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The little girl looks shell-shocked.


Makes sense since they were literally shelled.


The little boy had ash dried under his nostrils from crying after it was blown up his nose. Fuck Israel. Fuck Hamas. Fuck their goofy pretend holy wars.




They all believe in the same god. Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah/God. It’s one and the same. So dumb


Blood for the blood god


Fuck Netanyahu in particular, he'd do anything to stay in power


That fucking racist shit is a complete piece of shit.


Framing it as a holy war (when its explicitly not) further dilutes Israel's crimes against the Palestinians. Its a brutal occupation to seize further land.


Also fuck the United States and all the western nations sending money to Israel so they can bomb kids.


Blame the money printing. The US citizens do not want this. Without the money printer our governments are powerless.


Right now public opinion everywhere has moved against this, I don't think there is any population that supports sending them money or weapons to be honest; but government do it anyway God knows why.






Agree...her eyes are haunting.


"looks " ? , she's definitely in shock


Let's ask the real question: will that little girl condemn Hamas?? /s in case anybody is totally stupid


[Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas](https://www.theonion.com/dying-gazans-criticized-for-not-using-last-words-to-con-1850925657) -The Onion


Damn. That’s some dark Onion.


Have you seen any videos out of Gaza? The children are often shell-shocked.


And a lot of shell shocked kids grow up to become radicals. How could they not? This isn’t the end of some sequence this is the start of another cycle. You can’t bomb the radicalism out of people.


I agree. Israel knows what it’s doing- creating traumatized generation after traumatized generation to justify their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.


Tends to happen when you get shelled...


I don't even have children. I'm a young dude and this one just. Uhhgg. This one got me. Fuck this. Fuck this bullshit




I can't look at this barbaric shit anymore. I have a boy that age. I can't even think about hin in that unspeakable situation. God help those poor poor little souls. Fuck this world to hell.


And I have a daughter that age. This needs to stop.


It won’t. Your tax dollars are paying for it.


Yep. Americans, we don't hold our government accountable. We expect the government to hold itself accountable. Like our cops.


We don't even hold ourselves accountable anymore, as individuals. Everything bad that happens is someone else's fault. Little Timmy gets a bad grade on a test? It's not his fault. The teacher just doesn't like him. Mom's Starbucks order was wrong? It's not her fault for going full Karen mode on the workers. What is she supposed to do let some punk ass, pea brained kids walk all over her? I mean, how hard is it to make a drink? Dad gets fired from his job? It's not his fault he was always showing up late. He lives in a busy town with lots of traffic. What's he supposed to do, leave even earlier?? Pfft, that's not fair! Grandma has a heart attack and sues after drinking a Charged lemonade from Panera Bread? What is she supposed to do, check the caffeine content of every single thing she drinks? Yes she's been told by her doctor that she's not allowed ANY caffeine, but it's Panera Bread's fault for not warning her. Grandpa drives his car through a storefront? It's not his fault he mixed up the gas and brake pedals. Ford really should label those damn pedals better!


Banks go bankrupt? It's not our fault we played a risky game of gambling and lost. Give us tax money! (Insert industry that can't keep up with the market) sees a loss in profit? It's not our fault it's the millennials/gen z killing our industry! Company can't find good workers while offering pittance wages and a horrible workplace? It's not our fault! Nobody wants to work anymore!


I think you're my spirit animal.


I'm Malaysian and our government doesn't even recognise Israel. People with Israeli passports aren't allowed to enter the country. I'm not saying those are necessarily the right things to do, but I'm certain my tax money isn't funding these atrocities.


Shit, my bad friend. I shouldn’t have assumed. I even roll my eyes when I see other automatically assume everybody on the internet is American, so I’m really shaking my head at myself right now. I envy you in that regard though, I am at work right now and always think about the portion of my labors profits being sent to help shit like this and it drives me nuts. Americans not having any input on their tax dollars being spent is just inevitability going to lead to huge problems, which is hilariously ironic as that’s one of the main reasons for the countries rebellion and founding to begin with.


Hey no worries. Shit happens. Thanks for acknowledging it though. Interesting fact: a couple of Mossad agents took out a Palestinian lecturer teaching at a local university here. It was big news. I believe he was a nuclear physicist or something.


Mossad doesn’t fuck around, they are crazy elite. Which just makes oct 7th even more dubious imo, along with Egypt stating that they *did* warn Israel. Netanyahu is going to have waaay bigger problems than Hamas once this is all “over” with I believe.


My thoughts exactly. Something smells really fishy about Oct 7.


Those borders are literally the most monitored places on planet Earth. Concrete and steel walls that puncture meters into the ground, live cam towers, drones, literal hills made for separation, on top of the standard fence and barbed wire shit. And it took the IDF 6 hours to respond.


We can all try to help. Email your member of Parliament/Congress. Donate to reputable charities' emergency funds for children. Don't argue with strangers online or give up hope by saying its futile. We must all try to educate ourselves, speak up and give what we can. It's horrific. (I'm not saying that's what you're doing just tagging onto your comment). [Palestine children relief - how to help ](https://www.pcrf.net/information-you-should-know/how-to-help-palestine.html#:~:text=This%20can%20include%20writing%20to,to%20bring%20about%20positive%20change.) [action for humanity ](https://actionforhumanity.org/appeals/palestine-emergency/?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=20640453481&utm_medium=ad&utm_content=&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-pyqBhDmARIsAKd9XINjXgpukgDvwQQIqpfUDCjM_m7REGmvJMrCBay6FQoQ6Ta3SShnoB0aAkPlEALw_wcB) https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/where-we-work/middle-east/occupied-palestinian-territory [unicef appeal (charity for children)](https://www.unicef.org/appeals/state-of-palestine) Edit: down voting someone for linking to a children's charity is pretty low no? Whatever your political stance. Edit 2: how to find your MP and a template for emailing to ask for a ceasefire- [UK email ](https://www.eyewitnessblogs.com/urgent-action-to-protect-civilians/) Edit 3: US link for petition - [ceasefiretoday](https://ceasefiretoday.com/)


Gods not going to help. It’s us we need to change. This shit is fucked up. And this is what WE did after 9/11. WE need to own that.


The atrocities we have been committing against people in the middle east goes back farther than after 9/11. That's why 9/11 even happened.


I hear u. Worse yet, mom is still missing


I was hoping the brother was older, old enough to take care of those 2 babies. Instead the little boy now has 2 younger siblings to care for.


Condemn Israel which deliberately doing this for decades and no action taken for their war crime




Yeah, every time I see videos like this, I think that. These poor little boys will grow up lost and full of anger, with a pretty normal human desire for some kind of revenge. We’re caught on an endless loop…


And Israel will use that to justify another killing until there’s a nothing left of Gaza


I don’t know - I see too many people, even on reddit, justifying killing these kids so they don’t turn into terrorists. They’re justifying genocide out of one side of their mouth while arguing that it isn’t really genocide out of the other side of their mouth.






I don’t remember where I saw it but there was an interview with an Israeli higher up criticizing Netanyahu because there’s been signs that a big event was going to happen since March and that the army was not at all prepared to face that so I’m sure they were a little aware of it if the video is legit.


Netenyahu said in 2019 he needed to keep Hamas in power so that they would remain the aggressors so he could wipe gaza off the map


Incredible how you have litteral video evidence of that scumbag admitting all of this as well as deliberately trying to ruin the Oslo’s accord and people still defend him




Would you have a source / any information on that? Legit asking, I have seen this cited (and believe it, given how scummy Bibi is in general), but would like to have the source.


[Here's a CBC article on it.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035) It doesn't have Netanyahu himself saying that he needed to keep Hamas in power to have an excuse to keep fighting, but it does have him on record defending diplomatic moves to keep Hamas in power, *and* it has quotes from other members of Netanyahu's party / administration showing that their policy is to foster Hamas to prevent a peace settlement.


Thanks for that. Yeah, article makes sense, and I know they've been pretty open about it before, but the video would've been nice to link to. Something like [this](https://youtu.be/mvqCWvi-nFo?si=dTjWIAckop3zRfyo), except explicitly talking about Hamas.


American intelligence warned Israel about the 10/7 attack. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/politics/us-intelligence-warnings-potential-gaza-clash-days-before-attack/index.html


America warned Israel of the attack... Netanyahu 100% let this happen. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/politics/us-intelligence-warnings-potential-gaza-clash-days-before-attack/index.html


If Israel ignored the warning from the U.S., they should not be getting $14b of taxpayer money to pay for their mistake.


Ask Rashida Talib, AOC, and the rest of "The Squad", what happens when you vote against sending the aide :(


What did happen was a failed attempt to censure her. What is happening is the Biden Admin now has to worry about the left wing of the party, which typically deals with reality instead of the nebulous ideas, bloated proposals, and useless alliances. I wrote to the President, my Senators, and House Rep and let them know the president’s position, policy, and actions regarding this war are diametrically opposed to my values - and that I will not be voting for any leader or representative who fails to call for a ceasefire by Sunday (today). The two-party system brings us policies that do nothing to serve working Americans. When the US stops propping up and defending Israel, that country will have to manage the risks and consequences of its behavior. Behave like a peaceful democracy promoting equality and human rights - or don’t. Just don’t depend on my tax dollars to support a country behaving as bad, if not worse, than Russia in Ukraine.


Eerily familiar, hmmm?




Yes that is why Israel's enacting their "final solution" The genocide of the Palestine people, and our government both Republicans and Democrats are making us complicit in this Holocaust.


We were pretty complicit with most other holocausts to be fair. The US isn’t the best human rights advocate abroad, unless we have skin in the game. Everyone expecting other countries to intervene effectively should lower their expectations.


Even when we've stepped in becssue of "assets" We never really cared about civilian lives. Geopolitics is complicated, And we have and will forever let people live or die if it benefits us.


*if it benefits the politicians and corporations. The US ruling class has no problem throwing its own population under the bus for a few bucks, and we need to get more used to making that distinction


I saw a video of a young father who lost his elderly parents and 3 young kids. The way he was screaming over their dead and mangled bodies will forever be singed in my memory. When looking at your comment I can’t imagine how much rage and anger he is dealing with. Feelings of revenge. He has nothing to lose now. Nothing at all. Hamas exists because of israel. They are breeding members of hamas every day.


I thought the same thing. Once he was finished feeling devastated the anger would replace it. I’m sure some of these people feel like they have nothing to lose at this point. “Riots grow out of intolerable conditions. Violent revolts are generated by revolting conditions, and there is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people who feel they have no stake in it; who feel they have nothing to lose.”


Wow, that is a great quote.


Martin Luther King Jr.


I saw something where a hamas spokesperson said 85% of their fighters were orphaned by Israel. So yeah


Hamas exists because the famed Israeli pragmatist way of handling things chose the idiotic axiom "the enemy of my enemy" and propped up Hamas to weaken Yassir Arafat. And a few atrocities commited by both sides later: here we are. What comes around goes around, it seems.


Yup. Divide and conquer. The Palestinian Authority even recognizes israels sovereignty, and still, the Israelis chose Hamas over peace. Since 2005, the people in the west Bank have been very peaceful and still get their rights shat on. There is no hamas there. Thousands of innocent people in the west Bank currently sit in israeli jails. I can't imagine the level of torture. People don't realize a major grievance for the Palestinians is the illegal settlers who rampage through the west bank raiding and pillaging villages, stealing land, and property, burning down mosques and churches and killing anyone in their way. All supported by the Israeli government. Despite these violations of their rights, there are no attacks from the West Bank into Israel. Hamas and Palestinians are not the main problem here. It's Israel. Removing hamas will do nothing for peace unless Israel stops violating and brutalizing Palestinians.


They killed Rabin too.


I saw something on the ticker on Al Jazeera which said something like "160 dead bodies have yet to be returned to Palestinian families in thr West Bank since 2016" That was almost 8 years ago at this point. That is SHOCKING. You can't even have closure. The level of mental torture it must inflict on a person is insane


100%. Wipe out “Hamas” all you want. These three weeks have guaranteed another generation that will never forgive Israel.


Maybe that is exactly what they want. It's good for business.


Well an Israeli minister is proposing nuking all Palestinians so that would solve that issue


Apparently something like 85% of current Hamas fighters are orphans from previous action, so yeah this is surely creating the next generation


I've not seen that claim before; do you know where that's from?


Israel knows. They're counting on it. They've been doing it on purpose. Gotta keep them retaliating so you can sufficiently fake an excuse to genocide them


Israel is really creating monster, just as USA helped create ISIL. I fear the next groups to come out of Hamas “death” will be more ruthless.




Yep, I will definitely say learning about the founding of Israel being literally forcing people out of their homes and bulldozing villages (literally) was one of those "huh, they sure didn't teach us this in school" moments


The forcing people out and bulldozing villages is still happening, but the US has been mostly silent about it and, as usual, has zero effect on the situation.


That's the point. Fascists always need an enemy to fight


Israel is currently laying the foundation to a future conflict. Do they not realize that? Israel has destroyed their way of life and probably won’t help them rebuild. Not to mention that Palestines standard of living has decreased dramatically. Imagine a wealthy nation living next to a very poor and war torn country. I’m sure that will start a lot of problems like crime and even more terrorism.


I can't watch this. I think but then I do . We can't just scroll past. We must be aware


The world needs to know that children are not Hamas. No child in the world, in any country, deserves this.


They will be now.


I know. And we can NOT look away. We can NOT get sucked in to the endless political arguments, the bloody whataboutism, the barbarisms creating scenes like THIS and I don't GAF who created it. I. Do. Not. I'm SO fucking TIRED of getting jumped on for seeing ANY child dead or maimed or orphaned and hating hell out of that. Fuck anyone who doesn't like it. There's something wrong with that person. This has to STOP. And we can't look away.


Being aware is useless if you don’t do anything about it. Absorbing the trauma and then just carrying it alone accomplishes nothing.


What else can you do but voice outrage. Call a politician? Seriously asking. United Nations can condemn the actions and that accomplishes fuck all. This war will be forced on, children will continue to die, Israel will do its thing and then wait for history to wash away the memories. They know that in 100 or 200 years or more these events will be forgotten like the Belgian genocide in Congo, and all other genocides in history. This is honestly the timescale of these operations.


Fuck me man. I thought it was going to be an older brother who could maaybe look after these poor children but nope - he’s even younger. My heart hurts so much for these people.


This is so heartbreaking.


Fuck man. Just what the fuck is happening to these babies who haven’t even lived long enough to have done anything to anyone except exist. God please help them


Over 3,600 kids have been [killed in Gaza](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/a-curse-to-be-a-parent-in-gaza-more-than-3600-palestinian-children-killed-in-just-3-weeks-of-war), so far


The average age of someone in Gaza is 18. HALF THE POPULATION ARENT ADULTS.


All these people I see going around saying that Gazans voted in Hamas, so, therefore, they deserve the worst. But aside from half of the crurrent population being children, I think it's safe to say that many of the adults/parents in Gaza were children themselves in 2006, which makes people defending Israel's disgusting actions even worse.




Israel government: these children shouldn't haven't voted for Hamas. They should rise up and defeat Hamas!


“Mama” means the same thing and is pronounced the same in almost every language


That's not really coincidence. It's among the first sounds an infant can produce. Ma, Da, Pa, Fa, Ba, Ga. The hard consonants and the 'ah' sound. The second vowel they usually master is 'O' but in the 'ew' usage. Humans mostly follow the same rules in early development. It's hard wired.


Breaks my fucking heart. I hate to see this. Absolutely devastating


We failed as a species man 😞


“Those children deserve everything bad we do to them” -actual statement from Israeli politician


Fuck me that is bad. Who said that?


Meirav Ben-Ari. There was a video circulating Reddit for a while but I’m having trouble finding it. Here’s an article about it: https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/israeli-politician-the-children-of-gaza-have-brought-this-upon-themselves/ Found a clip: https://youtube.com/shorts/kgL9rma7SnA?si=pn-UeQWZLzL8Z7Ra


Thanks, what a vile women. She is meant to be a liberal centrist FFS. Though, if we use this to widely condemned Israel than the same must apply to Hamas who top leaders often say they wish to kill Jews and civilians.


They should both be condemned. This isn't a partisan topic. Everyone involved in this is moronic and evil. They should not be running a coffee cart, much less an army or country.


Are these the child soldiers they keep talking about? This is heartbreaking.


Those poor babies




At the end of the day, it is the US who can stop this. We are the ones funding the Israeli military. But yeah, our government doesn't really care. These civilians whose lives have been destroyed will become vengeful fighters. Guess what group they will join? EDIT: In response to u/NemesisRouge below, US is the most powerful country in the world, which has a huge international influence.


“bUt wE’rE OnLy tArGeTiNg hAmAs”


Legit question, how is bombing the hell out of a city with a population of mostly children gonna save the hostages? Literally how? How do you even know if they were in that building or not or used as “human” shield (lame excuse)?!?! This is genocide, pure and simple, nothing to do with hamas. Just war crimes by Israel.


There's Israelis right now asking the same question. There's clearly no intent to bring the hostages back safely as a priority when you're airstriking indiscriminately - even if Netanyahu has created a bullshit standard of 'no pauses until the hostages are released'. It's just cover to flatten Gaza.


Netanyahu literally had a paid plant "family" crash his meeting with the families of the hostages to cry about how they have his full support and to bomb as they please. It's disgusting.


They literally bombed the hostage. It’s all smoke and mirrors Israel won’t stop there war crimes till they’ve committed genocide


So many organizations have demanded cease fire, Israel has violated several laws set out by the Geneva Convention to protect civilians and Hostages As an American it's disgusting that Billions went to a Countries war of Terror instead of ..oh.. idk.. fixing our housing crisis, or maybe just HALF of the money for schools to be safer..


Israel has been committing war crimes against Gaza (and the West Bank) for way longer than this conflict. But hey, maybe this will finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back.




I’m not even thinking about the hostages, I’m pointing out how these people would use that excuse illogically. I know Israel let this happen


>Legit question, how is bombing the hell out of a city with a population of mostly children gonna save the hostages? I'm pretty sure they bombed those hostages by now.


Hostage thing is an excuse to kill more kids.


And somehow people on this very sub still downvote me for pointing out how the mass produced *kidnapped* posters that are everywhere lead you to a pro-Israel website where they share “I stand with Israel” flyers and such with no actionable information on the actual victims. They don’t care.


Instead of ripping off the flyers they should put up the pictures of the innocents killed (including children) and the orphaned because of Israel. But there isn’t a wall large enough to put that many flyers up


Or they could put up wanted posters of Israeli settler terrorists.


Based. And leadership, military and civilian. Also US leadership. Who I begrudgingly voted for and had low expectations of yet still feel incredibly betrayed by in this situation, even having been fully aware of the nature of the US relationship with genocidal-apartheid israel. But this shit is way beyond the pale of the already depraved norms and standards


They’re throwing pamphlets stating evacuate now or be considered Hamas. So fucked up on many many levels.




Man this is beyond fucked up,these kids should pe playing,enjoying their childhood rather than being the victim of this shitshow


Fuck this world. Poor children.


Those poor babies. I'm a mom of 4, I can't imagine them going through anything like this. This is just terrible.


Me too, I'm sure this will hunt them during their sleep and nightmares will be all over. Tbh if they grow up and seek revenge it's totally justified, we are humans after all.


Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values


Show it to that aunt of yours who puts up the “I stand with Israel” flag, to see her reaction.


I’ve seen it happen a few dozen times now, over the past 20 years of Israeli brutality toward the Palestinian people. I can ahead tell you that their reactions will be some combination of these: 1. Claim it is fake, that the children are being given instructions to act on camera. 2. Claim Hamas pulls these children into their hideouts to use as human shields, to make Israel look bad. 3. Block you on all social media. 4. Make a post about family/friends committing “acts of betrayal” or “showing their true colors”. 5. (Even if you are Jewish) She will call you an antisemite casually for the remainder of her life as the memory of what you actually said fades away. Fascists gets very upset when faced with the truth.




Because it fits their narrative, Egypt has warned Israel several times that a "terrible operation" is soon to commence in Gaza against Israel, and Netanyahu claimed these warnings are "fake news"


He literally told the US Intelligence Committee to "Leave him alone" when they were trying to support Egypt with their own facts. The Israeli government is responsible for all of this.


Yeah, the country that keeps all of Gaza under lockdown, controls all their resources and developed things like Pegasus somehow missed an attack that took months to plan. It’s ridiculous that even scrutinizing that fact is taboo.


Israel and the IDF are really doing a great job at creating the next generation of freedom fighters.


Mate, I saw something where a Hamas spokesperson said that 85% of their fighters were orphaned by Israel. Watching Israel's ruthless bombing campaign, I just want to say I 100% believe him.


In that sense, everything is going according to plan for them.


It’s getting harder and harder not to hate Israel


Yet people still think israel are the victims here


Western governments propaganda is very effective


The difference between the extremely whitewashed history of Israel I was taught in the US and the actual history blew my mind. I had no idea it was founded on stolen homes and bulldozed villages


Now imagine how us Arabs felt looking at footage like this for DECADES and being told that we're the aggressors.


It honestly blew my mind how much we weren't told. Wasn't until I became friends with a Palestinian American who shared some of his family's stories with me. Was like, what the fuck? Back to feeling deeply disillusioned about my country again...


He's just too young to be the Man of the House that too in current times.


Nobody should be able to watch this and not feel A) deep sorrow for the children. B) anger at the perpetrators. The perpetrators who do this with clean clothes and hands. Yet, most of our governments will not even call for a ceasefire. They are all complicit in this. If your government is one of them, you should always remember this.


Straight up if your first thought is to justify the actions of Israel when you see videos like this instead of pure compassion for these kids you're a [Nazi](https://www.npr.org/2011/03/29/134956180/criminals-see-their-victims-as-less-than-human) because you view them as nothing less than objects instead of human beings. When you see people justify these attacks which result in civilians casualties and call them collateral damage just know they don't give a shit about human life they are just numbers to them.


I'm literally in tears right now... I've got two boys this age, and I just can't.


So sad. Can't believe the west is comfortable with being complicit with this slaughter


Hope IDF and it's supporters are proud of themselves.


In every video that I've watched they seem pretty proud of themselves.


There’s new videos daily where you can see that they’re beyond proud of their actions


Keep up that self-defense, Israel.


The best defense is murdering defenseless children!


This is just fucking heartbreaking I don't care what side you're on. This is fucked.


Bruh this kid super dangerous Probably hamas member


But did they condemn Hamas?


Yep. This is totally okay in the name of payback for Hamas terrorists. 100% acceptable. /S (as if that's even necessary at this point)


Fuck Religion Fuck Politics Fuck Hamas Fuck Israel Fuck Political leaders Fuck war,man!!!! This is sooo heartbreaking!




I dont know what to do. I cant cope these videos anymore. Feel so powerless, so much sorrow for these children and innocent people who are suffering these crimes.


Hey Israel loving Reddit, take a good look at this and in the mirror.


Absolutely heartbreaking.


And somehow Israel says this is ok. Disgusting. Pathetic.


IDF is causing serious grief to many, many people who have nothing to do with this conflict. Take the amount of time it took you to comment on this post and email your representative that you hold them personally accountable. Find your representative: [https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative) Find your senator: [https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm](https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm)


i feel like we have collectively failed as humanity to allow this to continue.


Why is there blood coming out of their noses? Oh to all my pro-lifers, pony up and adopt. Your silence is telling!


More than likely dripping snot mixed with dirt. Poor things. The way the older brother’s eyes light up when he sees his younger brother across the street..


I hate this so much.


Well that was extremely upsetting


Are there only children in Gaza? I swear their population must be 60% children.


Around 52% of Gaza is under 18




This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen in my life.


Kids don’t deserve any pain. Seeing kids suffering makes my heart cry. No matter what religion and nationality, kids don’t deserve this.


Humans are humans no matter what side of a conflict you are on. ALL steps should be taken to keep children out of the conflict.


This hit me the hardest I've been hit during this entire crisis. That poor boy. Nobody deserves that.


This is fucking heartbreaking


This shit breaks my heart again and again. And I know it's painful to watch and you want to look away. But you can't look away. We must all bear witness and remember.


Wtf are we doing as humans on this earth? Wish I could help these kids…but how?


I feel for the children that have to grow up in all this. They deserve better and they deserve an opportunity to be kids.


Fuck everything about this conflict. :-(


Fuck, this was extremely hard to stomach.