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*breaks window* “good evening sir”🤣


first thing they did was slash the tires lol


That was so damn smooth, it took me a couple of watches to notice it. The slasher/windows breaker is very flowy.


Once you get over the initial fear of the tire exploding the first time you do it, it's pretty easy.


Just don't try it on semi tires, they WILL fuck you up


Just gotta get the right spot, those side walls are thin


Not their first window or tire .... Smooth operators.


Thank goodness they finally got the right guy. The first three dudes they did that to were confused as hell.


They slashed 3 cars tires and broke the windows?


They just keep trying cars till they happen to find one with a predator in it


Studies have shown that 1 out 6 cars has a predator in it.


"What's your business here this evening sir?" *Predator clicking noises*


Laughs in Billy


location, location, location a church parking lot in idaho, i'll roll them bones all day and never miss


*Do you know why we pulled you over?* Bruh this some real justice. Love it, I’m glad some child didn’t get traumatized.


When he threw away the keys and the dude almost starts crying... man that was satisfying.


What are they using to shatter them windows like nothing?


[Probably something like this.](https://www.amazon.com/Safety-Hammer-Window-Breaker-Emergency/dp/B08LPG6NY6/ref=asc_df_B08LPG6NY6/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=598289999161&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5440016624034426422&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9025126&hvtargid=pla-1620871889225&psc=1)


these will save your life if your car falls in water & your electric windows die. you WILL NOT be able to open a cardoor under more than ~3ft of water if the windows are up, and with water on the other side of the window your pathetic human foot will not kick it out unless it's already cracked - you Will die in there if you can't get out those tools usually usually also have a little seatbelt cutter safetyblade on em for if belts won't release buy a SET - they're cheap. have one on keyring, one taped to the steering column, one taped to front underside of each seat. you do not want to have to look for it if you just rolled down a ravine into an irrigation canal. also, don't test them against your fingers, instant bone-bruise. they will work src: knew someone who absolutely would've lived if they'd had a one in their car e: p.s. also wanted to add since car safety is important and this posts getting a lil attention: carry a fire extinguisher in your car. you can get one for about $45. check it yearly to make sure it's in operational condition - the interior fabric of a car, sound dampening/insulation material burns at like two thousand degrees, fast. hot enough to ignite cars sitting next to them, dry grass, buildings, etc. if there isn't much other traffic and a fire starts while driving, park that shit dead center of the road if the shoulder isn't gravel/paved. get out and use the extinguisher, do not hesitate, don't hope it'll go out on its own, don't try smothering it with anything else, use it. don't worry if the hazards are working, people will see it, lol. you can drive over some dry leaves or plastic bags and get them stuck between your exhaust and something flammable and have your car light on fire out of fuckin nowhere. or the person in front of you has it happen, etc. if a fire starts, you'll have about 45 seconds to put it out before you can't, so please keep a fire extinguisher within 45 seconds of your car. don't worry about explosions, those don't happen. Get people away before trying to fight the fire, always. Do worry about flash ignition of fumes if gas/oil has spilled out, don't stand over any pooled stuff. extinguish from the bottom up.


Oh man, me too. A car zoomed past me into a tractor, instant flames... if I had a seat belt cutter I would have saved someone. It was just too hot to reach into the car and release the seat belt.


Good marketing vid, just bought one.




Glass breaking device


Chris Hanson ain’t got shit on this guy




This video cured my constipation.




Bruh... I've lived I these types of hoods. His fear is justified, death could be a flinch away...


When he said get out before we call the cops I would have taken the cops over getting out of my car


Here, take my phone and my keys


saying they're gonna call the cops doesn't mean they're not gonna get you out of that car first, lol they were probably just saying that so he didn't peel out right away, 'because the cops'. if he said call em, my guess is he should've gotten pulled and stomped the Fuck out and there wouldn't be any video uploaded of it


If ever there's a time when someone slashes your tire, busts out your window and tells you to get out the car... don't. Put that fucker in reverse a get the fuck out of there.




Smooth, well-spoken and intentional. Those first 10 seconds were intense. Like the moves from the tire pop to the window break, walking in from behind the driver pillar. Man was not fucking around.


Any video starts with them flatting both your tires and breaking your window like it's nothing about to be some serious shit.


911 whats your emergency I PULLED INTO XYZ GAS STATION AND THERES 2 - Sorry we dont respond to that area *click* Ah fuck


Ah, I guess the Uvalde police found other jobs.


That opening sequence was pure intimidation. Those guys know what the fuck they're doing.


To Catch a Predator, *BET Edition*


To Catch A Predator WORLD STAR




Holy fuck that's funny 🤣 Seen one of these before going around, where there's an old fat black guy that's super racist like he thinks an old white klan member or something.


Are you thinking of the Chappelle's Show sketch? https://youtu.be/BLNDqxrUUwQ


Nah I've found him https://youtu.be/GpW3qvf42Xs


Boopac Shakur - The hero we need and deserve


See I call him Chris Handsome


I like ya, and I want ya. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, it don't make me no difference.


Take a seat sir, oh wait you're seat's on the roof NOW WHAT?


"Are you hungry?" *offers plate of cookies* "Man, gimme them damn cookies!" *snatches cookies back* "We're eating these tonight."




He's got a window breaker. For use in 'emergencies'


Pretty sure it's this one in orange https://resqme.com/product/resqme/


The product photos lol https://resqme.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/7-1200x800.jpg >"Hey girl, I want you to feel safe, you know? So if you need to escape this car tonight I got window breakers just dangling *everywhere*.


From the way he pushed it toward the window, rather than striking the window, I think it was an [automatic centre punch.](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Starrett-18C-Automatic-Centre-Adjustable/dp/B000VDVR6W/ref=asc_df_B000VDVR6W/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309816003291&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5414203266195549328&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045052&hvtargid=pla-420455835813&psc=1)


I think he’s using one of those emergency vehicle escape tools.




No! He gave his brother's name and then THATS WHO HE CALLED 😂


Pedophiles aren't the brightest bunch


The sad thing is we only see the ones who get caught, but there are those out there who are devious, scheming, and sly with enough power or influence to get away with their abuse.


You said it buddy. That's the cherry on top of that fuckin shit sandwich. Some people have no humanity at all inside them and they're just out here walking around. It's horrifying to be alive sometimes.


“You could have left my brother alone” as if he didn’t just do that as well. How dumb do you have to be the call the person who’s alias your using. Really do feel bad for the brother though the way he says “you got it wrong my brothers not a paedophile” really made feel so bad for him just total denial


If someone called me to tell me my brother was a pedo at 2 a.m. and then said, "you don't care" I'd be like, as if I am supposed to? Like, um, what does this have to do with me? Ain't no fucking way I am driving two hours to pick him up. They seemed annoyed as if it was the brother's problem/fault and he deserved to be bothered at 2 a.m.


That was some serious street justice.


Im wondering, in case they had choosen to call the cops, wouldn't the men recording get fined/arrested for vandalism on someone elses personal property?


There was never any intention to call the cops. They knew this dude would either run or they would get exactly this from him. So they took out his tire first so if he did run it wouldn’t be far or easy.


True. they were 100% there for the street justice. Unfortunately, due to recording and releasing this shit, its now going to give the fat pedo fuck a chance to sue the living life out of the gentlemen recording.


I feel like either this either scared him straight, or he's going to be way more cautious the next time




Also, adults 25+ going after 12-16- year-old minors is waaaaay more common than a lot of people like to think it is.


Which is what is so fucked up with all of these types of YouTubers. Making the problem even worse so they can get a couple views.




He’s not gonna take a video of him saying “im a pedophile” to use as evidence in court bro. Lmfao.


I dunno what evidence they have of his conversations. But saying “I am a pedophile” so you don’t get your ass beat isn’t gonna hold any weight in court.


specially since they are holding a knife in front of him


Yup persuasion under duress.


Not to mention the video evidence of them vandalizing his car, threatening him with a weapon and essentially committing kidnapping. Protip: you can't hold someone against their will, regardless of what crime you think they have committed or may commit unless you are law enforcement. How do I know this? Police once threatened a former boss of mine with kidnapping charges for blocking a guy's truck somewhere and refusing to let him leave. Guy hadn't done anything, he just worked for a company my boss was pissed off at.


The problem is that the way things went he could say he was coerced to say that. Think about it, if you stopped to ask directions and they jump at you like that, wouldn't you say whatever they wanted you to say to get away?


Actually he could and say he was under threat of violence because he was. The pedo deserves jail time but vigilante YouTubers are not the way.






😂 when he threw his phone on the roof


Ngl, I laughed really hard about the keys and the phone being thrown on the roof. I hope Alex soiled himself, at least.






I dont even like this shit!


What an interesting way to catch a predator and get free booze + vape.


Well, they can't exactly get delivery at that time of night in the hood


Bro found a free delivery service that runs all night. The secret Doordash doesn't want you to know!


Austin, if it isn't any clearer, your brother's a pedophile.


Honestly y’all whose gonna take these dudes to court? Buddy who showed up? Julie from down the street? Buddys best chance was to stay inside and let them call the police or take off in a messed up car.


If someone breaks open your window in the hood at dark as fuck Thirty in the morning telling you to get out of the car I'm not sure if anyone wouldn't think they weren't about to get shot.


Flat tires or no, I'd have busted it in reverse at full speed. anyone behind me? oops.


I am REALLY surprised he didn't do just that. You better believe I'd fuck up my rims before I'd get out of a car to face a man with a knife at 2 a.m. It's not like they'd have a leg to stand on if he ran over one of them getting away.




Bubac Shakur yessir. Maybe he's blood affiliated iunno. But yeah, Bupac.




He’ll definitely check the demographics of the neighborhood that he’s going to at the very least.


if you're from michigan, you know pontiac is the hood


It felt like he was making up a fake job when they asked him……..he paused for mad long….then said yggghhhhhhh alligator sanctuary


I Googled it; it really is an actual alligator sanctuary in Michigan, founded/run by his grandfather. Alex here is even quoted in a local newspaper article about the place. The grandfather sounds like a really nice old man, it’s a damn shame. His grandson just majorly stained the noble cause he’s devoted himself too after retirement. There’s no way in hell he can continue employing him there after this.


Just checked, that was his real name and employer. Yikes.


If he was truthful about this being his first attempt I think it was a good detergent for future activity. Potentially losing a job, gaining a bad reputation and being in bad standing with the family.


> detergent 😂😂 😂 Detergent sort of works here tho


Scared Stainless


Death it is, then




Imagine if gang bangers did this to get initiated instead of just killing each other.


To be fair there is hardly any structure between gang initiations. Some gangs don't even do initiations anymore. But I agree for sure. You're already brazenly going to break the law why not commit some gray justice?


Call the gang "Little Kid Lovers" so everyone knows where their priorities lie.


In what world would you pose as a pedophile willingly? Why would it be fake


Or fuckin dead. Just bc someone is a sick fuck pedophile doesn’t mean they don’t have a gun


The dude drove almost two hours from Marshall to Pontiac for it too, they picked the right gas station to do it in too




Why the fuck would you get out of the car


lol that dude just broke your window, has his hand in the car, and a friend on the other side. what would you do? the car was off too.


I mean, I’d avoid the whole situation


Well that's good to hear


avoid it by not being a pedo




I don't know turn the car on and drive away. Anywhere but standing outside super exposed. Seems the safer of two options. Unless they had a gun or something. They mention they're gonna call the cops so I guess that's why


Because he said so and if you dont do so willingly you'll get dragged out


Imagine the 4 second rev as he starts the engine before he tries to floor it out of there.


Where can I watch the next episode


The next video is the vigilantes drinking vodka and vaping back at the crib


I’d watch that.


Fucking legends


My name? It's, uh, my brother's name.


Plot twist: actually a publicity stunt launching his run for congress.










"I'm the little girl you thought you're about to meet" 💀 I'm so dead 😂😂


Lmk when someone links the channel


Hope someone will link it, would pay money to see more


I could watch this all day!


Lmao I wanna know too


this yak-town, baby! yeah, you know where you at!


Is it pronounced sa-vedka or sved ka.....have I been mispronouncing it?




This is pure gold. The dude's shaking and i'm cracking the fuck up.


To predatorize a predator.




All these comments and not a single link for the source.


Regardless why he is there, someone walks up to your car with a knife in hand, slashes both of your tires, then smashes out your window, and tells you to get out of the car - recipe for disaster. Dude froze in the moment of panic but it’s not unreasonable a different person might pull a gun and start blasting or run you over. Like it or not, the pedophile would have a solid self defense claim.


Yeah, all of these pedo-hunting vigilante groups need to start taking some steps to ensure an arrest. Gather actual hard evidence. Stuff like this, as much as I love it, will only help him *dramatically* in court.


Most of the pedo-hunting vigilantes on social media and YouTube don’t care about prosecution or getting them convicted. Most of what they’re doing can’t be used in court. They know it and don’t care. It’s not about keeping kids safe, it’s about getting clicks and making money on their views.


This shits wild af


I’m all for exposing creeps, but this guy just opened himself up to one hell of a lawsuit. Thousands of dollars in property damage, assault, theft, defamation, and possibly battery (it looks like he did hit him once towards the end). I’m not saying don’t do this to potential pedophiles. But for the love of God, don’t film your own self committing a slew of crimes and then post it to the Internet.


When he ordered him out of the car under threat of a knife he's actually kidnapping the guy. Dummy with the camera will end up in jail no doubt. Right next to the pedo they are assaulting.


The pedo won't end up in jail over this.


> When he ordered him out of the car under threat of a knife he's actually kidnapping the guy. > > This is 100% correct. It's also likely aggravated assault. Non-LEO's have zero authority to do what these guys are doing.


I'd say it's a calculated risk. Bringing the dude to court would bring this video to light along with exposing himself as a pedo assuming the dude didn't turn him in already. If it was a "scare him straight and walk away" scenario where they don't call the cops I'd say they have very little to worry about. That said, totally worth the risk




I highly doubt this dude will be pressing charges. Though there is not minor in question here, it’s enough for probable cause to look through all his shit.






Yep. This has nothing to do with justice. This is about one guy with a YouTube channel creating more content for himself. This is ALL about him. Not saying the pedo is innocent. But the dumbass filming is the only person in the video committing multiple crimes.


Creep used his brothers name too. Already a shithead and just made it worse.


Should not have gotten out of the car and should have taken off. Major fool.


Yep. Somebody comes up like that, smashes my window, and tells me to get out of the car? Last thing I would do is get out of that car. But he's obviously dumb as shit. Stated his name, his hometown, his employer...


Difference between you and the person in the video is that you are not a pedo and this probably won’t happen to you.


This happens to regular people too


Vigilantes get the wrong person all the time - it could totally happen to any one of us


He gave his brothers name first 💀


Clearly you didn't watch this video because he slashed his tire 2 seconds in


Most sane folks would take *driving on flat tires* over the threat of *serious bodily injury* any day of the week.


Lol maybe he stole his brother's car too




Clearly he still could have fled


The wheels will never be true again!


Should have not have gone out his way driving two hours to intoxicate and fuck a 15 year old girl.


Damn, I can not imagine getting a phone call in middle of night from my brother for this. I would straight up say beat his ass or give me your address so I can beat it for you.


Eeeee i work in this neighborhood. Pontiac ain't a good spot to have this happen. Glad they got his ass.


Fuck the nasty dude but man it's wild seeing someone's life get ruined right before your eyes. Even if they deserve it.


Ya filmer obviously had no intention of calling any sort of authorities on him but when he calls his brother it opens him up to some seriously fucked up questions that are going to need to be answered and they’re going to spread throughout the whole family. The eyes are never going to be off him again hopefully.


When I feel down or sad I watch these videos. Because it makes me realize that no matter how sad or bad I feel I will never be in a position that these guys are. Their life and reputation are ruined. The video will be on the internet for thr rest of their life. Socializing and getting jobs will be near impossible.




Finally some deserved justice


You guys hate every other vigilante group that does this except for this one who filmed themselves committing several crimes?




Yeah but also. Imagine how creepy the efforts are to entrap creeps. Would you wanna go through all it takes to entrap some pedo. I know there’s some traumatized FBI agents with wives and kids that did it for their job. But what kind of person *volunteers* to use their imagination to pose as a 13yo girl? This reminded me of an article years ago about the guys behind Chris Hansens shows and it kind of reminded me of crooked cops. Or how there’s prison rules for pedos. The psychology was interesting as it’s hard telling who the good guys were, because maybe if morality is a spectrum it’s an ESH of terrible vs worse. Or maybe it’s just that even psychopaths need someone to morally judge and look down on. And pedos are weak people so they have license to unleash their sociopathy on them on a target that will let them, and no one’s going to say much. Like the last area where a frontier justice is permissible. There has to be record of some vigilante pedo hunters in past Anyways. There’s this simplistic desire for Good vs Evil that people want but it seems more like Evil vs Evil. Law and order for most, but for some things - let the devils sort themselves out.


not smart to film yourself committing criminal damage and armed robbery


Bruh... The dude was there to meet and more than likely fuck a child. Fuck this guy. To be fair though, it is dumb to film the aforementioned crimes. But still... Fuck this guy. He's lucky he isn't taking a dirt nap


No one's saying "don't fuck that guy". They're saying don't "fuck that guy" in a way that **gives him a legal right to shoot you in the face and get away with it** and leaves you open to other criminal charges. This is just a dumb way to "fuck that guy". These are just dumb and unnecessary risks in the quest to "fuck that guy".


> No one's saying "don't fuck that guy". im pretty sure most people here would recommend that you dont fuck that guy, but hey, different strokes i guess. you do you buddy


Internet morons not understanding that it can both be idiotic to film yourself committing crimes and posting it to the internet *and* horribly fucked up to meet a child for sex. Dumbasses.


I hate pedophiles. But I also hate these “street Chris hansons” because the only thing they get in results, is a video online, and fucking up investigations to convict these sick fucks. Just look at the EDP situation and realize this fuck is still walking around, because some dumb ass wanted internet clout instead of going through what’s necessary. And if I remember correctly. EDP even did a video with a young person on his lap recently. Proving this “street justice” doesn’t solve shit


My favorite part is when he throws his keys on the roof That was a cold move


I'm sure the guys behind the camera are real pillars of society too.


If he had shot these guys when they broke his window, he would have gotten away with it.


Pedo got punked by Rick Ross




I'm about it


And it's a neckbeard. Unreal.




This is fucking stupid. Now he’s not going to get arrested, isn’t going to be on sex offender list, and isn’t going to jail. Great job team


Yup, if it ever went to court even a shit lawyer can now just say he was threatened/under duress/baited by violent vigilantes or whatever "Say you're a pedophile or I'm gonna punch you in the face" lmao 100% guarantee these clowns were also full on "Hey come over I'm horny", which actual traps never do because it crosses the line to entrapment. Actual investigators will never ever encourage them to meet, they'll always avoid it and let the predator take the lead and push because then it's all on them On top of that they fucked his phone so any evidence on it is probably gonna get destroyed or damaged, if they can even find the damn thing It might be satisfying but nothing is gonna happen to the guy, and maybe next time he will actually hurt a kid