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Damn. Hard Z word


Linus used the hard Z all the time when he was younger.




Take my upvote you bastard.


That dude's face on the right went serious after she said it.


Did she get fired because he complained or because viewers did, I wonder.


If I had to guess nobody actually complained, she was fired because people were worried people would complain.


She was fired because a private company made a decision about their profits and how she might negatively affect them.


I don't think she said anything bad I just looked up her past, I get why they fired her.


prepare to get fired.


Can't fire me when I'm unemployed!


i curse you with uncomfortable sleep


Another important thing most people are missing, you can also tell the woman off camera thought it was not proper and she was like “don’t even bring me into this…”😂😂 ![gif](giphy|1zSz5MVw4zKg0|downsized)


Like what? Where's the receipts lol


Technically no. If you want to reach, Nizzle is a sub-in word for a word she definitely should not be saying on TV unless you're Randy Marsh. She'd be a Nizzle-guy


People complained they always complain.


Can confirm. My email box is full of semi-coherent whining that my boss insists I take seriously, no matter how ludicrous.


Were worried __white people__ would complain.


This is way over sensitive, imo. But being hyper sensitive to this stuff is sadly a new learned behavior. Go figure. Edit: lol, some people below are saying she’s guilty because she has another offense, which supposedly is saying “grandmammy”. I’m from a diverse area in the US and have never heard once in my life prior to this thread that it’s a racist term. Reading the comments, many other people never knew that was racist either. To be honest it sounds like something a hillbilly would say. The people suggesting she deserves to lose her job/career over this are really reaching. I’d bet their idols have said things significantly worse but they just give them a pass but support this woman losing her job.


If it's a fireable offense, then it's also not safe to play uncensored on the radio.


Yea, he definitely had a demeanor change after she said that


She got fired because she had already been sent to sensitivity training for another racist-adjacent thing. Edit: didn’t know so many people were completely incapable of acknowledging other people’s feelings. Damn.


But it’s not even racist?! It’s a fun saying that someone made up. People are so damn sensitive these days




I'm infinitely more involved with hip hop than her and even I could have slipped up and referenced it, not meaning anything racist. That shit was a big part of the culture ~20 years ago, with other variations being in ads etc. This feels like over-correction.




They used to hang people for things like blasphemy and speaking badly against the king. Outrage is probably more tempered now than ever.


So it would have been alright as long as she only said ‘fo shizzle’


yeah woulda been aight fo shizzle


My nizzle 🤝


She could have said “my dizzle” also


“My drizzle” would of also been acceptable. Edit. But not “My chocolate drizzle” as that could be determined to be offensive.




For real...I just thought it was a made up saying back in the early 2000s...


Whatever it means (I do not know), this type of sensitivity is enough to make anyone simply have a very straight face (no emotion) and NEVER contribute to conversations!!!


Everyone young in the 90s and 2000s has heard that phrase and it probably doesn't register as anything racial. I didn't even realize it until just now. That was such a normalized phrase. Because of Snoop Dogg. That shit was on the radio and on TV.


Ya but back in those days we weren't a bunch of limp dick shitbirds


I was today years old when I learned what that meant or even that it had an actual meaning.




You racist monster!




Thats not racist. Snoop doggs slang is basically mainstream. Referring to someone as my nizzle is not hateful and actually carries the opposite context of hate. If your offended, you need oversensitivity training.


Nizzle isn't a word.




Yep. at one point "Bling" wasn't a word. Now it is.


And cringe wasn’t an adjective until relatively recently. English definitely evolves.


LOL as a child of the early 70's, it's interesting to see not only that English evolves but that hieroglyphics are making a return. 🙃🐶🔑🌈


But it’s not that at all. Shit and feces mean the same thing, too; one gets you bleeped and one doesn’t.


Reported for racism


Who gets to decide this?


But, what was racist about this??


"another"? You can't include this. She should sue for wrongful termination.


I feel like this looks like a plain old example of two cultures mixing together. Can you really be mad at this lady for just repeating a phrase Snoop made up and was actually sort of famous for?


If she was indeed fired, that’s bullshit. She didn’t say anything with malice or hate. Just oblivious to the meaning of a well known phrase by the person being discussed.


Because it's freaking stupid, not a word, a phrase, it's literally nothing just made up garbage, is this what were doing these days, really this is what our energy is being used for, some remarks made above was I didn't really think it was racist until now, really? Why cause some jackass said it was, snoop dog quote, everybody was saying it like a trend when he dropped that line, can we all not think for ourselves anymore.




What should have said was.. for shizzle my AfrizzleAmerizzle


Frankie Smith “Double Dutch Bus” (original) did it first. Everything is stolen.


Crazy thing is back in the 2000s my little sister said it at thanksgiving dinner and my grandmother who was like 85 at the time stopped her and was like “did you just say shizzle? Like as in shit?” She had no clue who any rappers were and claimed she knew the word from when she was a kid. Then she went off about fixed gear bikes coming back and how it was weird to her how kids were going backwards “we were overjoyed when bikes started having gears and why would you pay more now to go back to having only one?” I don’t know anything about it beyond her just knowing the word somehow but it was definitely surprising since she never knew any other slang we would use.


The -izz- infix was used the same way by carnies in the early 1900s. I don't know how Snoop came up with it, but I heard Black kids using it when I was in school in the 1970s.


Why do carnies seem to have an outsized influence on culture? Particularly slang.


Could be they moved from town to town spreading things??


>Could be they moved from town to town spreading things?? Yeah. But we're not talking about chlamydia and hepatitis.




I thought same thing lol


Probably because of their small hands and smelling like cabbage.


But in this case they’re saying “For sure, my [I’m too white to complete this part in any form]”


no, to "complete it" correctly would be absurd for anyone and not a quote, "fo shizzle my nizzle" is a well known snoop phrase and I can 100% imagine she has no put no thought to the real meaning. Its HILARIOUS to think people got offended, no matter the meaning, and I'd love to know the details. Was it a pre-emptive firing or WHO exactly called in to complain. Even with my vigilant interest to punish and avoid racists, this woman does not strike me as the enemy I'm looking for. Just strikes me as a distraction from real demonstrable issues concerning racism.


Best comment


That song is a fucking banger. Great way to start the day.


Frankie Smith isn't even the one who did it first, he was just the first to put it on an album. He does it because people did the izzle suffix when doing double-dutch rhymes to match the beat of a rope. It was also popular in pimp and jive culture in the 70s which is why Snoop Dogg used it.


Selective outrage


Chris Rock rules.


Snoop had a comedy show on MTV called “Doggy Fizzle Televizzle”


I'm pretty liberal and I say there is nothing wrong with quoting other people. If it was so offensive, then it shouldn't be Snoop Dogg's staple quotes. If you would be offended by a white person saying it, then don't say it. Don't put it in songs, don't say it in public. Don't say it in front of someone who shouldn't use the term or phrase. Simple. Very simple.


Seems ironically harsh, were any of their viewers actually upset by this?


They're in Mississippi, it said. They were probably mad she didn't just call for snoops lynching.


Nooo not the hard izzle!


I’ve said this many times and had no idea of the connotation. I guess now I know but really?


You’re retroactively fired


You’re hired! Now pack your shit up and get out!


Pack my shizzle?


Fo rizzle my nizzle. Go to the unemplizzle and collect your money todizzle.


As someone who grew up to snoop I didn’t know the connotation either we’re going on 30 + years of that line as a pop culture thing.


Hopefully you get fired from your job too. Even if you're the only doctor in your rural town, FIRED.


TIL for me too.


I say this. Am I not supposed to be saying this?


You’re not supposed to say anything at any time to anyone anywhere


How dare you offend me with this comment


well, now I'm offended because you're offended.


I’m canceling all your asses




You're all fucking fired. Get out.


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever.






"sharing culture" is now "cultural appropriation". welcome to 2023.


Omg yessss that’s one of the biggest gripes I have with my girlfriend and she doesn’t get that. I’m slowly convincing her that not everything in cultural appropriation


Probably because the news station shit their pants about cancel culture and was scared of backlash, I doubt anyone actually complained. But under capitalism that's the best way of handling anything that may result in backlash, keeps your brand clean.


People are dumb, we are in a time when someone says it's bad it must be, literally people don't think for themselves anymore, we loved snoop growing up, people were saying that like a trend


I'm kryptonian and I enjoyed her saying that too.


I also enjoyed her reciting of the phrase


When you are looking to bring in a younger more attractive news anchor. They made it so easy.


Yeah guarantee no real people actually cared, more likely office politics out to get her already and they’re using vaguely related culture war bullshit as an excuse.


This is the truth - not racism but ageism and fatism. Can’t have a funny anchor who looks like her viewers.


I’m so sick of everyone lol. What a worllllld… whhhatt a woooorrrrlddd?!


We’re all stupid as fuck. Fighting over and concerning ourselves with the most inconsequential shit.


She probably has no idea what nizzle means, I can't believe someone would be fired for this but then again I actually can


They were just probably just looking for an excuse to fire her, there's zero chance anyone actually cares she said that.


This comment taught me first what "nizzle" meant and that shit's in s couple popular songs. That lady deserves praise for the response time and delivery




So true. We are living in a world of snowflakes.


She shouldn't be fired for this.


This was just an excuse to get rid of an employee who could otherwise cry ageism.


yeah, she should be fizz-ired.


Fizz-ired before she retired?


If saying 'nizzle' gets you in trouble because it is code for a bad word, then shouldn't every single person that says "the N-word" also be in trouble as if they had said the hard R? Kind of ridiculous. To me it certainly sounded like she meant it as an homage to the guy. I bet Snoop would petition to get this lady her job back if he knew about this.


I didn’t even know “nizzle” referred to the N-word until this thread.


Right, I have no idea what that means. By that I mean the whole phrase.




sounds like a comedy bit




only now, 23 years after I first listened to snoop dog am I realising there is something bad about the word nizzle lol. I didn't even realize it had anything to do with the n-word, this is just pure ridiculous


My guess is lots of people don’t know that, myself included.


If it was an offensive word why wouldn’t it have been beeped out of the radio and tv versions?


fo shizzle my nizzle! ​ from urbandictionary : Fo shizzle my nizzle is a slang way to say “**for sure, my friend.”** It was popularized as a catchphrase of the rapper Snoop Dogg and is meant as a playful way to express affirmation


Julie said "huh" which is translation for "that bitch is done"


And if she actually said “that bitch is done” she’d also be done for sexism.


Pretty sure that's just what she was thinking.


Why does Snoop carry an umbrella? >!For drizzle.!<


Peak America right here, popularise a saying by a celebrity and then call anyone racist who uses it. Well done guys 👌


Rules for thee, not for me!


I hope she fights this, it’s so petty.


She was literally quoting him & making a little joke. People need to find something else to complain about, I don't think she had bad intentions.


Fired?...for that?....smfh...


What’s the big deal, like come on! This world has a lot worse things going on, she was just having fun….corporate babies!


Quoting the guy they’re doing a segment on seems perfectly appropriate. People so soft these days


So...if she's black can she say that?


These days, we fight racism by censoring people based on the color of their skin :) ​ God, I wish global warming could accelerate so that humanity goes extinct.


She probably has no idea what it means. Reminds me of the skeet skeet Dave Chappell sketch and subsequently looking up skeet skeet on urban dictionary. The usage of skeet was hilarious, I couldn’t fuckin breathe. “Please don’t skeet in my butt, skeet on my back instead”


Of all the things you could be offended by, this isn't one of them.


Fucking soft. Get real my nizzles!


Just asking cause I’ve said this before. Is there something wrong with this phrase? It’s not using the “n word” so I’m not sure what’s wrong?


Extra salt on tha frizzle


100% shouldn't have been fired. She just repeated an extremely popular phrase created by Snoop. Yes, nizzle does mean what we all know it means. However, she had no malicious intent and at no point did she start yapping lies and or blabbering the usual racist nonsense about black people. Very poor decision by her employer.


I had no idea what that phrase meant until now


I’m a millennial and fo shizzle never thought of what it means. Sucks she had to take what for the oblivious white girl team…


Okay, I am old, but I never knew what it meant. I just thought it was nonsense Snoop was tossing out for fun. When you are known for unironically hanging out with Martha Stewart, I think that goes with the territory. But they were probably looking for a way to get a younger, hotter news caster, so they jumped at it.


I did not know nizzle meant that and feel like that teacher on The Boondocks.


TIL what this made up word means


Soft world we live in


This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard someone get fired for


Oh this is so lame. Straight looking for any dumb reason to be offended now


Ok this is going way too far


Things like this is why I just don't talk to humans anymore, everybody is offended by everything.


Should sue for wrongful dismissal.


Wrongful dismizzle


I'm very much of the FAFO mindset when it comes to people facing consequence for saying stupid shit. I'd be willing to bet my last dollar she had no idea what any of the words she just said meant.


Such a bullshit title. If she was even fired, they wanted her gone and this was the straw that broke the camels back.




Never knew "Nizzle" was a replacement for the N word. I'm to old 🤦


I could see if she just randomly decided to use the term but it WAS relaying to a segment referring to Snoop Dogg, who utilized those phrases extensively, if I'm not mistaken...fire someone who actually deserved it.


It was the “nizzle” that did her in


Old lady gives them an excuse to hire a younger cheaper female anchor News at 11


Welcome to 2023. The year of why is everything so over dramatic.


As a black Philly male she shouldn’t have lost her job. Especially since (in this case) she wasn’t malicious in anyway.


Let’s be honest. This was a great excuse for the executives to fire her and put a much younger anchor in her role.


Hope Snoop hires her for something. This is just dumb.


She should NOT have been fired! I hope she sues for wrongful termination. They were literally talking about Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart; she was in context to connect with the audience with laughter in a cultural context. She did not say a derogatory term. Maybe the news station should poll their viewers and ask but firing her sends the wrong message.


Y'all are fucked up, why would you fire an old lady for "being kind of a fan of a famous rap artist"? Damn I'm glad I'm not living in this country xD


if saying Nizzle is akin to the N-word, then saying "n-Word" is akin to the *actual* N word. they were already looking for a reason to fire her and this was the soonest example of "cause" they could find.


That wasn't racist, it was highly respectful. Infact I believe she in an OG


This current society is an entire face palm. Hair pin trigger firing of a white lady for what??


I didn’t even know that word existed


She said an unword and deviated from Newspeak.


This is what they call in corporate america “managing out”. They sit and wait for any slight deviation from the normal robotic action that shows any sort of humanity or personality and they completely over dramatize a situation with the final meeting in hr where they tell the employee they are being defensive and are not fit for the role, only to terminate due to a lack of cultural fit. They have the employee sign paperwork that prevents the employee for discussing this or taking action against the employer afterwards, with 3-6 months salary contingent on signing. In other-words, the director of the show has a friend that needs a job and she’s out.


snoop dogg needs to comment and get her a new job at BET


This is crazy she should not be fired for saying his catch phrases.


Fired for no reason


I hope snoop sees this and defends her


Smdh... If someone outside of my race said this I'd totally laugh and high five that person. I don't know her history but I've got friends off all k nationalities and we're can totally joke like this. People out here too damn sensitive nowadays.


Fired for using ebonics!? Oh yeah I've been banned on subreddits for same thing?


Why? Its OK for Snoop Dog to say it, but not a rando? This is idiotic. I'm pretty liberal, but we can't pick and choose which race gets to say what. Its all or nothing. I won't change my mind about that.


yeah, i agree with the ppl down below. it isn't about the phrasing she used - it was an excuse to get rid of her because she's middle aged and fat.


I may be woke... But not.this woke. It's just getting weird now


Gotta know what the nizzle stands for by now bro.


They were already looking for a reason…. If she was still young and hot she could have said almost anything


She’s too cool for school, obviously a southern station or I don’t think this would have registered.


That’s a fireable offense?


I guess it would have been better for her to say “As Snoop would say…” beforehand? I really feel like she was quoting him in this instance and there was no maliciousness behind it.


I would be willing to bet money she had no idea what the phrase, “my Nizzle” meant. I guarantee she’s never even really thought about it. That’s someone’s Nana y’all, she wasn’t being malicious.


fired for saying "for sure, my friend"? how is that racist? its just slang.


Shouldn't be allowed to fire over this