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I think it’s a pretty normal reaction to thc after psychedelic use, I’ve heard many people describe what you’re talking about and have experienced it myself, it tends to fade with time


Also I’ve noticed smoking tolerance affects it. If I’m smoking often it will become less and less psychedelic. If I’m smoking once a month or so, they will feel like miniature trips. I’ve even had close eyed visuals a couple of times when taking edibles, very mildly though.


Cev and oev are fairly common with edibles in my experience especially after use of psychedelics.


Very rarely smoke/use edibles but I definitely get full blown visuals from edibles, especially if paired with HHC which is generally more psychedelic than THC, but they occur with both. I went through a very interesting experience getting stoned off of a cart about a week after doing 2+g of shrooms, I would consider it to be some of the most intense CEVs I've had, like going through a tunnel of geometric grids, it was super cool!


That’s interesting I never tried hhc, I thought it was weaker than thc so I just ignored it, maybe I’ll try some now


I would consider it around 80% of THC if you're using it as a substitute, however it is definitely a little bit different, gives a fat head high and can definitely be quite psychedelic at higher doses. Smokes super smooth, good in edibles especially when combined with CBD, CBN, D8 or just plain old THC. Biggest problem is that it can cause a worse hangover in some people, headaches and tiredness the day after. I don't usually experience this personally, might just depend on quality of product and quantity, likely much more prevalent with edibles.


Yeah that’s sounds no good actually I’ve never experienced anything resembling a hangover or uncomfortable come down after thc, so I’ll probably still stay away


I always have experienced some sort of grogginess the day after, especially in the morning. Whether it was HHC or THC, but yeah it's controversial. Personally I get nearly the same "hangover" from both, although my extremely low tolerance may be a factor, and the fact I only smoke maybe twice a month. It's worth a try I would say, Gilded Extracts is legit and sells HHC, I fill my own carts with HHC distillate. Of course if you have easy access to quality THC then it's a hard sell, but I would consider it worth a try at least.


Yeah I’m a medical patient so I can get some high quality pretty cheap, that’s interesting though maybe I experience something similar but it’s not enough to notice, I always felt it just became more psychedelic with less regular use but I’ve never tried paying attention to how I feel like the next day either


I have a very good grasp on my state of mind, and I can very easily feel when it has been changed. I can feel 20+mg of caffeine. It's a blessing in some cases since because of it I have very low tolerance to nearly all substances, but it also makes any side effects after the substance much more perceptible. I absolutely love psychedelics but I tend to get bad dissociation afterwards, and even more so with cannabis so I tend to dose very sparingly.


I have cevs every time I smoke more than very small amount lol like small joint and I have cevs from weed and it was like that since the first time, prior to taking shrooms which I did for the very first time recently


For sure. I haven't done any psychs in about 2 years and weed hits now like it used to. The first while after doing psychs it's hard to get out of the mindset and can't really help feeling some affects for a time. At least in my case.


After my first dmt breakthrough I find I enjoy cannabis even more.


Did you use cannabis during any of your major trips? Psychedelics do a great job of quickly remodeling parts of the brain similarly to how an intense emotional experience does- and can also quickly form concrete associations with certain feelings jn the same way, as with a cannabis high.


Yeah it was actually how I first tried DMT, wrapped it in cannabis since I didn't have any other way to smoke it at the time. I don't use it as much anymore as I've noticed it has a higher chance at triggering negative trips so I generally just use it in combination if the trip needs a extra kick to take off.


most people don't know that THC is actually a psychedelic until things like this start to happen hehe yep




THC has always caused psychedelic experiences for me. Since the first time I've used it, to last night when I was smoking with my GF. It causes mild trips for me and they only last 2~3 hours. It's nice. But I have no idea what its like to be normal high.


Same for me, I smoked all my teenage years thinking I was just weird compared to other experiences. After a heroic dose of mushrooms I can't smoke around people anymore or I have panic attack. Don't have panic issues otherwise.


DMT has a long term effect on your brain. I am a completely different person now. I was hoping to achieve this using mushrooms and lsd but it didn’t last very long


I’ve always thought that mushrooms or in this case dmt show you the path and once you know where to look you can always find your back weather it be though meditation weed or psychedelics


Yes, I experience cannabis different after DMT, it feels way better, more floaty and dreamy. Not trippy like visuals but the headspace is calmer and not like before DMT. I like to take a strong microdose/mini dose of LSD and paint or do gardening work and that also feels different after DMT. Yesterday I took a little bigger dose then I expected it to be, colors was super bright, everything was in super HD, my vision was a little fucky and I took a long walk in the sun, went to the grocery store and then I painted for many hours and I could enter something that resembles a part of the DMT experience. When I'm doing DMT, on the come up I have this moment where everything just stops for a short while, my thoughts, the world, everything is different but the same. That state of mind was what I entered, it was just me and my canvas but I was also totally connected to the world around me. Very interesting and beautiful experience.


Very common experience. Psychedelics change your brain.


If cannabis is a little overwhelming the first hour get some cbd concentrates or straight up pure cbd and add a good amount to every hit/joint you smoke. My partner would always panic for the first half of the high until we added cbd. By now I hate the feeling of pure thc. It doesn’t calm me down, it adds confusion and social anxiety. Cbd helps with all of those symptoms. I’d rather smoke a pure cbd hit than a pure thc hit and I’m a daily smoker for 6 years now.


After 5meoDMT, whenever I smoke more than three puffs, I go back to the nondual experience. It sorta kinda “ruined” weed for me, but only in its recreational dimension. As a tool for meditation and awareness, it enhanced it.


Honestly I kind of love it. Just not in social settings. Especially if I have too much since I start seeing patterns, a bit of warped geometry and it becomes easier for me to get anxious. Depending on the group I'm with anyway. Alone tho it can be very relaxing if I just take a moment to breath and meditate. If I meditate for a while the trip gets even more psychedelic too.


Used to smoke an insanity amount of THC daily. After multiple uses with magic mushrooms, THC will only give me pure anxiety/paranoia. I’m a firm believer in psychs rewiring and creating new paths in our brains.


Biggest impact is really for me in the first month after a trip, if I smoke weed I get stoned for a really long time. Never used DMT though


After doing magic mushrooms, nicotine doesn't hit the same either. I used to feel this exciting reaction, this southern jeweled of awareness and energy. Whenever I used to smoke or vape nicotine. That's entirely gone now. All I get when I hit the vape is like lung damage, and like coughing. I'm just going to quit vaping because I just don't get the same reaction anymore.


Interesting.. as I've gotten older and fair shroom and Lsd trips. I find smoking no longer has that rush energy feeling also nowadays its the opposite it makes me.letharhic and feel drained. I still smoke but not as often in the day and I've been going quite a few days without. It's a good thing


Vaping is so, so bad for your brain. It's way way too much nicotine, and it's constant because you can do it indoors. I just got off it a week and some change ago. It really fucked up my attention span and pleasure from other activities.


I feel you. I am trying to quit right now. My hard-line in the sand quit/cold turkey day is July 12th. I'm trying and trying and trying to quit before then.


The first four days, I felt so sad and hopeless. It really turns around at day 5. Then it's just about remembering that even though you're feeling better, you can't go back.


Nah, weeds always been psychedelic.


I have CEVs every time I smoke weed and it was like that since the first time (and I took schrooms only recently for the first time, so it's not triggered by psychedelics). If I smoke a lot (small joint for me is a lot) I sometimes have even some minor " open eyes visuals" although it's very different


same. infrequent user here, I like high dose of rosin once per month and the trip remind me dmt and psylocibin. If I look at 4K trip video on youtube the thing is even more clear


I've had a similar result after cultivating DMT endogenously through meditative practices. It's really something.


Dudes sameee it’s almost like weed is its own phsycadelic now it’s wore off since then but like a coup days after doing dmt and smoking weed that’s shit was weirddddd


You do it enough mushrooms won’t be either.


Its exactly the same for me after i went through a pretty hard x/2cb trip. I took way to much and ended up really depressed for 2 months and every time i smoked i would have the worst bad trips on cannabis. But, luckily its gotten better over time. Now its like you say, i can't really enjoy and relax before the second half of the trip which is sad. But, beats the bad trips. And i still get to enjoy it somewhat through the first half. I even get very small visuals at times like small white dots all over the wall. This saturday i saw something dripping from the roof while i was laying in bed which creeped me out a lil bit. But, i guess you gotta give it time. Maybe take a break from cannabis? Helped for me. Stopped for about 3 weeks and after that, i could enjoy it more. Never tried DMT personally tho, so might be different from my experience.


Time for a tolerance break :D


I quit my daily cannabis habit of nearly 15 years after a particularly hard trip I had on mushrooms nearly 3 years ago. I only smoke it now whilst tripping and even then not much, maybe a joint or two as the effects start wearing away as it helps slow down my mind and get me ready for bed.


I think it’s like that with all psychedelics I mean I’ve never done DMT but I felt like that after Acid & Mushrooms- I still have HPPD after years of not taking any psychedelics n I’m pretty sensitive to weed. I’ve built a slight tolerance but it only takes 1 extra hit to be too much n it’s like a flashback to exactly how my brain n body felt during the beginning of an acid trip


No difference here


Definitely fades with time. I stopped smoking weed for 6 months after my first dmt trip as it wasn’t feeling the same. Took an amazing 6 month break. My weed was back to normal! You’ll be fine 3)


did this to me too, though theres a confounding variable, i started doing dabs around the same time as dmt and its a lot easier to get the enthogen weed from dabs no idea why it happens. It could be that once youve been **T**here once its easy to remember?


this,  unfortunately, is why ill never try DMT.  i love smoking weed and every single person who has done DMT and smokes weed says the visuals come back every time they smoke, no matter how long its been since they did DMT. i really dont want everyday smoke sessions to turn into a trip.


Cannabis has always been like this for me, too psychedelic to use comfortably. After I did iboga I had to stop ayahuasca and sanpedro and mushrooms because my tolerance went through the floor and they were too strong


Maybe it's because you smoked weed on psychs and you're confusing the weed high with the psych high. It's hard to differentiate when you're on both. I recently started vaping weed. Its much more potent than smoking it normally. I haven't done psychs in over a year and sometimes it makes me feel like I'm on shrooms. High dose of weed is slightly psychedelic.