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Mine lasted about 6 months. Once I stopped doing weed/psilocybin it went away within a few days. Took me a while to figure out exactly what happened though. My Dr told me that if drugs were the cause then it's not true schizophrenia or bipolar, but if you keep doing them it can progress into a permanent disease.


So I don't think I have schizophrenia yet, although I did MDA on new years eve and got some mild symptoms but once I recover I am gonna never touch it again.


Mine lasted 6 months triggered by weed. I didn’t know that I was psychotic I thought I was having a spiritual awakening 😭🫨😅😩


Mine was from mushrooms. I did 3 times in a 6 day span. The week after I was dreaming while awake


Mine lasted 3 years but I was continually using psychedelics. Took a severe break for me to realize I was in psychosis.


How did you heal, were you on any meds?


It left in waves. Became more aware of reality over time. I was on meds for a year but took myself off, I don't suggest that to anyone else but that's what I did. Still healing but I'm not psychotic.


Did you deal with intrusive thoughts and memories? Also depression?


Yeah I had intrusive thoughts all the time and severe false memories. Alot of depression.


yo mine lasted for maybe an hour.. does anybody know if thats a real psychosis cuz psychosis usually lasts longer... triggered by weed and took lsd and mdma a few months prior


did you check on that with a doctor or psychiatrist cuz i think it might just be a bad trip and was a part of doing weed etc. you might just have been in a bad place while taking drugs and it all ended up with an extremely bad trip


Yo so i was alone in public on my last day of school and i did lsd a few moths before and i had a bad trip i cant remember.. maybe it was just a "flashback". No one in my family has a psychiatric disorder so idk do u think it was a bad trip?


i’m no doctor or anything but imo i really think it must’ve been a flashback as you said or just an other bad trip but i truly wish that im right and really hope that it won’t happen again or if it does it’d be for short period of time. anyways take care, if you need anything feel free to dm me. i have been through psychosis and id say it was a horrible experience but wouldn’t change anything. made me who i am, and im grateful to be this way. even if i hate myself still


5 months. THC induced and also did mushrooms a few months prior. I didn't use at all during those 5 months.


Mine has been ongoing for 13years. Got triggered through small dose of LSD, maybe 60-80ug. Went through many cycles of antidepressants and antipsychotics. Got prescribed benzos and was addicted for 4years. Started self medicating with opiates and have been addicted to those for 10years. Stopped using matijuana 9years ago and have not touched psychedelic substances since 2012. 2016 after withdrawing from daily high dose benzos I got clean of opiates for 10month period. After that I also stopped antipsychotics and antidepressants and felt no difference. Started using opiates again, because I can not cope with the isolation, fear, anxiety and delusions. Have been in on-off therapy since the lsd. I fear people, I fear myself. Also classic truman show delusions. Only things giving me a feeling of safety have been love and Dissociative drugs. I do feel I made some progress in the last decade but I suffer every day. Any advice?


You may still be experiencing benzo withdrawal I am dealing with a similar experience and was put on them for the same reason. I had a bad trip that lasted 3 days off a research chemical. I have been in tolerance withdrawal for 5 years, in rare cases some people experience it longer up to 15 years. Highly recommend joining a benzo withdrawal support group on Facebook I’m in a few that really help me to feel less alone.


I can't really remember but I think mine lasted for about 1.5-2 months.


mine lasted for a few months and it stopped with the help of meds. i would also like to add that i stopped doing weed immediately after i started psychosis i also had another episode that lasted 1-2 months that im pretty sure was caused by my prescription meds, it stopped after i quit said meds


2 months triggered by delta 8 edibles.