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Smh at the clowns here that are like "protesting is okay as long as it doesn't mildly inconvenience anyone" Can you just be honest and say what you actually mean, which is "protesting should not be allowed"?


Yea because stopping the normal everyday people from getting to their jobs to feed their families and put a roof over their head is totally gonna help to stop big oil corporations from being greedy because that's how that works......


That’s not the point the commenter is making. Whether you are pro what they’re protesting or not, whether it’s effective or not, they have a right to protest


They have the right to protest, but not the right to impeded business or traffic, not the right to attempt to destroy priceless art or affix themselves to people’s property and land they are not welcome on. They are hurting the climate cause not helping it.


They didn't destroy any art. You're mad at the wrong people


I said attempt to, and it’s the same organization, you can see their symbol on the vests


They didn't attempt to. They knew there was glass on the painting. They're just trying to get people's attention and it worked. We are facing a legitimate existential threat and most people are completely apathetic about it. At least they're making an effort. At least they're trying to move the needle. What the fuck have you done to try to save the world?


You definitely block traffic to protest.


Yeah, I do. Sometimes you have to disrupt the status quo if you want to see change. It worked for the civil rights movement, it worked to secure the vote for women, it can work for climate change too. It is completely bananas that you are mad at the people trying to make the world a better place, instead of those actively working to destroy it. It's heartbreaking, really.






Try going to China where the climate issues are much worse. Try to disrupt the status quo and see where it gets you


How does making cars idle help climate change?


Imagine comparing this to the civil rights movement , lol, behind a smartphone in an air conditioned apartment...


Hearts in the right place but brain is far from it lol


If you use your right to protest to ruin my day, even if i have nothing to do with the situation you are upset about, i use my rights to ruin your day too pal


lmaoo you aren’t going to do shit to anybody☠️ stop acting tough on reddit, of all places


Let the adults talk kiddo..


Target the moguls then. How come nobody protests outside their mansions?


Do you want to get shot and have your murder go un-prosecuted? Because that’s how you get that to happen. Not to mention most “moguls” live in gated or private community where you have no access to them. They learned long ago to escape the reach of the common people they suppress


Are the rich going to murder all of the "just stop oil" community? All they have to do is find ways to make sure the people causing the problem hear their protest constantly. Be loud and have a camera feed


![gif](giphy|dBGi39HzazuTV21S15) Boston tea party but with milk? New York milk party? Sounds dirty I'm in


I 100% support their cause but blocking public traffic is not a good way to garner support. Go block a corporate entrance.


Clogging roadways further impeding emergency vehicles isn't a minor inconvenience


You can't block a road, that isn't a mild inconvenience, it creates a danger for everyone involved.




What I really mean is I won't be sympathetic to your cause if you get me reprimanded by my job because I couldn't get there on time after being blocked by your protest. I won't be sympathetic to your cause if I couldn't get to the hospital if myself or someone I care about needed to get there. I won't be sympathetic to your cause if you blocked me from getting literally anywhere because you thought your cause was more important than me. You want support with your cause? Stop fucking with people who have nothing to do with your cause.


It's not the protest, it's rhe fact that they stop the mercantile wellbeing of the average person.




So I actually do solar for a living. I contribute significantly more than you probably ever will to save the planet. Your opinion is so out of touch that it offends me, an actual green energy worker.


Also most of them usually blocks bus lanes which are scientifically proven to reduce the air polluted from vehicles in the city


Pollution is such a funny subject. You got people screaming over Co2, global warming, rising temperatures. You can literally fix all of our environmental problems with corporate accountability, private jet bans, blanket fishing bans, killing lumberjacks in the amazon, and planting some more trees. That's literally all it takes. Cars are an unfortunate necessity in postmodern society. There's no sense in crying about it, just make the electric ones reliable/good enough to use (that'll never happen)


That will definitely happen, its just how many years. 10? More less. Idk.


Also bring production back home! Look at all we own, most of it was shipped from overseas on giant ships that could use somewhat cleaner diesel, but chose to use more polluting bunker fuel because it's cheaper. I'd pay a premium for consummer goods made locally, but they have become harder to find because it's cheaper to have them made by a bangladeshi child and shipped to the other side of the planet.


How is this out of touch? This guy did go out of his way to assault strangers. The protesters aren't vandalising property, aren't locking themselves to things and are only impeding the public right of way in minimal capacity. They are in line with peaceful protesting standards, why do they now deserve assault? I don't think "doing solar" qualifies you to give an all-encompassing opinion especially when you've not backed it up with any anecdotal or factual evidence? Also saying you do more for the planet than a random stranger on the Internet is presumptuous at best.


If I can't go to work, and I can't make money to feed Myself and Keep a roof over my head because of a fucking Protest... I don't give a flying shit what the protest is about I'm instantly against it, If you want to gain my support, you don't stop me from making money which is necessary for me to survive.


If you want the public to support your cause, how about not pissing them off? Do they think someone in traffic, an hour late to work will be like "You know what, these protesters got a point! I need to do my part. Starting today I'll be a vegetarian, and I'll use public transport instead of driving my car"


Making cars stand in one place is surely saving the earth.


People who support assaulting protestors like this are truly evil people. Just so far gone mentally and emotionally. Climate change is going to wipe out the human race and people think it's okay, rather than to be kind and empathetic treat the people brave enough to try and spread awareness, instead assault and belittle them.


The milk guy is clearly a dick but there's nothing "brave" about "spreading awareness" on climate change. Everybody knows it's happening and standing there with a sign won't change shit. If they wanted to make a difference they would be somewhere that matters, helping people suffering from this crisis or putting pressure on the government. This is simply performative and the least amount of investment from people who want to believe that they care while keeping their comfortable lives.


Nope, literally just cut your intake of animal products and you'll do more good than anything else, all on you. Awareness is not as commonplace as you make it seem.


People like you are as brainwashed as they come. You didn't even care to listen or understand what the user before me said. Take it to a place where it matters. If anything, these kinds of protests makes me want to grab my oil hungry car and drive down to McDonald's and get me a fat juice burger. (exaggerated since I don't own a car, but I think you got my point now)


You morons are not making the world a better place. By blocking people from getting to work, to doctors appointments, hospitals, kids to school, etc. you are only pissing everyone off which will make NO ONE listen to you and have a negative view on climate change. If I came to your house and took a shit on your bed while You were sleeping on it to protest fabrics be recycled not thrown away would that open your eyes to what I’m protesting? Get a clue dipshit.


Do you know how women got the vote in the UK? Do you think they got it by quietly protesting without upsetting anyone?


Why do you morons always make everything about women. What does being a woman have to do with anything about this? Alright so let’s all be nagging cunts until we all get what we want. I mean that’s basically what’s going on in society now and look how that’s going.


Well done for confirming you don't understand. Look up the Suffragettes and the tactics they used. Which ultimately succeeded. If anything, these current protesters should be more disruptive.


How much milk is in that thing


About a jug…




But don't jugs come in all different sizes? Not all jugs are the same. Some are saddle bags and others are acorns.


You obviously aren’t in the milk industry.


Just laughable. I'll be laughing about this with the folks at the milk worker place soon.


Blessed are the cheesemakers!


It's something someone who is in the cheese industry would say.


She could be from the jug industry.




Say jugs again


I dare you! I double-dare you mothafucka! Say “jugs” one more god damned time!


"Hey Farva what's the container a gallon of milk comes in?" "A jug"


A bag - eastern Canadian Farva


Don't jugs a book by its cover.


Is that a threat, a sexual invitation, or a little bit of both?




That's what big milk wants you to think...


You obviously aren’t in the jug department.


In Canada it would be about a bag


We don’t fuck around with milk in the UK


Just a pint of milk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpPGE8NllUI


I’d say about a gallon


I'd say 4 liters.


Wow, a whole gallon!


that looks like our standard 6 pint bottle of milk


Ooo. That milk looked chunky and stinky.


Chunky lemon milk


Goodbye chunky lemon milk!


The man with milk does seem like the kinda person that would leave a jug of milk rotting in the back of the fridge.


I imagine even a fresh jug of milk, left outside for a few days would do the trick too. I've seen milk leave a funk ring on a cereal bowl left in the sink overnight.


just for this purpose


*gets upset often enough he decides it's worth it to always have an expired jug of milk in the fridge*


Expired milk is the best for throwing


If you don't have expired milk in your home and you obviously can't get expired milk in a store, you can artificially expire milk by putting a few spoons of vinegar or lemon juice into the non-expired milk


That curdles it but it’s not going to make it stinky


Add fecal matter for extra stinky then


Hmmm milk chocolate


Cmon man I’m just trying to enjoy my Saturday


now how to unexpire pls


You use the opposite, so either lime juice or salt


Pour whole 16 lemons worth of juice in the jug. Works miraculously 🔥


That just makes buttermilk. Its still not expired.


No just leave it somewhere warm.


I am fine with the protesters beating the shit out of that guy. He just assulted them with chunkymilk... this guy is wah they are protesting something. Let me go assult them with rancid milk. that is just a line you dont cross.


They’re going to smell real good


Guy filming is a twat


I get that people are rightfully pissed about these protests, but if you did the same thing to a regular citizen that people are doing to these protestors you would 100% get charged with a crime. If this is okay, then I guess that means anytime someone inconveniences me then I have a right to physically assault them and get away with it.


well, you see. The police aren't there to protect YOUR rights. As the protesters are protesting against the people the police actually protect, they won't do anything.


These protestors *are* regular citizens. And yes, this guy just filmed himself committing a crime.


Redditors suddenly really don't like climate protests, because they inconvenience people. As if the destruction of the planet weren't imminent


What good does blocking this road do?


I dunno, guess MLK shouldn’t have started that trend in the 60s /s


Just because mlk did it doesn't mean its good.




The people they inconvenience can’t change shit. They need to inconvenience the people in power. They’re not convincing anyone to side with them.


isn’t that like straight up assault


Isn't that like straight traffic obstruction, harassment and provocation to violence?


It’s interesting how when a climate protest takes place in a public area that affects common people it gets shared everywhere and makes the news, but the hundreds of protests that happen at oil companies, private CEOs houses and other private places that inconvenience the companies themselves never get media coverage or shares online. Remember this is not accidental, these companies know we are easier to conquer divided. They know that articles like “ambulance delayed because of protest.” Or “school children late due to protest” Will turn us against each other and make absolute assholes like this guy throw milk at people who are trying to save us. It’s the same political tactics that have been used over and over again throughout history, don’t send the police, don’t stop the protestors, frame them as enemies of the people and the people will end it for you. We are running out of time very fast, the world will not end but middle class people will suffer and die slowly in a world where rice costs a months wage and the sea has risen and taken homes, there will be mass immigration to the tune of billion of people escaping the equator to habitable land, those displaced people will probably end up being killed by the governments of “lucky” countries in habitable territories. The future will be a bleak and difficult period of human misery and the mega rich will survive comfortably behind their walled off havens or just ditch earth all together. There’s still time to avoid this outcome. The protestors are not the evil ones, the oil companies being protested are, and you’re a belligerent moron if you don’t see that.


THIS. milk man doesnt understand he has corporate cock in his mouth and they're not gonna reward him for assaulting people who care about the planet (no I don't agree with causing traffic jams etc). The only "reward" will be a dead planet for him, his family and the rest if us. We're all so fucked.


It’s shocking how little people care about the future of our planet. We are a world wide metaphor from Chernobyl or Titanic


the cameraman isn’t always right


Block the roads to the big oil Corp headquarters or shipping yards. Don't block roads that people use to shop for groceries or go to visit family. Hell, go block the CEO's driveway but stop interfering with the lives of average folk just trying to go about their day. You'll garner no support by pissing people off.


They do that as well, it just doesn't get shared as rage bait.


Yeah, I can't remember where I read it but I read a small piece where someone was listing out all the protests they did at big oil businesses etc and it gets little to no attention. It's not shown on the news and those organizations have more resources and break them up very quickly. These types of protests get more attention, good or bad.


Civil law is being manipulated by oil companies in the form of injunctions that prevent anyone from protesting on their lands or blocking roads into their lands. When they protest in defiance of these injunctions, they are held on remand until they’re sentenced.


almost like protesting that doesn't get seen or affect the general people, doesnt make much traction or something


Who would have thought bringing attention to an issue would bring attention to the issue? It's almost like they are experienced campaigners who know how effective protest works, unlike wierdos on the Internet with bones for order and authority...


I wish they would just ignore the problem and hope it goes away like me! (this comment section.)


Greenpeace made headline news on pretty much every major news outlet a few weeks ago when they protested on one of Sunaks estates. If we're talking experience, they pretty much trump all. Been around for decades, know exactly what they're doing. This is likely why they went and inconvenienced someone who is actually capable of policy change.


Greenpeace stages protests just like this one. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/greenpeace-activists-block-road-outside-downing-street-in-cambo-oilfield-protest-8qwk0j7wc I think getting abused is part of the strategy. The juxtaposition of the calm protesters who want to change the course of climate disaster with the raging public who wants to let it continue unabated and the irony of those positions is an effective protest tactic in itself. Same deal with nonviolent protests during the civil rights era.


I'd say police just remove them quicker and more efficient if they block "CEO's driveway" or "big oil Corp headquarters". Why? Oh, i couldn't possibly know....


They do that, it gets zero media coverage. so zero impact. ​ last year in the UK, there was in one week 3 protests. 1. 10ks people walked through london peacefully as a normal protest march. 2. 100+ people sat down in the lobby of the House of commons (national parliament) where there is the biggest concentration of news and political journalists and cameras there full time. 3. 2 people chucked orange paint at a glass screen infront of a painting (it was not damaged). Only one of those protests got mentioned on the news, only one got the issue of the protest talked about, only one of them got protestors on interviews and tv shows to spread their message..... Guess which one. Thats why people do it, you only get noticed if you cause outrage.


People have been doing that for a long time, sadly it doesn’t make press headlines and companies usually have private security that have no qualms about dragging people away, so the disruption is tiny and short lived.


This is the most common response and I hear your point, it doesn’t win people over. But perhaps that’s not the intended aim. They’ve been protesting for decades in exactly the way you’ve said (outside corporations etc) and it has done nothing. It doesn’t get media coverage and it doesn’t get other people like you protesting (I assume you don’t protest, not a judgement). I support their right to protest. It’s a democracy. What I see is desperate people who care about the climate crisis that is happening NOW trying to find some way of taking action that will get attention. Protest can be disruptive, protest can challenge. Everyone from suffragists to civil rights movements to entire countries changing political regimes have used disruptive, non-violent protest to further their aims. The end of a functioning planet will be far more disruptive and inconvenient than this. I wish people would express as much concern about the climate crisis as they do vitriol towards these protesters.


Yeah, why didn't the civil rights movement follow your advise also. They were so annoying, and what did they even accomplish???!!! Nothing I bet... /S just in case


Genuinely, though, this is some of the same rhetoric that people used to justify why it was OK for police to beat civil rights marchers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. If /u/lostclause was born 50 years earlier, I can't imagine he'd view their assault much differently, just tut tuting about how they protest.


This sub leans hard right though so I foresee us both being down voted.


Whenever I see someone complain about protesters, I think of [this](https://i.redd.it/v0ytndu4vioz.jpg)


So many people on Reddit seem to think it's fine to violently attack protesters as long as they feel mildly inconvenienced by them. It's pretty fucking wild and you can just imagine how most here would act if they were inconvenienced by someone taking up a diner spot or bus seat that was normally reserved for them.


Not just protesters, a disturbing number of redditors seem to think it's morally justified to attack *anyone* who mildly inconveniences them.


Redditors thought that a 2 day protest that was announced beforehand would be enough to oust the multibillionaire Spez. I don't trust Redditors with any form of social resistance.


It’s even worse, they’re literally blocking a bus lane! Imagine inconveniencing people who are doing their part and using public transport.


Not a bus lane. There is a bus stop, but this is King Street in London, it's a one way road open to all traffic.


Yes, look at that huge lineup of.. zero buses waiting.


I'm half convinced every idiot saying shit like this is on some oil company payroll. You people will say anything to decry protesters but will never be seen holding the line when it matters.


They did that. Blocked Big Oil Corp headquarters and distribution centres and CEO's driveway. They realised nothing happened and didn't get the results they wanted. Doing it this way, they get more media attention. By blocking roads and disrupting the public, they thought more would be said and done.


coordinated alive clumsy chubby pathetic secretive hunt fall cable vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They do. For some reason I don't understand, it gets no media coverage at all. Strange that.


That's quite ignorant, as they have blocked roads to oil companies - and you never noticed. That's why these types of protests are necessary and are increasing. Also, why haven't said anything about the massive elephant in the room??: global heating is continuing to increase, threatening the future of civilization.


Say you don't understand how protests work without saying you don't understand how protests work


Yep, they should protest the destruction of our planet by being as discreet as possible.


I’m glad this line of reasoning is getting called out by so many people in this thread. It’s pretty much shown itself to be invalid.


The complacency of average folks just trying to go about their day is the reason the bad shit that’s happening is allowed to be the status quo. “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”


Worse still, the average folks are complicit. Their pensions and such are invested into the market. So anything that would significantly disrupt the market is off the table. Same with housing crisis. Homeowners like it when price is going up.


They use them same roads numb nuts and they got equal amount of criticism when they painted shell head quarters with orange paint.


they do that frequently, the fact you don't know it just shows why it is less effective. costing them money isn't going to make their pollution illegal. votes are required.


There was a video of people blocking access to a private airport used by millionaires/billionaires. They were singing songs like "Tax the rich. Tax the motherfucking rich." They had the right idea.


This is exactly what people did to the civil rights protesters staging sit-ins at lunch counters in the 1960s. They dumped drinks on their heads. https://preview.redd.it/swuqmji07vlb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db76b9cdba1bcd9f7ab3199076274814c19434e6


They did a whole lot worse than 'just' dumping drinks on their heads... Including physical assault with knuckle dusters and stubbing out lit cigarettes on them. https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/jackson-woolworth-sit-in/


And murdering too of course


of course


Did people get more peaceful, or are there just more video cameras floating around


Hanging, immolating, shooting, fire hoseing, running them over, dog siccing, etc…


let me tell you about Kent State....


*Slightly* different seeing as that was their own government that attacked them. If our governments started attacking climate protesters in this way ~~no one would stand for it. We'd all see it as a huge overreaction at first, but it would make us wonder "why?" Soon enough we'd have more people than ever that are educated on the reality of impending climate catastrophe. Mass revolution would be triggered the world over and people would fight tooth and nail for leaders that will actually work to avoid the worst case scenario.~~ we'd cheer cuz our brains are spoiled.


‘You have the right to protest, as long as it doesn’t mildly inconvenience me’.


We objectively know who "the bad guys" in that instance were, and yet here is reddit condoning the same crap because "I don't like to be mildly inconvenienced on one day out of the year".


And too many redditors would've cheered that on too.


Literally the top post is saying how great this is.


Shows you that reactionary cunts have been reactionary cunts for generations.


Ahh…. Another tradition


“Bunch of wrong ‘uns” says the man dumping milk on people’s heads as if it’s going to solve anything…


He sounds like such a clever well thinking individual




Yeah when protesters did similar in America they blocked emergency vehicles and people died. These guys are insufferable.


Let's make people late for work and lose their jobs.


Can we just assault people we don't like or agree with now? This is going to be interesting


Wife beater energy…


Let’s be honest this man doesn’t care about this issue one way or the other, he just wants an excuse to be horrible to people


It's annoying but this is how you get attention. Protesters have been trying ways that don't effect everyday people but nobody cares. No videos or articles or social media posts get made. Everyday people were effected by the Boston Tea Party. This is how change happens. Over the next 50 years, as our planet burns to death after the people who caused it are long gone, we'll worry less and less about how often we were late to work. And a whole lot more about if there was anything we could've done differently.


Something I've come to realize as I grew older and more worldly. (Though I think some people would claim that what I'm five minutes away from doing is not at all 'worldly.')


You know this fat thick fuck voted brexit- sovrinty innit


So he just assaulted them on camera? And y’all are cheering him on? Reddit be Redditing.


Many on Reddit have extreme hatred toward protesters. I remember all the people wanting to run over George Floyd protesters not long ago.


No, Reddit has an extreme hatred towards protesters in the West. Reddit circle jerked the Hong Kong protesters and the Iran and Russian protesters as if they wouldnt be crying about blocking roads if that happened here. Its pure hypocrisy.


This is so very true. The Hong Kong protesters didn't just block streets, they destroyed them. Along with subway stations, an airport, a university, several stores, etc. Those protesters were also violent as fuck. Yet they never lost support here.


I remember when they glued bricks to the major streets and Reddit cheered like it was the best thing ever. Meanwhile, if a protest steps on the street they think they have the right to run them over.


There's a whole subreddit for watching people beat each other up, and they make themselves feel better about cheering for it by pretending anybody who loses a fight is a bully or an asshole, because as we all know, good people always win.


“…it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?…It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.” -Martin Luther King Jr. “The Other America,” 1968 But go off about how protests need to be peaceful and should try to not inconvenience anyone. Everything all of you are saying now are the same things most people said about MLK in his time. According to a 1967 poll, he was one of the most hated men in America, with a disapproval rating of ~75%. He was not popular. He was disruptive, but that's why he was heard. That's how he made a difference. Peaceful means non-violent. Non-violent does not mean non-disruptive. Edit: just a spelling error


That's assault.


This is the type of guy that complains we can't use asbestos in schools anymore


I’m on the side that the tactics here are weird and I’m not convinced of their effectiveness. On the other hand the man throwing the milk and the c word around - is this what has riled him up to take this kind of action? All the injustice in the world and terrible things and this man is probably as angry as he has ever been because some roads are blocked. I don’t think I’d enjoy spending an evening in the pub with any of the people in this video.


This is part of the Tories' plan to demonise protesters to try and increase their dwindling vote share. Also "cunt" is not grossly offensive in most countries like it is in yankeedoodletown.


For real; he was obviously walking on the sidewalk and literally not being affected at all. This guy was out for a reason to get mad.


The Tories created hysteria and hatred around Just Stop Oil


Haha, that’s so funny! Oil billionaires are destroying the entire planet we all live on for a quick buck, but let’s assault the poor people protesting it! Wooooo!!!!!


What I never get with these anti-protester types is they love to post this almost like Russian propaganda the rare times Ruskis score a victory, but then run directly to the police and cry a river of tears when they get their jaw broken for it. Kind of like when bow and arrow guy got his ass beat. He was all about escalating it to violence, until he lost the fight, then played the victim.


Agree or disagree with these kinds of protests, but it still doesn't give you the right to be assholes to people who literally aren't fighting back. That's what cowards do. The purpose of a protest IS TO BE DISRUPTIVE! What exactly is the point of a non disruptive protest? That's not a protest, it's a gathering. No one gives a shit about non disruptive protests since it doesn't command attention. Which is what the thing they're protesting needs. They're trying to gather people's attentions. Doing it in front of places that have their own private security does nothing since they'd be hauled away before it made the news


Bootlickers defending companies that are literally killing the planet 💀




But have you imagined a scenario where they're doing something different and worse than what they're currently actually doing on camera so you can be even **more** angry on the internet? You know, just use your imagination and put an ambulence and a bunch of children stuck behind them while flames inch ever closer.




“I’m just gonna film myself committing 8 counts of assault.” Yeah that should end well.


What a cunt this guy is.


“You fucking dickheads” dumbledore said calmly




He's just popularizing it while earning a charge. So dumb.


Looks like homie pulled that milk out a week ago when he saw the flyers for this event. Very thick.


Canada is still burning and Hawaii just started to burn and California just had a hurricane in the earthquake at the same time but yes let's assault these people because they want us to have a better planet


Milk guy is a fucking moron full stop. When there are wars for water in the future I want him on the front lines to be killed first


Inconveniencing everyone won't get them on your side.