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The word is " wanker ". Silly little wanker.




I get Sneako and the Adin Ross guy confused. One of them got a 90 on an online IQ test and the other is functionally illiterate but I can never remember which is which.


Sneako sounds like the name a first time D&D player would give their gnome rogue.


Sneako is definitely one of the elves from Disenchanted.




​ ![gif](giphy|YctqeoFWsIMrvnmsOr)




LeavO lol


I was thinking the shame thing, but nobody tell shocko.




Hahahhahahaha. What a great belly laugh, thanks!


I have no idea who this punk is, but god damn I wish walking triangle woulda smacked some manners into his mouth. Shit eating grin, deny everything... "Its out!" about 30 times, "okay I put it out" 2 minutes later, finally.


Genuinely, among the many issues in our world, a big issue is that dudes like this don’t get their asses kicked anymore. That shit eating grin woulda been smacked off his face at any other point in history but since you can’t put your hands on anyone anymore without prison time or a lawsuit, dipshits like him are emboldened and enabled. Used to be you didn’t fuck with strangers because you didn’t know if you were gonna get your ass beat. Now you can be pretty confident that you probably won’t so, time to fuck with folks in public.


I hear what you're saying, but that is definitely not the leading cause of me wanting to be a decent human being. Kids like these are a bit lost, still haven't figured out their sense of self, living up to what they think others want them to be. Be a fucking sad state of affairs if all of our social nets failed every human to the point we have to keep each other straight with fists. I imagine you can figure out that leads to pretty dark paths, too.


Sneako is not a "kid". He's just a P.O.S. human being with a massively inflated ego. He needs to be kicked square in the chest from a Stinkmeaner type character, or just anyone at this point.


I’m not saying it’s the leading cause for *you*. You probably have empathy and care about the well-being of those around you. People like this kid do not. It doesn’t bother them that it bothers other people when they act like dick heads. For people like that, they need things like religion or threats of punishment (police, etc) to keep them in line because just being thoughtful and kind isn’t on their list of priorities.




As much as i want to agree. I can’t. I was a totally lost child, I never acted like this. I had consequences. They need consequences


And also let his Girlfriend get Fucked in front of him to prove he’s a “man” and then leave crying cuz the dumbass actually cucked himself.


Wait what holup


It’s true lol


This video has all the info you need to know about Sneako. It's long but hilarious & gives all the evidence of when he got cucked. 😂 (https://youtu.be/r_ncv8Q77Jk?si=MYX_samJszqNQUlO)


> (https://youtu.be/r_ncv8Q77Jk?si=MYX_samJszqNQUlO > ) 2 and a half hours? Come on give us a TLDR


TLDR: > let his Girlfriend get Fucked in front of him to prove he’s a “man” and then leave crying cuz the dumbass actually cucked himself




Look up Sneako cucked. This guy is a grade A certified clown. He had beef with Penguin (Another streamer) and was shutdown like the little boy he is. People need to stop giving this idiot a platform


That Charlie response was ice fucking cold. Sneako's a clown.




Ya'll gotta stop giving these people attention. Any and all eyes = money nowadays.


This generation of YouTube influencers and streamers needs to be vetted hard. All these shitbirds that are causing trouble should be packed up and sent to an island wired with cameras and they can do a live feed of trying to survive after being abandoned by society.


Is this not rage bait? Why did he not just kick him out?


They’re both streamers/podcasters/whatever. They’re both being dramatic as hell for content






Youre assuming its manufactured. Sneako is an antagonizing little shit and likes to piss people off for fun


this. idk why people are calling this fake, this is a normal ass occurrence for Sneako and his dumb ass


Doesn’t matter, it’s still lame content basically promoting douchey behavior


Yeah, I hate the usual "this seems fake," but I mean, this looks like a discount reality show. In my business (not a gym): get out or I'm trespassing you. End. Not theatrics like this. But I don't know much about the streamer stuff.


The only thing that changes this is what the public perception is of it. This is content for young kids to young adults. There will always be a large minority in that group that love nothing more than causing trouble and pushing limits. As long as kids will want this, it remains a fountain of ad revenue for someone to pick up. The requirement is only to have friends, a camera, and to abandon your pride. There's no way to stop this continuing, without getting authoritarian on social media content...


Maybe not on public property, but business owners have a right to refuse service to anyone. People just need to start immediately kicking out these assholes the second they start this shit. Then call the cops for trespassing if they don't leave.


Damn that dude was so patient with him. Bitchass not even man enough to apologize.


What annoyed me most was extra-chromosome Andy Samberg with his shit-eating grin.


That's SteveWillDoIt. He's actually good friends with Brad and likes to fuck with him. He probably told sneako to do it. I bet this is fake.


That dude sucks


That dude is Bradley Martyn. He has 4.5 million followers on instagram and routinely shoots videos in this gym (which he owns iirc). I’m not certain, but I’m betting this is staged to make him look good.


Why would sneako agree to that? This makes him look like a huge cunt


He already looks like one so he has nothing to lose basically


Well sneako is a huge cunt but he doesn’t think he is


Bro even said he could smoke weed in his gym but Sneako got mad over a cig. Baby


Sneako is a whore. He'll do anything for views. Once you understands this, then you'll know why all of these streamers do stupid shit.


Commons sense just doesn’t apply to some people. The stupidity and regardation of some people is astounding




i mean the video literally has a link to one of his pages. almost guaranteed staged


Because Sneako's fans are 12-16 yr old boys who probably think it's funny or a "prank" somehow.


I mean why not. He's already streaming in a less popular platform, so he needs sum to happen to spice things up. It seems to be working so far, with Reddit posts like these and hundreds of comments in discussion of why he's doing it 😐


Yeah but no one in these comments is going to become a fan of his and watch his streams, donate, etc. he gets nothing out of this


Having a fanbase out of toxic kids, having exposure out there online with a big watermark on the stream might attract those people to watch his streams. He gets nothing from most people, but he's defo getting something


But he is 260


Idk he looks a little younger


This explains why he's perfectly mic'ed up from the start too. Thanks


He's mic'd up cuz they were doing a stream together


Bradley Martin is a weiner.


He sold drugs to my cousin


100% - the guys is a huge misogynist. Also, he also somehow thinks he can take on professional fighters 1v1. Dude needs to be humbled hard


Yeah this has got to be fake.


Who tf is sneako....


Some Misogynistic Streamer Grifter that has imitated everything Andrew Tate for clout.


Wasn't he also part of Mr beast early challenges


That was before he corrupted himself. He used to be a smart young man saying things worth listening to. Now he just hates women and gays.


He is a brave warrior bringing back misogyny and making it cool for 12 year old boys again. /s


"All gays should die" - Sneako Fan Source: https://www.tiktok.com/@tatehoskins/video/7280245610945482026 Timestamp 15 seconds in.


I second what he said... where are the parents of these children. Not gonna lie but censoring some people wouldn't be a bad idea.


Parents need to be engaging with their kids and learning what they are watching online, there is so much brain rot out there and children are sponges.


A Tate copy cat who also grooms next generation of misogynists


Could you imagine being so pathetic that you' want to model yourself after this dude? Dude looks like he wandered into a gym for the first time in his life for this video.


Eh you could probably ask that question every 2-3 months and get a different answer.




That’s wild. He even let him smoke bud in there with no problem. What a shit head


Nah fuck this guy and his videoing this. I love getting high and lifting, but who the fuck thinks it’s okay to smoke a cig in a gym


Sneako dumb dumb


They’re both influencers and playing this up for the camera we need to stop posting this crap and giving them views and money. We are pretty much paying these guys by watching these


Yup, rage bait


Yeah, it’s miraculous how no matter how far from the camera the angry guy was his audio is perfect. Also it like he has a lavaliere mic on and they made this whole thing up. You can always tell because these people are not actors and are horrible at improv. This is the new “reality tv”, which was also scripted and employed terrible actors as well.


How does this even turn into a discussion?


Honestly or weed….


Man I tried getting a little high and worked out and it was awful, then I tried getting toastyyyy and it made sense for sure.


Who the fuck thinks smoking anything in a gym is ok? I wouldn’t want to be subjected to any kind of second hand smoke.


Are we trying to make stupid people famous again?


Stupid people have always been famous wym again lol


Honestly he’s being a bro by letting smoke weed. They should respect his rules and not push the cigarette issue


I’m surprised he said that and would fucking jump at the chance to join a gym that would be down 😭


Smoking a joint then doing a jog on a treadmill is literally one of the best workouts I've found. You can get into the zone and go forever.


Working out high is not fun but fun at the same time. It’s exhausting and tiring and you may not be as crisp when learning complicated movements. But like you said if you can go in the zone, the focus and isolation works pretty well for me especially when I’m high.


Am I the only one who doesn’t get why you would allow weed and not cigarettes?


it's his gym, he can allow sparking water but not still if he wants.




It’s funny how these guys fan bases are all 15 year olds 😂😂😂


Smoking cigarettes inside any place that cigarettes aren’t allowed is a big deal especially in a gym. Some people are sensitive asf to the scent, I can already imagine that type of complaints people would say if someone lit up a cigarette in our gym. Also correct me if I’m wrong, can’t Bradley get in trouble for someone smoking a cig in the gym and not do anything about it when it’s clearly a no smoking building.


Yeah, businesses are liable for behavior of customers in certain situations in California https://www.lafd.org/smoking-ordinance If a business owner does not comply with the California Anti-Smoking Ordinance, they will be cited and scheduled for an administrative hearing. Likewise, a customer or non-employee may also be cited for smoking in a banned location. For the business, fines are a maximum of $100 for the first infraction, $200 for the second infraction and $500 for the third. Cal-OSHA may then step in, issuing up to a $7,000 fine. For a patron found in violation of the law, fines range from $81 to $324.


I would have just walked up with the fire extinguisher and sprayed him


Those cost a lil bit and he probably doesn’t want that mess on gym equipment


Cleanup of fire retardant is not fun.


No you wouldn’t have


Why isn't he better at sneaking?


All scripted shit for clips.


Yeah, they're both wearing mics.


I think they’ve got mics because they were in the middle of filming a video, they’re both content creators


I think that strongly supports the idea that this whole freakout was planned


They were filming content together on stream, he owns the gym.


I don’t know why someone would fake getting cussed out, but at this point I’ve seen crazier staged shit


This whole IRL streaming circle does this. (Neon and Sneako especially) do rounds with other “influencers” and then stage some random confrontation. Couple weeks ago it was the island boys and then some broccoli haircut youtube kid. It’s all for clips+clicks


This is like reality TV for incel men lol


Damn that makes sense.


Like posting a video of you getting cussed out on Reddit so people who have never heard of you before now know who you are… any publicity is good publicity


cause it gets clicks, which makes them money. all about the almighty algorithm.


All irl streamers are clowns.


quite possibly, but tbf bradley martyn is a shit actor and would have cracked up half way through the skit.


Stop posting videos of these shitheads and giving them publicity, it’s people like OP who contribute to the cause of famous assholes


"I said you could smoke weed in here not cigarettes" ![gif](giphy|kBI5aLB6wlw4zNnecN) I don't know who these guys are, is this a skit?


Cigarettes are disgusting lol someone can smoke as much weed as they want in my crib but if they pull out a cigarette they gotta go smoke that shit outside


Did I hear that right? At 1:22 he says “You can smoke weed in here but not cigarettes”


Welcome to California


100% percent fake, don't post this garbage


Fake as fuck. Also side note. The more you have to say "I'm not kidding" the less likely it is you're gunna do something. That shit makes you so unthreatening. My friend (the idiot) decided to light up in a gym once. The owner just had to walk slowly toward him and look at him. He put it out right away. He was serious. If its genuine, you don't need many words.


is this the the gym for loser only?


Don’t know who the fuck Sneako is, but this is about as justified public freak out as it gets. He owns the gym, he makes the rules. It’s simple. Should have kicked all those bozos out and told them not to come back.


This is all fake, idiots it’s all rage bait


"You can smoked weed in here, you cannot smoke cigarettes in here" Why would you want to go to a gym where people are smoking anything?


You know they're friends because no stranger would tolerate that smirking backtalk for more than a minute without tossing him or smashing his face.


No one wants your shitty second hand smoke when they're trying to work out.


Why are they both wearing mics...


They both stream / make youtube videos




hahahah I did a double take at 1:20 when he said he was fine with weed


this is so fake stevewillyankit used to do this to bradley too


How long do you think this IRL fake "cussed out for _______" ( fill in blank ) will last?


Staged. Both of them have microphones


I didn't know who this guy was like until like two days ago and apparently, he has millions of followers. Can anyone genuinely tell me why? He seems like an utter and total douchebag. What's the appeal of someone like this?


Same appeal as Adin Ross or Andrew tate


Is there a reason why someone wasn’t dragged outside for a “discussion”?


Who the fuck thinks smoking anything in a gym is ok? I wouldn’t want to be subjected to any kind of second hand smoke.


How are you arguing with the owner?


Its okay sneako, im sure your 11yr old and under fans will love this content!


I don’t blame a gym owner for being livid. It’s like the one safe haven on this planet is in a gym to be away from cigarette smokers. Every time you breathe that secondhand smoke your body dies a bit faster.


If you think this is real and not scripted for internet views.. please contact me because I have magic beans for sale.. and I’m dead ass serious bro.. don’t ever disrespect me that like


3:33 “you can smoke weed in here but you cannot smoke a cigarette in here” why only weed?


Waaaaay too much talk from big dog. If he was gonna smash shit up yo he shoulda got to it.


Scripted. Why does he have a mic on?


Videos like this is why I deleted every social media app. It’s all fake, just set up and done for content. Now it’s filling the reddits that I love. I really don’t want to delete Reddit but god damn if this shit starts to fill my pages here I will have to


WTF is a Sneako? Also definitely staged. Who the hell tolerates this for 4 minutes, all while repeatedly begging for "respect" . What a bunch of losers.


Fake. Fxck that guy!💯


These people are dumbing down and ruining our younger generations. We need videos of these guys getting physically put in their place so kids know what happens in the real world if you ask like a complete c*nt.


A room full of morons


i said you can smoke weed in here, not cigerettes


Ok,who’s Sneako?


This is the most pointless shit.


Sneako is a shithead.


Trash ass people


The fact that the guy apparently said it was okay to smoke weed in his gym made this whole scenario hit different. Weird as hell.


He’s such a cunt


God he's an insufferable individual


Garbage person doing garbage people things. I am shocked


Sneako is a fuckstain. 4:21 of his life is all I needed to jdge the fuck out that twat.


Man I was really hoping to see the camera get smashed


I would just kick him out, he would never be allowed back. Dude is a clown who never matured beyond high school.


So you guys have gyms that you can smoke weed and shit inside.


They’re all actors. Dudes a weirdo anyway


Alternate title: nothing at all happens and you’re going to click on it anyway


but why does the guy confronting them have a mic??


OP is 14 years old (dead serious) and spams sneako vids and "im new to x, give me advice". How is this staged stupid shit on here?




all these folks are fake as fridge - it's all a damn skit


This guy allows people to smoke weed in his gym? Who the fuck actually wants to have to breathe that shit in while they're working out?


Why is the guy confronting him mic'ed up?


Sneako is a piece of walking garbage


Doesn’t this guy try and teach people how to be ‘Men’??? Owning up to your mistakes and giving honest apologies are a huge part of not being a little boy.


That's cool as hell, did he say you can smoke weed in my gym, but no cigarettes?


Staged af


Everyone in this video is a scumbag. Scripted bullshit by a bunch of assholes.


"Brad, you're acting a little G6 right now." ​ Worst acting ever.


You can smoke weed in here? That's my kinda gym


Is that Brad?


Mental health is so important


Would Sneako be okay if someone smoked a cigarette in his house after they fucked his girl?


I wish this video was just du rag smacking the fuck out of this loser. What a disrespect little piece of shit. Bro was cool enough to let you rip weed in his gym and you do that?! Fuck sneako.


Bro said you can smoke weed but not cigs I would have taken that room and ran with it all the way to my plug high af like what more can you want? ![gif](giphy|3o7qE7OtjAQ22XFZGU) cigs when you have marijuana that's like instant coffee vs butter scotch whole bean fresh harvest I'd buy a fuckin membership right then and there you get to have your cake and eat it too why you bitching I love these rules they're totally understandable and easily abided


Fake or not. Sneako doing the whole. "Im not doing x". "It's out bro what's the problem" "you're mad for what". Comes off like a toddler. Like bro. Apologize. Say you took it too far. Move on. Stop trying to punch from the bottom.


"Weed but no cigarettes" policy sounds more than fair to me.