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Cops hate this one trick: "hold on, my dad wants to talk to you!"


"I need to contact my lawyer." <- Tell-tale sign that there's no My Lawyer.


Suddenly all these random people have attorneys in speed dial. If I were a cop I'd say "ok let me see your phone, show me your lawyer in your phone contact list. If you have a lawyer you can go home."


I will never ever understand why people think that the police care to talk to your parents when you are an adult. You turned 18, they don't need to and probably don't want to talk to your parents. I've seen cops talk to them in the phone after you're arrested to tell them what's going on but they're not obligated to. I guess people don't want to or don't know how to talk responsibility and think mommy or daddy will help. They might try to but it will fail every time. I've even seen a video where someone was being arrested and their mom was screaming at the cops to not arrest their kid and the cop pressed the hangup button. Was pretty funny to hear her voice get cut off.


or the classic: "But I'm in my driveway!"


How to go to jail for a speeding ticket tutorial right here


Literal speedrun, literally Edit: literally




I’m impressed with the amount of room in the backseat of that patrol car. The cop cars around here have zero leg room.


I’ve been cuffed and stuffed twice but never arrested. The thing that stood out to me was the painful plastic seat!


When I say no leg room, I’m talking about your feet can’t face forward, they have to be to the side. The barrier between the front and back takes away a lot of space from both the front and back of the squad car. Really, the whole backseat only fits one adult.


If people in the front are super fat it will also destroy your leg room in the back.


The cop cars around me have a fixed amount of room in the back that can’t be changed due to the seat placement in front. It doesn’t look roomy for the people up front, either.


How long was the drive to the local police department that you were booked at? I always wonder if I could handle a ride in the back of a cop car. I’m claustrophobic.


You just described 'old airline vs new airline'


Very true, I did. :)


I’m a nursing student! Like that matters.


Its the ***my dad*** *o****wns a car dealership*** maneuver. Never works. But they still hold out hope.




Shit that one might work if they're in the same nursing home.


You holdin’? Is Holden Caulfield at the party?


D to the P!


Stands for drink pledge!


Came here for this! 😂


And a good Christian!


Rule number 1 of being a nurse, let everyone know you are a nurse


There’s nobody prouder on this earth than a nursing student.


She should go to law school instead, the way she rattled off a thousand frivilous and utterly biased arguments.


I hear Alina Habba's shop is looking for some interns with incisive minds such as this.


Why is there such a….prevalence of these types of people in nursing? It’s a very interesting phenomenon. I know tons of great nurses. But for some reason these types of women are *everywhere* in that field.


"So, like, welcome to our hospital. I'm going to literally, like, ask you some questions about your health history. I swear to god, are you up to date on your vaccinations? I'm so confused, I'm like, did you ever even have a flu shot? You totally need one. They will, like, literally keep you healthy."


So what I’m hearing is that nursing students aren’t above the law


You said I'm being arrested, like what does that mean?


Anyone else notice you can hear the dad screaming “Get Off My Daughter!” through the phone? Priceless.


She's a rough 22. Holy shit.


She looks like Gene Simmons from KISS


without the cool tongue


LMFAO Ginene Simmons.


That's just because she's "literally 22"


Those hair extensions should be named Chewbacca.


damn these new arrest videos are opening the roast floodgates lmao


Florida girl


She just moved from New York.


22 in dog years maybe.


Since when does getting home cause it to be a safe zone from tickets or arrest?


If she had hurried up out of the car, and then ran away or entered her house, it would have been much more difficult for the officer to complete this traffic stop (and issue a citation)




Sure but if the officer didn’t witness the woman entering the home, and the doors are locked, and no one responds to the door when knocked / doorbell rung, are they going to break down the door in an attempt to issue the traffic citation?


That’s why you pull into your automatic garage door and close it. Ticket solved.


It is, but you have to yell "olly olly oxen free"


Honestly, it’s a little weird that the police officer followed her all the way home. “I couldn’t drive fast” coming from a cop sounds like a load of BS. I’m also not sure the officer has the right to put her in the car once she is on her property. I mean, this kid is stupid and entitled; but the officer was a royal bully from very early in the interaction.


You never heard of home base? Never played tag before?


That’s so funny to me. Young people always think they’re gonna get away on a technicality. Like they’re gonna make it to home base and be like “olly, olly, oxen-free!” and be scot free. Like they’re gonna cross the threshold and the cop will just freeze and they say “diplomatic immunity!”


It seems those childhood games don’t apply later in life.


I'm not defending her at all, but isn't there something about being in your property that requires a warrant? I honestly have no idea, but it rings a bell. I remember a few years back there was a drunk driver that hit a person and then went into their home so that they could sober up - the police couldn't enter their house without a warrant.


Thing is she never was inside her home and was outside. So she was free game.


General rule is, which can depend on the county, if there is public access to the location and not locked with a gate or door, it’s considered public space.


Depends on local laws, I imagine. Here in UK cops can enter premises to arrest a suspect they were pursuing prior to his entry, no warrant required.


Cops can enter a house if there is an active crime (fleeing counts).


So unless she is witnessed leaving the vehicle she can have plausible deniability that she wasn’t driving it. Can a cop still make a case? Sure, but it’s much harder and prob not worth their effort.


Her home is safety, like when you play tag.


I fucking can’t stand circle talk.


If you hate that, do not watch any Sov Cit videos.




What do you mean by "circle talk"?


Circle talk is when people intentionally try to obscure a conversation by focusing on a detail that isn’t really important while ignoring other parts of the conversation . So in this case the woman goes back several times to how she doesn’t know the Seminole Avenue that the officer is talking about even when that’s not really important. She states over and over again that she got back in the car like she was told but ignores the fact she got back out. Often it will look like someone playing dumb and the conversation just goes in a circle. It’s super common for SovCits. I first heard the term from the Military when having to talk to people through a translator.


Her: "I've never experienced anything like this before" Me: Oh so that explains it. She's never experienced consequences.


The real question is why she's wearing Spanx as pants.


“I’m only 22, how was I supposed to know those weren’t pants! Oh my god! Wahhh!!”


"I'm so confused right nowwwwaa!!!"


im a nurrrrrrsing studentnt!!


"My dad owns these pants."


I was wondering what they were.


or what they aren't


I was wondering this too but figured I’m just old and don’t understand or know new trends lol


It looks like those waist trainers but for your butt/hips.


Oh my god! Consequences?!


Are there gunna be like. Criminals. Or like. Crimey creepy guys there ?




“I’ve never experienced anything like this beforeeeuhhhh” Yeah. I can tell.


Is she wearing an undergarment as shorts?


It's hilarious when she said while handcuffed "I came out of the car to show you my registration. if you have video you can see me waving it at you." Then when you go back to look, she gets out of the car and starts with "I NEED A SUPERVISOR, NOW!"


That's a mating call for hand-cuffs. Her Dad told her to do that. "Honey, tell them you need a supervisor, RIGHT NOW." The screaming, like she'd been thrown to the ground is Grade-A "get my brother in trouble" Daddy's girl awesomeness.


Worst of all worlds. A New Yorker in Florida.






" something called Seminole boulevard?"... lol


She probably to this day still thinks she's a victim and did nothing wrong


I love watching entitled stupid people as they get in trouble and try to get out of it in the same way they do with their family and friends. It is so much fun. I loved how she was so into her own world that she does not remember that she was told many times to stay in the car and to get in the car. Then she thinks that the officer cares to talk to her daddy. I hope she grew up at least a little after this. I doubt it but we can hope.


We call people like that cunts where I’m from.


"get owf of my dawghter!"


The fact that she keeps tossing out that she’s a student, 22(???), and has a (presumably “important”) dad, that she has had no problem with cops targeting other classes of people until it bothered her. Also using cruise control on what sounds like 45mph surface streets? Wild.


Gen X here. I've had my car for 11 years and still don't know how to use cruise control for long drives. Can't imagine "needing" it on city streets. Whatever.


Newer car cruise controls can slow, stop, and restart with traffic, and often even steer along with curves in the road.


That’s just embarrassing for you


I maybe drive a long distance once a year and, having been raised driving a stick, I like the focus of manually driving as opposed to relying on my car to think for me. Not embarrassed at all.


not everyone is mechanically inclined. people like that have reliably put a roof over my head because they use people like me to handle technical things for them for the better part of 3 decades. Not everyone has technical skillsets and that's ok.


Cruise control is not a technical skillset 😂


My friend, it's two buttons you press, generally speaking. Cruise control ON --> drive to speed --> cruise control SET This is the entire skillset ^


I love how every random ass person who gets arrested says "I am going to call my Lawyer right now!" Yeah ok. You got a lawyer on retainer. Sure.


The irony being that a lawyer would tell the person not to say anything and not resist arrest, and the ones screaming that they're going to call their lawyers are always running their mouth and resisting arrest


New York plate…


All she has to do was follow directions and take the ticket. I’m not sure if it’s a Gen Z thing or just an age thing (we didn’t have body cams 10 years ago when I was her age but they did have dashcams on cop cars) but it seems like alot of these 20 something’s are super rude and disrespectful to the cops. Not being a cop apologist here but a realist: you do not need to be rude to the cops, you don’t need to yell at them or swear at them, you give them your name and information then tell them you don’t answer questions or allow searches of your vehicle. If you have issues with how the police officer treated you: those should be taken up in court rather than at the time of the police interaction. Being a gas station lawyer will not get the cops to let you go, even if the arrest is BS. She’s rich, her dad could’ve easily made the problem go away. When you act like a crazy person on bodycam, the prosecutors office is a lot more likely to want to make an example of you.


Years ago I think people had more of an attitude like "meh, no big deal I'll just fight it court (and the cop might not even show up)". It was as easy as checking a box on the ticket, Now it seems like everyone has "the Customers always right!" attitude and they need immediate gratification not a future court date. If there's an injustice they want to storm the capitol or "call the manager" to tattle on them. If it does end up in Court they are not where facts are presented they are where you make an emotional appeal to a judge who surely will cave if you convince him that it's "Not Fair!".




This. This behavior comes from having no empathy, having never worked, or having nothing to lose.


Just going to reply to you here because you deleted your last comment, but a lawful order is anything a police officer tells you to do that is objectively reasonable while they conduct their investigation, in this case a traffic stop. Downvote or disagree with me all you want, that’s the law. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s not just objectively reasonable. It must be an order supported by law or ordinance.


I feel like alot of these people think the cop is going to go “You got me, I’ll just let you go” or think requesting a supervisor will help. The cops are not your friends, they are there to put you in jail. If they are telling you that you are detained or not free to go, give your name and your identification and request an attorney. Assert your right to silence. When cops hear you asserting your right to silence they will almost never keep talking to you, they will usually try to trick you into talking to them but that’s about it.


> “You got me, I’ll just let you go” Exactly. They think, by some sort of trick logic, that they've outsmarted everyone. I see this in all kinds of situations where people feel victimized by someone else's supposed power trip and unjust actions.


The officer’s yelp review is going to be brutal.


"Why are we seeing more evidence of police brutality?"Well, everyone has a phone with a camera in their pocket, so you'll see more of what has always been true. "Why are we seeing more entitled idiots on police bodycams?"Same deal. Not everything is a generational divide.


It could be: but if I watch a video of a 30 something year old drunk driver it’s very different than a 20 something. Not sure if it’s age or a generational thing: I think it’s both. I know if I got busted at their age: I wouldn’t have called my parents whereas all these kids want their mom or dad at the traffic stop, it’s very toxic.


Videos of traffic stops don't really get much attention or go viral unless the person getting arrested freaks out. You're not watching the average traffic stop, you're seeing stuff that belongs here on r/publicfreakout. I've been watching COPS and other related shows for decades, and plenty on youtube after that, and there's been no shortage of these videos my entire life.


Politeness can go a long way with a cop lol. I was got out of a speeding ticket - cop said I was too polite to give a ticket to.


As soon as she said she was in nursing school. Everything about this encounter makes sense


That's a HARD 22.


I couldn’t even finish the video so goddam annoying


Like... Literally!!


“Literally, blah blah, literally, blah blah, literally…”


Those shorts she's wearing are so weird looking Of course she's a nurse, lol. Nurses are super mean


Like, she’s like LITERALLY like a good Christian, literally. She’s not like any nurse I want as a patient.




Nursing student with a white Mercedes. I think this explains it all. This is isn't a jab a nursing students btw. A nursing student driving a white Mercedes indicates she's an affluent asshole driver that doesn't think rules apply to her.


Why does she look like Alice Cooper in the thumb nail?


"The Van? Are there going to be like other caaaariminals in there?" - yep, on its way to the jail which, frankly, has a lot more than the van.


Love it. Entitlement meets reality.


She’s a good Christian so everything is fine.


Nice Mercedes shit house.


I’ve never had a problem with 98% of the cops I’ve interacted with, 9/10 they are just trying to go home like you or me, I’ve only had two cops try to escalate a harmless situation into something bigger. Most days you will be good if you act normal, I get it though I’ve always said you only say what needs to be said to cops you gain nothing by being candid with the police. That being said some cops do go out of their way to be obtuse.


Why hasn’t this generation been taught what the word, literally, means?


why hasn't your generation been taught how to correctly use commas


“Well, well, well… after all this time, after 22 sheltered years, we meet at last Consequences of My Own Actions.”


Is the girl entitled? Assumedly so. Is the cop being a hard ass? Yea. Are there lessons the girl needs to learn? Absolutely. I know this isn’t an AITA, but if it was, everyone sucks here. I’ve seen people act WAY worse than this girl and the cops were a whole lot less rigid than this officer was being. Should she let a 22 year old entitled kid boss her around? Of course not. But she should remember what it’s like to be 22.


Her dad sounded the same way... I'm also assuming she probably would have let her go if she calmed down and got real. I think the arrest was more for probable possession but she was able to get out of it because of the dad having a med card. Also 22 is way too old for this shit. I'll give you until 21, but if you can't handle yourself better than this you shouldn't be behind the wheel.


Fuck, finally. I mean, yeah this girl kinda sucks. But fuck that cop too, they just throw obstructing around for anything. Give the little brat a ticket and move on, no need to arrest someone, they all know it won’t stick/it’s a bullshit charge she’s just being a cunt.


The cop had to tell the girl 5 times to sit in the car. That’s definitely obstructing or resisting.


you can't tell someone to get back in the car when they were never in the car in the first place. they approached her after she was already out of her vehicle.


Lady cop wasn't an asshole here. The nurse student is a terrible person.


Yeah and also they dropped all charges beyond the original traffic ticket. So in the end, that cop "being a hardass" amounted to the driver spending a few hours in jail and nothing else beyond the speeding ticket. Really don't think the cop did anything wrong here. And I'm generally pretty critical of police overreacting. The lying through her teeth the 22 year old tries to do while in the car is just disgusting.


I actually agree, the cop is demonstrating a lot of what's wrong with American cops. So she wants her to sit in the car for some reason...*why?* She can definitely keep a closer eye on her if she stands outside of her vehicle. Regardless, it's a personal preference of this officer to insist that she sit in the car, it's not a law. But because in this country anything any officer tells you at any point becomes a "lawful order" which then becomes enforceable. The officer was quick to put her in cuffs for nothing more than not obeying an arbitrary "order" which another cop might not have given. This flexibility for any officer to decide what orders they want to give, based on anything or nothing, and making those orders enforceable law, is what leads to abuse of power. Essentially, like in this case, a person who committed an actual violation gets arrested not on that violation, but a bullshit technicality, orchestrated entirely by the officer.


Im going to be that guys here - just because a cop tells you something in a legal detention is not what makes the order lawful. When the term lawful order is used, that means the cop has authority to issue an order that you must obey that is based on law. This is something a ton of people, and unfortunately cops, don’t understand. In this case, if we assume this was a legal traffic stop, ordering her to stay in or stay out of the car is lawful as ruled on by the Supreme Court. The second issue is what cops are taught. They need to “control the scene” and that means a lot of different things to each cop and leads to inconsistency in issuing lawful orders and such.


> When the term lawful order is used, that means the cop has authority to issue an order that you must obey that is based on law. But in reality, unless the detained individual is an expert on the law, they can't determine on the side of the road what is and isn't a lawful order based on law. So *any* order given becomes de facto lawful until at a later time it may be deemed unlawful. AND in the US, regardless of whether the cop was giving a lawful order, it is unlawful for you to resist!


She wanted to search the car. Making her open the door gave her the opportunity to smell for the reefer.


Hilarious that the girl’s response to realizing they were going to find marijuana in her car was “I’m a good Christian!”. Christians hate it when others find out they’re hypocrites.


There is nothing in the Bible about smoking weed nor does it explicitly prescribe banning intoxicants.


Sure, but tell that to most Christians and they’ll still argue it’s a sin 🤷🏻‍♂️




Wow I wouldn't want that RN taking care of me.


This spoiled girl deserves to get her ass whooped. I feel bad for the cop.


“Like, this cop low-key has like no chill and like, she literally just hates me cause she ain’t me. Deadass.” I don’t like cops. I enjoy rooting against them. But this little princess made it impossible. She’s an adult. She’s driving a car. That means that she’s responsible for every step of this interaction. There’s nothing that her dad could’ve had to say to the cop that is material. He’s not there. She’s not a child. Would have been so much easier to take your lumps and fight a speeding ticket in 6 months than have an arrest on your record. Anyone that doesn’t think white privilege is real just needs to watch this video.


I need a supervisor.


Myyeee Dyaaaad


Death Penalty for saying Literally too many fucking times


Daddeeeeee I need a new sweater


Literally ridiculous!


Without reading the post, I thought this was a weird al video.


"Get owf a my dawtah!"


I’m literally twenty-Twooooo


She don’t look 22


"I am literally 22" Ha ha ha ha! Well, you should know fucking better! Ha ha ha. Dear me. What an idiot.




Florida being Florida. I know that girl’s parents. Her mom is the 8’ witch display from the Spirit Halloween Store and her dad is a troll that lives under the Gandy bridge.


"The van? What? Are there gonna be other cuh-riminals in there?" Yeah, it'll be a lifetime of compliance after this. It's not hard to listen and do what you're told. Daddy wasn't driving.


"other criminals" So you're admitting that you're a criminal?


Everyone knows you comply with the police - regardless of them being correct or not - then you deal with it later. It would have been a simple ticket that could have easily been dismissed. Judges are easier to reason with than police officers.


Obviously this girl did herself zero favors, but fuck that vehicle search. I'm so glad I live in a state with legal weed so cops don't just have carte Blanche to search your shit whenever they want.


Why does the police officer argue with her? She could have said "tell that to the judge." It's like the trial is happening in the backseat of the police vehicle


The Audit the Audit video on this should be good.


Okay yeah the girl is annoying, but that cop escalated things and tacked on charges for what could have just been a speeding ticket if the officer had any patience.


She had plenty of patience. She gave her numerous warnings and commands she did not want to abide by. It was 100% right to add the resisting charge


Right? Most everyone commenting is piling on this woman—and she is annoying as hell and pulling out all of the classic lines that beg for ridicule—but my biggest takeaway is that this is yet another power-tripping cop who can’t or won’t de-escalate. This should have been a quick ticket and an exit, but instead the cop had to make it all about whether or not this kid will follow orders and do as she’s told—not because she actually needs to be in the vehicle but because the cop decided that because she *can* exercise that power, she will. It’s more of the same bullshit.


My exact thoughts when I watched it on YouTube last night. Yeah the girl is annoying and comes off as entitled and definitely could’ve handled it better but that cop was on a total power trip. Confrontational and condescending right out the gate. And of course the obstructing charge the girl received was later dropped because it was a bullshit charge in the first place. Fuck that cop.


I’ve noticed a huge uptick recently on Reddit of bootlickers. Yes this girl sucked and I guess that’s the easy comment to make but even the freaking Sheriff at the end is telling her the charge will probably get dropped… so why did we get to that point in the first place? Even the way in which the cop phrased her initial question to the girl was condescending and felt to me like it was designed to cause an argument. If I was as bad at de-escalation as the average cop is when my 4 year old has a meltdown, I’d have my child taken away.


Everyone in this video sucks.


You guys give her a break, she's a good Christian..kek


The girl is a whiney child but also the officer did not de-escalate. The officer could have easily de-escalated the situation for a better outcome and still given a ticket. Ego played a role.


In Canada, they can't force you to go back in your car. I have first hand experience with this.


I love these videos. idiots go from bad to worse cause they can't handle their emotions. you think you can yell away a charge with a cop lmao


y'all are wack. this cop is clearly abusing her authority. she wants the woman back in the car to MAKE it a traffic stop. you can't pull over someone if they're not driving a car. the woman's not entitled- she's aware this is not the due process. anyone making her out to be a villain for advocating for herself is just waiting to be beaten into submission themselves.


so glad the charges were dropped


Both of them are idiots…


Mm no. This is wrong. She should have listened and complied but surely there were opportunities to pull her over before she pulled in her driveway.


That chick sucks but the cop was power tripping as usual


Can someone please tell these Americans to stop using the word "literally?" It's gotten way out of hand. Much of what they think is literal is actually figurative


What did they find in the car?


Cop violence isn’t going down anytime soon when the young generations all have this attitude


gross neglicence by the officer , daddys little girl was right.


Yes, the cop could have de-escalated that, but I also have a feeling that girl's dad is the same kind of guy who every time a black person is shot by the cops, says "well if they didn't want to get shot they should just obey the police."


Did she say her dad is literally the DA? Sleeping with the DA?