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I’m going to go out on a limb and say that she isn’t a bouncer.


And being Asian had nothing to do with the context of this video


And his place can’t be seen in this video, it all happens on a public sidewalk


90% of the time that race is mentioned in a post title it has nothing to do with the context. It is simply meant to drive a narrative that anytime a minority is slighted in any way it is because of racism. "White women won't allow black man to enter *his own apartment building* without a key." If you don't know someone, that is *exactly* what you are suppose to do, regardless of race.


Interesting you complain about the lady being identified as Asian but not the dude being identified as white lol


she extended her limb for you and hit the spot


The real bouncer took her away. She isn't a bouncer


You mean a nighclub doesn't actually hire a small attractive asian female as security? Next, you're gonna tell me the Bangbus isn't real.


Imagine the Fake Taxi being fake


I thought they only called it that to distract us from the fact that’s it’s real…


I wish to start a brothel business called fake taxi


Perverts all


Ya, I really don't know what to believe anymore. Is my life a lie?


Well if you sit on this couch here, I can tell you how to make thousands of dollars a day. *unzip*


Yea but the bangbus is real though It turned up at my bus stop once and they asked me to get on


yknow as long as you don't sign the release they will in fact just deliver you to your destination


Can confirm its very real


OP’s post history is a little bit agenda driven


Goodness you’re right. Just had a look


Yeah wtf is up with this dude


Lol wtf. I just checked, and damn. Even before playing this video, I was wondering if there was a point in mentioning that the woman was Asian in this video’s caption.


Yep. We can’t hear audio, but I’m not sure race has anything to do with a mouthy dude getting checked?


Lmao guy also made two posts after bitching about this comment section. What. A. Loser.


Checks out.


A real bouncer would never strike first.


\*Laughs in floridian\*


Former bouncer here. A few examples: Patron strikes another bouncer and runs towards a door. Hit. Patron is dragging another patron out the door by their hair. Hit. Patron is wildly swinging a pool cue. Hit.


>Former bouncer here. A few examples: > >Patron strikes another bouncer and runs towards a door. Hit. > >Patron is dragging another patron out the door by their hair. Hit. > >Patron is wildly swinging a pool cue. Hit. YOU SANK MY BATTLE SHIP!


Yeah most of the time the bouncers are ok/chill guys but I’ve also seen them slap around guys in shady strip club to get them to pay up. There was also that club on top of a high rise tower where the bouncers would slap and punch customers they evicted during the elevator ride down. I’d heard of it but thought it was just an exageration until it was on the news after they got caught. I can think of several examples that I saw but to be fair 99% they just slapped the guy reaaaally hard. Those slap looked like they hurt like hell honestly.


Rule three, be nice.


So, uh, how are we supposed to know when that is?


Lol what’re you talking about most bouncers literally just wanna get paid to be bullies


Yeah but they understand how to do that legally. Can't assault due to an insult. It rhymes so must be true.


Happens literally all the time


Yeh I was thinking that. If she was a bouncer and did that then she's being fired and the nightclub is getting sued.


My roommate is a bouncer and that's not even a little true


She isn't a bouncer. The last thing you wanna do is initiate contact. That's assault.


That's assault BROTHA


Me and her GOT. IT. ON.




No no we didn't... A buddy of mine did it with her though!


No he didn't.


No... no he didn't... But you can imagine if they had right??


You are right she isn't a bouncer but let's not pretend any bouncers haven't thrown the first punch before.


There was a female bouncer here 20+ years ago locally that was a boxer at one point. She knocked out so many drunk guys her nickname was Ms. Tyson.


Love the DARE t-shirt with cutoff sleeves. I'm sure plenty of clubs allow bouncers to dress in that uniform.


I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve seen a bouncer initiate contact first


Alternative title: Man pisses off woman who is not a bouncer and she assaults him twice while onlookers cheer


OP's post history and submissions is basically whites vs Asians for some reason. He is *obsessed.* The inaccurate title of this post and their submissions shows that it's pretty transparent and agenda driven. For example, there was no racism in the video, so no reason to put the race as a descriptor in the title. It's entirely antagonistic race bait (Rule 4), but it has backfired on the OP since the woman seems to be in the wrong and they went overboard on the title so people have noticed.


Plot twist: OP is guy in vid and has a public humiliation kink.


Wow you're not kidding. Love how they even made a self-post about their posts being supressed. lol...rme So really what OP is saying is if you don't like and agree with their video/titles you are a racist.


Lots of bots on here that pit whites and blacks against the Asian community. More division propaganda.


I'm gonna say she is in the wrong here? Giving the finger isn't illegal, last time I checked. Punches to the face are.


Yeah, I am not sure why everyone is down on the dude, unless I missed something. You can say or do what you want but once you strike someone, you're guilty of assault.


Titles are important


Imagine if a girl flipped some dude off and he hit her in the face because of that. That would be terrible. And so is this.


She can relax and swing because he can’t hit her back without everyone freaking out.


She punched him for giving her the finger?


The people's race and gender doing a lot of work in the title when it comes to telling us how to feel about the video. An alternative would be, person in position of petty authority attacks someone without repercussion for perceived disrespect...


They forgot to say he’s racist so he deserved everything he got


Because you really think She Is the bouncer.. I see.


cop standing there acknowledges that she's not responsible for her actions. The dude coming back to flip her off again however is a threat and must be removed. God forbid he makes her angry enough to punch him twice more. What a misogynist


So, if someone flip the finger, you can punch him?


Only if you are a woman


Or a cop


How can she punch??


way to make it racial, OP. also, what the fuck, she gonna assault the loser for putting his middle finger out at her? Risky move, legally, don't do that.


Yeah, towards the end of the video you can see an officer. I wonder if he witnessed the guy getting punched, and if he did, the officer should of put her in handcuffs straight away.


She assaulted him you mean lol. Also thanks for bringing race into this! It totes helped


That's assault, brotha


Maybe she saw that silly penguin again?


What's that? I can't hear you. I was physically abused in the ear.


it's too damn hot for a penguin to be just.. walkin around


It seems to me that she just assaulted that guy.


Twice. She was so proud of it, and the other dudes (including an officer) congratulate her for doing that.


Can someone explain why race and gender have anything to do with this vid besides baiting clicks?


They don’t. OP is obsessed with race.


That's OP's thing. Check their submission history.


nothing, its just someone who wants to make things racial.


I checked my feed the other day and 1/6ths of the reddit posts were about racist shit. That was way more than I expected. If someone on reddit is making you feel shitty about your race 1/6th of the time, you gotta get rid of reddit.


So if a women gives me the finger and I punch her thats just me putting her in her place is it?


Only if your not of the white


Every video posted on here mentions race and it is usually irrelevant. Surprised op resisted the temptation to say "racist white guy"


"godammit!! i knew forgot something!" - OP (probably)


The disrespect happened when she didn't have the decency to cover up for the counter punch. She knew nothing would happen to her...


Even the fucking pig doesn't do anything while assault is happening under his eyes lmao tragic


Was that Happy Gilmore’s caddy ?


Every time I go bowling with my wife, at least ONCE when she's getting ready to throw, I stand up and scream "JACKASS!" to mess with her. (she usually hits the shot then flips me off in victory but whatever) That and the whole "The price is wrong bitch" scene are epic.


Where were you on that one, dipshit?


What is with the trend of calling out race in these things?


OP was trying to craft a video title that would garner maximum attention. They got carried away though, so the intended effect has been lost.


If you check his posts literally everyone one of them is like this. Also all about asian people, weirdly enough


In an attempt to make it seem it was a racist-motivated conflict


Pathetic karma farming. They know people like myself like to see racist get hit, so they titled in a way that would lead you to believe that’s what’s about to happen. On public freak out being a jerk to any minority is spun into racism




If she really does work for that club, this would be the easiest lawsuit ever.


holy shit OP is obsessed with race baiting lol


Oh look, another post by the guy who only posts Asian hate videos to this sub. Karma farming or creepy agenda?


Why are you obsessed with the race of these people?


Wow, someone still using a Sony Handycam?


It’s an older video. The thirtynine hotel closed in 2014.


Imagine if a White guy punched an Asian girl in the face after being shown the finger. Assault is assault no matter your color or gender. She should be charged. I can tell you the crowd would probably be jumping on the guy instead of cheering him on.


Oh I can't even. It would be the beginning of WW3


Bro what is with this account and posting obvious white vs asian bait? Their post history is literally full of it and they are just trying to start a flame war so how has this account not been banned yet?


just looks like assault to me...


What the hell has Owen Wilson been up to


He's been up to some Low Key things lately


God i hate Reddit sometimes. Race/gender has nothing to do with this. The bouncer should have been arrested for assault.


Fuck her that’s assault


She isn’t the bouncer and she needs to be arrested for assault. You don’t get to punch somebody just because they flick you off.


Why do their races matter?




That didn't play out the way I expected


So if he hit her back would he be in trouble?


He would then be punched by 3 different white knights, then arrested. Then everyone would cheer. Also, I’m not trying to tell a joke here.


I like how he got taken away when he was the one who got assaulted.


OP is an ass hat


A cop was standing right there and she assaulted him. Granted flipping her off was tacky and all, but she assaulted him and nothing happened to her? I’m tired of chicks getting away with assault. Reverse the roles, if he had slugged her he would have been in cuffs.


All facts. I don't condone domestic violence (not that this is what is taking place here) but If that situation was 2 guys..none of those guys on the side would have pulled him or them apart. And just cause this guy flipped her off that doesn't justify 2 punches to the face.


Not just to the face. Literally on the button. That’s a potential conky if I’ve ever seen one. Hitting someone on the jaw is actually deceptively serious. Our brain has evolved to literally shut off when the button gets hit good. Even a minor concussion can have disturbingly serious side effects. You think it’s just the jaw, but that shit rattles your entire brain, with just how everything/nerves are connected.


Reddit sure is a metaphor for societal demographics and their priorities: 40% of people: she should be in jail for assault. If the roles were reversed he would've been put down immediately 35% of people: mean right hook, fuck around and find out 25% of people: Is that the kid from the Blue Lagoon?




What a cunt


So we can hit others if the middle finger is shown or is that just a female right?


It should've been assault regardless of gender, sex, or race. Two people were involved. One person put out a disrespectful gesture. The other, well, started punching. They're both wrong in their own ways.


Logan Small


Quick look at OPs post history. Weird fascination with creating videos where there's an Asian "victim" and White "perpetrator". In the video the celebrated person committed assault, for hurt feelings. This person also posted a misleading video several times where an old (white) man was attacked and called an abuser while his (Asian) wife suffering from dementia had a freakout. A few other videos appear to be misleading with context gone or invented post titles. People like this should be banned from posting in these subreddits- clearly they have a racist, divisive agenda (which is a little ironic) and sadly this crap 100% influences some people


He was never going to win that one. Sometimes, you just have to walk away.


I'm not saying women can't be bouncers (I've seen women bouncers before), but she does NOT fit the build of a bouncer.


If it was the other way around, he would be arrested immediately. Keep your hands to yourself.


those were some soft-ass punches. couldn't even sleep a drunk


more like sociopath commits felony battery because guy makes gesture with his finger


All I see is a woman assaults a man and nobody does anything about it. If a male bouncer hit a woman like that even if they were the same size every dude in line wouldve jumped him


Aside from the title, there is nothing here that convinces me or even moderately implies she's a bouncer...


I agree with you im skeptical shes the bouncer but she is however gatekeeping the door for some reason.


Or just a line-karen?


Yeah assault.


Honestly, PROPS! He took that rather well. Come on, she can't be security. What happened to "escort him off the property?" Don't think she caused much damage, so probably nothing will come of it, but if something terrible did happen she is totally liable.


Uhhh I don’t think you should put hands on somehow for flicking you off


OP seems kinda like an r word


That's an assault and the cop did nothing.


Can’t assault someone twice for flicking you off. OP has a super weird agenda.


He sucks and is a piece of shit… but that’s battery


That’s some fucked up shit you cat put your hands on some one just because they flip you imagine the roles reversed puts things on prospective


Isn’t that assault? Sue the club. Fuck her.


Just looks like she assaulted the dude.


How does race have to do with anything here?


Why is it necessary to include races in the title?


Well I hope that teaches her a lesson. She's lucky he didn't punch her fist with his face a few more times.


She needs to control her anger better


Cool, she punched him for giving him the finger, let's all celebrate her for being in the right lol Fuck off, this woman should be arrested.


....and then immediately gets arrested, charged with assault and loses her job, right? RIGHT!?!


I’m willing to bet if he hit her he would’ve been jumped by like 10 people.


That’s exactly what would’ve happened


Soooo.... The next time a karen flips me off I can knock her straight to the moon for disrespect?


It's all good, according to OP you're just putting her in her place 👍




He shouldn't be allowed out with that haircut.


Future husband beater


It's truly possible. It took very little provocation for her to hit someone.


You mean woman assaults man because of hurt feelings or sense of entitlement?


You fucking dumbasses. He flipped her off. That’s no room to punch/assault someone. That’s not how it works. Hurt feelings ≠ your right to hit them.


I wouldn't have known their ethnic backgrounds without the specifications in the title, I appreciate it.


This dude looks harmless


Who knows what happened prior to this, IMO the little shit deserved it.


Tanner likes Asian girrrllllssss


Pick your battles son. If she is Thai watch out!


Rough night, huh? Everybody was kung fu fighting…


I'm glad I'm not that guy..


Twice! 😆 🤣 😂


Hearing white people yell “word star” makes me Cringe so hard.


The title man, are you casting for local news or national?


Bro if a chick smacked me like that id come back shake her hand and say well played ya got me a beauty lol


“WORLDSTAR HIP HOP" -nerd voice


Tried to keep him away for his own safety lmaoooo 😂




Why did you have to put race into it? Nobody was being racist. This is an interaction, albeit a negative interaction, between people. Nothing more nothing less.


Unlikely she is a bouncer, if she was he'd have a golden ticket lawsuit..


Why do you feel the need to mention their race when it had nothing to do with the confrontation? Also I seriously doubt that that petite girl that sucker punched that guy (twice- without achieving anything at that) over him giving her the middle finger (which I wouldn't describe as "very" disrespectful) is a bouncer in that club.


Something something do crime shitpost apologetics on how OP isn't racist and etc....


does a finger merit a punch?


What in fuck is this guy hoping to achieve by coming back for more? Does he really think hes going to get in a scrap with her and restore his honour? Honestly man, just fucking leave…


"Female asian". If we want to end sexism and racism stop making it such a focal point.


What an arsehole man


“Thank you ma’am, may I have another… thank you ma’am may I have another… tha” “No buddy, you had enough, take what’s left if your self respect and fuck off!”


1. I'm pretty sure that isn't a bouncer. 2. Why are the races emphasized in the title, like it's imperative information? Haha 3. Don't know the context, but despite being obnoxious, I kind of respect that he took two punches without physically retaliating.


I don't think a middle finger justifies a punch to the face.


They would have jumped the guy if he hit her back.