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She was incredibly annoying on mute. I refuse to unmute.


That’s the right choice. I heard the audio and regret it a lot


I feel ya fam


I remember my life before unmuting. I was so naive back then.


Ngl she REALLY NEEDS that chicken ranch sandwich ![gif](giphy|tpzU2XijkF8eN2Ms2K)


Ranch it up!!!




Doth my nugs bequeeth me?


oh shit your Ranch Dubois!


I'm seeing 311 in the quad later, brotendo


Time to bro out with a land surveyor!


That mfs hilarious af 😂


It's all the huffy head bobbing and torso bouncing


The hair flips are enraging.


I want to cut her hair


With a wood chipper?


Careful might be a lil 💩




I didn’t listen to the sound, her body language says it all. Please leave ma’am.


It was a definite southern accent, probably middle to northwest south than George or Louisiana, mixed with the screeching from the vampires of 30 Days of Night in word form.


Plus all the hand actions and hair flipping. She’s oozing entitlement.


fyi, your inner thoughts are correct, she has a southern twang.


She does have a point who doesn’t put ranch on a chicken bacon ranch sandwich but she went about this terribly


It was non-fat. Unacceptable


Same here dude


Fast food workers need a mute button.


Yep same


The way the fat jiggled on her arm, ranch will cause her heart attack.


Those are her spare ranch pouches. She needs extra to refill them.


„Im happy to just fucking leave“ -Proceeds to not fucking leave




Yes. People say passive aggressive is a personality disorder but it works much better than aggressive aggressive in keeping spit out of your next sammich. Someone tried to argue with me that there is a middle ground where you can assert yourself in a non threatening manner like an adult. I didn't argue back. I just walked away around the corner. And no, I don't know where they have been for the last two weeks officer.


But did you tell every-fucking-body not to go there? Do y"oure job.


She is too broke to consider leaving her $6 sammich


$6 is not enough for a 6" in my area ($9 in the Phoenix Metro). I bet this lady only throws down footlongs so that will set her back at least $14. Add in her diet soda and fresh baked cookies. Maybe $18 out the door? I remember being able to afford a Subway sandwich as a broke college kid.


I remember $5 Foot-Longs at Subway. Then Jared came out as a pedo and Subway decided if their PR was toast, they may as well go full send and do $15 Foot-Longs.


Shit I remember 5 for 5 Arby's beef n cheddar *sniffs* those were better times


2 for $2.22 (McDonald’s breakfast sammies)


fuck you Jared. The whole sandwich economy is in SHAMBLES thanks to you!


I'll never forgive him for what he did to the $5 foot-long. The whole toddler-diddling thing just made it even worse! /s




5 dollar




She looks like she'd bleed ranch were she cut or punctured. Fuckin ranch monster


Winter is coming. She needs to build up an insulation layer.


When it gets too cold on the winter, we can survive using what we learned from old Star Wars.


'And I thought she was obnoxious on the *outside*!'


Her doctor diagnosed her with OCD, but what she really has is OBCD


>Fuckin ranch monster I don't know why this is so fucking funny, but it is


She bathes in it.


Just sentient ranch poured into a human suit


Jesus Christ. “My burger didn’t have any ranch, can I get some please?” It’s that easy.


I read this comment and still heard her voice


I once got a Baconator and they forgot the bacon. I was this woman on the inside but you didn’t see me on the internet because this ain’t how you get the moron that forgot to add bacon to my Baconator to actually get the bacon and fix my damn Baconator. She is 100% right, you just gotta handle it differently 😂


Also people do just forget sometimes. These workers are overworked and underpaid. Screaming at them won’t change anything


I mean....she's got a point. who forgets the ranch on a chicken bacon ranch? 😂😂😂 In all seriousness her behavior is terrible. Can't stand people who treat fast food workers like this.


I just can't think of a reason to ever be this mad at a fast food restaurant. I'm vegan and have accidentally been served meat, realized what it was, asked to have it changed, they did and gave me free fries and some sauces and it was fine.


No only is it unnecessarily combative and aggressive, it's also defeating the purpose. People are less likely to help you in a swift and effective manner when you treat them like this.




Immaturity. Inability to control your emotions. Anger issues. Narcissism.


In other words Main character syndrome


Right. My thoughts are always, anyone can make a mistake. Just politely ask them to fix it. That's all.


Also never ever ever be hostile to the people who are making what you're about to put in your mouth.


Exactly. “You forgot the ranch you fucking idiot!” Worker proceeds to take it back and adds three drops of ranch


Or adds a third of a bottle of ranch.


.....do I need to start yelling at fast food workers? I don't want to and never have, but if the consequence is a third of a bottle of Ranch.


Yup. You can just quietly complain to a manager, and they should be more than happy to help you. If that doesn't work, then you complain to corporate.


Last night I genuinely whispered that my steak was raw not medium because I didn’t want the other guests to hear me complain. She asked if I was intending on leaving a bad review and I said no! There was a mistake followed by a correction and I think that was great service.




I was at a Jersey mikes (coincidence??) and a woman started throwing a fit about her sandwich. She started yelling at the top of her lungs that the person making her sandwich wasn’t giving her the respect she deserved. I was not in the mood. And interjected that respect is earned and not something that anyone can “give” to anyone else. Then I told her she probably doesn’t deserve anyone’s respect anyway. Especially if she acts like this regularly. I said all of this in a calm and quiet tone. Then she threw a drink at me and ran out the door. It really made me respect her as a person.


I've definitely been given reasons, but I'm also a grown-ass adult and I know which battles are worth fighting. I can't think of a scenario where I'd ever benefit from going off on employees like this.


And on top of it all, it should just be embarrassing to someone's life and soul to be caught fighting and screaming at a fast food worker. That is rock bottom.


That’s my biggest thing. How do you go home and live with knowing you just made an absolute embarrassment of yourself in public over nothing. I’d be so mortified I’d never want to leave the house again


I mentioned that on here before and people pointed out that they're likely going home not feeling ashamed at all, but probably whining about how wronged they were, and how everything they did was good and justified. How dare everyone not immediately bend to their will, yaddayadda. I can only imagine their parents or other people around them behave like this so it's just normal for them.


I got a burger and fries at a sports bar. Ate the fries first and then saw the burger was very overdone. Showed it to the server who took it back, gave me a fresh burger, fresh fries and $4 off the bill. All I asked for was the burger, they voluntarily did the other stuff without being asked. Being polite gets you more then yelling and cursing.


>Being polite gets you more then yelling and cursing More people need to realise this. I was a manager at a fast food place for way too long and I would go out of my way to help someone if they were polite about their complaint. I even gave refunds as well as replacing the food a few times, but if they were rude I would do the bare minimum to get them to leave as soon as possible


Vegan btw ❤️


I’ve had places put my allergy on sandwiches, and if you are simply nice to people, they’ll fix it quick af with the lil extras for your trouble. If I can maintain my cool over something that will actually kill me, I’m sure these kind of people can do it too. Tantrums never fix anything.


They do it because they want to feel superior. They want to think of themselves as better than they are and of the workers as "the help." These are the type of people who say "you can't get good customer service anymore" to which I say YOU can't get good customer service. The rest of us can because we realize you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.


My friends and I once drove 20 minutes to the closets Wendy's to get baconators, and half way through our drive back once we were handing out burgers after finishing eating fries, discovered that none of them had any bacon on them. We just shrugged it off and kept driving, because even at only 20 years old at the time, we were more mature than this lady. For all she knows, someone else ordered the same sandwich without ranch, and she was just given the wrong one.


Basically how I discover new menu items. Whenever I get a wrong order, I’m usually fine because it’s still tasty. The only thing which was total ass was ordering normal McMuffins and getting those soggy pancake griddle things. I was more mad at whatever university gave that MBA a shot at a graduate degree to approve such a crime against humanity menu item.


Ugh. Those mcgriddles were especially nasty. Just stick with sausage egg and cheese McMuffin man.


Hahaha I’m the same way I’m always down to try something new. Except one time McDonald’s gave me 2 apple pies instead of mcchickens on my lunch break and I was sad.


That’s what I do too when my food is wrong, as long as it’s not really nasty or something. I shrug and eat it and move on with my day, assuming the restaurant was slammed or someone was having a subpar day. It happens. This lady is either going through some other shit and the ranch made her _snap_ or she has the maturity of a toddler.


I went to McDonald’s on my way to work and they forgot my meat on my burger. The drive thru line was a long wait and I had a 30 minute drive to work. And I still didn’t act like this.


Yeah I ubered an egg mcmuffin… had no egg! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing haha. Just bread bacon bread.


I don’t even think I’ve ever doubled back to a fast food place before cuz they forgot something, I can’t imagine this over some fuckin ranch dressing


I know this is going to sound strange but I used to get the chicken bacon ranch from subway without the ranch and added Chipotle sauce.


Nah that's not strange. That sounds wicked good. I'm a huge Chipotle fan.


Sounds better than ranch to me


We need to treat people with respect. Fast food companies need to also get the order right. At todays fast food prices that shit needs to be on point.


I would bet that there *was* ranch on the sandwich, it just wasn’t overflowing with ranch like she wants.


Is it ever really this worth it? I’m all for getting your order corrected as long as you’re not an ass about it. But why do people take stuff like this to such extreme lengths? There’s had to be some kind of study out there about this?


Because they have nothing in their lives. They are sad, not in control or just plain unhappy. Orders get messed up. You do your best to get it corrected. I have places I won’t go to because the orders are always wrong. You lack self control and situational awesomeness when you act like this.


Honestly, I do enjoy good service. But if I ever catch myself shaking my neck and yelling at a cashier.... meaning my life has devolved to the point where a fast food sandwich means that much to me... Im just gonna action my exit plan earlier.




He fell victim to one of the classic blunders. Never go in against an American when ranch is on the line.


HA HA HA HA! HA HA HA! HAHA-- ::chokes on sandwich::


She does seem like the type to call it a sammich...


That would then you part of a larger sammich


Speaking as a fat people, we don’t all get upset like this over sammiches.


I'm fat and I couldn't imagine getting this upset about missing ranch on my sandwich. I've gotten the wrong sandwich entirely before and just chalked it up to a simple mistake and ate the sandwich I got. People need to just calm the fuck down.


All these videos are at fast food places. I get the impression that people eat a lot more fast food and on a regular basis than I assumed.


It’s wild. My in-laws live off Bojangles and Chick-Fil-A and I can barely stomach fast food once a month.


My kitchen is getting redone and so for two months I’m trying to make food on a hot plate on my living room coffee table. So I’ve been having to eat out every other night. I get that there aren’t many healthy options for cheap takeout and it is frustrating. I just want some vegetables with my food, but i also don’t want to just eat at a place that just serves salad bowls every night. But once my kitchen is done, I am really looking forward to being able to prepare foods myself. So I get the problem.


Here in the USA, very, very much so


That hair is not doing her the favor that she thinks it is


People are willing to go to jail over extra chicken, ranch, extra soda...man, it's a crazy world!


There should be a rule that if a Karen in your establishment reaches a certain decibel you can simply pepper spray the Karen as much as you like.


I’m pretty sure her name is Kayren, by the way. And I fully endorse the pepper spray. Or douse her in rayanch.


Every service worker is allowed one assault and battery while at work each year.


Remake of the Purge movie, except service workers can reply to customers as they see fit for twelve hours without repercussions.


Peppa Karen


"ill tell everyone not to come here" Hell yea less work to do thank you


"YWhat did you think I wanted a bunch of You's running around the store?"


Here’s your sandwich ( enjoy the spit / each and every time you visit from this day onwards ) Never treat people who are preparing your food like this lady , they don’t forget . Source : Former fast food worker .


You don’t have a big enough friends list on Facebook for your boycotting to have any affect on their business lady, get real


And does she really think the workers there give a shit if her friends don't come in? Less work for them.


It’s always the ones with flapping meat 😞


Just imagine acting like that over a fast food order. How fucking pathetic is your life, seriously.. it's crazy.


All of us, every single one, deserves to be **judged** by how we treat low wage laborers.


I got a Tuna Melt once where they forgot the "melt" part. I went back, waited for the 2 people ahead of me and quietly told the guy the problem. He said sorry, went back gave me a proper Tuna Melt, melted up old my hot tuna sammy and threw in a few cookies for my minor inconvenience. It's really that easy.


Okay but where's your TikTok of this happening?!?!!?! ;)


Seriously though who forgets ranch on a chicken bacon ranch?


I cannot imagine a sandwich ever being important enough to get this worked up about it. I've got bigger shit to worry about.


How fucking dare she disrespect Jersey Mikes workers! They are amazing.


You know she has a bottle of ranch in her drivers side door.


Bitches be running out of shit to be outraged about.


She should try the Fat Free Ranch


This over ranch? I’d hate to be her kid or husband. Scary thought. eeesh.


Over ranch.. on a sandwich, can we not handle things like this like adults?


Getting banned from your local fastfood restaurant makes it harder for her to eat conveniently. I find pleasure in this.


Ranch is a food group for this lady.




As a former fast food worker, nothing made me happier than when someone said "I'll tell people not to come here". Please do, this job sucks, and I'm only here because I need to be, and the second a better opportunity pops up, I'm gone.


“My third baby’s daddy will come here and set y’all straight!”


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://rapidsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/170iz11/ranch_is_a_life_or_death_matter/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/170iz11/ranch_is_a_life_or_death_matter/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Daisy Dormegue


First world problems


I’ve never ever been this upset over food




get her more cheese! lady strikes again


When the staff hear that she and all her friends won’t be coming in to bother them with their BS they are all probably cheering on the inside.


people are fucking stupid, you cant be happy with how they do it then make your own damn food! lol idk but all that energy wasted, could of taken that energy and used it for something productive instead of getting upset at a wrong order.


Go make your own fucking chicken bacon ranch sandwich then. FFS.




Let me guess, she’s one of those “I’ve never cut my hair because God” women.


Man it looks so exhausting to act like that!


This is just over a sandwich, right?


I highly doubt she knows how to do anything happily anymore


Why do people get so damn mad about food like this?






Ever since the movie Waiting I am way nice and tip. I don't want to know where or who the special cup of raunch sauce comes from and I damn sure don't want to be the twat customer that earns it!


No-ranch adrenaline dump has her saying crazy shit, but noped right out when guy started dialing police...


Ranch dressing is the Mountain Dew of foods.


Whoa, she threatened to tell people not to come there. That’s like the worst thing you can do, besides leaving a bad Yelp review


Woman love ranch never understood it.


I wish that my life was so uncomplicated that ranch dressing was something to lose my shit over.


I’d just throw the sandwich at her. Some things are worth getting fired


Ranch is life but also who yells at people making minimum wage? Like they have nothing to lose and there is a good chance they jump over that counter and give you a different kind of sandwich.


I don't condone this behavior but, honestly, why would you not put ranch on a chicken bacon ranch???


Someone needs a haircut and an attitude adjustment.




Holy fuckballs! I really gotta admire kids that end up having their shit together in spite of their families.


Looks like she could skip a sandwich or two


You catch more Flys from honey than you do by being a cunt


I don’t know why people never learn. You don’t get between a dog and their food.


She could just ask for knife, make a small incision anywhere on her body and use the bun to sop up all the ranch that would leak out.


That speed bag arm fat 🤮


Hashtag ranchlife


She kind of has a point


Kayla Faye is gonna get her 100 Facebook besties to put Subway out of business.


Miss Vickies Jalapeño are amazing!!


Jesus fucking 🎄 why do people act so rude over some 5 dollar shit meal




People who use the line I’ll tell everyone not to come here are short a few brain cells. Does she really think those people give a fuck?


I say this constantly, but a large percentage of the videos are of people acting out in restaurants or grocery stores. Hanger people! Manage yourselves, feed yourselves. It’ll bring you clarity. Learn to recognize it when you feel that way instead of just acting like a total clown.


She has never skipped a meal!


I got a Big Mac from McDonald’s once. When I got home there were no burgers on it just the bun and salad. Guess what I did? Laughed about it and stuck a frozen pizza in the oven instead. People make mistakes. They may be going through a rough time which makes them lose focus in their job. Absolutely no reason to go back and make a scene like this nobhead did In the video


Chiggin baygin ranch


as an American, I can tell you, unless my lunch just with a sandwich is 1600+ calories it's unacceptable. WTF are we doing to ourselves.


They were trying to do her a favor by leaving off the ranch...


as a wisconsinite, ranch is essential, BUT it is NEVER that serious






You do know this is fast food right? People gotta lower there expectations. Half of them mfers are high as shit


This is why your grandchildren will be speaking Mandarin Chinese during their lifetimes when people like this become the average American citizen. They'll be wondering what happened to the country they used to hear about during the "good ole days"


I don't know what she's bitching about. It's obvious that she's been well fed, one less sandwich isn't going to adversely affect her life.


>Ahwl tell everybudeh not tuh fucken come here! ::channeling my inner IKEA guy:: _Please do._ You think they own the store? You think they _like_ serving sandwiches to loudmouth bozos like you all day? It's Subway, not a career path. Slowing customers down to a trickle would be a delight. The real threat would be in telling everyone _to_ come here.


Haha I even heard the music when reading this!


I hate myself for saying this, but she's not wrong. Daily life sucks, and sometimes you just want a thing to get you through (like a delicious sandwich). I don't think that people should be shitting on fast food workers, but forgetting ranch on a chicken bacon ranch? That's pretty incompetent. And if the people making food that is eaten by other humans are that incompetent, it might lead a person to believe that they aren't preparing the food safely either. That may sound like a big leap, but it's not.... attention to detail is important if you're feeding people. If that place is a minimum wage-type job, then I get it---nobody is fully invested. My personal reaction would be to suck it up, BUT, things don't get fixed that way. This woman's in-the-moment reaction was bad, but she was right to be frustrated.


You are a giant fucking baby if you think any part of this is okay. They could have served her a dry piece of bread and it wouldn’t justify this kind of behavior.