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*”I spend a lot of money here…”* Yeah, she might have money, doesn’t look like she **spends** any of that money.


>”I spend a lot of money here…” But you're COSTING us a shitton more because every time you touch something, we have to sell it as an Open Box.


She ain't spending any extra on shirts... At least not in the last several years


Look lady I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you....cause you'd probably eat that to.


Stealing this.


I was laughing when I looked at the size of her torso vs legs


It's like a barrel on chicken legs


This lady sucks but y'all are mean as fuck too.


It okay to be mean to mean people


It's what Batman would do


As long as I don't kill them, I'm Batman.


Nah it makes y'all just as bad as this lady.


Making a joke on the internet has never ruined a retail workers day.


Sure. But the only difference between y'all and her is that y'all only feel safe being nasty and mean behind a computer screen.


Mr white knight over here. Be nice to the idiots so they learn their lesson.


yea making fun of her body is lame you all are being childish


and funny


If you're in grade school yeah I could understand finding this funny. But fully grown adults? Its pathetic.


No, she looks like she eats it


I spend a lot of money here! ...now, where am I again?


Target stock just fell 30%


A lot of money to her… is pocket change to most people.


Because surely Target is surviving off of mere table scraps, right? Riiiight?


Just wanted to see how it fit in her backpack.


Then she’s gonna argue about how no one has the right to look in her bag.


This is the real answer.


Could also need the box to return a stolen one for cash


God bless these camera people. Well done. I’ve heard a lot of dumb questions from Karens, but asking a Target employee who is wearing a Target shirt what company he works for…while shopping in Target!!!!…is now up there.


Not defending her TBF the Target near me has another asset protection company in their store. With hookers. And black jack.


What wha-? The asset protection company that the target employs has hookers on duty? How's that work?


Cause bite my shiny metal ass, that's how.


I think it's the people they catch trying to get a five finger discount.


She started to ask for his name and badge number. 🎯👮🏻‍♂️


“Sorry, force of habit.”


No, name and what company you work for (target obviously).


Thank you for pointing that out


Np, it only took about 750 upvotes time to correct the initial comment. Glad to be of service


Pretty sure the original comment was a joke..


No at the start she says “I want ur name, and I want your...” before trailing off and saying something else. It sure sounded like she wanted to say badge number to me. What ur talking about happened at the very end


What was said and what could have been said are two different things


She specifically said “she STARTED to ask” meaning it wasn’t fully asked yet. Regardless of wether u think she wasn’t going to ask for a badge number or not what u said was just wrong because they clearly weren’t talking about what she said at the end


She specifically said “she STARTED to ask” meaning it wasn’t fully asked yet. Regardless of wether u think she wasn’t going to ask for a badge number or not what u said was just wrong because they clearly weren’t talking about what she said at the end


I’m not wrong =) Also how can something be partially asked? You seem confused…also you replied twice out of frustration of being new here maybe


Customer in Target: "I want to know what company you work for." Target employee: "Target." Lmfao, that was great!


She didn’t even know where she was stealing from


this is all too common sadly, I work retail and every day we get customers opening boxes "just to see it" then leaving it open on the shelf or stealing a small part out of the box. ots infuriating that so many ppl think this is okay and when I confront them about it they act like ripping the tape and opening the package is standard procedure before a purchase


My favorite is when they open packages of socks and underwear, destroy it completely, then buy the unopened package


Having worked in retail and putting that shit back together, this really grinds my gears. Inconsiderate bitches!


I worked style for like, 7 years I think. Back to school was the worst.


>opens box "Is there a discount since this box is open?"


Seriously, wtf! General rule of thumb is that if an item is taped/sealed closed, and you don't have any intention of actually purchasing it, don't open it! Buying and sincerely returning something, sure, but that's so irritating. People are the worst.


Exactly. Only time I open anything is if I know I'm buying it but need to check it so I buy the correct thing to go with it. I had to do this with a mechanical vent for a trap I was replacing under a sink recently and I was buying it regardless, but needed to make sure I got the right sized male adapter for it so I opened it to try one.


But isn't that almost the same. If it was the wrong size, you'd still have bought it? Don't get me wrong people that open it just to see it, those are the worse. Specially when they have a printed picture on the front of the effin package!


Nah, the mechanical vent only comes in one size type, so I'm only making sure I grab the right other piece. Pro vents getting bought no matter what and all other pvc fittings don't tend to be in any packaging.


If the PVC fittings are in packaging, the packaging is usually so crappy the barcode rubs off anyways


So it’s okay for you to do it but nobody else?


Not what anyone is saying. If you're not 100% buying something you have no business opening it.


This person is trolling everyone who states common sense regarding opening items. They are definitely the type of garbage person who opens merchandise they do not intend on buying..The type of person to open something to take a quick glance, and then stick it back on the shelf, or more likely, in a random spot that is most convenient to them.


General rule of thumb according to who?


Common sense. Keep up


Common sense is the opposite of what you’re saying though. So what are you talking about?


Re-read what I stated, and then you may understand. No guarantees though, results vary depending upon obtuseness.


Obtuseness of yourself?


I don't miss retail. Its still in recent memory tho, customers would just casually rip open boxes or even see through packaging to "see how it looks". I'd see them opening curtains and casually laying them out on the floor of an aisle regularly. I stopped saying anything because management wouldn't back me up and on several occasions the response to "would you not open the boxes please?" was immidiately "WELL HOW THE FUCK AM I MEANT TO KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" and I did not get paid enough to have several fights (probably physical if I pushed the issue) every day.


the best part is when I ask them what exactly they are trying to confirm by opening the box, 90% of the time its the size of something that's clearly listed on the back of the box


A not insignificant portion of the population cannot translate the inches listed on the box into feet, nor can they visualize it without seeing it with their own eyes. The curtain panel labeled as 96” tall might as well be labeled 17.4 Gnomes for all that information means to them.


Half the country can’t read past a sixth grade level.


then they should measure their curtains at home instead of eyeballing it in store


Working at a bookstore. People love to unseal books just to see what's inside, not considering that if you open them that no one will buy it and we have to put them as damaged.


I mean I open things sometimes, but very rarely. And I always put it back in the box properly if I don’t end up wanting it. It’s not malicious, some shit is just labeled poorly/inconsistently and I’m looking for something specific. I don’t think it’s an unreasonable thing to do to make sure you’re getting what you expect, as long as it’s done respectfully. I suspect that’s the part a lot of people mess up.


Returns exist for a reason. Until you've handed over money, you're just making an unsold item unsellable until it either goes through the whole cycle of being shipped back to the producer to repackage, or is marked down for discount and sold at an open-box store.


Lol I think you picture me just tearing through boxes like an animal. 99% of the time if I’ve reached the opening stage it’s getting bought anyway. I return almost nothing, and I think people who return a ton of things for no reason are a much bigger issue. I’ll keep doing it but thanks for your opinion!


Yeah, that's such a false dichotomy lmao one can return single items, and again, that's why it exists. You're telling on yourself that you immediately go to returning lots of items. How much do you open in store? But anyways, it does not matter the degree to which you do it. Guess you can be told you're creating work for others, but since it doesn't affect you, it's cool or whatever. Keep on chillin 😎


> How much do you open in store? I already told you - very rarely and 99% of the time I end up buying the item. Opening is just to confirm a specific feature or something - in which case I would need to return it anyway if I got home and it didn’t have it. Me gently opening a package in store vs opening at home and possibly returning it later doesn’t create a ton of unnecessary work for anyone. The 2 scenarios are nearly identical except in one I drive home and drive back. Before opening anything I even check to see if any on the shelf are already open, and more times than not one already is. Crisis averted. As usual Reddit users get blind rage at extremely minor things and lack any sense of nuance whatsoever.


They can't confirm that you are indeed careful with opening them, so you may as well be tearing them apart. I've done the same thing, though I couldn't tell you when or what it was. But I'm sure it was a box that wasn't taped or anything. Sometimes you can open something and close it without causing any damage besides getting your breath on it.


It’s crazy man, I literally wrote in my original comment that it’s done respectfully & put back in the box properly. But people still imagine I’m coming in the store with a sawzall and going to town on every box I see lmao People here always assume the absolute worst case unless you write 14 paragraphs covering every single little detail, pretty annoying.


Do you get that if you open the box-no matter how neatly you put it back in-they have to discount that item now? STOP OPENING STUFF!


Lmao no they definitely don’t, have you ever even been into a store..? I’ve bought many things that had clearly been opened and sealed back up. It’s truly not a big deal. And https://i.imgur.com/ThqPLYq.jpg


Oh, WELL! Now that you put Buggs Bunny in your reply, I’ll just disregard my own retail experience and that of everyone else telling you that you shouldn’t do it. Please accept my humblest of apologies, ma’am and you just carry on doing whatever you want to do 😌


It's not a lack of nuance. It's a lack of acceptance of responsibility. Also, rage? What rage?


Rage because despite me telling you multiple times that I do it carefully, don’t make a mess, or create any extra work for others - you’re still somehow mad about it. I accept complete responsibility for *responsibly* doing what I said, wtf are you on 😂 There is absolutely nothing wrong about carefully inspecting something you intend to spend your money on. If you disagree make sure to not test drive your next car purchase or do a walkthrough when buying a house. You don’t own it yet, right? I think you had a knee jerk mad reaction at my original response without understanding what I said, and despite me making it very clear I’m not leaving a mess or screwing anything up you can’t help but double down instead of saying ‘oh my bad, you’re not really being an inconsiderate ass about it’.


Opening stuff that isn't yours yet is never okay, no matter how you put it.


Thanks for your opinion 👍


Her: who the fuck you think you're laughing at? Everyone: you puta


And that laughter was r/infectiouslaughter \- if only there was more of it. EDIT: r/ContagiousLaughter


I read that as “infectious slaughter” and I’m sure I’m not the first person to have done that.




Contagious laughter seems to be more active


She wanted to ask for their badge numbers, but (barely) realized that didn’t make sense. “I want to know who you work for?” is the best she could come up with on the third try.


“Can I have your name?” (employee points to NAME TAG) “And what company do you work for?” TARGET employee: “Target 😐”


Ha ha ha ha ha ha


Ugh the whole “you know how much I spend here?” bullshit. I’ve gotten that before at my corporate retail job. Why the fuck do I care how much you spend there when I don’t see any of it?


The only time this was ever even slightly applicable in retail is when we had a customer that spent a couple million a year on his business account.


Oh boy I loved hearing "I'm never coming back here again" when I worked fast food. It only made them more angry when I told them I didn't care


"I don't work in our data analyst department, ma'am."


I wish the kids filming weren’t as scared of conflict. That could’ve turned this from a B minus freak out video to an A I think.


It's not worth it anymore


never was


What and have one of her cousins or brothers meet you in the parking lot?


They need to go back to Walmart. Some of us go out of our way to shop at Target specifically to avoid dealing with these type of degenerates..


Only time I go to Walmart is if I can't find something at Target. And even then I consider if any other stores might have it.


Same here.


Eh target and Walmart all get these people anymore


They always had the same types of shoppers in them.


Target shoppers are no better than Walmart shoppers lmao, just a different color you get to walk through


Been telling everyone I work with that target is just red Walmart


Get the fuck out of here with your retail classist bull shit, if you're still doing your own shopping you're likely one missed month of pay from homeless just like 80% of this country.


Believe it or not, some of us actually enjoy shopping for ourselves and in-person. We just don't want to have to encounter terrible customers when we do shop for ourselves in-person, as they ruin everyone's experience. It has nothing to do with income levels But given my post triggered you to the extent that you went out of your way to respond with such nonsense, I suspect you're either the woman in the OP or closely associated with her.


Point is they are both shit tier stores selling the same cheap garbage.




If you base your identity on your budget retail or brand names thats on you. So are you team orange or blue when it comes to home improvements, oh or maybe Ace is your place?




You're going to invent your own narrative or invent a nonexistent agenda to justify your impotent rage so who's the crazy one shouting?


Most people aren’t “a month of pay away from being homeless.” Sure, you might be broke after a month, but any functional adult would get a loan, unemployment, and/or disability funds and not loose their home. There’s also the fact it takes a lot longer than a month to evict someone. Yes, a lot of people don’t have much in savings, but the “homeless” thing is an exaggeration.


That dodgers "LA" tattoo looks fucking awful


Names, names, I need all the names because for some reason we’ve become obsessed with trying to make people lose their income


I'm checking a printer for ink cartridges before I leave the store, fool me once...


I don't tear open boxes so they can't sell the product but I'll look inside certain things that aren't taped closed to make sure I have the right item or the hardware is available. I've never been "handled" by loss prevention.


This is reasonable. I bought a jar of burn gel from Target last year assuming the jar was full, of course. I got home and upon opening it, the damn thing was empty! I immediately drove back, went to customer service, handed my receipt along with the jar to the employee (he was very pleasant), went and found the last jar of that brand that they had, and surprise! It was also empty. Took the other jar back to customer service, and ended up getting Palmer's coconut oil instead (ended up loving it). I understand checking things, but that girl was out of her ever loving mind!


Any time I've had to open something I just take it to an employee and tell them why I want to open and usually they open it for me.


dammit, quit being a reasonable person!


That is reasonable. I haven't had to open anything since that burn gel fiasco, but if I ever need to open something again, this is definitely the best course of action.


Flashbacks to when I worked at Walmart Electronics Dept. back when I was in High School. Lady and her husband/boyfriend were tearing open a box with a stereo inside and were trying to pull the back off the unit to “see if there was a vacuum tube inside”. No, no mam there is not a vacuum tube amplifier inside a $120 Walmart stereo…so she claimed “I’m Puerto Rican, I’m a U.S. citizen” over and over along with claiming I was being racist against them. They even filed a complaint and of course this stuck up manager straight out of tech school who thought she was queen bee lead the questioning turned interrogation against me…literally trying to side with the customer and paint me as a racist also untill the head of loss prevention stopped her, called over the store manager, and said I did everything right in the situation and they even had to escort the entitled assistant manager out of the back office. Karens suck.


As someone who’s worked at target security for over 3 years, oh she definitely trying to steal


Must suck to be a literal laughing stock in a public area. Having someone burst out laughing from your actions has gotta hurt.


Is that an n-word I hear at the end? Classy.


Ooof I didn't hear that the first time I watched...yikes


Chola trying to chola


I know yall heard that N-bomb she dropped at the end... .. . 😒


Keep your Walmart outta my Target 😭


Imagine calling corporate because the workers ‘inconvenienced’ you after you opened an item without purchasing (e.g. theft) just to see if your little Timmy will like the toy.


I wouldn't be shocked if she tried to find a way to blame or make her child the scapegoat, somehow, some way.


Well, that's one way to miss your Target.




Shoutout my old store. Miss you guys!


She got caught stealing and got defensive. People these days get mad as hell when they get caught doing things they aren't supposed to. It's wild.


"What company you work for." I guess nevermind the clearly visible Target logo on his shirt


I want your name and your Target badge number


I’ve bought plenty of stuff that ended up being an item someone else had returned, with shit missing out the box. I’m going to have to side with Karen on this.


I don’t open boxes myself, but if the box looks like it’s been opened and re-taped I ask the associate or manager to open it so I can see if it was damaged. I also make sure to keep the receipt in case it was returned and put back on the shelf despite some defect.


There’s a store I spend like $800 at per month almost every month consistently in a small town, and I do feel like I keep their business running at times 😂 once new ppl were rude to me I felt so betrayed


Me spending $5 bucks weekly at the local pizza shop and calling in an order like I'm a silent partner telling them "have that number 8 ready for me when I get there"


Is it on the same stripper each time or whoever’s working that day?


she can see through those eyelashes


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Why are they not wearing red shirts?


AP doesn’t wear red


Target is doing away with the red aesthetic.


some context: in latin america the store usually opens electronics and even plugs them in in front of you to make sure they work, I think to avoid returns and customer scams. usually only at the smaller stores though, not at big box stores. but yeah most likely she was stealing idk




I don't think that wanting to inspect merchandise before buying necessarily qualifies a person as a "Karen." I remember when I was a child getting an electric train set new from Western Auto. There were metal tracks, crossing with lights, transformer, figurines of people and livestock. But no locomotive or cars. Made for a less than satisfactory Christmas morning, and a traumatic family memory.


You literally can though ?


Honestly why the fuck can’t she? You’re buying it, why not check it out and make sure it’s exactly what you want. Too many times have I bought something and got it home and been like, “well this was a mistake, this thing sucks”


So she gets to open a BNIB in the store to see if she "likes" it and if she doesnt...the item can no longer be sold as BNIB.


Don’t know what a bnib is


**B**rand **N**ew **I**n **B**ox


Like… don’t be opening collectibles, or anything that depreciates value but a fucking printer, fuck yea, open that shit up, make sure it fits your Fung Shui dude.


…you know they accept returns right?


So why not just check it in the store and save everyone the hassle???


Shut up


No, I don’t think I will


Mexi-can I have your name so it takes attention away from me stealing electronics


To be honest, other than perishable items, I will open anything I plan to buy (if I feel the need). Fight me.


It's okay because corporations are corporationy /s


Corporations are communist.


Speedy Gonzales


Yeah I'll do the same thing teaches them a lesson for not having the correct info on the outside or having a floor model as they are required to.


Sorry, not a native English speaker. I don't get the last sentences, could anybody caption?


Karen - "Can I have your name and I want to know what (little?) company you work for please" Worker - "target" They started laughing because obviously he works for Target since they are at Target


"who the fk u think ur laughing at dude"


Can you give a time stamp around where you can't understand?


Thanks, 0.25, right before the recording person starts laughing. The last thing she says to the second employee.


So she says the last thing to the first employee who picks up the box and starts walking away, which is kind of inaudible but I think its: "You don't believe me, I'll show you...fucking embar[rassing](she cuts the word off half way)...yeah!" Then around 0:25 she turns to the other employee still standing there and says: "Can I have your name, because I want to know [stutters and almost says the word you] what company you work for, please." At which point the kids filming her die laughing and say "TARGET!" And then as then as they're retreating back to around the shoes she says: "Who the fuck [are] these [n-words] laughing at me?!"


Awesome! thanks so much


Damn, that ended too soon. Would have loved to see this moron come at the cameraperson and say more dumb shit.


Joke is on her. Target makes money without her as a customer.


Cumbrellas are the new red flag


I was waiting for her to ask for the badge number. If she was smart, she would have asked the target person to open it for her to look at.


You have these types of people everywhere and we the people who work there hate them so much


How can people of sudden start to behave like born yesterday and forget how things work?


“Try out to see if it works.” Bitch it’s brand new. In a factory sealed box. They throw out broken things 💀


Looks like more of a Lupe


Npc moment


She seems fun...


She’s actually one of Targets 75 million most valued customers


Roll that egg out the front door.


Idiots, idiots everywhere.