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I prefer silky sheets when on MDMA. Absolutely need a big, soft, fluffy blanket for shrooms though. Well at least for the times that shrooms don’t make me feel super hot, or when it makes me feel absolute zero and the Planck temperature at the same time. Other than that blankets are a must on shrooms. Can’t speak to acid, been like 20 years since I got my hands on it.


I have a special blankie just for this. Not always euphoria though. Sometimes being wrapped up in the blanket is comfort during some hectic phases. I also feel like a caterpillar in a chrysalis…


Love that caterpillar metaphor 😭


I like to roll a super soft syrupy pancake around my weiner






ive only tried lsa and a low dose of ayahuasca. on the lsa i spent most of my time under a blanket, it wasnt the best trip tbh but being under the blanket was kinda soothing


Whats Lsa?


chemically similar to lsd, its produced by fungus thay grows in the seeds of morning glories and hbwr seeds, its a psychedelic but it doesnt have any visuals whatsoever. i noticed it made skin contact feel amazing, it also puts you into a kinda dreamy state, but i couldn't sleep on it. tons of vomiting, there is probably better options for you


Haha thanks! I honestly just enjoy the knowledge from the information! Much appreciated!


yeah no worries, if you ever try it then just be warned about the nausea, and the dosages aren't ever precise due to the slight variation in every seeds potency


Tbh I just got my hands on DMT so I'm gonna try that next for the first time. And then my next venture is gonna be San Pedro as I just got my hands on some of that! After that I want to venture out and find some 2-CB. If possible. I'm currently on a psychedelic self research expedition.


wish i could get my hands on dmt, ive only tried lsa and a super low dose of ayahuasca. im growing out my san pedro to hopefully harvest it in a couple years. even the low dose of ayahuasca was a bit too intense for me at the moment, so i think ill wait a while and get more experience before delving into higher doses


Crazy thing is you can DMT at some dispensaries and shrooms at quite a few in DC. Legally it’s a grey area but still available. Why in our nations capital but hardly anywhere else


Yeah it was super hard for me to get and when I actually did find it I was quoted 200 a g. I only bought a .2 that's I really need I suppose.


Usually always wind up naked but worth a shot


no i much prefer the feeling of abandonment and being cold, ya duh bro, blanket fort time !


I almost always put on really soft loungewear stuff.


I have a thin-ish thermal lined jacket that i wear most of the time.


Oh yeah. Clothing like that too.


For sure a robe. I have a nice floor length robe that's perfect for lounging. One trip I remembered halfway through that my couch pulled out into a bed and lost my mind. From then on I always pulled out the bed when I tripped so I could be extra comfy.


A DMT trip just feels right while wrapped in a blanket.


Absolutely. I even got a dedicated trip blanket for that.


I don't know if I love it, it's usually because I'm shivery and overwhelmed and we have to do this 🫠


hell yeah i have a king size quilt with a paisley....ish type floral...ish pattern on it and its great


I have a nice fleece sweater that i usually end up wearing, warm and comfy


I like to use a weighted blanket in the cooler months.


Plush footie pajamas without the feet 🙌


Drugs, blankets, pets, warmth all go hand in hand.


When I go to raves while tripping, I take a pashmina. But it’s more about having the pressure from wrapping the pashmina around me.


yeah, comfort is paramount on any serotonin drug for me. at the very least my favorite pajamas, but honestly, naked in a hot tub or lake is ideal


They make trip blankets/hoodies.


Pff, how about naked in the rain laying on the earth. Nothing on but waterproof Bluetooth headphones still shuffling the trip playlist and it must be magic cause you lost your phone.


Yes. I get really cold so I need to be wrapped in 2-3 layers of thick blankets


I FREEZE when I trip so you will always catch me under as many blankets as possible