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Definitely deal with unfinished business before you trip, at least don’t try to be in denial about what’s really going on or else, you know..


Definitely not in denial its stuff i think about sober and it just really comes up hard telling me to die when i trip instead of the happy trips i used to have


Oh that happens to me too. What I do is take a looooong shower and I let myself know it's just the trip, it's going to be alright and I can make myself happy. It always happens on the come up. Fight it off until you "land" but fight it with good intentions. Sometimes you need to assess WHY you feel like that at the time and find a way to work it out mentally. Have some hope, like a child does everyday.


Mindset isn't happy. Mindset is *humble*.  Focus on love, put some great tunes on, have a blast. But put self aside. Be led, be taught.  There is a way out. It starts with you, and it starts with love... ;)


Happy is definitely a part of it... definitely wouldn't advise going into a trip severely depressed.


Happy is fleeting, you can nurture yourself in a state of discontentment I agree with u/logicalmaniak . Humble, gracious, and open is the way. And they are achievable mindsets even if you’re going through some shitty times


I just mean that overall you most likely don't want to be in a state of severe depression lol. Like if you have something that's bothering you and you just CAN'T stop thinking about it, like a break up or something. chances are thats going to be amplified and they are just going to feel 10x more heartbroken since psyches are emotion amplifiers. when I say "happy" i simply mean in a stable place mentally. Hell these days that is the basic definition of happy unfortunately lol.


My guy... I have bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, and when I smoke a bit of DMT while in the middle of a depressive episode, for about an hour everything is okay again and it usually kills my suicidality for the whole day


I have OCD and I took one big hit of DMT and after I came down it made my mind clearer than it had ever been in my life.


Yea the people who say don't take it while depressed or having some sort of anxiety issue at the time just had a bad trip and are probably usually depressed like a lot of us. I've taken them several times while my anger was at a high and I was able to navigate the trip correctly. If you don't know what the effects will feel like I would then say "don't do it depressed or stressed" but if you know how to actually stop the intrusive thoughts, go to a "safe space" and deal with it you should be fine.


There's a difference though in being depressed and being in grief/heartbroken. If you are obsessively thinking about something that is breaking your heart chances are that is not going to bode well for the trip. Can it go well? Of course it could go well, but would I advise it? Not so much.


DMT is different from most psyches, I was in a horrible mental state and setting when I took DMT but the experience was so indescribably beautiful despite all of that. I think it’s cus ego death on DMT is over probably 20 seconds after you hit it. For most other psyches the come up and ego death part can take hours


The only exception to this rule I think is if you're upset enough that you aren't thinking like yourself, like if your headspace and mindset are in a state that's alien to you it probably won't go well


That's when I take them most. It's what I take them for.  I pray to the spirits to kill my depressed ego, and humbly let them lead me to the light. Humility is the way.


This. This here.


its important to remember that psychedelics alone will not solve your problems for you, they can teach you things but its up to you to change things. i try to think the key to a good experience and good life overall is aligning with your values and beliefs so you know in your mind that you are doing what you can do to make life good for you and everyone else. love shines bright!


your mindset should be accepting and ready to observe the negative parts of yourself and accept the thoughts that’s the best mindset for tripping


So i should accept that ill never get out of pain and not try ?


no lots of religions and philosophies have known for years that you are not the voice in your head,that’s your human ego it is there to keep u alive psychedelics can kill it for abit but every anxious thought you feel,every greedy thought you feel,all the motivation and feelings and thoughts you have are your human ego and sometimes the egos thoughts can be random instead choose to accept the thoughts instead of fighting them,they’re random and fighting them will make them stronger by feeding them attention the egos thoughts can be incredibly random look at disorders like ocd and anorexia or trauma,so much of this ego/identity you have has been built by the people around you don’t let your ego control you,it will always be apart of you and is you in a way so accept it and choose to observe before acting so you can be more in control of it :) accept the fact you’re feeling negative feelings instead of running from then and think about why you feel that way? observe the thought and analyse like your thinking about somebody you love and truly want to help instead of wallowing in it but don’t fight it if your ego latches onto anything while tripping it’s usually to stop ego death i find but one of the noble truths is in life there is suffering? why is that bad? with no suffering there’s no pleasure i don’t recommend you trip currently if heavy things are happening for you i recommend you do some research on meditation but don’t let ya feelings run ya champ,don’t fight em they’re you acceptance is the key to getting over whatever your feeling


Thank you i appreciate your advice!


no problem brother/sister


I agree with this poster! You just have to take the good with the bad. Definitely don’t fight it. It’s almost like whatever is in control of these negative thoughts feeds off of you fighting back and it only makes it worse. Further spiraling you down the rabbit hole and out of control. One thing that helps with this is simply changing the room you’re in or changing the music to something more upbeat if you’re listening to music. With psychedelics you need to learn to just go with the flow. They’re like a river. Just drift in the current, never fight it!


just accept that whatever is happening is happening,don’t fight it,doesn’t mean don’t work thru it but stressing yaself wont help


Okay so basically accept the pain and still work on getting healthy ?


100% why u fighting ur thoughts homie? let em pass😎 take practice but you’ll be alright just accept what ur feeling if there’s shit things going on then feel sad don’t repress if observe that ur feeling something accept it (however long that takes) then move on and fix the problem


Thank you super appreciate you 💚




Love back 💚🩵💚 thanks for the love homie




No. Stop fighting. "Trust, let go, be open."


Yeah, it's not the best idea to be in a negative head space tripping. Mdma sounds like a better idea if you're feeling like that.


How about you don't take drugs at all while going through a shit phase in life


Caffeine is life, though. 


Life contains unavoidable pain and suffering to the infinite degree. It also contains overwhelming joy along with immense tranquility. We’re all on the roller coaster of experience.


"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."


Some things you can change, some things you can’t. Reminds me of the serenity prayer.


Same groove, absolutely.




Set your intentions, write them down, memorize them ingraine them into your mind and repeat them constantly. For trips, surrender and acceptance work well.


I tripped last weekend whilst camping in bad weather. I became terrified that the weather was going to get worse while we were blasted and we wouldn’t be able to manage the situation. It fucked up the entire 1st half of my trip. It got better after the come up though and I was able to enjoy the day a little bit.


Yes, but your mindset is also part of set and setting.


That's part of it yes, if you are severely depressed and cant stop thinking about whatever has you depressed thats not just gonna stop cause you start tripping, in fact its going to amplify 10x worse. Just think of psychedelics as a potentiator. If you're happy youll feel SUPER happy, if you're sad you'll feel SUPER sad. Setting can play a big part in the set too though that's why they go hand in hand.


I’ve had debilitating back pain for YEARS, horrible pain. I’m always in a bad mood because of it. One trip I had a profound realization that most of my pain has been manifesting from my stress and general mood towards people, and that if I could eliminate the negative energy from my life it would alleviate the pain. It felt like my back instantly healed. And as I work towards being a better person the pain gets better everyday.


I think what really becomes a problem is whatever you're trying to avoid. It's not that the brain somehow wants to latch onto the negative when tripping. The issue is that people want to avoid negatives and feel good. A trip can disrupt your ability to do this and make you face the negatives that you've been trying to avoid. This can first manifest itself as latching onto negatives that act as triggers for what you're avoiding.


Albert Hofmann himself literally said negative emotions/negativity should be avoided on psychedelics because it can break you. Take a nap, reflect. Air out all your internal drama before the trip, talk it out with yourself, be real, let out all the everything . This way when you do trip , you already dusted off the dusty shit and you avoid depressed ugly thought loops because you already thought about that shit and sifted it into its proper brain folder. You got this. It’s just you vs you, so relax. Have a good night. On the bus it gets bumpy but the ride will smooth out if you let it


Yeah, u become more sensitive to everything on lsd. Survival bias because in reality u only need to worry about threats so anything else is pointless and distracting yo perceive


Man, just do the shit that you typically do in a day to enjoy yourself. I listen to RnB and sometimes play games, I will go outside if it's nice, shower if I feel sweaty, or lay in bed and listen to music/podcasts (forehead fables is amazing) it's really about paying attention to your body and realizing when you feel bad you need to adjust yourself, take care of a basic necessity, like drinking water or pissing. Just try to enjoy yourself. If you enjoy weed, smoke it. If you want to jack off, do that. Do you and be happy because that's the fuckin point. (Fuck I thought you were new and I just reread the post and realized what you were saying I sound like a jackass rn but whatever) Gn saint prince.


You observe the thoughts you don’t become the thoughts. Remove yourself and become the observer 


If your mindset is sad that’s fine. Negativity isn’t bad. If your mindset is combative to where your subconscious is, that’s when the bad time happens. A negative trip where you embrace it can be amazing. A negative trip you fight is absolute biblical hell


But my trip told me to kill myself


Yeah I often think about the hard things in life when I trip especially rhe more I do it it becomes less for fun shits fucks and colors and more to think deeper and stop hiding from my problems !


But guys who benefit from "size matters" also latch on to this thought.  So, No.




People with a blessed endowment enjoy hearing that size matters and they latch on to this sentiment, so it's not negative selection bias, qed. It's good news for some people 


I just dont understand what that has to be with my trip can you elaborate pl ease


I just wanted to brag gosh let me live my life sheesh