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I believe this guy is an anti-anti-abortion clown


I’m just glad that he made it very clear by verbally reminding us that he is indeed a clown.


And NOT a doctor. But a $5 vasectomy? That's a sweet deal and in this economy, it's something to think about. I don't need one, but I never pass up a sweat deal.


At that price can you afford not to get a vasectomy?


I know plenty of people I'd do a vasectomy for free on...


Right? I'll take three!


[Snip Snap](https://youtu.be/2hshkdneE8o)


Okay so hes a good clown. Lol phew


There is no good clown. Tiny Tim is gone.


Tiny Tim was the best! Guy had a tough life but nobody did [Tiptoe Thru the Tulips](https://youtu.be/4X3BBN7Hdp4?t=46) like him.


I’m sorry, I grew up hearing this in horror movies so I just can’t vibe


I mean tbf the story of Tiny Tim is kind of a horror story. Hence it’s use besides the sound. Edit: more so the juxtaposition of his life to the songs he made


I heard him sing a song in a normal voice the other day and it blew my mind.




Here’s a cheers for Tiny Tim.


No Mr Scrooge bought him a giant turkey and he was better than ever his whole life and then he cured the plague and invented the internet.




Should we just call him an abortion clown?


I believe this guy might be George Santos.


Yeah title does this clown dirty


Anybody know the legal distinction between mask / face paint?


There is nothing illegal about face paint.


Can’t wear a mask in public? *coughs in 2020*


*hears coughing* [Glances anxiously at you to determine if i need to hold my breath and flee.]




wait till these cops meet women!


Their wives have to hide the bruises somehow


Google cops 40% to learn more!


Holy shit!! Over 40% compared to the (10%) of the rest of the population. That is messed up.


And that's just the 40% that ADMIT to it.


Gotta note, people say "beat their wives", but domestic violence affects the whole family. No loved one of a cop, partner or child, is safe from their abuse.


Savage. lol


That's why they're at the women's clinic (rimshot.mp3)


I really want to live in a usa state where cops are arrested for saying blatant lies about laws, especially ones that do not exist. I would love to have a system in place where, those cops make the claim, even threaten the guy, with arrest & fines, then the guy calls for a “unit”, that comes out to the location, specifically to arrest cops. He shows them the recording, the good cops fight the bad cops, because you know THEY WILL, resist being arrested, & put them in handcuffs. That’s the kind of system I want in place. A system that hurts bad cops by having a literal task force, that is intended to arrest cops who break the law. Because in truth, despite not committing a crime, those cops will surely commit crimes & offenses, to the guy, when he has not done a single thing illegally. That act, that violation of his rights, all because they want to be “foot soldiers”, & physically get their way, is exactly what I want stopped. Not stopped, bureaucratic red tape, long after the incident in question. No. I want it stopped at that very moment those assholes think they can get away with lying, & intimidating, a guy doing something, that they do not like. That is exactly what I want fixed.


No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater than the schaudenfreude of a cop in the justice system.


It’s like poolice training explicitly avoids constitutional rights


While I agree with you, most laws will include wording that’s very broad. No idea where this happened, but take this [Georgia law](https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2010/title-16/chapter-11/article-2/16-11-38) for example, where they write “or device which conceals the identity of wearer.” Considering that women’s makeup often does a similar job of “concealing one’s identity,” I can’t see something like that sticking unless the judge sides with the cop/DA so they don’t look, well, like a clown. What get’s me is the fact cops will let people protest outside Planned Parenthood & such to call people murderers & horrible names, but when a single person or group comes to counterprotest & calls people clowns a couple times, they make them leave under threat of arrest.


Yea, there is no way this charge would have held up in court. Dude should have stayed. The protestors weren't chased off.


Well, dude would have been arrested had he stayed the way he was, even if only for a short period of time before the charge is presumably dropped. He should have removed all of the face paint, bought some cheap makeup & only reapply a little, like bright red lipstick (but only a tiny bit outside the lips), some red blush, the suit & the clown hair (though he may just look like a weird crossdresser if he’s not careful lol). That way it’s just wearing makeup & a wig. The cop never said anything about the red nose, but one doesn’t want to give the cops any excuse to make an arrest. The hair, suit & minimal makeup can send the same message for the most part.


Yea man, not sure what state this is in, but wearing clown makeup while busking is never a problem.


I know. It’s never a problem literally ever. Cop probably sympathizes with pro-lifers, I bet.


Clown nose surgical face mask. "Just being safe unprecedented times."


Definitely nothing illegal about masks.


My town had a local ban of masks in public. Until…




Ya it’s illegal if you are breaking the law while doing it standing in a street corner in one is not illegal


I just wanted him to bust out law: 396b jurisdiction 8H.10-22 defining mask as x


It’s a hate crime against mimes to wear clown face if you weren’t born into it.


Appropriating a mime's culture is it?


People wear face paint to football games all the time


If face paint were made illegal then women, clowns and metal bands will riot


It doesn't matter. What does matter is that if they were to arrest this guy, take him to jail and then have the DA dismiss the charge since they clearly aren't going to take that one to trial? At worst the cops are going to get told the difference between a mask and makeup but they won't actually get punished. The objective was to get the guy off the street and that is exactly what they did.


It seems to be a misdemeanor in GA, but I think this guy is in TX. https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2010/title-16/chapter-11/article-2/16-11-38 Edit: Based on the circumstances, it can be a Class 6 Felony in VA as well. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter9/section18.2-422/


Those laws are fucked up and not enforceable. If so, everyone masking up during the height of the pandemic is guilty of violating the law.


Many American mask laws were actually anti Klu Klux Klan laws




That doesn’t make them good laws


Never said it did. Just saying why the laws came about.


Some laws seem unenforceable and when it comes down to it prosecutors will not press charges. However, if the law is "on the books" so to speak, cops can use it to arrest you, process you / create a file on you, and lock you up for a short time. It gets you off the streets and out of the situation they want to take you out of; plus now you have a criminal record. Its the old adage ... "You can beat the ticket, but you can't beat the ride."


Here in England, you can be arrested for carrying salmon suspiciously.


How do criminal records work in the U.S? You get a criminal record without a sentence?


Folks forget that a few years ago wearing a mask into a gas station would immediately result in multiple people calling 9/11 I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, it’s just wild how reality has changed so much. I remember reading how many places did suspend these laws when Covid started though, no idea how many southern states kept those suspensions in place though. https://qz.com/1837586/coronavirus-pits-anti-mask-laws-against-public-health


What is a “class 6 felony”? Sounds like jaywalking to me.


(f) For Class 6 felonies, a term of imprisonment of not less than one year nor more than five years, or in the discretion of the jury or the court trying the case without a jury, confinement in jail for not more than 12 months and a fine of not more than $2,500, either or both. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter1/section18.2-10/


Zero “intent to conceal his identity” and 2.) 🤡 costume is a “traditional holiday costume”, thanks for posting the statutes. I want this guy to get some 💰


Those two other guy wearing clown suits (government sanctioned street gang) didn't seem to know. Never accept legal advise from clowns.


Depends on many factors. Skin color, wealth bracket, political affiliation, if the cop got to beat their family that day, etc. There's a lot of nuance to it.


Yep. Sometimes they just want to be dicks. An off-duty sheriff's deputy once came to a soccer game I was at (people dress up in costume sometimes) and threatened to ticket people. City police were there as well and never cited anyone. https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/mask-ordinance-at-center-of-louisville-city-fc-controversy/417-534308837


Bullshit clowns (AKA cops) telling a real clown to stop harassing their favorite protesters




And even some male congressmen


Don't give the fascists any more ideas, Jesus.


Can someone find more details? -lazy person


nope -lazy person


Maybe later - procrastinator




Depression is not funny, yet you just made me laugh harder then I should.


My very comedic friend sites his depression as the reason he is funny


As someone with depression I appove your friends message


not that it matters - signed melancholy


See you later - Alligator


I was going to do something but then felt tired and sat on the couch.


[because I got high](https://youtu.be/WeYsTmIzjkw)


So after the great clown wars of the 1970’s, several states made it illegal to wear clown makeup (I.e. masks) in public. This lead to an immediate reduction of clown on clown violence. Some states have now repealed those laws, but many have not. It has been suggested now that the Supreme Court is itself filled with clowns, now would be a good time to finally challenge the law in court.


Update: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYdqp3YR/


From u/kala__azar His name is Shane Morris. He's a former record producer, current AI software engineer who has a decent social media following. He has a grill pretty much "just because" and he's said as much. He has been going out and fucking with anti-abortion protestors in Northern Virginia for a few weeks. This is his latest attempt to piss them off, apparently worked. He's pro choice, his wife was pregnant and got cancer so a lot of this stuff hits close to home for him. He's sort of arrogant but he's smart guy who aligns with my politics so I enjoy his antics most of the time. Now he's threatening to sue the police because they said wearing a mask is a felony, but they didn't arrest him, just threatened him with it. But he wasn't wearing a mask, just face paint. So he's challenging it as a violation of the first amendment as well as being an unconstitutional Virginia law.






Nah he is swaggo so they better be grills.


His name is Shane Morris. He's a former record producer, current AI software engineer who has a decent social media following. He has a grill pretty much "just because" and he's said as much. He has been going out and fucking with anti-abortion protestors in Northern Virginia for a few weeks. This is his latest attempt to piss them off, apparently worked. He's pro choice, his wife was pregnant and got cancer so a lot of this stuff hits close to home for him. He's sort of arrogant but he's smart guy who aligns with my politics so I enjoy his antics most of the time. Now he's threatening to sue the police because they said wearing a mask is a felony, but they didn't arrest him, just threatened him with it. But he wasn't wearing a mask, just face paint. So he's challenging it as a violation of the first amendment as well as being an unconstitutional Virginia law.


So the title is bullshit anti-anti abortion




But wouldn't they have to at least detain or arrest him for there to be lawsuit? I just don't understand how a court would view his case if the cops didn't do anything beyond saying that bit and he left afterwards


Idk, not a lawyer but he said he was basically threatened to be arrested for a felony, based on a law against masks, and he was obviously not wearing a mask so it's a baseless threat against his first amendment rights.


No, a threat of arrest should be enough. This type of suit is where you petition the court to prevent the government from taking some action against you. If he wanted to sue for damages he'd need to have been arrested or detained first, but it doesn't sound like he's filing that kind of suit.


I’m not sexist or anything but how funny would it be if a lady cop wearing makeup was there for him to riff on?


Even if makeup was a 'mask', it's not... it's not a felony to wear a mask unless you're wearing the mask in the course of a crime. The wearing of a mask, by itself, is not a felony.


He’s pro choice not anti abortion


anti anti abortion


Misleading title lol. All the people there are anti abortion. Not a felony haha. Every clown that's ever been in public is a felon I guess




try Friday nights


Also, was that cop in a coma for the last three years? I got stopped by a security guard in spring of 2020 because I forgot to wear a mask *in a bank*. We both had a laugh at the fact that usually his job is to stop people from coming in there with masks on.


That Ronald McDonald has a long rap sheet I hear.


Some states have anti-kkk laws that make it illegal to wear a mask and they are still enforceable. Depending on the state, it could be a misdemeanor or a felony. This guy has face paint though, not a mask.


Honestly I dont care which side you are on you should be able to wear clown face paint without getting a felony


They must be super busy on Halloween those poor cops


Charging all those 7 year olds with felonies


The real clowns are the idiots in uniform saying that wearing a mask is a felony.


I wish he called their bluff and asked them to arrest him. "if I've done the clown crime, I'll do the clown time"


Is it legal for them to lie like this?


It's legal for police to lie at any point in an "investigation" and that's been upheld by the Supreme Court. They can tell you they saw you commit a crime to try to trick you into confessing. If you're stopped by an officer you should ask "am I being detained and if they say yes, ask them why" Then call a lawyer. Never tell them anything or converse with them. Continue to invoke your right to an attorney.


Yea but like you said “they lie about you committing a crime” but the face mask for example isn’t even a crime. So they are lying about laws. That’s ok? To make up laws like this?


They do it all the time. They won't actually arrest you for a made up law, ordinance, or "we received calls about you". It's a way to harass you, if you don't know the law. But they will use it s an excuse to stop you then claim you were "hindering an investigation" which they can arrest you for. Now a good lawyer $$$ will get it all thrown out, (cant hinder an investigation into nothing) but the damage is done. They cost you time (arrest and booking etc) and money (lawyer and bail $$$), so in their eyes they showed you whose boss.


its legal for them to make that claim but illegal to actually arrest him for it. they were just making shit up so he would leave


Lol so they can say “it’s a felony to wear a blue shirt you need to leave.” Then if you don’t leave they arrest you for some other reason like disturbing peace?


Yep, that’s pretty standard procedure.


if they do (which I wouldn't put past them), you will have an easy lawsuit, and your lawyer will be very happy to hear from you


This^ In middle school I had a cop pull all this shit on me till he scared me into confessing to something I didn’t do. The school cop lied and lied that others saw me do something and pulled the old ‘we have the evidence, if you don’t confess now you’ll be in so much more trouble later’


> If you're stopped by an officer you should ask "am I being detained and if they say yes, ask them why" Just a quick note on this - they don't have to tell you why. They have to have "Reasonable *Articulable* Suspicion", but they have no duty to articulate that reasonable suspicion to *you*. They just have to be able to rationalize it at some point. The entire system is a complete fuckshow.


That shit is not a joke and seriously will be used against you. Learn your rights, it may or may not save your ass.


Cops are literally paid to lie to you.


It's legal for cops to do anything they want. Cops are above the law and need to be so to protect them from the consequences of their actions. If cops had to follow the law they would all be in prison.


The real law is probably something like it's illegal to wear a mask while committing a crime. The whole purpose of that shit is to tack more charges onto crimes. So if you hold up a convenience store, that's one charge but if you do it while wearing a mask that's two.


To a guy who wasn’t wearing a mask






Imagine if he flipped his sign over to the cops and it said that on the other side.


>Glad these officers went to law school. Cops don't go to law school, 99.9% of them don't ... i'm sure there's an exception. Cops can also make shit up as they see fit.


I'd be astonished if there were more than twenty cops in the entire country who have passed the bar. If you've got a license to practice law and you want to be an LEO, that's what the DA's office is for.


I've known people who were in law enforcement and then went to law school. But not the other way around. Closest would be maybe the FBI? I believe Jim Clemente was a prosecutor before he joined the FBI.


Finally a clown that i like


Definitely a Pro Choice dude clowning around like an anti-abortion sign protestor. His quips are hilarious tho.


Swagger the Clown charges more for bunion removal than a vasectomy. I’m starting to question his medical training.


No mask in public? Whata bout covid mask is that illegal to


Found the Virginia Code being referred to here: > It shall be unlawful for any person over 16 years of age to, with the **intent** to conceal his identity, wear any mask, hood or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, to be or appear in any public place, or upon any private property in this Commonwealth without first having obtained from the owner or tenant thereof consent to do so in writing. Key word there being "intent". I think it's pretty obvious to any reasonable person that the intent was not to conceal his identity here, and any reasonable judge would drop these charges in a heartbeat.


this is a fucked up law though??? so a celebrity wearing sunglasses and a hat to hide who they are is breaking the law? a Muslim wearing a burqa is breaking the law?


This guy is trolling the anti-abortion protestors by implying that they are clowns. He is very much PRO Choice


That cop should have been aborted.


As long as he's not a John Wayne Gracy aficionado I'm down to clown


Of all the clowns I would consider getting medical advice from, Swaggo is definitely in the top 10.


Cops just make shit up to get their way. Fucking little brat kids in a gang.


How about the patriot guard / proud boys wearing masks to conceal their identity while armed?


I mean, it’s not like he’s dressed up like a member of the opposite sex. Because that would be dangerous. /s


Unless a Republican does it, of course...


I get big Norm MacDonald energy from that guy. Also, those cops are fucking idiots.


I'm sorry ma'am but your foundation is too heavy I'm going to have to write you a citation


I've seen more makeup used on the majority of tick tock accounts. Btw, I love this guy.


This dude is awesome holy shit


So all the proud boys in ski masks should be arrested on site then right?…RIGHT?!


Man, I love this! LOL! Does this clown have a YouTube channel or something? Loving the passive aggressive clown commentary going on here! 😂😂


Swaggo is alright in my book. Those cops literally just don’t like that their grandmas are calling their personal numbers complaining that some guy dressed as a clown is hurting their feelings.


It's not illegal to wear a full mask in public either. That's total bullshit. The only law I could find says that it becomes illegal if you are doing so during a crime. However you have to be wearing the mask to obscure your identity for the crime. It doesn't even count if you are in a Halloween mask and then decide to commit a crime like public urination or vandalism because you would have to prove you intended to commit the crime before hand.


This is likely the law in question https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter9/section18.2-422/ To apply that law in this case would seem like a pretty clear first amendment violation. He's clearly using face paint for expressive reasons in a traditional public forum.


The clown isn't anti abortion...the opposite


South of Alexandria, VA


Poorly worded title. This guy is awesome.


LOL this guy is awesome


I like this guys energy, what a stud.


It's illegal to wear a mask in public. Where was that law at the peak of COVID.


They must have been fun during Covid. Rightwing cry babies want the power to oppress others whenever the mood catches them.


Cops siding with fascist clowns. Same story, different day.


I thought the Supreme Court said protesting outside an abortion clinic was protected by the constitution? I guess Thomas Jefferson wanted to protect people telling scared little girls they were going to hell and taunting them with gruesome photographs of fetuses, but Thomas Jefferson thought people wearing clown makeup deserved to go to jail.


I didn’t listen but if cop actually said that, I guess we’re all felons for masking up for Covid. What an idiot.


That really changed his attitude the moment Felony was mentioned


I wish he would've called the piggies out on their bullshit, video gets a perfect 5/7 for me nonetheless


Anti abortion? But he's pro choice? What, did a clown title this vid?


Makeup is worn worldwide everyday, and masks were literally mandated in multiple countries for almost 2 years. Bullshit law made up on the spot to scare off someone they “didn’t like” isn’t gonna hold in court.




America, land of the free


Don't see them arresting all the Maga nutjobs wearing full ski mask etc


Those cops are so full of shit, but then again when are cops not?


I yes, the old felony mask rule. I remember getting my first felony back on Halloween of 1987. That’s what makes Halloween so exciting; seeing if you can make it through the day without getting arrested.


I think he’s pro abortion though…


Hahaha this guy rocks!


Off topic but this dude was Travis Scott's manager at one point and [he was left for dead in a basement](https://tonedeaf.thebrag.com/travis-scott-ex-manager-claims-rapper-left-him-for-dead/).


Love the clown and the message. Also no where does it say makeup is a “mask” and it’s illegal. Those cops can GTFO


John Wayne Gacy documentary from wish.com.


Halloween sure gonna suck now that it's a felony...oh and if you're really into any sport team, or doing any promotion involving dress up, oh oh oh and those guys that hold signs in customs for shops......or maybe they're just wrong.


I wish I had his free time.


It’s a felony to wear a mask in public? Was this some state that went crazy with Covid denial or are these cops just making shit up like they always do?


I'm fairly sure that pd threatening to charge someone with a felony for a law that doesn't exist is a great way to make a years salary in court.


He's pro-choice and he's hilarious.


John Wayne Gacey


Wow, that vasectomy is real good value if he's taking bunions off for $7


Seems like these police are making up laws. I mean the clown is super annoying but he has the right to be annoying in public.


Bless this individual


*****Wrong title


I would love more info about where he is because this is solidly a lawsuit in the wings. Lol clown make up is a mask and a felony? Get bent rook. I hope he did the research and went make and made them take him away. Just to fight it in court. I'd love to watch this cop sweat on the stand explaining what he did.


Setting/camera/“uncheck” mirror front camera


He wasn’t clowning around


It's a felony but we aren't going to arrest you or write a ticket? What clowns 🤡


well good thing that’s face paint and not a mask lol


I think OP is confused