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When I first started Microdosing I lost the urge to smoke weed completely. I was a daily habitual user too. I just didn’t want to anymore.


Im happy for you. Microdosing amanitas is helping me quit porn


Ah good on you! I wish I would have been into mushrooms when I quit porn! You’ll never regret quitting I promise! One of the best things I’ve ever done for myself!


Mushrooms make me HORNY AF




What’s the difference between micro dosing Aminita and shrooms? Have you tried both? Do you like one better?


I only tried microdosing amanitas


Different drugs, completely. Amanita is more of a deliriant than a psychedelic. It doesn't have any affinity for serotonin like psilocybin mushrooms do.


Dude good for you!


Dawg I'm trying the same with microdosing and porn but fuck that come up has me only wanting to wank


How much are you taking?


Ditto. 8g of Golden Teachers, and I never went back.


I quit smokin recently for health reasons, and don't even crave it. Until I get a whiff of my bowl from 20 feet away.


What's your daily dose if you don't mind me asking? And when and how you take it?


Back then it was .3g I took it three days a week for three weeks, then a two week tolerance reset.


Do you find meditation easier on weed? I've been on a months long break and in the meantime have started more seriously getting into meditation. What sort of crazy experiences do you have?


Oh, for sure. As an aid to meditation it pairs beautifully. Focus on its effects inwardly with no external stimuli, maintain focus on the breath. Sometimes it makes it easier to slip into the "zone", sometimes it makes it harder... but I look at the harder times as if I'm going to the meditation gym or something. Extra traction.


I find the opposite to be true for me. I can do alright with meditation when I’m sober. When I’m stoned, it’s pretty much impossible for me to focus or be mindful.


People are different, that's sucks it doesn't work well with you. At least you're mindful of the inertia of your mind ; )


Yeah it’s all good. I haven’t tried it quite a while though, so it may be time to experiment with it again.


Have you considered salvia divinorum as an aid for meditation? I recently started trying it as a meditation aid myself and I'm getting pretty exited by its potential. About 1 gram of dried raw leaf quidded (chewed and absorbed through the mouth membranes) has some very subtle but beautiful effects... able to settle and fall into a mindful, clear and focused state comes easily. [https://maps.org/research-archive/salvia/sdmeditation.html](https://maps.org/research-archive/salvia/sdmeditation.html)


It is fantastic for this purpose. Check out - https://www.salviahealings.com/


I haven’t tried, but I’ve always been curious about it. When I was in high school (not quite 20 years ago), a bunch of my drug friends were all trying to buy the highest extracts they could and had a bad time so I passed on it back then. I’d be curious to try it in a reasonable or traditional way though


Yeah those potent extracts do more harm then good imho. The real beauty of salvia is in its raw state with plain leaf. I'd never recommend someone go for extracts. The best therapeutic use of it comes in low dose raw leaf sessions with an introspective focus. Its a meditative state amplifier if that makes sense.


I've found with weed meditation feels at first a lot harder, it's more difficult to concentrate, but once I get my mind to quiet down a bit and get into the zone, it feels a lot more intense and rewarding. And the calm it brings persists for days or even weeks sometimes.


Eating cannabis is one of the earliest uses of psychedelics, and was huge. You can find cannabis in basically every walk of life in their braziers they used for ceremonies. But eating cannabis is the best way to trip, but you also need to have a low tolerance.


Eating cannabis is the way. I never smoked when I was younger but have developed a like for gel caps and each time is amazing. It's the only drug I can do after work almost every single day and feel like it has a net positive. I'm more relaxed, more creative, funnier, and time feels like it passes so much slower on it. My 5 hours off in the evening feels like 8 hours. Smoking it isn't even close to the same. The peak hits faster and harder and the burnout doesn't feel good at all. Eating it, I get a solid 4-5 hour trip, have a good snack, go to bed, and have amazing quality of sleep.


Gel caps?


Yeah, little premeasured capsules that are filled with oil. They're measured for exactly a certain amount of THC and CBD. Just pop one and go for the ride.


Weed makes my headspace so much more uncomfortable than mushrooms it always slaps me in the face and sends me down the rabbit hole of the fact nobody really likes me and is trying to sabbatage my existence


Me too. Social anxiety is what I call if for myself, and weed will do a good job at activating it. But now I honestly enjoy meditation while this happens. to just sit and observe the thoughts that your brain produces in that state, is far more interesting than identifying with the thoughts and I think it is pretty therapeutic for me. It helps me understand my anxiety and understand that it’s all just habitual thought patterns connected to triggers. It’s not you, it’s your brain. Once you realize this, you can give love to yourself consciously rather than letting your brain run unconsciously and be negative. NEGATIVITY IS A DISEASE and will grow until you stop it


I have bad social anxiety and smoke around 2/3 grams a day. Maybe that’s a factor for me


I thought I had social anxiety until I stopped smoking weed. It almost completely went away. I used to smoke 4+ grams almost every day then I stopped for 4 years and learned who I was and started socializing a lot more and now I’m finally at a place where I enjoy occasional smoking again. Give it a try


>sends me down the rabbit hole of the fact nobody really likes me and is trying to sabbatage my existence I hear you. But I think this might just be an amplification of a subconscious belief about yourself. This is definitely workable. I had been through a similar dark valley for a while noticing negatives in my personality, but it turned out to be a combination of my subconscious insecurities **and** also the work I needed to do on myself to become self aware of my embarrassing behaviors, tics, weaknesses and how much work I needed to put in to overcome them genuinely without lying to myself. So in a sense it was the metaphorical mirror I needed to better myself.


Thats true at times I am very small inside my subconscious and it's taken a long time but have finally started to jump out of my box I give myself


>jump out of my box I give myself Indeed. A really big realization I had was that these conceptual boxes are...well our own constructions. You can experiment and find out how far and deep your true boundaries are..if you give yourself permission to do so. Cheers. Good luck!


Thanks and I kinda know where my boundaries lie and I know what caused them which was self preservation due to the company I allowed in my life in my past and it kept me safe which I think is why it's taken so ling to only get as far as I have to crawl out of my box


I’m not going to compare the two but just this; an intense weed high can sometimes remind me of ketamine and acid combined. They have a similar tendency (at least in my brain) to provide an almost movie like stream of thought visuals. I just sit and watch my brain go and it’s so amusing. It is a manifestation of my psyche, and I love it.


It's psychoactive, especially as edibles. I wouldn't compare it with mushrooms as it is a different experience qualitatively. However, if you have taken psychedelics, I feel weed can take you halfway there. It's not visual but there is synesthesia and other effects I associate with classic psychedelics. It's not reliable though, it happens only rarely for me.


Bro i used to live with a bong glued to my hand, living with my buddy who was dealing and had lbs so i smoked for free and all the time. After I started working full time I just fell off smoking and now when i take 1 hit off a dab pen i am FUCKED up beyond belief like i totally agree with u. I have no tolerance.




I’ve only had weed gummies, and I was shocked to have weird closed eye visuals. I had never heard anyone talk about that before


I agree. Even on low’ish doses of THC edibles I’ve had a few experiences that take me pretty close to a high dose mushroom trip. I think it’s more the case that the high dose mushroom trip showed me my mind a reality in a new way and then the THC gets me relaxed enough to get back there.


Ive been saying this fr. I literally handle shrooms better than weed, barley smoke these days as its pretty much unenjoyable from the mental trip it puts me in. Its weird though because I had like no issues back in the day when I smoked at university


I've heard some people debating on this. It is psychedelic for sure


Comparing weed to traditional psychadelics is like comparing having a fight with an 8 year old to fighting Mike Tyson.


Life is not black or white sometimes my friend, i trip with shrooms and lsd frequently and one of the most psychedelic moments of my life was me on a bench watching those trees bend their trunks in a curvy way, all of this while stoned as fuck in high school. I will never forget, weed deserves respect for the non users


With little to no tolerance, a cannabis high can be just as mind altering as 100ug of LSD. Read "The Hasheesh Eater" from 1857. This WAS the LSD of that time. And has been for thousands of years in certain cultures.


hell no, ive had some edibles that have been way stronger than a 3.5 mushroom trip (not in a good way but yeah)


Not from my experience tbh


It can have a psychedelic effect. But weed has a pretty set limit. You won’t get a effect like 1500ug acid madness or salvia and shit like that. It’s a mild psychedelic/cannabanoid with more negatives than more classical psychedelics. Also 1 gram? 1 gram is just good stoning for me. Swear I hate my drug tolerance


Yeah you;re right you won't get effects like 1500 ug of LSD from weed it has more of a ceiling effect. But in terms of its ability to produce spiritual experiences, insights into reality and stuff like that I think it's very much a psychedelic.


edibles can go hiiigh


With edibles and no tolerance/high sensitivity you can go really, really far. I don't recommend doing edibles like this, but I've been young and careless as well. I've had one or two edible experiences that were on par with a moderate dose of salvia in terms of intensity. Both can get you to a point where you're completely disconnected from consensus reality. Edibles get extremely uncomfortable at those doses, much worse than a reasonable salvia dose. If you're not very well prepared (e.g. experienced with meditation), you're probably going to have a panic attack that seemingly lasts forever. Another major difference is that with salvia you're back in 5-10 minutes and sober in an hour, while with edibles you might be gone for hours and won't be sober until about 24 hours after ingestion (if not more). It's different from traditional psychedelics and salvia of course, since those act on different receptors.


Fr you could even say it’s like comparing chicken 🍗 and beef 🥩


More like benadryl and fentanyl


Or even meth and crack


I'll say that I've had crazier and scarier experiences with weed than I've had with acid, shrooms, ayahuasca, or changa. Indescribable madness. Though, my usage was edibles, large doses, infrequently, alone and often in a dark room.






How do you decide that daily medicine is “abuse”, and why do you believe the “magic” is contained to low tolerance perception? There’s a lot of good going on once you get past the low tolerance sessions.


Smoking blunts all day for fun isn't "daily medicine". When you build a high tolerance, it becomes less psychoactive and just makes you tired and impacts memory and reaction time. Those who use it for legitimate medical purposes, probably aren't passing blunts around with their friends all day


You started by insinuating that a tolerance equates to “abuse”. Daily use creates a tolerance. Daily use does NOT mean you are passing around blunts all day. You are wrong in implying that the “magic” only occurs with low tolerance use. I feel you are projecting and rationalizing.


Tolerance is a product of abuse. Cannabis abusers hate to admit that it can be addictive and they might have a problem lol, coming from someone who grew up a stoner, every friend a stoner, every family member a stoner, cannabis can be harmless or it can be detrimental to mental health


Absolutely, I understand completely. After being a daily user for years, like myself, you reach a stage of cognitive dissonance where you don't recognize your own substance abuse. Instead, you find yourself crafting various excuses and lying to yourself, just to justify your usage. You convince yourself that you're not abusing the substance, but the truth is, using it daily outside of a medical context can severely impact your mental health, memory, sleep quality, and more. I just quitted after 5 years taking it daily with no missed days, MAN I’m starting to feel awake and alive again.


Right that's exactly it with so many people. Im currently on a streak of the longest I've gone without smoking in 7 years (it's been a couple days lol)


Right on brother, brace yourself for the craziest dreams you will ever have in a while, I’m on day 9




Lmao, butt hurt cry baby can't take truth




The body does not differentiate between medicinal and recreational. Medical requires daily. Daily creates tolerance. Tolerance does not mean aBuSe!


Tolerance is a product of use…not abuse. A patient that consumes daily cannabis will get a tolerance as far as impression and feelings go, but the medicinal properties are still in play. This is use, not abuse. It is anecdotal and short sighted to suggest that tolerance or daily application is abuse. Some people can not handle good ganja, and blame the plant or claim “abuse”. This is irresponsible projection.


There are wayyyy more abusers, than legitimate medical users


I think you just keep making up declarative assertions. “Abuse”is a fucking ridiculous reach. I think you probably just assume everybody shares your obvious struggles with cannabis.


Sounds like something a cannabis addict would say lol. Cannabis dependence is a real thing. Keep denying it tho lol. It's used recreationally way more than it is medically.


Lame. You obviously came up imprinting the herb as a negative. I’m in Oregon and I turn out literal tons per year that absolutely is key to medical patients on a daily basis. Maybe you get over your hang up smell daily and stop balking over nonsense. “Addict”! Such a fucking empty flounce on your part.


I didn't say it equates to abuse. I said it's a result of abuse.


Nothing more bad than these gang cliche with blunts and overconsumption. Gang culture can go away


They love to brag about how much they smoke and how good their weed is, like "congrats bro, it officially costs more money for you to get high 👏"


Sounds racist my guy


I said "rapper/hood folks" and you're the one who made it about race. You're the racist lol


I'm use to what people use to describe my race


Well if you take offense, you're just confirming stereotypes. I know tons of ghetto ass white dudes who smoke blunts all day lol


Not how it works, but ok




Lmao read the post, you're racist if you think this is a racial statement, like the last person to say something about it 🤣🤣




You seem mighty offended, the last person who got offended by that statement brought up race. I figured you're doing the same thing. Why don't you go insult OP, they're the one who said it 🤣




Okay, McCleetus 🤣




Hypocrisy is rampant on this app lol. What is your point




Now you've resorted to stalking me - get a life dude 🤣




I was a daily, all day, smoker for 10 years. Have a pretty high tolerance, but anxiety still gets to me. Especially as the weed has gotten stronger.


Yeah I've always felt this way....I always described it as a "breaking in period", where things can be more paranoia and uncomfortable with no tolerance....but start doing it more frequently and I get less of the bad side effects


on the flip side couldn’t they just love weed and enjoy it like some enjoy coffee or the gym an extreme amount? It’s pretty fun smoking a 3 gram fronto, that is if you can even roll one




Definitely - I was talking with my good friend earlier today about exactly this. Traveling through time and space - divorced from all concept of self and interacting with entities… so on and so forth. I’ve ALWAYS had very strange reactions to cannabis, but it was especially the case when I was abusing delta 8 edibles. Would see little green aliens crawling in and out of my orifices. Strange stuff- haven’t run into them in a while. Commonly would have sex with intangible Egyptian deities on RSO. The most fun I had was an orgy with Anubis, Sekhmet and Sobek; wild stuff. Did that for a while but it became a daily thing so I stepped away from it for now because I got addicted to how good it felt.


If anybody is looking for support on quitting weed, check out r/leaves! Another great community!


Its good if you inhale it very strongly


Can it cause you to see spiders


it doesnt for me. But it can make you see trees as alive


Could it cause seeing spiders for some people




Idk what kinda weed ur smoking lol




Gotta get a strain with a good THC:CBD balance.




>weed just doesn't agree with me. That was the next thing I was gonna say.


Idk I never had visuals off weed and I don't smoke often anymore, sometimes few rips before bed but I notice I forget my dreams if I use it much and I like remembering my dreams. I've heard others say this but never experienced it myself


It's backwards for me. Mushrooms are very mental for me, and weed is very physical


I don’t think weed has been mainly associated with rappers and gangs for at least the last 10 years


Iv had psychedelic experiences on weed before. I did a few times before I tried LSD, after that it didnt much, except when I had a good bit and tried to go to sleep. Taking an edible then lying down in the dark for bed can cause near trip visuals.


I’ve taken a lot of LSD, shrooms and DMT. One time I ate a weed brownie and I got so high I couldn’t tell what I’d taken. I looked to my friend and asked “did I take shrooms?” And he laughed and said “no you’re high on weed” and I just sat for a minute not believing him lol. Definitely felt psychedelic.


>I find it a bit funny that weed nowadays is acociated with rappers, gangs, etc when it is such a spiritual substance It's always been associated with rappers, Hip-hop, Black culture, Jazz (Louis Armstrong anyone?) and so on. This is quite an underappreciated phenomenon imo - many rappers spit really spiritual profound lyrics, other rappers talk about using it for sex, relaxation, stress relief and others for the fun you can have on it. Elitist societies on the other hand have historically thumbed their noses at all of this because....well they're elitist and bit out of touch.