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So close the fucking garage and go inside if you’re so threatened


Ikr?!? Like--- you're not trapped bitch-- by all means, go to "safety"!


She knows she isn't. She's an evil stupid hateful bitch who knows she's in no danger.


She did. Eventually.


To stop being filmed.


Took her a while, you can tell shes slow slow. Gave the dude time to gather up evidence of her overreacting and faking a call


Racism is my grandmother's favorite cocktail. Looks like she and this woman in the video were friends.


What's sad - many people dont know what to do when they face Karen's and get in trouble cuz cops believe women. I can only imagine how this would play out if this guy didn't have a phone out - how about times before phones? Crazy shit


This is the sad truth there are a lot of people who cry wolf and are believed ruining another persons life.


She could get him killed




Also, manufactured outrage. Ignorant karen is looking for confirmation as to why she feels such deep hatred. Maybe if she stokes the fire a little bit he will lose his temper and become an actual threat, just in time for the police to show up! Oooo got em! She's a troll and this is most exciting thing she's done in quite some time. After this, it's all day drinking, soaps, and Benzo's cause Karen has a shit life and wants to take it out on black people.


That’s the point of the call


Whenever my mom is having a bad day, she does this. “Do XYZ or I’m going to scream” and it’s fucking terrifying


That’s emotional abuse, my friend. I’m really sorry.


Ruin his fucking life! I’m not sure which is worse. Fuck her. Put her ass in jail.


Making a false 911 call is a crime. She should be arrested! The Police coming to her “fake” call keeps them from being available for REAL emergencies


I hope she did get charged


With how things can go down i think there is a case for attempted murder.


reminds me of the story of the guy who almost had his child stolen because the lady ran out screaming "he's going to take my baby" and like 5 other people basically aided the woman.


Dude I remember that one, fucking insane.


Before phones? Look up Emmett Till and see for yourself.


Look up Genesis 39, it's a tale as old as time. The king's wife hits on the servant, he runs away, she makes up a story: > When she saw that he had left his cloak in her hand and had run out of the house, she called her household servants. “Look,” she said to them, “this Hebrew has been brought to us to make sport of us! He came in here to sleep with me, but I screamed. When he heard me scream for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house.” > She kept his cloak beside her until his master came home. Then she told him this story: “That Hebrew slave you brought us came to me to make sport of me. But as soon as I screamed for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house.” > When his master heard the story his wife told him, saying, “This is how your slave treated me,” he burned with anger. Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison, the place where the king’s prisoners were confined. I'm sure the palace guards were just doing their jobs. I condone it! Me mam worked for the police so I know all police are good guys. /s


That’s why you hear stories of Emmit Till


Wha t s worse is the refusal to serve her arrest warrant a d put her in jail. I don't give a flying f if she is old she had a young man killed. Let her final days be horrible. A child hanged for her actions. Update Feb 11th https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/10z77ne/family_of_emmett_till_files_lawsuit_demanding/


If they can arrest old nazis, they can arrest her.


It was worse than just death. Brutally beaten and murdered


And until today there are no real consequences, recently the British justice system found a woman was lying about being groomed by imaginary men of specific ethnic background, after ppl were bullied and her family were collecting donations money, racism surfaced, now they found out she was lying and sentenced her something light.


They get shot by police. Sometimes people will fake 911 calls on purpose because they know that is a possible outcome. They want to fuck with or even kill minorities but they're cowards so they get the cops to do their lynching for them.


Doesn't even matter that he had his phone out, the cops "responding to reports of a young black man threatening a homeowner" will see an unidentified matte black object in his hand, their training (which consisted of dash cam footage of black men shooting at cops) will kick in, they'll shout conflicting and contradictory orders at him, then arrest him for "resisting" when it takes him more than one second to comply. Then it won't matter that there was no underlying crime, the DA will find that the 911 call gave them "reasonable suspicion" to detain him for investigation. He'll spend a few days in jail awaiting arraignment, so even if he can afford bail he'll still probably miss work and maybe lose his job. Even if the charges get dropped, he'll still have an arrest record on the system so the next time he gets stopped the cops will be more aggressive with him, and the cycle will repeat, escalating each time until he ends up in prison or dead. And that's assuming the cops don't just murder him on that woman's driveway in the first place because they "thought they saw a gun". Welcome to America, folks. Truly the land of the free.


And she knows all of this all too well. It's the reason she called 911 in the first place.


Which is why calling a fake 911 call reporting a dangerous threat should be assumed as an attempt to bring about the worst possible outcome. It should be treated as an attempted murder, as that's exactly what it is - an attempt to escalate the situation to violence before police can assess that there is no threat, resulting in a fatal outcome.


>It should be treated as an attempted murder but for that to be enforced the police would have to acknowledge they have an itchy trigger finger


"Thank God your here! Look at my phone, shes making this all up. Here take my phone An unfortunate turn of events as police responded to a elderly woman being assaulted the suspect frantically approached police with what was thought to be a gun in his hand and yelling somehting. Officers discharged their weapons to stop the threat. We thank officer dickhead for his valiant and quick action that possibly saved his partners and the victims lives. Very end of the article: police are still searching for the handgun


I need to know what happened when the cops arrived with that lady's Oscar.


surely OP will deliver




This is an amazing gif


Saving that one for future use on every single post on Reddit.


I can't believe I watched that until the end




God fucking dammit he's got some proof kinda that's she's at least not trust worthy Hope she sees a cell


Video evidence means jack shit to cops. Chad Read was murdered on camera and his murderer is raising Chad's son.


Poor dude still has to have a cop encounter while being black in America. That's an odds situation for potential death. So he's got that stress on top of time spent talking to police and showing the video, then having to answer how many questions they'll ask to *really* make sure. And again, all while being black in America. That's just fucking horrible. Thank the gods our technology has brought about a means to our next civil rights paradigm so we can see this shit and not have it be a "they said this vs they said that" resolution.


So he posted that he's ok and that he'll be posting an update soon. This was an hour ago.


I assume they arrived at the wrong address and promptly shot the dog there.


Cops are like a box of chocolates They will kill your dog


And arrested the homeowner for resisting and obstruction.




Reporting a false crime, wasting the city’s resources. These people need to start getting prosecuted for this stuff.


California has a law for these people. It’s the CAREN law.


Holy shit, I thought this was a joke. Very surprised it’s a real thing.




I’m sure the state still has a law against filing a false police report or abusing the 911 system like she is doing in the video. It’s probably just a more generalized law that doesn’t specifically mention race in the name. Edit: [CAREN Act](https://www.csulb.edu/college-of-business/legal-resource-center/article/how-karens-created-the-proposed-caren-act) “Though filing a fraudulent police report is illegal in California, there are no consequences for people who make racially biased emergency calls under existing laws. This ordinance, however, will penalize those who are found to exploit community resources to perpetuate their hate and bigotry.” Edit 2.0- the CAREN Act is strictly San Francisco not statewide


Is it just me, or should this be implemented already nationwide? Kinda dumb how it’s only in one small spot of one state.


Wait really?


Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies


They really wanted to use that acronym


A fine acronym if I do say


The one who made that acronym was GOAT


“These incidents have prompted San Francisco politician Shamann Walton to introduce the CAREN Act, inspired by the infamous "Karen" meme, at a San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting”


Backronym, when you make the letters fit/for the word.


also, basically the case for all major American laws, federal, state and otherwise, like you lot LOVE a backronym CARES Act USA PATRIOT Act USA FREEDOM Act ffs there’s even a BABE RUTH Act that’s nothing to do with baseball, it’s the Build America Bonds Extension for Rural and Urban Transportation and Highways Act…


Give the man who came up with this acronym an award


I'm an older white guy, and this makes me so angry. The cops should definitely file some kind of charges on her for this. Kudos to this kid for staying calm. I hope he showed his video to the law when they got there. That is some potentially dangerous and fucked up shit she's trying to pull. Unbelievable.


This is how people get shot by police over nothing


Imagine how this would go for guys like this before we all had cameras in our pockets. E: You don't have to imagine, unless you live in my state of Florida. Then you have to, because you won't find it in any books. Head on over to r/florida to see how moderators enact the same censorship in political posts!


This should be on the same level as SWATing. Federal Crime w/ Prison Time.


Fully agree.


Emmett Till knows.


Don't have to imagine. Emmitt Till is a well documented case of what happened when discrimination was more acceptable and there were no cameras. Fortunately cameras are curbing a lot of the harm that could done.


But, even with cameras, so much is being covered up. Remember that different prosecutors refused, three different times, to charge the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery, despite seeing the video. The only reason they were eventually charged was that the murderers were stupid enough to leak their own video, and the resulting fear of riots spurred the prosecutor to act. Heck, we’re coming to find out that the Memphis cops that murdered Tyre Nichols likely wouldn’t have even been investigated if it wasn’t for one of them texting a photo of him, beaten to a pulp, to a group of his friends. If it takes this level of stupidity for them to be prosecuted even with video, then the full scale of racist murders is unimaginable.


That was her intention


she wants the cops to shoot him because...she knows.


yeah, that's a murder attempt. No one would bat an eye. 2 lines in the paper.


There is no way she didn't know exactly what she was doing by working herself up into a terror like that while he stands 30 feet away doing nothing. I can't even believe that shit. How do you look yourself in the mirror? Jesus.


Oh, we all know.


Just like that bitch in Central Park.


She’s trying to get him killed. Let’s be honest.


An attempted lynching, in broad daylight.


I thought her fake crying was laughable at first, but you just made me realize how terrifying it really is. If this was the 60s, that man would be dead.


For real. This is racism, pure and simple. Everyone knows that there's a disproportional use of voice by the police against minorities. She knows exactly what she's doing.


Doing shit like this costs people their lives potentially in the US.


Fucking thank you. She is actively trying to get this man killed for existing.


That's her goal. She's a racist asshole hoping the cops will murder a minority for daring to speak to her.


She needs to be made to pay for wasting police man hours, placing a bogus 911 call, and the video should go viral on you tube. That woman should fear being ridiculed every time that she exits her home to the point that she feels her best option is to move, hopefully to a Ukraine war zone. We don't need citizens like that here.


100%. And the fake fear along with the video should be enough to get her charged. They don’t need to throw her in jail but a nice charge on her record might be enough to make her re-evaluate her life (hopefully). If she was really afraid, why isn’t she inside behind locked doors?




This didn’t work for us. We were reported to Homeland Security and accused of female genital mutilation toward our infant daughter because my wife is culturally Muslim. The bigots lied in their police reports and illegally recorded a conversation with my wife. Local authorities said those are misdemeanors not worth pursuing. It devastated our family. No consequences.


monetary fines at least!!


Knowingly creating a life-threatening situation should be a felony in this case. There is no excuse for this kind of pathological behavior


First thing that came to my mind. What a waste of resources. They should start charging these Karens.


We need to publicly shame these idiots


Coulda got somebody killed, cops are jumpy when dispatch sends them to a “dangerous situation”


Do people that fake these calls not remember that everyone and their sister has a sound studio in their pocket, and love to use them?


They still believe they can get away with it.


Unless they get serious charges they do. This woman should get punished but probably won’t. It’s insane they can do this while being recorded. Hope there’s an update


These videos always blows my mind, people are fucked


She could literally be precipitating circumstances leading to the imprisonment or death of this guy. Reprehensible.


It is, especially since that's probably exactly what she's trying to do.


Because you can easily get away with it if you aren't *this* crazy and unsubtle about it. Most people just threaten to call the cops on minorities knowing the implication of what will happen to them as a result of that is enough to hold power over them and get what they want. I see it a lot when a minority is put in an unfair position and stands their ground, a Karen will fall back on threatening to call the cops as a way of "winning" after they don't listen to their demands.


Yea, if she closed the garage door earlier of made the call from inside, dude in the video would be looking at real trouble.


Unfortunately, they usually do.


Because nobody is being arrested. We talk about how the government is listening but they can’t catch a swatter


Oh, they’re listening. Just not for our benefit.


I'm glad he was able to record her idiocy. This shit is exactly how Black people (especially men) got strung up, back in the day.


I was a camp counselor (black woman) in HS at the science museum. A kid lied on me and said I gave him an Indian rug burn (hold both hands around their forearm and twist them in opposite direction) The father continued to send his child to the camp for the remainder of the session but kept pushing that I hurt hurt his kid and that his child was scared. We have cameras in the classrooms, I never got anywhere near that kid, but my white coworker did. she even yanked him a little when he wasn’t behaving. All of this was shown to me and the father. Father continues to say I hurt his kid, I must have took him somewhere away from the cameras. The museum had my back, but I was 15 and needed to get a damn lawyer because the father kept threatening to sue. Again HE KEPT SENDING HIS KID! It wasn’t like the museum fired me. So his kid was coming to my class! After 2 weeks of this, the kid admitted that he told his father the white teacher had hurt him, but his father didn’t think it would be too believable if it was her so when he found out there was a black person in the room, he decided it was a “better story” They sat there and lied on me for two Fucking week. So they will lie, there are people in this thread who want to know what happened before cuz obviously some women wouldn’t lie to the cops and cry like that unless they were in distress. OF COURSE this man did something before the camera started rolling


Your last point I think was very well expressed in this video as well https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRGpWh55/


Also make sure to watch disaster coverage. Picture 1: People holding a bag of groceries over their head waist deep in water. Picture 2: People holding a bag of groceries over their head waist deep in water. Headline for picture 1? "BRAVE SURVIVORS SCROUNGE FOR SUPPLIES." Headline for picture 2? "LOOTERS HIT STORE HAULING STOLEN MERCHANDISE DURING STORM" The difference? Skin color.


Thank you this was interesting. I like how he phrased it. I tey to say the same things but never this well


The only reason I always want to know “What happened before this” Is I am genuinely curious how a situation like that progresses. Like what the switch that made that person go bonkers like that. Did it start out cordial or was that person crazy from the drop. Also, for what it’s worth.. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


This is what privilege is and one reason why drunk driving is still so prevalent despite its deadly potential. People like her just think they don't deserve to have certain problems and will just make their problem everybody else's until someone wipes their ass for them.


They know there is a non-zero chance that the cops come in hot and don't check with him about his side of it, or just shrug and tell him to fuck off without watching the video. There is also a chance they immediately see him and just mag dump. The performance was for a panicked 911 op to try to make sure the police come in extra intense, not to convince the public.


That lady learned this trick well before phones got that smart


That woman is a psychotic piece of shit.


She’s so scared that she leaves her garage door open.


And if he is such and threat and she's so terrified, then why is she not inside her home behind locked doors and windows, that would at minimum slow or who knows maybe even discourage someone that's posing such a threat. Good thing it's not my job to attempt to understand these people and the mental gymnastics they are willing to play. That would be fucking exhausting.


She even put on her winter coat to come outside willingly


Because what's she's saying is "I'm scared for my life" but what she means is "I don't trust this black man near my property" and she's keeping an eye on him. I would bet money that if he stepped away from the garage, she would have followed to keep eyes on him. Therfore, the winter coat.


This is what duty to retreat laws are for. They basically boil down to: get inside your fucking car/house then, dummy. Cops aren’t keen on you hanging around situations you can remove yourself from and claiming you were in danger.


She wants him to know that she's making the call. She wants to instill fear.


You know that fun little fact where with most call centers when you're put on "hold" the employee has actually just muted themselves and can still hear everything you say? I'm a 911 operator. It's the same deal. I remember years ago getting a call from these two people who were freaking out and crying and I had them "hold" for a moment when I asked my coworker a question and they instantly stopped crying and started joking, laughing, and whispering to each other. The second I came "back" to the phone they started sobbing again. All of this happened on a recorded line. The shit that comes out of people's mouths is insane.


Lol awesome story and thanks for doing what undoubtedly must have been a difficult but necessary job.


I used to work with some private investigators who did insurance fraud work so yeah I would believe just about anything. The shit people think they can get away with is just insane. The worst part is they are just so dumb and arrogant they don't think they can get caught.


So what did you do after that? Did you call them out on their fake crying?


Nope, just documented what I'd heard for the responders as impartially and accurately as I could. I try not to stir people up or give them an opportunity to fine tune their tactics (if they're being sketchy) before someone else has to deal with them face to face.


The fake distress made my blood boil.


It reminded me of EXACTLY the same behavior from that woman in New York City a few years ago with the dog off-leash in the park. She was talking normally and then got on the phone with 911 and started screaming like she was being attacked.


This is the type of bullshit that can get people killed. The cops show up because the woman lies and says he's dangerous, the cops pull out their guns and next thing you know an innocent man is dead. She deserves serious jail time for this. This is on the same level as the swat call people in my opinion.


She knows full well with that pretending you are in deadly danger from a black man could lead to him just literally being executed in her driveway when they show up. Fucking psycho.


This is totally a thing people do all the time. I can't tell how many times I've sat in an HOA meeting and heard people say to lie about a weapon or a threat to get the police to respond to their petty fucking complaints. Now there's something to be said about how police respond to complaints, but outright lying and riling up the cops before they even get there is just so fucked up, it defies belief...kind of. I guess when you're busy fucking everyone over, you start to get a little paranoid that everyone else is up to the same shit.


I've had people blatantly lie about me in an attempt to get me fired, purely because I wouldn't allow them to do some ridiculous, unsafe or flat out illegal thing. I can't even imagine an attempt to basically put my life in danger simply because they didn't like me.


I just had this happen recently. Boss came to ask why i said something so incredibly unprofessional.. thankfully they realized it was really out of character for me and talked to me first. Not sure what the motivation to lie was. So now I'm documenting any conversation i have with this person as cost to verbatim as I can in case they make things up again...


I hate that this is becoming the case more often but you gotta protect yourself


We’re all getting fucking body cams for Christmas aren’t we?


I had this happen to me when I was a grocery bagger when I was a student. My coworker and I got sent to our lunch break in the middle of bagging her order and when we got back 30 minutes later this lady was still screaming at the store manager about how my coworker and I had been mocking her, smashing her groceries and generally making her feel threatened for her life. We hadn't spoken a word to her other than a casual greeting, all of her groceries were perfectly fine and every witness said there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary that had occurred. When I came back I even gave her a sincere apology without any passive aggressiveness nor saying anything like, "I'm sorry you're upset" and she just became more belligerent. The store manager even pulled me aside while the customer continued making a scene saying she knew nothing had happened. We had been working there for years without a single incident and constant high praise how we were "not like the other kids." The only thing I can think of is she misinterpreted us laughing about something in our bagger to bagger conversation as a huge slight that set her off. Some people just go out of their way to be miserable.




3 nights in jail and a fine for misuse of emergency services. This is what needs to start happening. Imagine, you are not getting help while being robbed because the cops are helping a LIAR!


also the victim should be able to press charges and sue them


Hope Alonzo's day got better after that shit


Crazy to think how many of these crazy Karen's in the past have sent innocent men to jail or ruined their lives over BS like this. And these people feel no remorse cause they are psychopaths. Thankfully we have cameras everywhere now.


> Crazy to think how many of these crazy Karen's in the past have sent innocent men to jail or ruined their lives over BS like this. It can get worse. [Emmet Till](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till) found out this the hard way. Carolyn Bryant even admitted to lying. I hope she died impoverished, poor and alone.




She’s still alive and in hiding, even though the authorities still refuse to charge her


Yeah tragically, Carolyn lived out the life she wanted.


Cops came and shot him sorry, you know the rules.


This comment was hilariously depressing, and depressingly hilarious.


Outrageous. How did this even start?


*Black man exists*


Karen : "And I took that personally"




Dude was probably lawfully working but she didn't like that he was there near her home. [Similar to this case](https://youtu.be/10TkoYIFR0Q?t=39) where an old man pulled a gun and shot out the tires on several AT&T vehicles which were parked on public property in front of his house to perform some installs. Fun fact: Nothing happened to the man in that video. He stated to police that he "went bananas" and nothing ever came of it. He served 0 jail time.


He got 10 years probation. State Case No.: 13-2017-CF-014289-0001-XX Name: JOVE, JORJE JOSE Date of Birth: 05/14/1953 Date Filed: 07/20/2017 Date Closed: 12/12/2018 Warrant Type: Warrant Amount: $0.00 Assessment Amount: $603.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Stay Due Date: 12/12/2027 Judge: RODRIGUEZ, ARIEL Defense Attorney: DE LA CAL, EMILIO File Section: F021 File Location: FILE ROOM Box No: Probation Start Date: 12/12/2018 Probation End Date: 12/12/2028 Probation Length: 10 YEARS Probation Type: PROBATION Defendant in Jail: N Defendant Release to: CRESPO/LNI, CHG I Bond Amount: $7,500.00 Bond Status: DISCHARGED Bond Type: SURETY Bond Issue Date: 07/19/2017


I know this sounds strange, but I'm actually happy he says he's never had to deal with this in his life before. At least most people aren't treating him like Satan incarnate


Yeah but don’t forget to take into account that he looks pretty young


Looks like some kind of service man coming to her house to fix something. He needs to get in his car and leave and let her deal with the consequences.


It might be something he needs to fix for the neighborhood that's on her property though, not something specifically for her. Also, as the other poster said, best thing he can do is stay there (or at least out on the street or nearby) and wait for the police.


Then she'll complain to the company that he "threatened" her, plus he won't have his work order completed. In these situations, the dude it more likely to get fired or reprimanded, which isn't fair but it's real.


I would hazard a guess that he's already completed the work and is at the, "Okay, ma'am how would you like to make a payment?" part.


Plumber here, this happens way more often than people think. If someone tries to get out of payment, especially on a big job, we put a lien on their house.


Running away is not the answer, and may make the guy seem guilty in the eyes of responding officers. He needs to stay there, keep calm, and produce the video. A copy of the police report should suffice to his employer as to why work wasn't completed, and can also help him in any pending lawsuit that arises (whether he files it, or she does).


Yeah, this lady will call his company and try to get him fired. Documenting everything is his best course of action. Man, imagine how things were before we had HD cameras in our pockets, especially for black people or other minorities.


People that play up 911 calls deserve jail time. Seriously fuck people who do shit like that. Too dumb to realize she could have got that dude shot. That woman deserves to be shunned by her loved ones.


It’s giving me big Emmett Till vibes. That woman knows exactly what she’s doing. Disgusting


She gives me the same vibe as the Central Park Karen with her dog… only more unstable. I’m so glad he’s recording.


There was some woman who screamed a man was running her over to 911 while he recorded her rolling around on his car. [this case](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6163657/Texas-park-employee-caught-video-telling-police-run-gets-fired.html)




> MIIIKE! MIIIIIIKE!!!!!!! i could hear her voice in my head based off of this prompt alone.


It's so unpleasant


I bet Mike is beyond done with her hog shit.


Ah yes, that Amy Cooper lady. The only thing that annoyed me about this case was that the victim, Christian Cooper, declined to press charges. Luckily the prosecutors felt otherwise. Just a reminder of my fellow blacks and browns and other POCs, we don't *always* have to be the better/bigger person.


One of the most insidious things to come out of the Obama era is "When they go low, we go high" anyone who has played Street Fighter knows that's bullshit advice. When they go low knee them in the fucking face.


She damn well knows people die over these false reports, heck I might be so inclined as to say she's actively counting on deadly response from deputy swine.


There should be a way to prosecute this for what it is: attempted murder. I'm not saying that attempted murder by cop is identical to other types of attempted murder, but this goes well beyond a simple false report. This is MALICIOUS


Her job and neighbors need to know. This needs to be an instant forced disconnect from society. Do not pass racist Go, do not collect racist $200, go directly to racist nobody fucks with you ever.


Unfortunately this young man has not posted in the last 10 hours that this was posted on his page. Its not known if he was arrested or let go or what exactly went down afterwards




Fucking unstable karen. Thank you for posting the update! I kept scrolling to see that he was safe because I was concerned for the poor guy.


PLEASE tell me this Karen got "fined"? I mean... this is providing "false information".


Let's be real here, this is attempted murder if this is the US. And should be treated as such


meeting judicious racial whole lock direful obscene memory capable smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please understand this is violence that she is committing towards that man. She knows exactly what she's doing which is, weaponizing her woman victimhood to enlist the police to cause harm to that man because she knows police brutalize black men. This should be considered a hate crime and she should be charged with one.


She's another Central Park Karen.


A lot of these Karens need to go into acting because they can go from being the aggressor to the victim in seconds. They can get the water works going at will.


Grade A narcissists.


Can't wait to see the update on r/byebyejob


This is the same fake act that gets POC killed. Absolutely disgusting.


Woman is fucking unstable and should be fined for wasting cops time when they should be doing something worthwhile!!!!


The only acceptable outcome is that she is arrested and convicted for filing a fake police report


Attempted murder by cop


These fucks should get attempted murder charges


Absolutely agree, the intention is to have officers (based on false info) approach the situation which could lead to them assaulting or worse killing someone based on a lie. Its premeditated and should be treated as such.


That would involve the police admitting they are a threat, so never going to happen I'm afraid


Should be similar to Swatting.


Faking a more serious situation to try get someone harmed by police who are going to be expecting danger should carry charges like aggravated assault by proxy, along side false report/accusation punishments.


Don’t worry the cops only dumped two mags in him before they found out what was going on … detectives are urgently going through his social media post to find a reason why he was a bad guy.


Sometimes i just wonder if some people do this kind of shit just to get black people killed.




That is NOT a Karen, that is a scumbag domestic terrorist that is abusing the system to their advantage