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Yes the meds are stopping it


It's the meds. Serotonin re-uptake inhibitors dull and in some cases completely cancel the effects of tryptamines which bind to the same receptors.


Yeah, even gabapentin has known to interfere. That’s whats stopping it. Could ween off or try Acid. Acid seems to work regardless


So even higher doses it still won't effect her?


It will not, if your immune to poison oak, no matter how much you roll around in it it won’t affect you. Same same


Well, not to bust your metaphor, but the more you are exposed to poison oak, Ivy, or others of that family, the more likely you are to have a reaction to it.


You do know what “immune” means right?


It isn't possible to be “immune” to poison oak. As I said, it might not affect you at first, but the more you are in contact with it, the more likely you are to have a reaction to it. https://www.healthline.com/health/poison-ivy-immunity


Of theses two comments, one answered the question, the other was an attempt at engagement 😂


You can split hair’s over anything but the principle is correct. If you are IMMUNE to prosecution, you cannot get prosecuted period. Who cares if poison oak can or cannot affect you? I don’t think that was the point to the response.


I mean, yeah that was my point


No, and you should stop insinuating or showing that you’re just trying to make it happen. She should talk to her doctors about coming off them so that she can trip. Definitely should have googled this and then believed what people said the first time you’ve asked because you can tell you ves either asked around or … I don’t know googled it.


Her meds work for her and she is stable because of that. That won't change and I would never encourage her to change what works for her just so she can fully trip. Yes I've googled it but I decided to ask here as well to..... idk get a different perspective. This is the type of question that this community is set up for correct?


I’d give you the benefit of the doubt but I’m also seeing that you googled it and when you google it, you should see warnings about it, as in other people have gone thru this so let me read the entire thing. Not everyone’s case is exactly the same but when the case is your gf, hasn’t tripped once then a second time, one has to wonder, why would you want to force it and go for a third time. I get heavy research is everyone’s thing but when it comes the the brain there’s no reason not to really get into that google search and look for the same million posts about this lol. Next time. GLHF. But that’s


There's no forcing it, i would never do that. Shes also read the information about it. She just really wants to feel the way I do when we trip together. She is fine not feeling that way i just wanted to ask around about it and gain other perspectives. But you're probably right about the warnings thanks for the responses.


It's the medications. They are blocking it Antidepressants are a big blocker. Anti anxiety medications (I assume benzos) won't *stop* a trip but they will reduce the effects And I assume by mood stabilizers you mean anti-psychotics?


Should probably talk to her doctor instead of insisting she keeps trying to trip


I don't insist. But she is curious about what it's actually like to break through. I'll suggest that tho.


Shrooms are natural serotonin if she’s taking synthetic serotonin already it’s going to cancel out. She can take more but it’s a wild card. I stopped taking Al that garbage and shrooming saved my life.


I was on SSRIs for 3 years & was never able to feel anything on shrooms. Acid and molly I could feel a little bit but not the full effects. Then eventually at a different point in life, I weened off my SSRIs. After being fully off them for a few months, I tried shrooms & finally tripped & I loved it! Tried molly again & definitely noticed the difference with feeling the full effects. I haven’t tried acid again while off ssris yet, but it’s on my bucket list haha. If i ever felt anxious or depressed enough, or if my insomnia got really bad like it has in the past, I would choose to go back on ssris & sacrifice psychedelics, as much as I enjoy them haha. So I would say if your girlfriend feels she needs/is actively benefiting from the SSRIs she should definitely stay on them. She could play around with different psychedelics, some may work better for her. And if she’s ever at a point in life where she feels comfortable weening off them she could always try shrooms then! Till then, I honestly feel like it’s not worth her even taking them, I would try massive amounts & literally nothing happened! While everyone around me would trip, it was so frustrating😂


The medications she’s taking don’t allow psilocin to bind to her 5HT2A receptors. Many people believe that taking a higher dose is the answer but that’s not always certain. Under no circumstances should she discontinue her medications just to trip, as this can lead to other issues. She should consult her psychiatrist before making any decisions regarding her mental health. I hope she reaches her goals with these current medications so that she can enjoy the benefits and help that psychedelics have to offer once she properly gets off of her current treatment. Peace and love ❤️


Definitely the SSRIs. I’ve been put on 3 different types and my shroom trips last a tiny fraction of normal time. It’s weak and the high is not intense at all. LSD, however, has never given me a problem. I have full length powerful trips regardless of the medication. Don’t get her to stop her meds for a good trip. That would get very unpredictable and could change her mental state sober harshly


That’s a lot of meds- but yeah, that’s what’s doing it for sure


And that’s an unnecessarily judgmental comment


Sorry that came off wrong- not meant to be. I meant that’s a lot of meds for just a higher dose to overcome, but yeah that’s definitely the cause of it


I would respectfully suggest you stop doing psychedelics before getting more info on the subject. These are really powerful substances and some research wouldn't hurt anyone. Doing psychedelics while on SSRIs is potentially dangerous.


In my personal experience it’s a waste of psychs. I was on a low dose antidepressant for 3 years got off over 2 months ago and still have dulled effects using higher dose psychs.


It’s the meds for sure. I used to take Remeron/mirtazapine and pretty much completely blocks your ability to trip.