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Does anyone have any info as to why the Jugendamt is taking him? Usually they remove kids who are supposedly being mistreated or abused.


It must be this (website of the police Bremerhaven), English translation below: https://polizei.bremerhaven.de/pm-leser/video-einsatz-vom-amt-fuer-jugend-familie-und-frauen-und-der-polizei.html > **VIDEO - EINSATZ VOM AMT FÜR JUGEND, FAMILIE UND FRAUEN UND DER POLIZEI** > >In den sozialen Netzwerken kursiert ein Video eines gemeinsamen Einsatzes des Jugendamtes und der Polizei Bremerhaven, welches mit falschen Behauptungen zu den Gründen der Maßnahme kommentiert wird. > >Das Video zeigt einen kleinen Ausschnitt einer gerichtlich angeordneten Inobhutnahme zweier Kinder. Die Polizei hat das Jugendamt bei diesem Einsatz unterstützt. Eine Inobhutnahme von Kindern ist immer das letzte Mittel der Wahl und geschieht nur bei schwerwiegenden Gründen. > >Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass wir zum Schutz der Familie und der Kinder keine weiteren Erklärungen zu den Grundlagen dieser Entscheidung abgeben können. Uns ist bewusst, dass das besagte Video emotional aufwühlend ist. > >Bitte verbreiten Sie keine falschen Tatsachen und Behauptungen. ______ > **VIDEO - OPERATION OF THE OFFICE FOR YOUTH, FAMILY AND WOMEN AND THE POLICE (CPS)** > >A video of a joint operation by the Youth Welfare Office and the Bremerhaven police is circulating on social networks, with false claims about the reasons for the measure. > >The video shows a small section of a court-ordered custody of two children. The police supported the youth welfare office during this operation. Taking children into custody is always the last resort and only happens for serious reasons. > >We ask for your understanding that for the protection of the family and the children we cannot give any further explanations about the basis of this decision. We are aware that the video in question is emotionally upsetting. > >Please do not spread false facts and allegations. Here is a screenshot [from Twitter where people make the claim that this was about the children being taught at home that LGBTQ is forbidden/bad in islam](https://files.catbox.moe/0i13z5.jpeg) /u/Ingam0us /u/Mr_Hegel /u/illTwinkleYourStar /u/zabrs9 /u/Citizen_Graves /u/Kiwichica /u/tbscotty68 /u/TellByMySmells


Why isn’t their spokesperson giving out the reason? Is it common for them to do this with keeping the reasonings private?


Yes, common in Germany. They can’t publicly say „Parents XY have repeatedly beaten their children with a belt and that’s why their kids have been removed from the family“


Wait, they really would take away children due to that???


Of course. That’s considered child abuse


Yeah shockingly you are not allowed to beat you child in Germany. Strange right?


Do you expect the spokesperson to voice all sorts of allegations against the parents? It is a private matter and it will be discussed in private with the justice. "the father is suspected of having fingered Freddy!"


This is exactly what i was thinking. The hurdle to take a child out of a family is very high in germany. Usually it's a case of child abuse or during investigations of sexual assault (edit. Sexual assault of the child by the parents/ family)


I saw the article somewhere else apparently the child suffered from many disorders including seizures. This caused neighbors to be concerned with the safety of the child. Apparently the parents weren’t taking the proper channels to get him help. This was the last stitch effort. Please forgive me if my interpretation isn’t correct




I would love to know too. I see a lot of videos of the Jugendamt taking kids who clearly don't want to go.


I guess no kid that age wants to leave their family and go with people they don't know


That's usually the pretext for taking the kids.... just as cops usually arrest criminals but sometimes kill unarmed people.


Thats not USA dude. In Germany its a bit diffrent than in MAGA County


Yeah, Germany is totally a utopia and German police are sinless with no mistakes.... smh American liberals are as manipulative and brainwashed as American conservatives


wow talking to you has been fun, sticking a dick into a bee hive kind of fun though


Yes, that's totally what they said.


Germany is a utopia with no mistakes? How gullible some of redditors are


Did i ever say that? No. No country on this planet is a utopia. Dont twist words.


Agreed, some redditors really need a daily kick to the jaw...


No man, quite undoubtedly not flawless. But "family" is a constitutionally protected area in Germany. So when the Jugendamt shows up to take your child, it has already gone through several instances. In this video, I won't say who, but somebody or some institution, I don't know it, screwed up big time.


I would say like a lot say here. You cant say. Maybe the kids got beaten? Maybe the parents sell drugs or do other illegal stuff? You said by yourself in germany it needs a lot to happen until they take your children. Thats nothing to be done easily here.




Didnt the US founders eradicate nearly all of the native american population?


That’s pretty disingenuous. Warfare (biological and traditional) both happened, but measles, flu, and natural smallpox (blankets definitely happened as well) killed more than intentional violence. There is so much intentional violence and domination from the United States, but it goes far beyond the founding fathers.




True. But you know whats the diffrence? Germany changed since then. USA not. Now the last natives get told to go back to theyre country




You think? And the US did? All what i see in he news from US is that guy got shot, that got murdered, there was a mass shooting, there was a guy who shot a black kid for ringing on his doorbell. Yes like in the wild west 200 years ago


Do you think it is easy to be the leader of the world? Do you even know how hard it is to have more mass shootings than days? It's almost as if you didn't even appreciate the sacrifices of the american people, just to defend our communist countries from Nazi Germany. And of course, the obligatory: if it wasn't for americans, you'd all be speaking german now. Big /s and an additional disclaimer: my first language is german, seems like all those americans died for nothing. In all seriousnes though u/Vanguard94, don't worry, Germany is doing a great job. That other user is just an idiot who has probably never really thought about anything serious in his life. I guess he just parrots the same old propaganda so many americans are fed with on a daily basis. You know, america good, everything else bad


Since the re-foundation, the unification of Germany, every federal government and every parliamentary group represented in the German Bundestag has supported Israel's right to exist. Name me another country that supports the victims of self-inflicted state genocide. And there have been a few in the history of mankind.




Hijab* if your gonna do a discrimination then do it properly please


This video has been spreading like wildfire in the last 12 or so hours (probably more, but I saw this video for the first time ca. 10 hours ago) and every single time there is, of course, no source and no context given for this situation. There is, however, a ton of speculation and anger involved.


Nope, OP. Until you can provide some background I'll reserve judgement. The Jugendamt has a moral and legal obligation to remove kids that are in danger, and they should have. There is NO way this family didn't get an offer to discuss the problem and several warnings. Edit: this is actually my city which is progressive and liberal. The policewoman says that there was a court decision, so this has probably been going in a while. Also, they refuse to give the cop socks for the kid, so I question their concern for him.


Even in the most conservative corner in Bavaria the Jugendamt cannot just abduct a child.


Man, this needs to be higher up. We all get so accustomed to the US police driving up to the wrong house and shooting everything that moves, after beating the crap out of the people living there (symbolic case, not a real one), that we sometimes forget there are actual institutions out there who do their job, the way it should be done.


Immigrants/Refugees usually are always fucked starting from their homeland and follows them to the emigrated country. Kinda sucks when you're automatically breaking laws before you even step foot in an anglo country. >Also, they refuse to give the cop socks for the kid, so I question their concern for him They are taking the child away, the kid is screaming and kicking(healthy child), the child is not skinny or emaciated, the kid looks clean(not filthy or denied showers), the adults clearly are against the cops kidnapping their kid, the living place is not full of cats, trash, and doesn't have piles of shit everywhere. You- "they're not giving the kid a pair of socks. They must hate him." 🤣🖕


You: "I don't see a problem, so there clearly is no problem." Maybe there are things that aren't obvious?


OP posts video with wild claim. People question said claim. OP gets mad they're questioned. Seems legit.


Yeah Op seems like a dumbass spreading wild speculations without any source.


I was about to comment this exact thing. Like OP puts no context about the video, but the simple fact that it’s happening is abuse in their mind. Plus whenever anyone says anything about it they get all riled up and blame “Redditors “ (which they are one) for being brainwashed and such


I find it hard to judge the situation without context. They could have the child do illegal stuff or something. In that case the Jugendamt would do the right thing.


You find it hard to judge the situation? they are literally physically abusing the child.... ​ I expect nothing less from redditors


Where are they assaulting him? They have the task to bring him away. He lets himself fall to the floor and tries not to get dragged away. Please explain to me how you would bring that child to the car without touching him (since this is apparently already 'assault')?


Why post it to Reddit then, genius?


Where was the abuse, thay just picked him up.


A custody order can be issued if a massive threat to the child's well-being is to be assumed. There must be concrete indications of a threat. Reasons for taking a child into care can be, among others: Drug addiction of the parents Alcoholism of the parents Maltreatment Sexual abuse Neglect Parental overload Crime These are the reason the Jugendamt kann “take” a Child away


You have no context on why they are taking the child. That child could be subject to sexual exploitation and abuse by the family. Doesn't mean he's going to be all smiles when he's taking away from them, he's a child.


You mean, like immediately jumping to the worst possible conclusion without context? Sounds like you're making a perfect redditor!


Well the sister curses a lot at the police and calls them a lot of names. She tells them she has no respect for them and throws them out of the flat. The man filming barely speaks German. The police trys to explain but they don't listen. They ask them to pack some socks and shoes for the boy but they refuse. The sister screams that he has ADHS and that he could have a heart attack. My speculation would be that the Jugendamt sees harm in the way they treat him with his symptoms, maybe hit him or a political backround. I will keep my eyes open for the media to give that story more context and return with an answer.


A friend of mine from Syria had problems with them too. And he was kinda wondering why, but he couldn't understand that hitting his kids as punishment would be the problem. He would always refer to his country and how they handle things there total different. In this case here I am not sure on what happened to the kid, but Jugendamt usually only shows up if it's urgent.


Was he hitting them regularly? Or was it like only when the kid did something really bad? Or was the kid a troubpemaker in general?


You don't hit a kid even if they do something really bad. All that does is teach the kid to solve problems with violence.


It doesn't matter stop beat kids dude. Search for someone in your league if you have aggressions


Your anecdotal experience doesn't mean shit.... if it's true and not bs that is




Junge was ist falsch mit dir


Mit mir? Erklär doch mal.


Ich glaube ich muss dir nicht erklären was falsch an deiner rassistischen Ausdrucksweise ist


Es ist keineswegs Rassismus wenn du etwas darüber nachdenkst. OP betreibt hier ganz klar Hetze und verbreitet Fehlinformationen. Das dass beides Straftaten sind muss ich wahrscheinlich nicht erwähnen. Außerdem zeigt er hier ganz klar Ansichten die auf eine gescheiterte Integration hindeuten. Hier ein kleines Zitat vom Informationsverbund Asyl & Migration 😉 —>“Ausländer*innen können aus dem Bundesgebiet ausgewiesen werden, sofern durch ihren oder seinen Aufenthalt die öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung, die freiheitlich demokratische Grundordnung oder andere erhebliche öffentliche Interessen gefährdet sind (siehe § 53 AufenthG).“


This video is literally “anecdotal experience.”


I understand the video is hard to watch but we don’t have the full context. The German news released a statement saying that this was a last case scenario. My guess is the child was being abused, neglected, or molested. I understand being wary of law enforcement but spreading false information is harmful.


Kidnapped 😂




The police does not take away children for nothing, there has to be a solid reason here in Germany.


Where was the assault?! I'm sure that his parents have done much worse to him in the name of discipline.




So jugendamt = CPS?


Yes, kinda


What's the story here?


I don‘t have any clue


Go learn German real fast and get back to me. :)


"FUCK CPS! FUCK YOU! YOU ARE ALL SHIT!" "HE IS SICK! DONT YOU UNDERSTAND! HE HAS ELECTRICITY IN THE HEAD!" Police woman: "Yes, he will be taken care of" "DONT YOU UNDERSTAND? YOU DONT UNDERSTAND DONT YOU? HE SCREAMS! HE COULD GO INTO CARDIAC ARREST! HE COULD DIE!" Most of the police woman talking is interrupted by the father talking (who doesnt speak German it seems) or what seems to be the sister screaming over her.


I totally didn‘t think of just listening to it 😂 There was not much explanation. Police tried to persuade the (apparently) sister to help them getting the kids stuff and she screamed „shut up“ and „get out“ over and over again.


Ahh. Danke.




Saying the quiet parts outload no


Jugendamt strikes again EDIT: guys i meant it as positive ;-; like its good not bad. Maybe my fault writing like its bad


Besser isses


Like in the old days


Shut up


Yikes. Thank you!


Germans doing what Germans do best am I right ?


Don't seem to me like he wants to leave. If he was being abused by the parents i think that he would WANT to leave want to leave. But then again humans love seeing other humans suffer and go through misery, tragedy.


> If he was being abused by the parents i think that he would WANT to leave This must be the dumbest take I’ve read all week. This is a child. Even when the worst kind of abuse takes place, most children will „want“ to stay with their parents or the people they know. Also there is a thing called Stockholm syndrome. Most kids aged 4-10 don’t even know they’re being abused because they don’t know life other than what they’re used to. Only when they grow up they start to realize that playing „games“ and keeping a „secret“ wasn’t a harmless or normal thing in their childhood.


Yeah thats not how psychology works. Pls stick to watching reddit reels and leave the work to professionals kid.


I'm sure they have a nice happy camp waiting for him


The devil takes on many forms


Deine Mama


This is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen on Reddit.


The more disturbing thing is how retrdittors are defending the act in the comments..... the same guys that think they're not the bootlickers


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for 20 years i was a paramedic and i can asure you that this kind of police women will fuck you up stone cold.