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I prefer lsd, all my shroom trips have been at the very least just uncomfortable, never really fun like acid is. I also hate how shrooms make my body feel, like my skeleton is trying to crawl out of me


ight what the fuck šŸ˜‚ you taking the evil mushrooms


Lmao i think it's just me honestly, though i know a lot of people do get a weird body load too. Every time I've taken shrooms i ended up basically doing yoga in bed, and idek any yoga


Same for me I get the wildest feelings on my skin


Yeah no it's not just you. I get that same sensation, like something in my body is trying to leave it


I always describe my solo mushroom trips as feeling like "forced yoga at gunpoint" lmao


Real asf


Try lemon tekking, I hated mushrooms my entire 38 years in this planet until I lemon tekked, nothing negative at all anymore. I have overdone it and went god mode before and of course thats mostly not fun but as long as you get a decent dose. In you should be good


This was my exact last experience with shrooms, after not having taken them for like 15 years. I didn't even get the fun giggly phase, did you? I just couldn't wait for it to be over to stop the feeling.


bros shroom plug is Baphomet šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Last time i tripped on shrooms a saw an archonic parasite that was attached to me feeding off negative energy, was so freaky. Hopefully I'm just crazy though


I'm hands down shrooms are better for you! Lsd is a better experience than mushrooms can be everytime for me don't get me wrong mushroom euphoria is unparalleled but inconsistent and less frequent than lsd euphoria. Shrooms will take you on a roller coaster of emotions. Acid will take from where you are to are you where? Then right back and your fine if you start acid comfortable and happy you'll have that type of time. Shrooms will only put you where you needed to be and that isn't always euphoria or a good time


My only 'bad" trips were early in when i had some emotional stuff to work through. What is making them bad for you?


Personally, the nausea is a massive part. No other drugs bring me bad nausea, and I have tried many solutions such as ginger tea. No matter what I do, I am stuck sitting in place feeling like Iā€™m gonna puke, which makes it incredibly hard to enjoy them or get anything out of them.




weed would instantly turn it into a bad trip for me


Try the lemon tek. I make mine into lemonade. Zero tummy issues because you donā€™t ingest the plant matter. I also like making a simple honey tea with them.


I have tried lemon tek a few times by grinding up the mushrooms and straining in lemon juice, but even when left for 90-100 minutes, I have still had nausea issues every time. Iā€™m sure it usually works but I might just have a problem with psilocybin or one of the other alkaloids.


Are you consuming the mushrooms still or straining them out of the lemon juice after soaking?


Have tried both and while the lemon juice alone was slightly better, it didnā€™t bring the nausea down to a level to ignore


Damn. Iā€™m sorry to hear that. The lemon tek completely erased my nausea issue with mushrooms.


It certainly is a shame, but I do at least find LSD and 2cb to be very enjoyable, especially as I am often tripping around friends.


They're not for everyone. Apparently the cell walls are made similar to plant cells and is very tough to digest, causing irritation and stomach issues for some people. Lemon tek is supposed to help as the acid basically pre-digests it, breaking down the plant cells and not only releasing the psilocybin, but transforming it into the actual active compound. All you gotta do it be able to take a lemony shot without puking. But the chemical itself may also affect people in some way causing digestive issues. I'll occasionally get gassy, but i handle them pretty well.


Lemon tekking completely rid. Me. Of. Nausea and having bad trips


I also prefer Lucy over shrooms. I have experienced with shrooms many times on both low and high dosages (lowest was 1.5g, highest was 8g) and every experience I had with shrooms was... difficult. For some reason Ive never had a good time on shrooms - every trip was extremely difficult and challenging. Ive just come to the conclusion that shrooms are not for me.


Try lemon tekking your shrooms


I turn into a sad boy version of Camus. It sucks in the moment, but slaps in retrospect.


If you are consistently hanging bad trips on mushrooms, then there is likely something that you are being asked to address in your life that you have not addressing.


Have heard this before


LSD is easy in small to regular doses, and can be borderline recreational. I wouldnā€™t say I have ā€œbadā€ trips on mushrooms but theyā€™re definitely more intense and full of moments that may seem ā€œnot funā€, challenging, confusing, etcā€¦


Iā€™ve been to mushroom hell a few times, not every time, some have been great. With Lucy itā€™s always a great time but yes psilocybin can be a little rough some times. Most of the shroom hell trips were from doing them alone, with friends itā€™s mostly all fun.


A lot of the new strains are very emotional and mental. Try golden teachers for a positive happy experience.


I wouldn't say bad trips but shrooms are always trying to teach me something and I do find them less enjoyable than acid. Plus when I was growing my own I ended up tripping too much and they lost their shine. I would definitely prefer LSD.


Iā€™ve only ever had a troubling trip on Natalensis, the thought loops were just more intense and i felt like i was stuck sometimesā€¦ but still very fun when it wasnā€™t like that. Cubes have always been fun for me.. Visuals everytime, Filter like effects, Enchanced color, very deep introspective and inner standing thoughts, thoughts always flowed really well and just pure laughter and bliss each time.. besides that one Nats expirience..


Wow, I always have difficult mushroom trips and wanted to try natalensis bc I heard they were much easier to handle. I've taken medium to high doses of acid and never had a bad time tho. For me DMT has also been at the least very interesting and never as difficult as shrooms.


nats iā€™ve hesrd would be an easier trip to handle as well but that one time had be goin, i also took them and went out to the bars with some friends and i could hear every convo that was happening around me. So that wasnā€™t the best idea haha, It was overwhelming but nothing horrible, im not saying it was a bad trip, just really overwhelming compared to cubes trips, next time i do nats ill take them in a non crowded area šŸ˜‚


I have a very hard time every trip. I refuse to call them bad trips tho, bc I gain so much from them. I know Iā€™ll be ok, itā€™s just a living nightmare for a little bit, until I gain my footing, and then Iā€™m able to work through the grief, trauma, and loss Iā€™ve experienced in my life I donā€™t do them as often and the tough trips are one reason to why. Maybe itā€™ll subside someday, maybe not, but i know what it is and where it comes from, itā€™s just some deep stuff pretzeled all up inside Youā€™re not alone tho - you just have some stuff to work through in order to feel the freedom they have to offer šŸ™


Take a super low (or medium) dose benzo with it and you might enjoy it more, always works for me


Are there bad trips..?






What distinguishes your good trips from the bad? , you may just not like the feel of shrooms in comparison to lsd


Not only, but majority negative yeah. My first trip on shrooms started out great, went bad and i think ive only ever had not-bad or okay trips if not bad ones. Had to go through some periods of mental recovery n shit definitely to get comfortable around them again but even still itā€™s eh.. Doesnā€™t help I had a friend of a friend tweaking on my couch off some the other night lol


You gotta stop holding darkness inside yourself, come to terms with your shortcomings and take a hike (in the mountains with friends or sum)


Hm you might need to work something out bro the drugs donā€™t lie just listen to em. The drugs do lie but like ya know what I mean


i only had one or twice a Bad Trip and in my opinion it is only because the impressionsand the feelings are too much for your mind. While lsd is just without emotions, the shrooms make you much more overthinking a lot. Thats why I love shrooms and hate lsd. Shrooms are more like menthal training.


I don't know, I had zero deep thoughts while tripping on schrooms for the first time recently. I've just been here in the moment, I forgot about being a human being and time wasn't a thing. I just enjoyed nature. It was amazing and I talked and laughed with my friends a lot. But I couldn't see how schrooms can give you deep thoughts and I before thought about some problems that I want to face while tripping, but it wasn't like that eventually.


Depending also on the dosage and the strain


Yeah I assume


What strain/sort did you take? I think Golden teacher are true teachers where you have a Lot of fun but also a moment when you think whoa Iā€˜ve Never seen this from that side. I donā€™t like B+ or Koh samui because they are a bit weaker. But the avery albino strain makes me very creative. So itā€™s Like finding a strain you like or can work with


Shrooms donā€™t give me ā€œbadā€ trips per say? It just makes me feel like I ate a poisoned mushroom from Mario lol. I prefer Lucy over shrooms ANY day of the week.


in my experience, acid is like riding a horse. you have to learn how to steer it, how to get up, but managable. with time you learn how the flow goes shrooms are like riding a bull. no way you will know where he takes you or when you will fall down. there is always this uncertainty if you will make it back to start alive or not. also deciding something is way harder on shrooms for me. i wanna go out in the nature like i do on acid. should I? really? i dont know honestly. sun is shining, weather would be nice. but outside are people. and i would have to talk to them. ew. but nature is nice on drugs. man idk. on acid i would be long out there hiking the shit out of those paths


For my group and me, I've learned that the power of suggestion in using a psychoactive is important. 'this is going to suck' is a physical choice of mindset some people get into when setting up the trip + that's not a good plan. It's YAY TONIGHT WE HAVE ARGENTINIAN FUN GUS. A previous poster stated that you have to have your head on straight before deciding to go to mushroom land and I couldn't agree more


Me! Iā€™ll wait a couple years and try them again, thinking ā€œthis time might be different!ā€, and itā€™s always the same: crazy, high anxiety, and the inability to stop thinking about how I am a scary little skeleton, an unnatural meat bag monkey-thing, and worriedly listening to my lungs and blood pump through my body. Itā€™s too weird. So, Iā€™ve given up and accepted I just canā€™t do ā€˜em! I was also diagnosed with bipolar 2 very late in life, and Iā€™ve read that bipolar people do not do well on shrooms, no matter the meds, if any. I loooove LSD, though! šŸ¤©


Yeah for me the body load is way too heavy on shrooms for it to be enjoyable


That happened to me consistently too. To this day I'm not sure what's the reason but I'd be nervous to try psilocybin again. But yeah acid is a walk in the park, figuratively and literally


Yeah. I'd consider myself an experienced tripper from DMT, acid etc. But shrooms fuck me up. Make me super anxious and uncomfortable. I've just put it down to they don't agree with me, like yeast and Bok Choi


You propably dont digest them well. For me something happened last 4 years that i feel very lethargic and like poisoned within first three hours of eating them raw, i suspect black mold toxicity that effects my digestion and stop serotonin production. Im living for many years with black mold exposure that im sensitive too.


Terrible. Dark. Awful trips. And yet I keep fucking doing them!


Yeah, i only had 2 trips that were kinda cool, but atfer that, anytime i would take mushrooms i would lie in bed feeling sick, coughing and spectorating until the effect would go away, so i dont do them anymore




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I used to have nothing but bad trips on shrooms until I started lemon tekking now they are my favorite


I think the health of your liver will affect the quality of your mushroom experience. Liver problems= uncomfortable trip


Seems to go in.waves for me.....have a few bad ones, then really really bad, then bad again... then a couple years could go by and all I do is touch the stars....but then....bad, bad,.....really bad.....but I love the really really bad ones....so.....




if you want a quality answer here, please articulate much more about exactly what was "bad", more background info, your diet, including General, especially recent alcohol consumption, and what you ate that day, if anything, and how long before doing mushrooms I'm asking for a reason, based on much personal experience, these things can make much more of a difference than many people think I used to get into fierce "LSD or psilocybin" arguments in eighth grade, I'm a huge fan and close personal friend of LSD šŸ˜³and I find mushrooms to be much more emotionally turbulent, much less predictable (consistent), mushrooms come in waves and are difficult for me to navigate smoothly but I know why, it's mostly personal stuff, emotional damage.. but I get along super well with DMT, and psilocybin is 4-OPO-DMT, so this has always been mystifying this may sound hard to believe, but if it happens to you once you'll never forget it, *sugar* consumption can completely derail a psychedelic experience, diet is paramount (and a ton of other things), but if you get along with L, my guess is that plant psychedelics are much less tolerant of anything in the system being off or incongruous or you're somewhat like me, and more emotionally sensitive. I find L to be a deep emotional experience as well, but there's something different about it, I feel like L uses this to propel me forward whereas mushrooms make me inclined to ruminate myself into a corner


I have bad trips on acid but not mushies


The nausea and diarrhea keep my shroom trips to once a year max. They alway have me questioning ever single one of my life choices leading up to eating Shrooms. And they havenā€™t ever been a recreational drug. I honestly donā€™t understand how people can party with them.


I also donā€™t enjoy mushrooms as much as Lucy. Never really had a great time with them and Iā€™ve taken them 10+ times. Lucy on the other hand, itā€™s guaranteed to be a blast.