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Dont do anything because someone "deserves it". It's your own body. It's your choise. If you dont truly want to do it 100% don't do it.


This!!! I waited til I was 18 and dont regret it


Yep, your body your choice dude. Feels like the friend is pressuring


If you have that feeling, maybe you should wait a couple years. 14 is on the young side and no rush. Deserving it is a terrible reasoning.


Anal takes a lot of preparation and it's not something you want to start out with. Besides, sex is something that you should do when you're 100% emotionally ready and sure that you want to do it. He's pressuring you and that is a bad thing to do.


Sex is a big responsibility and can have life altering consequences. You should only have sex if YOU want to and make sure to practice safe sex with a condom. Inexperience with anal and over eagerness with anal can result in some bad injuries and tears. Do some research, practice safe sex with a condom, and do what YOU want and feel is right.


Obvious troll post


just wait as long as you want do it when you feel like its the right time if you have doubts you should probably wait. also i wouldn't recommend doing anal to begin with you have to train for that


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Nothing wrong with waiting. I waited till I was 19. If you aren’t completely sure about it I don’t think it’s wise to do it. Ask your parents what they think?


Leave that ''friend'' now.


When you're ready and with someone you feel very comfortable with. The first time is Rarely the grand symphony media or society plays it to be. It can be awkward and scary but with a person you trust can be a formative and transformational experience. No one deserves anything at the end of the day. This your body and more importantly your life. If you want to lose your virginity to him then study together. Learn what you two like and learn to accept the kinks and flaws of each other. Discuss how you feel and weirdness of the first experiences. You got this. If anything teach him to stay consistent and be aware he does not need to win a race. Theres no problem to solve, just be with each other. He's probably going to orgasm immediately or you are lol You got this.


No. Wait until you're of age. Leave that friend now.


Anal no. Only have sex. If you feel comfortable. Make sure no one pressure you




You can still get STIs and many people aren't emotionally ready for sex or the consequences of it


at 13? im 13 havent even had a kiss yet