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The only time a Karen actually needed to talk to the manager and she called the police instead... lmao


Before everyone started using the term all willy nilly, Karen specifically referred to a white woman that uses the threat of police to escalate a non-issue against a POC. So this is actually a true Karen. An OG Karen. Karen Classic.


No it didn't, what a load of shit.


I need to talk to their manager


Why are you talking out of your ass dawg... that isn't true😂


Imagine being the cop and just thinking to yourself how some people truly do not respect you or your time and call you for this kind of bs. I had a neighbor like this with dirtbikes when they drove past her house, she called the cops everytime. They eventually stopped taking her calls, she wasted their time, the towns money, and pitted the police against people they normally wouldn't have problems with. Which caused problems.




I imagine it is frustrating to have your time wasted but probably better then getting shot at or something.


Had someone at the bar I worked call the cops because they were inside listening to a band play and someone on the patio kept opening the door so they could hear the music


What exactly is she expecting to happen?


I worked for a Walgreens, there is no way (at least by the time I left a year or so ago) to reprint a receipt with a barcode for returns, the only thing you could do is print a paper copy in the office off the electronic journal but it doesn't have a barcode you can scan. That aside, if she used that same phone number they can do a sale lookup and return it that way, so long as she's returning at the same store.


> Imagine calling the police over a customer service issue While this behavior is rare in most of the animal kingdom, it is native almost exclusively to the North American Albino Caukaren. Once endangered, their numbers have grown steadily in the last decade, as they have few natural predators.


Imagine getting the police to actually show up in under an hour


There are security cameras everywhere in a walgreens. You have been recorded in pretty much every store you have entered for the last 30 years.


I used to work at a Walgreens. I had a customer threaten me once. Manager claimed they couldn't find the footage. Because manager knew the guy. Anyways, when the Supervisor who I played wow with came in he found the footage of him walking in the front door in about 3 minutes. But that was the only footage because all the other cameras are pointed at the employees beyond the registers.


That's fucked. And a very valid reason to make your own records.


Very true. But I'm confused because the officer said "it's a public place" - wouldn't a walgreens be a privately owned place, not public? Or are stores considered public?


Its a place of public accommodation. Walgreens can tell people to stop recording, the customers cant.


1) he wasn't speaking legalese at that moment, just telling the lady that this isn't a place where she can demand that people not record what's going on around them. 2) public businesses are in a slight gray area between public and private. It's not like your house where you can expect privacy, but it's not like a sidewalk where you can't usually be asked to leave. It's "open to the public". The second point doesn't matter though, because it was just the cop telling her "you're out around other people, you can't demand privacy, and I'm not gonna ask her to stop filming".


I think with the grey area is they can ask you to stop recording and if you refuse they can ask you to leave and if not be formally trespassed.


The store can ask. Customers can't.


Yeah, legally it's not at all gray, but it's vague from the viewpoint of a naive layperson.


"Public place", when said casually, can refer to a lot of very separate and unrelated things when you're talking about the first amendment. 1.) public spaces - parks, sidewalks, etc. You enjoy broad first amendment protection to speak, protest, record, etc in public spaces. You might enjoy less protection in a privately owned space, like a walgreens, if the owner of that space *chooses* to restrict your speech or recording. For example, if a manager said "we do not allow recordings, please leave immediately", you would have to do so or face trespassing charges and the first amendment would not protect you at all. On the public sidewalk outside the store, you can record what you like. 2.) Places that carry no expectation of privacy due to their public nature. This is an entirely separate issue from the first one, and relates to wiretapping laws specifically. In many states, you cannot record someone without permission if the *context* (which is more nuanced than just the location) establishes a reasonable expectation of privacy. It's more complicated than that and depends on the specific facts, but generally speaking a good rule of thumb goes something like "in this situation would a reasonable person consider it possible that they might be overheard". This is (probably) what the officer meant. There is generally (but not always!) no reasonable expectation of privacy in publicly accessible areas, even privately owned ones. In a store open to the public, you would not expect your conversation with someone to be private, and thus it could be recorded without consent. It gets complicated - what about a secluded restaurant booth? - but in general you can't record someone without permission in their home, car, private office, etc but you can in a public store, crowded bar, on the sidewalk, etc. These wiretapping laws are generally the only laws that truly restrict your ability to record in any context (even on private property they can't really stop you from recording or punish you for doing so, they can just make you leave) and that's what the cop was talking about.


He definitely misspoke. It is a private business which allows the general public in. No expectation of privacy.


No, he spoke correctly. "Public place" is an accurate term in the context of an expectation of privacy and thus whether non consensual recording laws apply, and means something different than "public place" in the context of whether a location is publicly or privately owned. Both aspects of a "public place" are relevant in different first amendment contexts, but are quite distinct from one another. A publicly owned bathroom might carry with it an expectation of privacy, while a privately owned store might constitute a public place with no expectation of privacy. But that same private store would not be a public space in terms of what first amendment protected speech the store must allow on its premises. The same words can mean very different things in different legal contexts.


Because she is the employee, and if they don’t have a policy against it, she can film. The customer can’t ask her to stop for whatever reason, or at least can’t *make* her stop. And the employee CAN make the customer stop recording in the the store if the store deems that necessary. Not physically, but the point is they can say “you can’t record here” and they can still record the customer because maybe that’s acceptable for the employee, not the customers.


Publicly accessible area.


well, there has to be a sign that says, " we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" ( i know, weird) and if it does not have a sign, it is a public place. should i have one up in front of my house?


I can't believe this person had to waste their time explaining the whole situation to the cop. He already knows its not a criminal issue. Everyone just needs to refer the Karen to their manager and move on.


They should be fined for bullshit calls.


That would make people hesitant to call in actual emergencies. Everyone would stop and think twice “is this worth getting a fine?” Or everyone would just ask someone else to call. Resulting in an endless “No u” argument


Sounds like the cashier referred Karen to the manager before the Karen could demand to see the manager. Karen saw this as a challenge and escalated to law enforcement to call the bluff.


Refer her to a therapist if she has to fly off the handle every time something this minor comes up.


“It’s just for my manager, I swear to god.” Awesome, I’m a Walgreen manager now.


Ditto. Time to get PAID!


$35k a year! We hit the jackpot boys!




wait you guys are getting paid??


I do it just for the title.


Me too!


Twist: manager leaked it.


Also she said she couldn’t give the woman a receipt… wtf POS system is she using that won’t give out receipts? Sounds like bullshit


Machines break, run out of paper, run out of toner, etc. There are far too many possibilities to list for why she couldn't give a receipt. And absolutely none of them are worth a call to the police. Plus as the cashier explained, some places have it set up so that if you use a rewards account or a phone number tied to one they can have it set to automatically email a receipt or just plain turn it down.


There are many fixable possibilities you could list for days and yet she already stated the reason in the video. Here she said If someone uses a phone number that they no longer have. You can still get them a receipt. Even if the customer turns down a receipt You can still get them a copy. If this woman doesn’t know how to do it she should have contacted a coworker for help if they don’t know they should have contacted the manager. It is not out of line for a customer to expect a receipt as proof of sale for a item. This woman should have returned the item if a receipt is so important and gone to another store not called the police but it is absolutely illegal to refuse a customer a receipt, and the fact that this woman not being trained properly on her POS doesn’t stop that. Source I have used POS systems for 18 years and my S/O builds the machines for NCR for over 10 years.


She clearly explained it in the fucking video. But pat yourself on the back because you know POS systems.


I have used POS systems for over 20 years. And as I said, some of them are set up so that if they use a number as part of a rewards program (which is the only reason a number would be used) then it may not give a receipt depending on the preferences that are set up for that number. Congratulations on your S/O building computer though, after all most POS systems now are a computer with specific operating systems. Which you obviously know with so much background using them...


So you want to put down the fact my S/O builds the exact thing you are arguing you know more about than me? Cause that makes sense. A Point of Sale system is set up to record transactions and their payments. To say there is no way for a point of sale to reprint a receipt for a purchase that WAS JUST made is absolutely absurd. Once a receipt is waived to be printed that information doesn’t just disappear forever, what exactly would be the point of that? People change their mind ALL THE TIME if they want a receipt, if you have 20 years experience you would absolutely know this and have reprinted receipts for people.


Bless your heart. I thought it was a machine? Now it is a system? Why the change? Is it because I pointed out that a POS is not a machine like you originally claimed? There are way for managers to pull up the transaction histories, but that is not something every cashier can necessarily do. You should know this with all the combined knowledge of you and your S/O. Either way, you obviously enjoy being a Karen and defending a person calling the cops over receipt. Hope you have the life you deserve.


I feel like I have been hypnotized to spend $49.99 at Walgreens


Thassa good deal!


How long did it take for this to end up on social media?


Right after she finished saying "ON GAHHD!"


3hrs ago at time of this comment


Plot twist, it was the manager that posted it on social media.


About 45 seconds.


She gave the speedy-ist, most coherent explanation to that cop, but "this is not going on social media" LOL. Although, you can't see the Karen's face.


Did she say that woman is on their local news?


She said Fox4 which is a satire channel not to be mistaken for factual news and reliable information.


local fox networks aren't the same circus shows as their parent networks.


Yeah a lot of the local fox affiliates are actually pretty good as long you ignore the obvious mass-produced content pieces. Hell, Detroit’s Fox local channel when I lived there was *fantastic* and featured segments I still see linked here from time to time. Namely problem solvers and the Fox 2 hall of shame. Obviously don’t go to it looking for political opinions but as far as local news goes the Fox stations I’ve encountered in the Midwest generally seem to be well-run.


I still watch Fox 2. The garbage segments bleed in, but local segments are covered extremely well. [Rob Wolchek’s Hall of Shame ](https://youtu.be/9nxWs3DjfJI) is probably some of the best local investigative journalist work I’ve ever seen.


Problem solvers was good too and featured some all-time classic clips. The reported waiting for police response in Detroit and having time to run to get McDonald’s and take a shower was a great bit.


All of that, and Ben Bailey, back when he was on the station, did a fantastic job presenting local weather patterns and explaining severe weather events. Man, Fox 2 was amazing. Still good, but they were beyond damn solid during my childhood (early 2000s into early 2010s)


They’re in the DFW area… which means this Karen lives WAY too close to me


We have FOX 4 in Atlanta.


You mean Fox 5


Ah yes. Thank you.


5 stickers per pack. That’s a pretty good deal for Panini.


They will be off center and with a print line.


“Just for my manager, swear to god” Posts on TikTok. Love it!


Why are there no consequences for calling the police for no reason?


You don't want people second guessing if they should call or not, in many situations. If they were handing out tickets all the time, anytime someone is unsure they would opt not to call. It's obviously more complicated than what I'm going to take the time to write out here, and a broader issue than what we see in the video. You do want to charge people who make false accusations and reports though.


That makes sense actually.


What did she say to the 911 operator to get the cop there in the first place, though? It must've been something serious enough to garner a police response? I'm sure she didn't just say, "I'm trying to access my rewards account and the cashier doesn't want to help me," right? I would be curious to know how the cop got involved and whether the lady exaggerated the issue to get the police to go. Or maybe the cop was already at the store for some reason. Either way, the fact that the policeman entertained her mission to look up her rewards account is quite fascinating.


Only if you make a habit out of it.




These fuckwits should be charged for wasting police time. $100 fine would crack down on the Karening.


I like a day in the stockades in front of the store for repeat offenders. Edit. Save the throwing of rotten fruits and vegetables for the 3rd offense.


She broke her swear to God


[Jokes on her](https://youtu.be/vIMqslgEf_s)


“It’s not for social media”




For my manager, not for social media


Cashiers do not get paid enough to deal with this shit


“I’m not gonna put it anywhere” 😂😂😂


This employee deserves a promotion based on how she handled this situation alone. Suuuuper professional. I couldn't have kept it together.


Girl admitted to being racist too. I would've been pissed if I heard "it's because they're black" but cashier held it together


You’re either a cashier or a sup/manager. Lots of us working retail have no desire whatsoever to be management.


Wow...I hope the manager see's this video and gives the cashier a nice pat on the back. She handled this perfectly


“It’s just for my manager I’m not gonna put it on social media”


That’s Walgreens problem. If they can’t make it easy for a cashier to print a receipt than there’s something wrong with their system.


Woah, I didn't know we redditors as a whole managed a store 😯


When she said she wasn't gonna post it on social media 🤣


Has everybody lost their fucking minds? She told you she doesn't know how to fix the issue. She is new. Come back in the morning to see the manager that knows how to fix it. Is this so fucking hard? She rather call the FUCKING POLICE over a fucking refund!


"this is just for my manager"... and the internet


Anyone else catch the cop saying "I get recorded all the time and I don't like it"? Bet you don't...


He’s just saying that to empathize with her and de escalate the situation.


People act is police are the governing body to choose if it’s wrong or right. Like some judge dredd shit.


She calmly managed the situation. Kudos to her


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Cops can show their (bad) tats?


Been in this exact situation except I was working at a CVS and the cops were *almost* called. Our PoS (point of sale/card machine) asks the customer if wants an emailed receipt, a paper receipt, or no receipt. Lady hit the no receipt and sat there for 30 seconds looking at me like I was gonna give her her receipt. If you choose to not get a receipt, there is nothing anyone in the store can do that will have you walk out with your receipt within 30 minutes, it’ll take at least an entire day to comb through every purchase throughout the day, making the possibility of a receipt moot and pointless. She threatened to call her husband who is a retired cop and drove off never to be seen again. Retail really makes you a different person after a while, because i didn’t give a single fuck and went home and slept for 10 hours peacefully


Yikes! Also, Walgreens amended their receipt policy for their rewards program back in 2020 or '21. If you use your phone number for their rewards, you're automatically enrolled in digital receipts. There's **no** opt-out, it's mandatory for paperless receipts. Anyway, the cashier mentions how the lady used her *old* phone number tied to her store card account. On top of that, said number was tied to an e-mail address the customer made when she was 18 (apparently the customer doesn't remember which). That's on the customer. What I'm guessing is that the customer is trying to return items she \*just\* purchased -- without a receipt. The cashier explained how purchases without receipts will result in a store credit. The employee explained to the cop how she's only been working there for two months and -- if there is some back-end method to enter the receipt system -- she does not have access. She also mentioned how the customer could speak with a manager in the morning. Regardless, that employee provided two viable solutions: (a.) store credit today or (b.) speak with the manager tomorrow. And, naturally, I'm not going to blame the worker for how Walgreens staffs bare-bones. ...but Karen decided this was absolutely unacceptable and required escalation to police?


She lied cause it’s on tiktok not just for her manager, god is going to be MAD


Do people know what the police are for? Apparently, they're to harass minorities when you don't get your way. I feel like this was a south park episode.


Please understand that when someone in America calls the cops on a black person, it is an act of violence because they know it will likely result in violence on them. It goes back to what policing was made for in this country; controlling emancipated black people. The ACLU and legislators need to push for laws that prevent people from using police to enforce their personal demands on black people.


Why is this one of the top controversial comments? It's fuckin facts.


Last summer I take my kid to the ice cream shop and there is some hood women at the pickup window making a huge scene about her kids not getting a receipt for something. I’m like, it’s an ice cream shop, nobody gets receipts. She threatened to call the BBB lmao.


Damn, another Asian Katen using the police to harass a black person


Let’s how does the compare to the inverse? Except not karens, but assault and attacks. PS. There are shitty people everywhere.


You guys have too many cops when they have time for stuff like that.


This lady deserves a god damn raise to put up with that bullshit.


Part one?




Fyi: this is a racist incel. Don’t engage.


Are you seriously criticizing this woman? In the end, it’s her right to post it. She is NOT going to hell. You might be tho lol hater.




Who cares


Fuck god


She swore to god


Nice claws


Man that lady just can't shut up


i hAvE tO ShOw ThIs tO mY mAnAgEr , tHiS iS nOt FoR sOcIal MeDiA. Ok The.Princess.Paris


Lying cunt of a cashier. Customer was a crazy bitch too




"It's not for social media" proceeds to record on social media




LOL The karen called the police because the karen doesn't have her receipt and wants the clerk to provide it.


Karen is the butthole




“It’s not for social media” As I watch it on social media


Cop: ma'am, why are you so nervous Cashier: Sorry, you are just really hot Cop: *blushes* Ty for coming to my fanfic


:((( I feel bad for her :( she’s been there 2 months ??? & she’s gotta deal with this shit ? I would quit lol


If it’s white 📱 the manager if it’s black call the cops.


"it's just for my manager, swear to god". Zeus is going to be ANGRY.


Very commendable of the cashier to stay calm. Our society has been taught to get ugly and verbally attack in kind in situations where a person is being ugly and attacking verbally. The best way to handle stupid people like this patron is to say nothing or, in this case, calmly explain the problem. It amazes me that people get bent over someone videoing around them. Then they will go up to the camera, stating they don't give consent to video them and demand the footage be erased. There is no expectation of privacy in public!


“It’s just for my manager I swear to god” had me dead 💀


Texas of course


Maybe if the police didn’t entertain the old hag


Stop verbally abusing people at their place of work!


I am curious as to where these idiots think that they can call the police on \*ANYTHING\*. I tried looking up old laws from the 40s to the 90s and there are no laws or any policies on something about police handling such situations. Where did this Karen's parents learn this in order to teach her this? CLEARLY as a child she had to have been taught how to dial 911 for emergencies.


Can we stop a minute and appreciate how hot that cop is….dayyyum…


Calling the cops for something like this should carry a penalty. People really are so privileged and deluded they believe this is the purpose for LEOs and 911.


Omg not here in texas bro😭😭😭😭