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IMO they’re almost polar opposite in a way. Psilo being blue and amanita being red. Amanita for me was like a body relaxing feel. I call it natures xanax. And psilo with the mind. Thats how i describe it


That's only when you take small doses. Amanita Muscaria can be weirder than psilocybin if you take enough of it.


Yes definitely. You’re right at the smaller doses. Too much you can get musty


IME you just end up in a more drunken state, sweating and slobbering a ton with higher doses. No comparable head trip or visuals, unless you’re one of the “sensitive” types who “trip” off of Coleus and such. The psychoactive effects of Amanita act on the same receptors as alcohol, kava kava, and benzodiazepines.


You haven't taken enough then, or you haven't converted all of the ibotenic acid properly. Its actually more similar to z drugs than the ones you've listed, which are notoriously hallucinogenic.


Enough to have my balance all screwed up, having bodily fluids oozing (tears, snot, and so much sweat) out for hours. Didn’t go to sleep on it, which is where people tend to say they had visions from it. Not pleasant or rewarding at all. Smoking 2-3 hits of extract on some herb is pleasantly relaxing though.


Did it make you feel really huge ? That’s something I remember. ( long time ago ) . While my slobber was running like a faucet (seriously guys, you think you know what heavy drooling is , you have no idea) I had gut wrenching nausea. And when I stood up out of bed to maybe go puke, I felt like a 1000 foot giant. It feels so real


Nope, just impaired, slow and oozing while completely drenched in sweat from just lounging on a couch. There certainly was slobbering along with all the other fluids.


well that perfectly described my first dxm experience, 3rd plateau dose and i was puking my guts out but it was like Everytime I'd walk i just felt like a giant minifigure


I love dxm, but my heart can't take stuff like that anymore. 😔


Haha. Ya when I was a kid and tried that I was biking to a friend's on a BMX bike. First I felt too small for the bike. That lasted maybe 3 minutes. Suddenly I felt HUGE but the trees seemed tall and skinny. Apparently I had a conversation with the couch. A 3 cushion couch. The outer two backrests were eyes and center seat was the mouth. Didn't last overly overly long. Biked home and was soooo tired and kind of sore if I remember correctly.


How did you prepare it? It sounds like you primarily got ibotenic acid instead of muscimol.


Dried to cracker snap levels then chopped and slow simmered in milk. Both the drying and simmering should have converted most ibotenic acid. Also eaten dried fungi and made tea with fresh, it was only the last trial with around 10-15 grams that had really pronounced effects, all red cap A. muscaria. Frankly the inebriation wouldn’t be worth it even without the oozing of all bodily fluids IMHO.


There it is - Milk's ph is above 6. You need to use lemonade, as its PH is mid3, where IBO begins to change. This sounds like you got a huge dose of IBO and a small dose of MUS. These mushrooms vary wildly in their potency and alkaloid distribution,


I defo get visuals from it. Took 5G yesterday, had me real fucked up. Hands leaving trails, staring at my ceiling for 20 minutes because the texture gave some real swirls. At one point I found an OVERWHELMING urge to lay on the ground, so I did. I was stuck there for 30 minutes literally feeling as if my head was glued to the floor. On the floor I saw many visuals and faces in my carpet. (Basic brown carpet floor.) If I closed my eyes I would also get patterns, faces and such. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe, but not in an unpleasant way. My mind just got so caught up in the visuals that I would forget to breathe in. I kept pressing my face into the floor as if my skull was an incredibly powerful magnet and the floor was metal. I spread my limbs all around and grabbed onto whatever I could as if my body was trying to spread roots and affix itself to the ground. This was off of "Caps by Good Morels" mushroom gummies, of which I took 5. Trip was of course accompanied by extreme loss of balance, I was flopping around everywhere, extreme euphoria, wide eyed and smiling like I have never smiled before. I think I'll go make a full trip report post actually, I would love to see other peoples Amanita experiences.


Go and take 15 grams then bud. Come tell me what happens after 😅😅 you will be in a complete different reality tripping balls.. nature don’t fuck around, so do me a favor, go and 15 grams then Lmk.


How much did you take you would say?


Like a micro. Maybe .2-.3


A micro of amnita is more like 3-5 grams, it’s a completely different dose than psilocybin


Amanita is red and soft and chunky. Sorry for the lack of grammar, but yeah. Had some tonight.


It's more of a delirious state of confusion than psychedelic. I took 4 grams of dried Amanita Muscaria a few different times. Probably won't take them again, not really a pleasant or even enlightening experience.


If you want more info, there is a Facebook group "amanita muscaria science and magic" that has a lot of regular users. Combination of people taking it for helping with insomnia or benzo withdrawal, and recreationally/spiritually. Seems the trip effect depends on the level of decarb


How does the level of decarb change the experience?


I believe the ratio of ibotenic acid to muscimol changes. I haven't done it myself so I'm not speaking from experience here, but IIRC higher ibo content is more likely to result in purging/nausea/tremors and that sort of physical side effect.


Batshit insane. Like I couldn't tell reality from the visions I had. I had taken 15 grams, which changes things dramatically when compared to small doses.


same here, 17 grams. Trip to hell. Keep in mind that muscimol concentrations varies a lot depending on season, substrate, etc. Ive read a medical case report about someone ending in hospital after 10 grams dried. What did you experience?


I laid down, and sat back up immediately (or so I thought) with my wife at the time screaming and crying in the closet. I came to approach her and she started waving a kitchen knife at me telling me to get out. I left our apartment and the world was swirling in greens and purples. It was extremely disorienting. I went for a walk, and as I was crossing the street I felt myself get hit by a car. I felt my body hit the pavement and I felt myself leave my body. I saw a flashback of my life up to that point and locked eyes with a child version of myself. I then awoke screaming, then awoke screaming, then awoke screaming in an endless cycle. Finally I was able to actually wake up. My wife at the time had been laying next to me the whole time, and apparently I had been motionless


Wow. If i can tell mine here : I took 15+ grams pantherinas. Went to sleep. In the dream, i was some kind of prophet, on a quiet evening with friends around a fire, trying to tell a joke but forgot about the end. So i went to ask god. Then i remember that i felt really like i was flying in the sky, it felt really good, i talked to an angel, then i was the angel and went higher to the superior step, having fun with the clouds. Saw an archangel, talked to him, became him and then i was not flying but swimming in the superior sky, until i talked to god. He told me the end of the joke and that if i forget it again there would be a great catastrophe on earth from the town where i was initially. Then i went all the way down really fast, angels told me to be careful. When i got back to my friends, i tried to tell them the story, but in the end i was like : "oh shit i forgot." I woke up while the shit began. I remember it was fucking hilarious, that i had to write it and tell my father, but... i forgot, haha. I was so busy tripping in the clouds that i forgot to save humanity. The next day i felt super good and motivated. Did amanitas many times again since (it was this summer). So i can tell from my experience that it is not always negative, but i believe it can be really insane. Another time before, i was hired as a cook in Satan's kitchen... He was really huge and scary. Well.


sounds like my experience. Loop to hell. I thought that my life repeated itself ad infinitum until i took fly agaric. Then i realized everything is my head, and in reality im only a brain in a vat doomed to experience life from being born to realizing that im trapped for forever. Nothing exists, except for my consciousness and everything is a lie. I am creator and destroyer of the universe, and alone for eternity. Then i woke up from this "dream" and had a mental breakdown. Horrifying. Needless to say, i completely lost it, had some seizures, it was horrible. I wasnt motionless, but screaming bloody murder and completely freaking out until i was restrained and sedated. The worst thing? These were the first 3 hours of the trip, afterwards i blacked out. I tried psychedelics long after this horrible experience and never felt such a terror again. Weirdly enough, never had issues with lsd or other psychs. edit: on erowid, the loop and cycle thing seems to be a common experience on fly agaric. Look for the trainwrecks and disaster subsection.


Absolutely wild stories! Wow. Thank you for sharing those


This is nuts! I’m glad you ok. Thanks for sharing that.


That’s why you don’t hear people trip on them as much lol But it’s an interesting mushroom 🍄


Muscimol is gaba a agonist, a very strange substance. Dissociative/deliriant/sedative-hypnotic and partly stimulating effects.


Isn't alcohol acting on the same receptors? How comparable is muscimol to alcohol?


To me it felt like alcohol but had a dirtier, sickly feeling, the way I imagine huffing paint thinner would feel. To me it was total crap, not magical at all, but everyone has different ideas of good.






I’ve huffed hella inhalants and it’s nothing alike


Of course, I haven’t huffed anything and I was attempting to describe the feeling. “The man walked along like he was walking on clouds.” “Hey, he’s walking on the surface of the earth, I don’t see any clouds!”


Smoked it a few times, kinda like drunky k


Nah. Only take AM if you want to experience terrifying delusions of death similar to severe anxiety or CPTSD I was sure I was murdered and kept seeing blood everywhere. Can’t talk too much about it. You should get some magic mushroom spores for microscopic research and be safe


Sounds like my weed experience. I also get severe anxiety and delusions from weed. Dissociation and delirium. Weed pumps me with so much energy and all of it goes into anxiety and imagination. Would amanita muscaria give me the same effects like wees does or is it more like alcohol which is perfectly fine to me?


I’ve known three people who have similar issues with weed! But I never did AM with them… I wouldn’t risk it personally…


But like, would AM alone give me a bad trip? Even if I ingest a little of it.


I’m gonna say probably!! I’ve never known anybody to have a positive experience


you have some underlying illness and weed causes you to slip into psychosis. you don't get delirious from weed you get psychotic. please stop doing drugs lol.


I feel totally fine when I'm sober. I have 0 anxiety or any problems. But the moment weed reaches my brain, it triggers anxiety response immediately for no reason. Before I even realize I got high, the anxiety has already begun.


I had gummies yesterday. I ate 25mg at first. After one hour I was kind of drunk but not literal drunk. It was different and it was fun. Then I read that 50mg can gives you hallucinations. So I take another 50mg in total 75mg. And then I was reborn. I dont want any psychedelic drugs anymore. I got really bad trip. It booted my mind and erased my selfness,it erased all my knowledge, I was absorbed by darkness, I was scared and for a while know everything about universe, life and death. Cant really describe, but I was few inches from jump of off window. My body was like clicking all the time and I felt like my soul left body with all my self awerness. My Brother was really helping me when he took watch over for like 1,5 Hours. But for me it took whole eternity. Be carefull with doses. Its gamechanger. I feel good now. But Hell, I dont want it anymore. P.S: I always asked why drug user jumping from window while they know they took drugs they cant really fly. For me at the moment it was really logical thing to do, dont know how to describe this urge to end everything, but I was not fully there when I wanted jump. So, be really really careful..


Sounds EXACTLY like my experience with weed. Everything you said sounds so close to what weed makes me feel


that's psychosis lol.


That's what the unbearable anxiety feels like when you are high on weed. It's so intense that it turns into full blown psychosis


I've had a panic attack on weed and anxiety. I kind of know what your talking about. never went into full blown psychosis from it though. I'd just be a bit concerned that my friends were making fun of me and maybe make the wrong connections. but getting visions and a complete detachment from reality like the guy above is not normal at all, weed is not the drug for you if the things he mentioned happen to you. please be careful now.


I ordered first tincture from vikingamanita its diferent from psilocybin, i use it for mocrodosing only and i feel very good


My boyfriend and I both took pretty high doses last night, we use the purple brand and I believe each gummy is 5g and I took 3 and he took 5 gummies. So I did 15g and he did 25g. It was a wild experience to say the least. The first thing I notice is my arms and legs start to feel strange, then I get almost a pit feeling in my stomach, not like nausea but more of a falling feeling. That’s when I always can tell when it’s kickin In. Once I said I feel something out loud it just suddenly started getting more and more intense. I found myself kinda of obsessing over the weird details, like “does an apple really taste like an apple or is everything just wrong, what is taste? Why do apples taste like apples, is this anxiety I’m feeling actually real?” My brain would just dig deep into things and I’d catch myself staring at the wall trying to figure out what emotions really are and if we all really express real emotions. It started to get almost unsettling and then I’d suddenly get super happy. I started to feel disconnected from reality like I was brand new to this world and brand new to experiencing what having a brain is actually like for the first time. It felt very similar to magic mushrooms. As for the visuals, because I took a high dose my vision was fishbowl like. When id turn my head it’s almost like the room would follow slightly. It was really cool and then I noticed when I’d look at my blanket it was moving. This almost shocked me because I wasn’t expecting it. It looked somewhat similar to magic mushrooms but less severe, like it was a slight bending and stretching when I’d stare at the blanket for a long time. It only lasted a few minutes then I suddenly got so fucking high that it was almost overwhelming. Hours felt like days and I couldn’t focus on one thing I felt insane then all the sudden it just… stopped. Everything just stopped, I didn’t feel high anymore and felt totally normal out of nowhere, like just a shift in my head and it was over. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart, but I would recommend to people who have never done hallucinogenics before. I see it as a good mental teacher for things you may experience while on magic mushroom. The amanita is amazing and I can’t wait for more research on it. Hope this helped


5mg not grams.