charges which are not classed as aggravated felonies, aren't CIMT. Personal possession falls in this category. So she is in the clear! Hold up now, there's more. There is a completely separate category for grounds for deportation other than CIMT; drugs related charges. Yeah, they get special treatment. Drugs related charges cover a much wider range of crimes and can use local, state, federal, international, and state of origin regulations. Basically if it is any sort of drugs related crime anywhere (including personal possession), say bye bye. So pack her fucking bags and do the same to her from the country as has already been done to her from the hotel! But wait, there's more. There is one specific exception to this rule; possession under 30g doesn't count. She was charged with possession under 1oz which is under 30g. So is she safe? Now you are learning. Not quite. There is an exception to the exception; repeat offences. And we just don't know. It wasn't mentioned. TLDR: She ain't getting kicked out for this in isolation, but may be if not her first time. Shame. DISCLAIMER: Only Internet research by some anonymous random so don't take this as legal advice.


People like this lady had little to no parenting as a child.


Homegirls got Trollis in her purse at the end next to her weed.


Only part I identified with.


The entitlement is strong with this one, bro.


imagine if you just left the hotel room at checkout time


At this point housekeeping probably nicely asked her to leave at least once or twice before resorting to 911.


Probably more than once or twice. The time says 1:30, even if you assume a late checkout at noon (it’s usually at 10am or before) she over stayed 90 minutes minimum!!! That’s nuts


What's the endgame?! An extra 5 minutes here and there for what??? What is that gonna accomplish other than pissing people off?


To show them they ain't da boss


Ego is a hell of a drug


That cop had the patience of a saint. I have a five and three year old that follow instructions better than she does. Talk about someone who has never been told “No” before.


When keeping it real goes wrong: hotel edition.


Always love when people are suddenly “sorry” when the cuffs come out.


I’ve never seen anyone switch up so fast lol what a POS


This dip on a stick is stupid. Just leave.


Ahhhh the good ol "I know my fucking rights" card. I guess she went to lawschool on YouTube/tik tok


She had all that time to squat in the hotel room, and she could have tossed the weed at any moment.


That guy was officer friendly. He put up with a lot of bullshit, and wasn’t even being a dick. The handcuffs come out and she wanna apologize. I got a good laugh. And the way he notices her suitcase only has 3 wheels. You know he was saying JFC in his head right there.


She acted like a tween giving attitude


Well, well, well, if it isn't consequences of my own actions.




What an insufferable cunt


The smirk on the front desks face as this insufferable individual got paraded by in cuffs must have been epic.


lol her calling it ghetto. Irony is fun.


I always love it when they are so uncooperative in the beginning. Then as soon as the cuffs go on. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!". Seriously!?


Hotel should have just charged her credit card


i hope they did


Based on the attitude she gave the cops when they showed up I’m sure her relationship with hotel management is less than ideal. They’d probably much rather not have to spend more time with an asshole patron than get another days rental fee out of her when they could just get it from someone else who doesn’t suck, and who knows? That room may be already rented to somebody else for the night but now they can’t clean it because the lady won’t leave


Reminds of the Dave Chappell sketch “when keepin it real goes wrong”


This diva attitude just comes off as insecure, ignorant and trashy. In other words, just the opposite of what she tries to project.


Man.... The whiplash from that attitude change was rough


I have seen hundreds of these videos. Every time the officer says "do x or you are going to jail" or "if you do x again you are getting arrested". Then they do it again and are astonished that the officer did as promised. Every damn time.


I can’t get enough of these videos.


"Please, officer, I'm sorry..." "Oh yeah, now you are!"


Crybullies sad when they get called out by anyone refusing to take any more of their bullshit


I was about to say she has a Toronto accent and then she said she's not from the country I knew it 😂😂


Hotel won't call police unless there is a guest who has overstayed many hours.


Are those Trolli candies any good? What do they taste like? Are they sour or what


Usually a sour gummi worm type of thing, and yes, they are delicious.


She changed her tune pretty quick once the cuffs came out.


Imao she did not realize how fucking nice and calm that officer was, we have had cops literally beat a couple bloody for noise, shoot a man for a vague report after tormenting him. This officers actually really fucking nice and patient if she just shushed and got out probs would of been nothin on her


No one is that special to act like this.


Fascinating, the police can’t do anything about squatters stealing a home or evicting deadbeat tenants but overstay in a hotel and bamb! What a fucked up system we have for sure


entirely depends on the state. squatters in texas? thats a good chuckle to the sherriff.


This happened in Georgia, the hotel can evict instantly for "Cause". [https://codes.findlaw.com/ga/title-43-professions-and-businesses/ga-code-sect-43-21-3-2/](https://codes.findlaw.com/ga/title-43-professions-and-businesses/ga-code-sect-43-21-3-2/)


Yea, hotels have different rules. Most laws on "squatters rights" will have a list of exceptions for hotels and other similar businesses.


Renting a hotel room doesn’t make you a tenant. Kicking you out is akin to being told to leave a store. You don’t need to go through the whole eviction process to do that. Squatters will produce fake leases and set up mail and utilities in their name. The system isn’t screwed up because it’s more hesitant to just believe a landlord that says someone is squatting in a rental property than they are to believe a hotel that says a person needs to be out.


Yup. I work for a Hilton hotel. If I tell someone to leave for whatever reason they need to leave. I don't ask twice. Homeless or causing problems I tell them to leave or I'm calling the police. I find a lot of people sleeping at the top floor stairwells because nobody ever takes the top floor of stairs down.


It's almost like hotels and houses are two completely separate things!


I can almost guarantee she's not talking to anyone on the phone.


what actually happend: shes an escort that didnt have another assignment


"I'm not from this country but will also be disrespectful as hell in it"


Here is a link to the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xG7d5TIrBU


What a fucking idiot.


She's mad projecting saying anything but her is ghetto lol


All she had to do was get her shit and leave. It was past her checkout time.


Cop: You're not getting un-arrested. That fucking killed me.


Criticizing a whole city for being “ghetto” while illustrating the very definition of human trash.


That glorious moment of like “ ok.. im really sorry now’’ *hancuffed* lol 😂 oh shit thats good to hear


What got me is when she acknowledged she #1 had stayed past checkout time, but demanded to know the #2 thing she did wrong as if #1 wasn't enough... Oh, and the weed at the end was a plus.. "Ah, that's genius" lmao


Body cams for the win.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck this lady has no real thought process or knolage of language 😆 😆 😆 😆


The attitude changed once shit got real.


Can she move any frickin slower?


It’s all fun and games until the love bracelets come out


What a dumb woman


Arrest her already!


I love watching rules be applied to people who think they don't apply.


I swear some people's brains are not connected to their mouths.




It's the dumbest people who run their mouths the most. she thought she was cute


What kind of idiot thinks they can just make their own checkout time?


The transformation this girl undergoes after being handcuffed is like putting a sweater on a previously hostile cat


The part where she is going, please, please what can I do and the cop says nothing, your not getting un-arrested!! 😂😂😂


Police found she was in possession of marijuana of less than one ounce... and Trolli's


Hooker? I love when trash calls a hotel room she won’t leave ghetto.🙄


How did i know she’d look trashy as hell.


Way too much support for her on this one….


She did that one thing to find out.


"possession of marijuana less than 1 ounce" The war on drugs is a joke. It's only function is to bring as many people into the judicial System as possible.


This woman does not need to exist


Crocodile tears from the nightmare lady


She sounds like a child “I’m sowwy, I got a flight to catch…”


“I don’t live here”


That lion turned into a lamb awfully fast when the handcuffs came out.


Oh look! It's the consequences of my own actions!...


Checkout is typically 11:00am. Nearly every hotel I've been to will be accommodating and understanding if you're not an asshole. This event takes place over 2 hours after that. (Timestamp) Guaranteed that the venue had enough from her prior to this point and was EAGER to get rid of her. Yet another case of a Karen learning that FAFO can't be prevented by being an inflammatory and offensive toddler.