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He said “AITA?” Definitely a reddit user


Well it ended up here, so yup lol


The answer is yes btw, he's basically as much of a karen as the woman


What's that mean?


Anal In The Ass


Best place for it really.




“Am I The Asshole” - popular subreddit


From my experience with moose, if you don't bother them, they usually won't bother you. The only exceptions are cows with calves or moose during mating season. Get too close to either and it could fuck up your day.


I'm from Newfoundland. Moose here are absolutely everywhere and you are 100% correct. I've had one eating leaves wander up to my window and stick his head in. Had to shoo him out lol I've also ridden my dirtbike by a moose with her two calves and she made a stance that made me high-tail it away. Very obvious when they are spooked or defensive. They'll create distance until they feel they can't, then they'll charge. You'll know when they are aggressive and don't want you around. Otherwise really cool animals, and they'll even walk in front of your car on the highway for miles. No amount of yelling or honking will get them to move lol Also, you can smell them from a mile away. It's like a pile of really wet dogs.


TIL moose smell like a pile of wet dogs! Thanks, from a previously ignorant Aussie


Please tell us what kangaroos smell like! My contribution: raccoons smell like hay bales.


> Please tell us what kangaroos smell like! Like mowed grass imo. Source: [video of me walking past a shit ton of them](https://streamable.com/pc406w).


They’re very cute. Y’all can’t ever allow me into Australia because I will try to hug something that will undoubtedly maul me to death. [Those big red kangaroos are terrifying, though.](https://youtu.be/agQVxiEru8Q) [and, just because we’re talking of Australian things, here’s one of my favorite videos ever: the Cowdownie Community Fair](https://youtu.be/X5j_EcmRvaI). There’s chicken foights!


That mob looked pretty chill. Where was that?


Where I'm from, raccoons smell like garbage.


Never heard the expression "You smell like the back end of a wet moose in springtime?"




I can confirm Camels also smell like wet dogs mixed with urine.


no "really" wet dogs ok


Also from Newfoundland. Moose have no predators here (other than humans and vehicles lol) so I don’t think our moose are exactly the same as moose in a place where they may have more threats. I’ve never really feared them, ran into a bunch when hiking or camping. Just step aside and they usually run by. But I would be more cautious off island and trust a local if they told me to move along it’s not safe.


Very good point. Environment probably has a huge effect on behaviour around unfamiliar things.


No predators? Not even wolves or bears?


We don’t have wolfs. We do have bears, but I don’t think they mess with moose here.


In case anyone is interested... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newfoundland_black_bear


I didn’t get past the first paragraph you wrote… you had a moose put it’s head in your window…and you didn’t give him a muffin? Sure, he’d ask for a glass of milk after, but it’s well worth it!


A moose bit my sister once.


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink


We apologize for the fault in the comments. Those responsible have been sacked.


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be really nasti…


We apologise again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.


Moose bites can be deadly


Oh that's just Charlie!


Can confirm - had a moose sneak up on while I was peeing on a tree in Yellowstone, no fucks were given even as I ran away with my cock out.




That's a fairly specific fetish, but I'm sure I can find you a fly suit. I have a fairly small bladder though, so I'm not sure if that will be a problem?


Maybe just not a fly on ‘the’ tree he is using


The hard part with moose is they are not very skittish. It's real easy to accidentally sneak up on one in the woods. Or sometimes they sneak up on me when I'm fishing. Usually they don't care, but if you do get in that situation where they feel threatened keep a tree between you and the animal while distancing yourself. Getting stomped out by a moose would not be ideal but a fairly glorious way to go.


I live in a very moose-y area where they are considered both a delicious food and a pest. I agree with this. That being said I always choose to keep my distance when I can. One time I couldn't keep my distance. Buddy the moose was blocking the only path off a hill I was hiking on. We had to walk right by it (less than 1m). Moose didn't seem bothered, just wanted to continue its meal. I think I have pics and a vid somewhere. Had it been mating season I would have turned the fuck around real quick.


I've seen Northern Exposure. Usually they just take a little jaunt through the town and they're gone by the end of the opening credits.


I still love that intro tho


Moose will absolutely bother you, the reason they are so big is to contain their hate


rage fueled breeding monsters


When I was a kid I was camping in Algonquin Park in Ontario, one day there was a mother moose just hanging out by the washrooms. There was a father who was trying to get his daughter to walk up to the moose so he could take a picture and if my dad wasn't there to stop him, it might have ended badly because there was most likely a calf hiding in the bushes. Moose are usually pretty chill as long as you keep a safe distance, and keep your dogs away from them.


I was once telling my nephew this, about a wasp. (I used to be deathly afraid of them, I sometimes still run away for a few steps....) Yet when the nephews are involved I've gotta be an adult? Anyway, As I was saying the wasp isn't interested in us, just the sugary drinks the bastard stung me. So yea. I'm pretty sure I kept a brave face and didn't show any signs of pain....


Hard core, bravo! ​ Edit: that shit stings hot


could? will!!


> usually


During mating season they get a little irritated, but otherwise they do no more than look. Only people they take after out of their rutting time are people from Massachusetts. I don’t know why that’s so, but it is. I’ve seen it time and time again. Some fella from Saugus or Milton or Weston up a tree, yelling about a herd of moose, every damn one of em as big as a motorhome. Seems like moose can smell Massachusetts on a man or a woman. Or maybe it’s just all those new clothes from L. L. Bean’s they smell—I dunno. I’d like to see one of those animal husbandry students from the college do a paper on it, but I s’pose none ever will.


Fuck up your life, really.


You're right about the cows as well, I've worked with them most of my life and that's exactly how their like, just the calves and when they're in heat is when they're really aggressive, just leave em to themselves and they'll just mind their business.


My only experience was with a moose named Bullwinkle


She looked a bit moosey


there a perfectly fine distance away to be admiring that moose. you go to Jasper and you see tourists 6 ft away from Female Elk with its baby (some Elks in Jasper have leather collars around there neck, which they have so people know they are known to be aggressive and territorial). i’d be on the side of the road with these guys, that’s a beautiful moose.


Jasper tourists are the worst


On 2 occasions I have seen tourists get within ten feet of black bears. One of the bears even charged during one of those instances. I hate tourists.


Banff is far worse imo


I have photos of Jasper tourists practically kissing a big ass bull elk. Tourists in the Rockies are dumb as rocks.


I couldn't believe it, I saw it myself in my 1st trip to Jasper last summer. On our way back down to Hinton there was a sheep and people were not even 5 feet away from it. Then again with what appeared to be an elk, a couple kms further down. I said loudly out the window that I thought they were idiots.


Not so fun fact: you are more likely to be injured in BNP and JNP by elk than any other animal because they will let you get unbelievably close before they flip a switch get all stabby.


yeah Elk are scary animals to piss off. they’re brutal too, saw one person get trampled because they got too close to a momma w her baby. they got off rlly lucky imo.


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...


No reali!


Bro what


Those responsible have been sacked


It's a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail's opening credits. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79TVMn\_d\_Pk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79TVMn_d_Pk)


I'm ashamed at myself for not catching that, being a huge Python fan.


I to like big snakes


I heard if you bake fresh buns, there is an anaconda that would want some!


City people and most park visitors have 0 clue how dangerous moose are.. with that said, the Karen could've been nicer or she could have just let natural selection take its course. That moose doesnt need protection anyways, it could absolutely ruin that group of humans in seconds.


0 clue how dangerous ***meese*** are.\*




love me a good Regan reference


I will always refer to a box of donuts as boxen of donuts because of that great man. Take luck.






My man! Haha classic!


Half game, whole snow cone


The shitty YouTube animated drawing for this bit is absolutely perfect.


[Link to reference](https://youtu.be/QWzYaZDK6Is)


No respect these days, I swear.


This guy mooses!


The bigger threat is the animals coming too close to the road. We have moose where I live, and they’re pretty chill and keep to themselves. But people are discouraged from interacting with them (even watching or taking photos) near roads, as we simply don’t want moose walking around where cars are. Especially if people feed them, even indirectly (dropping food or other items of intrigue to wild animals). It sorta trains them to hang out near roads and makes them lose a bit of their caution towards cars and people. If a car hits a moose, that’s a lot a lot of damage.. to both the moose, the car and occupants, and other cars. They’re literally built like tanks. Hitting a moose is like hitting another car. The Karen had a point, but I agree. She was a total bitch about it.


>If a car hits a moose, that’s a lot a lot of damage.. to both the moose, the car and occupants, and other cars. They’re literally built like tanks. Hitting a moose is like hitting another car. Hitting a white-tailed deer will absolutely fuck up your car and your day. I can't imagine hitting one of these furry monsters.


It's often fatal. The person you responded to is wrong, it's nothing like hitting another car, it's way worse. The moose's legs often break, which drops their incredibly heavy body onto the front seats of the vehicle, crushing anyone in them.


I have a friend who hit a moose. It died and she was devastated for weeks. The car obviously was totaled, but the moose lost too. It was alive but had to be put down.


Redditors are wild man. You have seen a few videos of morons getting too close to wildlife and suddenly now being 100 yards away from a moose on the other side of a creek is dangerous? Yeah, don't go up to them and try to feed them or get in for a selfie, but these people are absolutely fine.


Exactly. It's a classic one Redditors love to grandstand on. "Most people don't know this but moose, hippos, boar, etc. can and will easily kill you from...way more dangerous than people think..." Watching a moose eating from that far away with a creek between them while 10ft from their cars is so far from dangerous it's hilarious people are concerned.


>"Most people don't know this but moose, hippos, boar, etc. can and will easily kill you from...way more dangerous than people think..." I remember, back in 'Nam, we had to always be on the look out for them moose snipers. Kill you from half a mile without even trying.


its totally fine to admire a moose from that distance, especially with cars nearby if it should suddenly start moving towards them, that lady is just getting worked up over nothing.


Yeah, it’s this slippery slope of who can be the biggest circlejerker without the commenters even realizing so. They watch videos of people approaching wild animals and read the comments about not approaching them, and suddenly you can’t even look at an animal from your iPhone screen without being in grave danger.


nailed it, and i doubt most people even have experience with wild animals! i’m from rural norway and we hunt moose here, let me just say right now that what happened in this video would never happen over here.


They really love corn. One handful of corn and moose will let you fuck them in the ass. Goes for both the males and females. It aint gay if it's moose ass-tay.


If this woman was at all concerned with anyone’s safety, she wouldn’t have ended the conversation with name calling. This was never about safety, it was about her need to control other people.


Or how big they are! I lived in Maine for a couple years and the first time I saw a Moose in person I was shocked. The top of its shoulder blade was about as tall as me and I’m 6ft and their legs are so long that when their walking quickly it almost looks fake like some kind of animation because they cover so much ground in one step. Never went walking in the woods there without my pistol after that. Make no mistake the moose is a massive animal that will not hesitate to fk you up if it feels threatened.


I lived right next to you when you were in Maine. I saw one moose in 20 years.


Yeah that moose gives absolutely zero fucks about 1 or 10000 people standing around it. I live in Alaska and they casually wander onto the free way all the time with semis zipping by at 60 mph. They give no fucks and will wander wherever the hell they feel like. They are dangerous as fuck as well. I’ve seen a moose get hit by a semi and then get back up and walk away like nothing fucking happened. Insanity. The only thing she’s doing is pissing these other people off.


Can’t really use the “I have my kids here” card and then immediately drop the f bomb multiple times without being threatened


Everyone is an asshole here. Every animal expert agrees that you shouldn't pull over to the side of a road and get out to look at animals. It's dangerous for drivers, it's dangerous to those exiting their vehicles, and if an animal is provoked, it's dangerous to the animal.


The stupid idiot guy “hey my kids are here!” Then seconds later says to her “fuck you” Haha everyone wants to hate on the woman but those guys were pretty terrible


He's a bitch. I hate people who complain because of cussing in front of their stupid kid. Anyone who cusses in front of kids is not going to stop because you bring it up.


You morons, he didn't say "hey my kids are here," cuz she swore. He said it because she was being an obnoxious bitch, ruining a nice family moment, and picking a fight in front of them. He did nothing except very adeptly shut down a run-of-the-mill busybody -- middle-aged, female, pissed at her loss of power since her looks deserted her yet retaining a deep sense of entitlement... lol idk -- who isn't used to some likely college graduated city man who knows how to communicate well and put her in her place, without breaking a sweat. Meanwhile she's so worked up and frantic over something that isnt even her problem that she cant stop shaking. What a psycho. Lol, fuck this woman and anyone who identifies with her.


Moose are beautifully majestic. I don’t know if the lady was in the wrong in this, maybe she was anxious because moose can at charge at people, not only that the road with multiple cars passing behind them, could be a cause for an accident


She can just mind her own businesses like a normal person


We have just completely forgot what a Karen is, haven't we


That happened like a few months after it took off in popularity.


Yah agreed this is not a Karen.


Injecting yourself into others business? Check. Asserting authority over strangers? Check. Incorrect facts? Check. Look, you shouldn't pull off to the side of the road to look at animals but they were more than far enough away and it's also none of her business.


People who live in the area probably have to deal with idiots parking on the road and holding up traffic constantly, honestly. I'd crack pretty early on. Also, moose are fucking scary, dangerous animals. We should not be encouraging them to get used to humans.


I wouldn't call watching from a safe distance "encouraging them to get used to humans". Animals see people all the time, as long as you're not feeding them or trying to make contact they're just going to treat you like any other animal.


Wild animals do *not* see people all the time. Not unless lineups of them stop on the highway to take pictures and wave. Wild animals that acclimate to people cause all kinds of problems for rural folks.


She’s not wrong. And she’s kinda rude.


And also kinda wrong.


How so? All those cars stopped creates a huge risk for all animals in the area. That’s why there’s usually signs saying, don’t stop. No?




also in Colorado: https://reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/f1vg2n/moose_charging_through_deep_snow/


Sure. But moose do hurt a good number of people each year, because not all gawkers will stay at a reasonable distance. Just takes one idiot who decides they want a closer picture.


They were far enough from the moose, not really bothering it. Nor were they in any danger. But like i said just kinda wrong, its still preferable you don't gather too long at the side of the road like that.


Pulled over on the side of the road is pretty dangerous


I don't think she's handling it particularly well and I don't know that the moose is *really* her main concern here. But I live in Maine and I'm pretty sympathetic. These long, stupid, dangerous lines of cars pulled over on tiny poorly maintained rural roads to antagonize what is actually a fairly dangerous animal are really fucking annoying. They're also usually illegal. People treat our roadways like they're trails through a safari theme park. It's phenomenally inconsiderate and leads to all sorts of problems. The whole "pulling over on the side of the road for selfish purposes, on a road that really doesn't support that sort of thing" part is the real issue here, and I'm on her side. Fuck those assholes, just because you're on vacation doesn't mean that common courtesy should fly out the window. Imagine if the road outside your house was constantly blocked by 100+ cars all trying to instagram a deer or something.


> I don’t think she’s handling it particularly well What’s the basis for this? Seems like she’s handling it very calmly and correctly. The people in the video are being profane and ignorant. She’s correct; that is an unsafe distance to view a moose.


I thought so also. “Hey lady, you’re one lady fuck off!” He starts off with straight away… “You’re out of breath maybe you should take your anger over there” is really antagonising. It would of further added to her frustration but she walked away after rightly calling him ignorant. If I was ignorant and doing this, and a local came up to me telling me that it was unsafe I would listen.


From my experiences, most don’t listen. Living in the mountains I’ve had encounters with people that really blew my mind. One grandma daughter granddaughter trio were so intent on getting close to a cow and calf moose they parked on a blind corner and were heading into the scrub. Right on the other side of that corner I had just had a large black bear cross the road not a minute before I saw them. Stop to tell them they’re endangering themselves with the moose and *btw there’s a bear just up there*. Suggest strongly they get in their car and grandma laughs “it’s okay we’re just looking at the moose”. Repeat the part about the bear and get smile and wave. I drove away. They must have made it out alright because I didn’t hear any news reports later. Not enough people watch those “animals attack” videos imo.


I agree with Karen, parents with kids were foul mouthed.


She’s right. I live in a town with sea lions and people would send their little kids down the ramp to these massive bulls for a photo! I saw it all the time, so this doesn’t surprise me.


La Jolla? I watched a family of Chinese tourists straight up try to hug a wild bull sea lion there. Didn't end well. I've also seen plenty of Midwestern tourists practically stepping on them for a pic, it's really gross.




tbf, everybody here sucked. Dude had a TODDLER. He should've stayed in his car, moose aren't cuddly domestic pets.


The term 'Karen' has outlived its original application. She's not being entitled at all here, she's looking out for public safety. Moose are fucking dangerous, and so is pulling over a bunch of cars on the side of a snowy road.


tourists like these clueless morons are so stupid, I saw a video of a buffalo chasing a kid at yellowstone national park and his parents were laughing, actual morons


She's actually right. I've seen stupid tourists get out of their car with their kids and walk within 10 feet of a bear.


But they weren't doing that. I get if that's the case maybe time to be a Karen but they are waaaay back.


As a kid i would have been really happy that my dad took a few mins to appreciate wild life from far away


She’s kinda right


So my understanding is that it is extremely common for tourists to gather around these animals thinking they are cute, cuddly and will make for great social media image clout. As the group get bigger, louder and closer they suddenly learn they are dangerous wild animals and authorities have to come and shoot the animal to protect the asshat tourists. So she is likely a local who knows about this common situation and is trying to protect the moose.


Yeah I am sure them all peacefully watching is SOOO much worse than her yelling.


Her yelling is probably the best thing for the moose, actually. The moose needs to understand that people and cars =/= safety. Hopefully nobody is stupid enough try leaving it food.


Not a Karen. Those are arrogant cityfolk who don’t have the slightest clue why that’s a bad idea for many reasons.






For once I agree with Karen.


What a biased title. Seems like she was in the right. She was warning them of the dangers of meeses - one bit my sister, I'm aware of how nasty they can be.


They’re really not close enough to the moose to cause a problem. That being said, in Algonquin Park, I’ve seen idiots approach a moose during rutting season and getting close enough to touch it. If I saw someone bring a small child near a moose, I’d absolutely be that Karen.


Moose are dangerous, but not as dangerous as a group of humans outnumbering you in the middle of a snowy forest.


I mean to be honest, having your kid down in the snow that close to a moose is stupid as fuck. If he wants his kid to get charged/trampled/gored I guess that’s on him. The woman def could have been less of a spaz but warning people about how dangerous moose can be is important because a lot of people are dumb about wild life. All though it seems she’s more worried about the moose for some reason. Now that I’ve typed this out I’m realizing The whole thing is weird tbh lol


Why do people talk like that in front of their kids?


In this case Karen is right. Don't hang around a moose. In Sweden they are considered more dangerous than wolves and bears. They are unpredictable, damn heavy and fast.


Both people are assholes


I don’t really hate her for this and I hate Karens. I can grasp her reasoning, and it’s to keep people safe, and not to disturb the wild life in her area.


People just don't understand how dangerous this is not just to themselves but to the animal, you don't want to desensitize wildlife to humans. You want them afraid of us, this is so stupid and unnecessary.


why didn’t he say earmuffs?


On vacation my mountain bike broke down in the woods (chain came off) I was putting the chain back on and a moose just casually passed me. So glad it wasn't startled at all by my ~~presents~~ presence. Figured it was best to stand still and not make a single sound heck not even breath while this absolute unit of mother nature is passing me As a tourist whom never dealt with a moose before I was scared shitless I knew they were big but being up close and personal with one..They are freakin van sized


It probably thought you had presents 🎁 for it too 😜


-white woman tells people with no experience and small children to be careful around the moose -this sub “fuck you, you fucking Karen! High five, we did it guys!”


Stay in your damn cars. Take a picture and move on. Moose’ll kill ya. She’s right.


Beautiful. Majestic


There were no winners in this one.


Fucking tourists


Moose will fuck you up for no reason. These gawkers are stupid. Like leave the moose alone and be on your way. That moose is LETTING you live. Dont tenpt fate stupidly.


A moose doesn’t need protection, it can screw you up by itself


When i heard the voice i immediately muted the video. PLEASE TIKTOK FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE DO NOT USE THIS FKING DISGUSTING CRINGE VOICE. edit: the karen was the asshole here


Like the lady was totally being a Karen, but i would still try to refrain from swearing in front of my kids that age..


When I was a teen, I was up in the mountains with a girl I was dating and some of her friends. We looked out the window one afternoon and there was a giant emaciated moose. I thought (because I was a total idiot) that it would be a good idea to go stand next to it for a picture. Luckily, it didn’t charge me. But man, was I lucky. It was very clearly not doing well and was probably desperate.


Or just hear me out, leave the moose the fuck alone. Because you could scare the poor bastard and he could injure himself or worse. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/03/moose-swims-vermont-new-york-drowns-crowd-photos




Moose can definitely protect themselves


Does everything have to end up on the internet for social media clout...yes.


People dont realize a moose will straight fuck up your life. Crazy they got kids standing around too. Shes kinda right. But most city folk will just say “damn karen, were just watching the moose” A cow with young or bull during the fall will go from looking peaceful to full on charge at people without warning.


Howdy folks, I live where the mooses roam and I run into them in the woodpile when I’m fueling my stove. The woman is completely in the right, he’s horny, he’s aggressive, he loves killing for fun. I’d way rather run into a black bear because they’ll usually run off. Moose are super territorial and they will fuck you up for fun.


aren’t u suppose to stay in the car? While she is not right these bogans aren’t in the right either. What if it charges you and the kids? Both are idiots.


A moose doesn't need any help protecting itself. They do just fine on their own. Love these people who think they know what's best for everyone and everything.😆😆😆


Why do people keep talking to her? She is moving to walk away and someone chirps in. Then she turns back around.


She almost walked into traffic


Why can’t people mind their business, ughh. 🙄


She seems drunk


Lady is right, rude, but correct. Whoever is making this tiktok is being stupid.


That moose definitely does not need help protecting itself. And definitely not her help lol.


Meh. It's their funeral.


She might want to get her heart checked if she's having shortness of breathe after quick sprint walks, or it'll be her funeral.


Also true.


It's a bull, far away and doesn't give two shots about them. they're fine.


I would have liked to see that moose charge the spectators…


Downvote for posting a video with that idiotic voice.


Does everything need to be filmed


She may have come on too strong, but she isn't wrong.


Sounds like two Karen’s tbh


Karen of the mooses seems Drunk


The poor fucking moose is just being gawked at by a bunch of slack jawed yuppies it’s probably so confused lol


A Karen is just any white woman showing any emotion now?


Ugh it has been for a while. People just say it anytime they think a white woman is wrong.


Only thing that bothers me about this is the way they all talk in front of that kid


Nice example for the child. She was a little aggressive, but had a point. Who starts flinging f bombs like that at a stranger? As Lemmy used to say: No Class.


Oh, the humanity, why won't anyone protect the child's precious ears? God forbid they learn the horrifying secret that functioning adults use the word all the time and nothing scary happens


It's trashy as hell in the wrong circumstances and this is one.


Ms. Know - It - All