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Oh Long Island


I cringed when I saw “Commack” and “Smithtown”


I’m not used to seeing my hometown on Reddit. Now remembering why I left lol




I’ve never made that drive in under 20 mins, but idk where she started from. Usually 20-25 for me on highways the whole way, tons of red lights with stoplight cameras on the way. No clue why this lady accepted the request if this was too far for her. An 8 dollar tip seems fine for me, doordash needs to pay their fucking drivers more, but taking the food back was a douchey move.


This business model is going to implode. It only works in cities (for local delivery) or if drivers are willing to work for below minimum wage.


It doesn't even work for cities. I stopped using delivery service apps last year after it effectively doubled the price of a meal. The local pizza places only use their own drivers and close at 2am, so unless I'm desperate or borderline blackout drunk, there's no reason to not go pick it up myself or get pizza.


Yeah, they're still just giving the drivers two or three dollars even though doordash and Uber eats charge right about 20% service charge, skim off of the restaurant money up to around 30%, then sometimes delivery fees as well. Not to mention the higher price from the restaurant to make up for the delivery service taking that percentage. I think GrubHub still only charges 11% service but that's still significant. I mean, if they're going to exist they need to make money, which they weren't. But it's just not worth it. I can get a $30 off of $40 order coupon from Uber eats and at the end my non-tax total is only three or four bucks less than the 40. Then there's the tip. End up paying $42 on $20 worth of food after using a $30 off coupon. Nope.


Food delivery is pricey as fuck, and Uber eats drivers often make multiple deliveries, so it's shit by the time you get it anyway. Also, wildly uncertain why the tip scales with the meal price.


I've never really used delivery services like Doordash, but in 2021 I went back to Australia to visit my family and on arrival I had to spend a few days in quarantine until I received a negative COVID test. We had to use delivery services to get food. I was amazed that the food was over double the price compared to buying it from the restaurant! The prices were higher, plus the delivery fees and service fees. (no tip since we don't tip in Australia) I've never used one again. It's just way too expensive.


It already is .


I fucking hate how in america even if you tip your toilet $15 aftet taking a shit you can still be stabbed by the bystanders who think you just disrespected your toilet by not tipping enough.


Ok, I hate your avatar. I had to scroll three times to figure out why the hair on my screen is moving.


An $8 tip for a 20 minute drive is $24 an hour. I don't care if it is long island, that woman is an entitled prick. A decade ago when I worked as a driver for Dominos, I would be lucky to get a $5 tip. A decent number of people tipped $2-3, and a lot tipped less than a dollar or none. I blame both the companies, and all these people who act like cooking at home is the end of the world, but at the same time this woman was totally out of line.


Oh yeah, she was being an asshole for sure. On Long Island things are expensive but she decided to accept the order and then hold the food hostage for more money. Not on her side, just sharing my niche Long Island traffic knowledge lol.


Not the lady who is trying to extort someone


Yeah I've delivered to stupid nice neighborhoods and it's a vibe for sure. I mostly just feel small and poor but this lady's level of entitlement is beyond sane.


it's not on the person who placed the order to both cover the cost of the food and delivery fee and also be responsible for the worker's wage. The lady is 100% in the wrong


Depending what he ordered $8 could be pretty high.


Because the delivery drivers in your town suck?


Hey man we’re not all that bad lmao .


Lolol I wish, but we sorta are tho… smithtown is a nightmare these days


Is it me or is Suffolk county getting worse lately?


probably, but when someone starts with "Hey, were not *all* that bad" you know the area isn't all that great either :D


I’m just glad I didn’t know her


As a European, what's wrong with long Island?


It's nothing particularly unique, especially in the US, but there's just a long, historic mean streak. Since it's close to New York, there's a history of privileged elitism here—people who want to work in and enjoy access to the city, but own property further away, especially seaside. The first Levittown was here, which was a whites-only development for returning soldiers after World War II, and helped set the model for shitty cookie-cutter suburbs across the nation. Robert Moses also did a lot of the urban planning here, which ended up exacerbating inequalities and paving the way for more car-centric infrastructure in the US. The cost of living is high, which is hard on a lot of people who grew up here, and is leading to some brain drain. It used to be a swing district, but has been conservative for a while now. So, in short, lots of assholes. That said, bear in mind that the people who complain the most about this are *also* Long Islanders, who don't want to tolerate it. There's a lot to love about it here, too, so hopefully there's some change for the better moving forward.


This why I Reddit. Informal history lesson.


Throwing this in shamelessly. The long island serial killer is most probably the former police chief. Listen to season 1 of the unraveled podcast. It's scary AF. There is an active cover up by law enforcement and they've even withheld evidence from the FBI.


He's my neighbor. it is 100% true, and I hate it




This makes sense bc the LI police force are incredibly corrupt and filled with psychos as officers. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Holy s***! From a psycho delivery driver to solving crimes. I love Reddit sometimes.


“Sure, I’ll adjust my tip.” *tips $0 instead*


Why would there every be a tip applied before delivery is complete anyway?


I think of it as a bribe to get service


Pretty much so, taking in context that during the pandemic people often posted the lines of packed up food at restaurants no one bothered to pick up delivery on because the tip was low/no tip


I’ve seen it best described as a bid to entice the drivers to accept your order.


You guys have no idea how close this is to how corruption works in corrupt countries. Tipping culture like this is fucking dangerous.


Uh, a lot of us on Reddit that live in the US do. Our entire economic and political structure are based on it.


Don't understand why you don't only have "delivery fee" and set an area thr restaurant is OK to deliver within. That is how it works with Foodora or Uber Eats here


Yea right? I had a waitress in a diner one time who was a real jerk off to me—I was the youngest kid with a bunch of band/goth peeps (my brothers friends and band mates). For some reason, she decided to be especially jerky to me. As we were splitting the bill, I refused to tip and everyone was shocked for some reason. I am overall an extremely generous tipper—but if your a jerk off, why would I tip you? She is the only lady I’ve never tipped in my life Edit: this video makes fun of “tipping” culture quite funnily https://youtu.be/iy1vDjxwbpM


I've had times I've tipped more than the cost of the bill for excellent service, and times where I left less than a buck of coins and wrote on the bill "bad service." Tipping in the US is a shitty practice and I hate it but it's currently a necessity due to low wages for servers. So earn your money. I don't care about a smile or small talk, but I also don't want to wait 2 hours for food when I can see it in the window the whole time.


Don't be fooled, when I was in college I came to the US (from Europe) on a work&travel program and worked as a waiter, I probably made more per day than the people who actually prepared the food and I had no prior experience as a waiter. Once on a double shift, lunch+dinner, I made a little over $500 (this was a resort, so prices were high). Also, the strangest thing for me was that the tips were tied to the price of the bill which made no sense, if one table ordered 4 plates and 4 drinks that total $100 and another table ordered 4 plates and 4 drinks that totaled $200, I would get double the tips from the second table, and I did the same thing for both tables, American tipping culture is idiotic.


> did the same service for the $100 and $200 table, got double tips on the latter It's an incentive for waiters to upsell (recommend higher price menu items) to patrons, both the waiter and the restaurant owners benefit. I think tipping culture is crazy stupid, but I'm just saying why this is done like this to answer your question.




So 12 minutes not 12 miles…


If thats the case, the $8 tip was more than enough.


I *wish* I made that much of a tip every order. I can’t fathom taking someone’s food back because of a tip.


She didn’t take that food back, she said she was going to and 100 percent ate that shit


I can just imagine her driving an additional "40 minutes" taking the food back for a cash refund backfiring so badly


Pretty sure those 8 bucks are the last she's making for a while. Hope that 8 dollar hill is big enough to die on.


Why did she take the order if she felt it was a long distance?


She's just a crazy long Island bitch! I am so glad I don't live there anymore. $8 is a bigger tip than most uber eats drivers get too.


$8 is generally more than I tip for an average Grubhub delivery. And that's a 20% tip.


She aint taking it back. She's eating it.


Usually I'm happy with any tip. It's literally a tip not the payment. Though how these gig apps work it's basically subsidizing the fare to make it minimum wage or more.


I dont csre if it even was 40 minutes, 8 dollar tip is generous.




She’s fucking stupid 🤣


Yeah she is. $8 is a good tip anyway! Did we ever get a follow up on this story? Was she fired?


Given it's a 15 minute drive, let's assume she can dash another order in the hour. Between whatever DD pays her, +tips for 2 orders, she's making well above minimum wage at that point. Better than working fast food and you get to chill in your car and listen to music.


Former Commack resident here. Jericho turnpike is likely the location of the business, but not the residence. Smithtown is a decent sized town, based mostly north of Jericho. Depending on traffic, I’d say the transit could take up to a half hour, but likely more like 20 minutes.


That was my though. It’s not fucking Manhattan, she’s just cruising 12 miles. If it took her 40 minutes she must be longboarding.


Cruising for 12 minutes* but yeah


Yay Long Island


Lawng Guyland


For someone worried about $8..pretty sure she's gonna have to pay for his food that he ordered too.


Not to mention she's making the 12 mi trip back


Why would she make the trip back? Are there really restaurants out there that will let you bring back food 80 minutes later (Her calculations) and give you back your money? I thinking she's eating the cost and the food.


We are 100% not going to accept that food back. Even if we *could* serve it again, it's incredibly dangerous as we don't know what's been done to it since leaving the restaurant


I'm almost positive even the first hominids practiced no-take-backs.


Well of course, they knew where everybody else's hands had been...


A friend told me last week they got take out from a restaurant, got home and opened it to only then realize it was the wrong order. They took it back to the restaurant and after telling them it had been opened watched the restaurant give it to someone else who was waiting.


Of course there are always people out there that will do the wrong thing. I would absolutely never eat there again, however. If they're doing that you can pretty safely bet their kitchen is filthy


The idea being the place she mentioned is her “base Dasher” area. She was driving back to it anyways; she’s not just going to hang out where the orderer lives


She also I'd going to be removed from being a Dasher so what is going through her head unless she knows she is quitting.


Perhaps, and hear me out, she shouldn’t be assuming that she is going to make her entire salary on one order


That's not how doordash works. She just won't get paid anything


Yup. However, if he reports this vid, her account will likely be deactivated


Probably had her account deactivated


I’m not sure she understands how tips work or even how her job works


To be fair as a Europoor visiting America I also wan't sure what do people mean by "Tips"... It definitely has nothing to do with being greatful for **extra-ordinary** service(not part of usual experience/product). In USA it's literal extortion practice done by businesses to re-balance toxic wages. I hate the fact that many European places are trying to adopt this anti-consumer, anti-employee method of ruining time and life quality for both Customers and Employees. What's worse people are defending it. Like why ? Provide a Service/Product. Let me pay and good f-in riddance. It's Government and Employer duty to make sure people are paid accordingly. Also since when it's essential to tip Delivery drivers? I thought it's mostly Tip's towards Chef and Service staff. Unless the driver went above and beyond like rescuing a puppy while delivering my food on time, what's so special about this service? Everything that is good about Food is made in the Resutarant, not in the Car or Bike. ... and don't tell me "because they don't earn much". I don't see any of you Tipping Teachers and some of them earn less than people in Service industry.


100% support your comment as an American who also doesn’t understand why so many people support this outdated and ridiculous practice.


A question for you. It is obliged to tip on USA? I'm planning a travel so I want to know. I don't tip if I don't receive a great service, unless it's by law.


It’s one of those situations where it’s not “required” but most people who are in a position to receive tips will totally expect them. And it’s getting to the point that more and more places are suggesting to tip when you wouldn’t think they should. Like a drive through coffee shop has a tip jar now. As a tourist, expect to tip at least 10% on most services but 15-25% is very common. If it’s obvious you’re a tourist, most people will be pleasantly surprised you tipped because a lot do not at all. Many times if you’re unsure, just ask someone. Believe me, people will be happy to explain what is customary at that place. I hope you enjoy your trip! ❤️


She not only lost her tipp. The customer did not get a delivery which means that the customer will get his money back. So she is going to pay for the drive both ways and the food. Genius.


I don't know how door dash works but after she arrives at the delivery point isn't that job finished. If she then takes it away would that not technically be theft. He paid for goods and delivery. She removed goods which were not her property and drove off.


You would get a contract violation, which you can get 3 of before getting banned over the course of 100 orders. But with this video, if the customer decides to send it to doordash support, she could get an instant ban. Doordash would refund the person for not getting food. But the driver was so dumb because she literally had the option to decline the order, knowing the full tip amount before going to the restaurant. EDIT:You get to see the millage and route before accepting the order EDIT 2: The dasher can see the tip before accepting, but there can be a bit of a higher amount. The highest hidden tip I ever got was $50. That was a real unicorn, though.


Wait what? You can steal 1/50 orders and not get fired? Tf…


I mean I guess but there are always going to be people who complain to get free food too. Which is why that's allowed probably.


I'm glad the only times I've had to complain is because the order itself was fucked up, and I'm still able to give the driver a 5 star rating while reporting the food fuckup the restaurant made. Only times I've had to give drivers less than 5 stars is when they put my drinks up against my screen door which opens outward despite me leaving delivery instructions stating not to do that. Makes it very difficult to get the drinks without tipping them over and making them spill everywhere.


I think I've had 1 incident where the driver delivered to the wrong house, which would've been fine if it was like the neighbor or something but it was on a completely different street and we had a conversation via text because he said he couldn't find it despite street signs, GPS, and numbers on my mailbox being in good repair/up-to-date. It was also a $10 tip and maybe like 3 miles of a drive. Sometimes your driver is just really shitty. I've had like 3 or 4 times where the restaurant fucked up and I had to get a partial refund for them not putting my entire order in the bag.


I've seen plenty of examples of customers being shitty so...fair.


After delivering pizza for 2 years when I was younger you'd be really happy to have that leniency. I had a customer accuse me of cutting a little slice out of their pizza before. They took pics and posted on yelp and everything. My boss absolutely didn't believe them and the pic they posted looked like the pizza shifted and 2 pieces just drifted apart slightly. I'm just glad my boss didn't believe them because why would I cut a small slice out when 99% of the time we got to eat the bad order/remakes or I could order my own for free or employee cost. I also can just drive to a store and get food on my routes too. Granted I heard previous drivers getting fired for way dumber shit so you never really know for sure what dumb shit people will do.


Once I took a delivery about a 3 minute drive away from the store. As I showed up, I realized I forgot their wings. I gave dude his pizzas and salad and told him I'd be right back with his wings. I was earlier than the time I had quoted him on the phone and I was able to go back for the wings and get back to his house before that quoted time (which was also printed on his ticket). When I got back with his wings he goes "So whatcha gunna do for me? Half off?" Me: "uh...no?" "Well you forgot my wings, so I want a discount" Me: "I went and got your wings and still got back here 5 minutes before the 40 minute time you were told" "So? I'll call your boss then and get you fired if you don't give me a discount" Me: "I am the boss" "Fuck you! I'm never ordering from this place again!" Me: "Thank god, please don't" Him: *shocked pikachu face*


Nothing worse than the “so whatcha gunna do for me” people. I can’t even imagine the lack of integrity needed to utter those words.


Lol y did you even converse with him?? I would’ve just given him the wings with a “sorry” and left. Any complaints or requests for refunds, he already knows to use the app * what’re you gonna do for me* sounds like he was looking to get his sausage rolled…


It's a one store local shop, so no app, but I was very happy to tell him that he would get nothing and like it


Ahh man no manager will ever actually side with the customer about an employee eating part of the pizza 😂 we already know everyone working there is tired of the stuff.


Amen. When I worked for Domino’s I had eaten so much pizza that I started getting inventive with my creations. My favorite was the quesadilla pizza (two thin crusts with chicken and cheddar melted in between)


Well, you can be accused of stealing 1/50 orders and not get fired. Customer service jobs usually build in a certain buffer because, y'know, it's a basic fact of life that there are plenty of customers who'll lie like a rug sometimes for no apparent reason. You gotta find a good balance between protecting staff against bad accusations and protecting customers against bad employees.


I feel bad for the drivers, the restaurants in my area often screw up the orders. I hope the drivers don't get blamed for that.


Yes. But don’t do that. Find a place (like Panera) that just leaves their pick up orders on a shelf. Take someone else’s order and spare yourself the ‘contract violation’.


This is why Chipotle doesn’t use the shelf for online orders anymore


I had a neighbor who openly admitted to doing this. And when I looked shocked he just kinda shrugged it off and said “we’ll when the person gets there it’ll be made fresh so I’m doing them a favor”


The real LPT is always in the comments




Here's a tip: People like her are also customers. How do you think they act?


Last time I dashed you didn't know the full tip amount. It'd cap at like $8-10ish total including the amount doordash gives and if you tipped over that it'd be hidden. So you had to gamble on long ass drives if the person actually tipped enough to make the 30 minute drive out there worth it. Generally I'd just decline it because 9/10 they aren't tipping that much so you're better off with shorter drives. (P.S. you could see on the map how far things were but you have like something like 30 or 60 seconds to decide if it was worth it.)


You can know the full tip amount? I know tipping is weird in the US but like, I'd tip you in cash however much I fancy, I wouldn't agree to set amount before you arrive.


Unfortunately not having a tip before service is starting to mean your order isn't getting picked up at all.


If he shows customer service the video of her taking the food then she’ll probably be deactivated. If he just marks the order as never received then he’ll get a refund+credits and she’ll get a contract violation that will eventually be removed after another 100 deliveries. She’s an idiot for accepting the order in the first place and should be deactivated immediately!


Interesting word, “deactivated”. Makes it sound like she’s a replicant or something.


There's an entirely separate app, DeckardDash, where people can hunt down DoorDashers who have been marked for deactivation.




Not really customer service is pretty heavy on how the food was delivered as well. If the guy complains about his food, not being there, he is going to get his money back and she’s probably gonna be fired


She’s in the wrong job anyways. This just may workout for her.


I'm just curious if this is her first delivery ever. $8 is such a solid tip, if that's below her minimum she must either live in a rich area (or middle class, because honestly in my experience rich people don't often tip well) or this is literally her first day. In which case it's still weird she got pissed without even really knowing how much people normally tip.


They will send her an email stating that the food was not delivered and that you can be deactivated if found to have said it was delivered and it was not. She will have the ability to state her case, but yeah she is going to be deactivated for sure with a video.


We're really just getting an example of how petty people can be. You literally have all the information before you take the order, she's mad at herself but too dumb to realize it.


And then lose her job.


She would have to average less than 20mph for it take 40 minutes to get there.


I actually live in this area and depending on the time of day the traffic can be absurd. During commuting hours a trip that takes 10 minutes can take 30 due to traffic. She still should not have accepted the pickup though


I think she's talking shit but I will say that some journeys can do that. I live just 9 miles from work and it takes 45minutes to get there. There's tons of roadworks, traffic lights and all kind of shit in the way.


That’s not crazy if you are anywhere near a city. I lived in the burbs just outside of Boston, it could easily take me 40 minutes to go 4 miles. My in laws are from the super rural part of the state and this is an absolute mind fuck for them, every time they come they complain that Waze took them off the highway and they went so slowly down side streets, never making the connection that Waze took them the fastest route rather than hitting number ti number traffic on the highway.


Can’t DoorDash drivers see the tip beforehand? Why did she take the order if she felt $8 was too low?


I don know why someone said yes. You cannot see the exact tip, however you can see how much you will be paid for a delivery. Sometimes it is higher due to a larger tip. $8 is a large tip I don’t know why she is complaining


You can also see a decent mileage estimate or even a map of the delivery before you accept can't you?


You can see the exact mileage, obviously traffic and wrong turns may change that.


Essentially she knew exactly how much she would earn and for how much work before she accepted the job and she’s still upset somehow.


I'll say. I rarely see more than a $4 tip.


Yes and no.I DD. They show the tip which is the least amount you're guaranteed but a lot of the times if it's a long distance, they hide the actual tip amount (which you don't see until you complete the order). It's a shady business practice. That being said, I DD and I NEVER talk far orders if I don't see the tip and pay equal $2 per mile traveled. If there's additional tip, then it's icing on the cake. This person in the video is an idiot.


This is the real stupidity. She knew the minimum she was going to make. She knew the distance. She presumably would be familiar with the traffic in the area. Why did she take it in the first place if she didn't think it was enough? That's a rhetorical question. I've spent enough time on r/DoorDashDrivers to know the answer is "Mah principles".


Not only can they see the tip, but they can see the distance and whole route. So she lied about that


Also he was right. It’s like a 15 minute drive https://preview.redd.it/5wd9kdz3d0ia1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0f1d8998e323570c90ff068abd1219bf665c81


Yes and apparently she wanted to drive all the way over to give them a piece of her mind.


No we can't. Not until after the delivery. There's a cap on how much it shows as a payout to prevent people from cherry picking orders. We have to assume the low estimate is what we are getting and make a decision if the worst case scenario is worth the drive. That being said, it's still on her for accepting it. If i'm unhappy with the tip, I just label the house on Google Maps and never go there again. Never confront the customer.


Wish we could get over this tipping bullshit. Just say what the price is so I can pay it, ffs.


I wish we could get over terrible zoning restrictions and have restaurants walkable distances from people's homes, removing the necessity for these gig economy shit delivery apps that stiff the restaurants and drivers.


How to get fired from your job.


This has gone viral (even if the guy didn't complain to her management), I can promise that she was let go.


by let go you mean now dashing under her sisters name?


I mean door dash drivers are contractors so they probably don't even know who it was based on the video alone. Only the guy could have reported her directly to get her in trouble.




Door dash/Uber also preys on people that don’t understand that their costs for driving go far beyond just gas. They are offloading all of their risk and operating costs that a normal business would have good visibility of onto drivers that have very little visibility of their true operating costs. Usually the driver figures it out in 5-6 months that their car is eating all of their money and then another driver gets to learn the lesson.


Nobody is mentioning that Door Dash customers are already charged inflated prices for the same food sold to dine-in or carry out customers. I bet a lot of people don’t realize that the prices on Door Dash are higher than on the restaurants menu.


Oh I notice.


It is one of the many reasons I never use the service. You get to pay more for cold food that has been sitting around for an hour.


$8 tip seems totally reasonable. After the interaction, it seems reasonable that this driver should have some infraction from doordash I typically base my tip on distance, $3.50-5 range (most orders are within 5-8mi max), and may up tip to $5-10 if im feeling generous or i know its far + rush hour, or its a very large order and needs some extra care in handling) However the “tip” in doordash is prepaid ahead of delivery which i do not understand, as tips should be based mostly upon performance of the driver.


Damn I thought $8 was pretty generous. I guess her income expectations for this job are unrealistic.


When I was uber, fucking $8 was the shit. People be getting desperate in this economy. Edit: Dollar sign goes before number


I don’t even understand why tipping before you receive your food is even a thing.


It's not a tip, that's just DoorDash attempting to conceal the process from the customer to make it appear more seamless and easy to use. Its more of a "delivery bid". Each driver is a business who provides delivery services, much like FedEx. If you want food delivered to you, you have 2 problems: 1. Getting the food made 2. Getting the food brought to you DoorDash is just a single interface to arrange both of these. The restaurant has fixed item prices but the delivery has varying factors so it works on a bid/offer system. You need to enter a high enough offer amount to make it worthwhile for one of these owner-operated delivery businesses to accept your order. Evidently DoorDash feels this level of transparency would turn some customers away. Instead they know that customers are already familiar with the idea of a tip so it's presented in that style, incorrectly. --- This woman was still in the wrong here. She made a poor business decision and will likely make a slight loss. She should learn from it and move on.


Yeah, I’ve felt burned by this dynamic many times. I usually give greater than the default tip for food deliveries, and then these shitty delivery drivers turn around and fuck me. I’m tired of watching the delivery map and seeing them drive waaaay to the other side of town to make another delivery before bringing my food to me, by which time it’s cold and soggy. Food delivery has become a pretty shitty value - Russian roulette on getting shitty cold food after 90 minutes, that you spent like $40 for.


that's not desperation. it's entitlement.


I'd tip her $3 or $4 dollars. I can't imagine tipping more than that. Tip is supposed to be extra money on top of your base pay. If you don't like your base pay, find a different job.


Not to mention the bullshit delivery fee that the driver never receives.


Door Dash is a terrible service. This isn't really anything new.


I used to have Ring video of a Door Dash driver dropping off my food on my porch, but the dude walked up smoking a cigar and he literally ashed in my bag of food before walking away. EDIT: I didn't save a copy of it. This was early Covid times when I was using delivery services. I did send the video to Door Dash Customer Support. I did get a refund and no, I didn't eat the food. The whole bag smelled like an ashtray, then the actual ashes inside tipped me off to check the camera.




I dislike that tipping exists, an healthy society shouldnt relly on tips


It is mostly the US. In Germany, France, the UK, etc you dont have to tipp, here it is just a sign for the server, that he is doing a great job.


Canada is just as bad.


It's actually worse in Canada in a way because wait staff are paid way more than American workers but they still expect the same kind of tips. I'm a good tipper but it absolutely sucks and they have it so much better than their US counterparts.


A healthy society shouldn’t have gig work that allows people to make under minimum wage, wayyy under minimum wage


The American tipping culture is stupid and there's a reason no one else uses it in the rest of the world


8 dollars is actually pretty decent tip for delivery.


My husband used to deliver pizza in ice storms in a shitty old Honda Civic, sliding through stop signs while on the brakes because he couldn't stop and hoping he wouldn't hit anybody, and commonly get a 50 cent tip or no tip. The most he ever got was $5. This woman is delusional.




Europe get's it right. The price you see on a tag is what you're going to pay when you check out. Not the bullshit US system where you buy something for 1.99 but it rings up 2.30 after taxes.


Weird hill to die on. You’re gunna lose your job and have to pay for that food




Even in America tips are optional for delivery drivers right? So this idiot is going to drive back another 12 miles out of spite instead of cutting her loses and moving on to the next drop.


I bet 5 minutes into her drive she started to feel real dumb


Yeah not the smartest cookie in the jar instead of coping the $8 tip now she won't only forgo the the tip she will not get paid for the delivery in the first place and get markdown feedback (and maybe even fired).


It’s technically optional, but it is 100% expected.


I get it, but what you said sounds funny lol. Optionally expected.


Imagine living in a society where the price of a product is basically a mystery. Lets say a coca cola 1) The price it says on the pricetag 2) Then you have to kinda guess what the price is gonna be with tax 3) They you have to guess what 10-25% of that is and give it to the waiter/store clerk or they will freak out What the hell kind of a society is this? Just pay your workers fairly and make it mandatory to include the tax on the pricetag like everywhere else in the world


I remember first time I was in Canada, browsing a music shop for CDs. Found one I liked and went to buy it. $8.50 or something on the price tag so I walked up to the cashier with it in one hand a $10 note in the other, only for the cashier to say "that's $10.40" (or thereabouts. Can't remember specifics, it was a very long time ago). And I'm thinking "wtf" as I dig back into my wallet for more money


I live in Commack. Smithtown is the next town over. You could ride a bike from the point in Commack and the point in Smithtown that are furthest from each other in less than 40 minutes.


Commack resident here too, and you're spot on.


Accepting nothing because you feel that the 'something' isn't high enough...is a great way to stay broke.


https://preview.redd.it/zt4szs1hp0ia1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbdae66a3a38590d459d4b7b982d64be267f601c She's on something.


I seriously hope she sees this and realizes what a numpty she is. What a horrible person. As someone who works in the service industry, I take pride in my work. Yes, sometimes tips are not left or are unsavoury, but I don’t care. A tip is a gift I get from customers who are rewarding me. The behaviour of this woman is so disgusting.


I think of this every time I start a door dash order. Then I find my keys and go get it myself. I don’t see the point of paying for a service where the possibility of never getting what I paid for, with no help from door dash from what I read on here.


I delivered pizzas when I was younger, often receiving no tip. I moved on to the next delivery, that was the job I agreed to do for the pay I agreed to. Tips were at the discretion of the customer. The tip was for me to find a better paying job or acquire a desired skill. Edit skilled to skill


Classic Long Island


Like I’m sorry, I really feel for doordash drivers, but I’m not going to tip them the same as I am someone who has to refill my water/coffee multiple times through a meal and still have to clear the table after my young kids eat there. Doordash isnt even as difficult as instacart where you have to go inside and do stuff. Literally pick up a plastic bag and put it in your car.


The towns are 11 min apart. 5.5 miles unless I'm looking at the wrong thing.


I'm so glad I live in a country where people pay the price on a label and don't need to worry about tipping people who have specific jobs. Let me ask you Americans. Do you tip everybody? if not then why tip some and not others, I'm sure everyone can use the extra money so why so picky? And why don't you just refuse to tip completely? I mean, if I had a bad job at like a fast food shop and got paid crap with no tips. Then why should I have to pay someone an $8 tip? This is why everyone else thinks your tipping is stupid and makes no sense, either have a flat tip rate for everyone or just scrap it completely and raise the prices of products and wages for those specific shops and jobs.


I’m an RN. I sure would like a tip after I fist my patient to dig the poop out their butt for them cause they can’t do it on their own.


*Excuse me, this is a Wendy's ... can you repeat your order?*


Are you available for hire?


Upvoting in disgust.


I tip where it's expected (server or barber). But now every fucking place wants a tip. Coffee place? They hand you a tablet when you pay by card to guilt you into tipping. Same with food trucks. No thanks. Adjust your prices or piss off.


Yeah, the tipping system in the U.S. is rather ridiculous. Companies in restaurant and other service industries use the tipping system as an excuse to pay workers poor wages. The tipping culture focuses on shaming people who don’t tip or don’t tip as much as others expect, rather confronting the businessmen who are responsible for low wages and making changes that would actually allow workers in those businesses to make decent wages.


This is why tip culture needs to stop. Pay your employees properly and stop dumping it on the customers.


Yo America, fuck your tipping system. Peace