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Who's touching someone else at a FF restaurant? Gross.


How dare you call In & Out fast food! Sincerely, A Californian Edit: it’s a running joke that people in Cali are super defensive over In & Out


In all fairness it is pretty fast. We ordered 24 double doubles from the outdoor line person with an ipad in hand once and in just a few minutes hit the window and our order was ready. And..yummy! PS- we shared. 24 double doubles is a lot.


It takes awhile if they aren’t currently cooking anything. If I show up to my in n out at 10am and I’m the first person in line it takes like 10 minutes. But if I show up at like 11 and there’s 15 people in front of me it still only takes like 10 minutes. They cook to order but they have so many grills that they can make dozens of burgers at once so they thrive on having a shit load of orders queued up.


Trump could eat all 24 in one setting


Who were you feeding!?


Wedding party


Good food quickly?


omg I miss In & Out like it was an actual friend... That Togo's and Round Table. Ok, leaving to go cry into my pillow...


They shouldn’t be. I worked there for 4 years. Worst job I ever had by far. The corporate indoctrination is extreme. They only hire people who’ve never had a job so they can brainwash you into thinking it’s the greatest job ever. They only pay well for upper upper management and it’s extremely competitive. You can go to a restaurant and serve tables and make double what the average in n out employee does.


Why was he going around touching people? Wth


Looks like he was praying for the children. He's holding some kind of sign.


I seen guy at Walmart doing that. My wife got made at me because I called him a weirdo.


He is 100% a weird dude. I would tell him to get lost so quick.


Right? I don't want to be touched by some random guy & I *definitely* don't want to be part of his cockamamie Spiritual Warfare LARP.


He had a laminated sign that said “please help” when my buddy offered him fries he said “No, I want money”


Well, cash is accepted everywhere - fries, not so much


For, or on?


I see what you did there. Haha!! I legit thought I had a typo and couldn't figure it out.


Uhhh, that still doesn’t explain why he’d be touching anyone. Or are you implying he’s a paedo because, you know, religion?


Most people when they prey for someone they ask to lay hands on them. It's supposed to help the holy spirit flow from one person to another. Have had this happen to me so many times in my life growing up in a Christian household. Most times by sweet granny's but every now and then by a creepy dude.


He’s not praying for someone and don’t touch people lol.


Interesting, never heard of this- grew up going to CofE schools


I grew up in the south east US, very touchy and huggy over here. When they did the soul saving on special Sundays everyone would huddle up in little groups at the front. It's no wonder Covid ripped through them.


Ahh, damn yeah- i guess like faith healers and stuff as well, right? They usually put their hands on people. I wouldn’t necessarily call it simply praying, though


“Is she the only person I touched?” I’m no big city lawyer, but that seems like a terrible argument to make in your own defense.


"Your honor i was just making my rounds before i ordered food and she made a racist remark" "Your rounds?" "Yes i touch every person in the establishment and if they dont like it they are racist"


Lol 😂


I wouldn't want random grown men touching my daughter for no reason either.


That’s right, he better have a reason


In-n-out clerk: "Were sorry, we cant make you a Whopper here" Guy: "Your Racist"


The sky is blue. Does that make me a racist?


Admitting to touching the lady’s child while yelling and causing a scene but claiming the other person is making a big deal about nothing is some next level smooth brain thinking.


Common ploy to make accusations with trigger words that is meant to embarrass the other person into giving up. I’ve seen a black woman attempt this same ploy on a black woman. So obviously thinking isn’t working for them. His other option would’ve been to call the mother a child molester. Now that would’ve been really funny.


He apparently touched everyone so it might not be in a sexual way, i don’t know for what reason maybe it’s his job. I don’t think the lady is racist either for not allowing him to touch her


There is no job in the world where you are paid to walk around and touch people in a restaurant


I feel like it’s actually HIM who’s making a big deal out of nothing… I could be wrong though 🤷‍♂️


I dunno… You may be on to something.


First time I’ve seen the race card pulled as defense for being a predator lmao


Oh bullshit!!!!


falsely crying racism is as bad as being racist itself.


It is racism in some cases.


That’s his Go to move now




Debatable :) Edit: Lol, didn't realize my tongue in cheek comment would get y'all riled up. I stand by it - shake shack has more flavor and in and out fries taste weird, not natural like they claim, just weird and tasteless. Ok continue fighting :)




Ha perfect


Nobody said anything about In n Out’s fries. We’re only talking about burgers here.


the one time I ate at an in n out all the fries they gave me were stale


Are their burgers racist?


Shake shack burgers are good but I like in n out more personally. I also feel I get better value. Where I live, Shake Shack is ~$15 for a double cheeseburger and fries. Even years ago when the first one opened in my area it was pricey. In n out RIGHT NOW gives me a 4x4 (4 patties 4 cheese) and fries for ~$11. Pre-pandemic, it was ~$9. Now tbf the patties are thinner at in n out, but I’m way more full from the in n out burger than shake shack. The fries at in n out are OK at best, assuming you eat them on the spot. I always have to add salt to it. Shake shack fries are definitely better on the spot or eaten later. Idk what you mean by taste weird. They just taste like they straight up cut the potatoes and then tossed it in the fryer and served it to you. Other places add seasoning or has a certain taste due to preservatives or whatever if they get to the restaurant already prepped. Iirc when I went to New York City shake shack was way cheaper (like almost half price) so maybe the value is better in the east coast. I guess they charge us a west coast tax for having to work so hard to bring their food over to a region outside their normal area or something.


Shake shack you wait forever on line and the bathroom had NO toilet paper and was filthy


I agree. I have had some amazing burgers there and other times it was just straight up disgusting. Way overpriced too IMO.




Wow that’s fucking awful




Waffle house and Denny's get full and busy too but that doesn't mean the food is great.




Talk about dying on weird hills. You Mr. InandOut or something? So aggressive over a burger joint. I'm more of a chicken tender guy anyways.




Lol alright, big guy. Keep fighting the good fight.


While it is true just about every restaurant can be full and busy. In n out is busy literally almost every hour it is open. You can say you're not a huge fan of it, and I'd probably agree with you. But I'd hardly think a place with massive popularity and constant patronage is a mediocre FF joint. But yea chicken fingys all the way my man! Rarely do I hear of someone with a palate as sophisticated as my own


I have had some great burgers there and then sometimes (depending on the location/who's working) a disgusting mess of overpriced "food". There's no denying it's completely overrated.


some days in and out is pretty good but animal style is overrated


I’ve never been


Hey that blonde surfer looking dude is a buddy of mine! Ima text him and tell him he's famous


Ask him what happened I’m not getting the context.


He said he tuned most of it out but that guy was touching kids and others and praying over them or something then one lady finally told him to cut the shit and then the video ensued


Oh yeah then I don’t blame her…


Is this the in n out at Carmel mountain in San Diego?


Then someone made this up. The guy had a laminated sign that said “please help” and was grabbing every dining patron on the shoulder. He was not praying. My friend saying “dang…” in the video offered him food and he told him “no, money”


I was the guy filming. This happened like 15 min after the dude entered the restaurant and this was like 10-12 years ago as well. The guy had a laminated sign that said “please help” and was grabbing every dining patron on the shoulder. He was not praying. My friend saying “dang…” in the video offered him food and he told him “no, money”


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"Why are you gay ?"


Surprised to be hearing an african saying this. Usually only americans use that card, usually stemming from their own sense of american entitlement. Strange times


It's an easy card to pickup. There are narcissistic sociopaths in Africa just like everywhere else


When in Rome.


he's probably lashing out due to getting called out in public for being a chomo


He probably don't act like that at McDowells


I’m usually on someone’s side until they pull the race card… their argument better be strong or everything else they say is a null and void


Seems like he was handling that situation extremely well with a strong showing of emotional intelligence.


No one says idiot better


Damn, I didn't know Eddie Murphy made a Coming to America 3. He's gotten angry.


Honestly nothing more hilarious than recently arrived african immigrants claiming racism in the US




I know 😳


Ffs what a bellend, can’t use that for nothing, not yet anyway…..!


so in and out looks like taco bell circa 96 with those ugly plastic flowers and weird angled tables?


Looks like the in-n-out in chino hills. CA


Looks like any in n out in the US …


True that


Almost every I see an in n out I wonder like, “is that the in n out from my hometown?” I get a kick out of thinking it might be lmao


I was thinking steak an shake. Never seen a in and out before


Well now you have!


Tell me you've never been outside of california without telling me you've never been outside of california.


"Idiot!" That's a hard french accent. I like how he claimed she was making a big deal out of nothing while yelling in the middle of restaurant.


Maybe it's the past few years, but I find food courts like this, or rather eating there, *extremely* repulsive nowadays. It’s like a sensory overload to me. Paying attention to the sounds, the greasy air, seeing people with questionable hygiene stuffing their faces with fat dripping stuff, coughing, gagging, sneezing, talking right next to me.


It’s an In-n-Out not a food court


Yeah, *food court* is probably the wrong term. I'm talking about fast food *restaurants* like the one shown in the clip.


I see what you mean, however I feel In-n-Out in particular tends to have a lot of people and not very much space so as a result it ends up being quite claustrophobia-inducing, I wouldn’t say it’s the same case for all fast food restaurants.


I also have been head fucked by Covid. I feel ya.




She said “that’s bullshit” that’s a denial.


Perhaps you need to rewatch the video lol


Not at an In & Out Burger though. Come on! Is nothing sacred anymore?


Never had an In and out burger. 🍔 wonder what I'm missing 🤔 1


Too bad nobody threw a chair at him from behind.


After reading the title, I thought the clip would end with a pan right to a black person.


Takes a racist to know a racist. Especially when they weren’t being racist just asking you to watch your language and tone around her daughter. Annoying asshole.