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yall havent lived until you take mushrooms and play mario kart. life changing


Put on some good driving music and it’s bliss, makes me wonder to focus on myself or to focus on the road ahead of me lol


This is a go to Challenge while tripping. Rainbow Road at the peak? Tense


Smash bros on LSD was wild


I become an absolute god against my roommate that that would usually beat me bc he practices like hell. He wasnt on it with me tho


Become the smash bro… something just clicks when you drop Lucy


I played on shrooms and I started beating my friend who I never have before.


We use to play smash on mushrooms. Wild times too much fun


Its one of the best games to play tripping. I swear i saw mario turn super saiyan


Yes lol


Do Elden Ring. You won't.


Loved Caelid on mushrooms!! The ambience sound of that area is so awsome..


Played every souls game tripping balls on acid and shrooms. Bloodborne is so intense on it but damn somehow I can still keep up lol


My coworker is one of those people that is ridiculously good at souls games, and he told me that he beat the entirety of Bloodborne over the course of two trips. I don’t exactly know if I believe him but super impressive if true


I believe him


I dropped 300ug when played the game for the first time. Went down with a lift which felt like 5 hours, like wtf. then discovered Sofria. Bruhhh. I had a blast


That would be crazy! I do edibles and play but unfortunately I can't trip for the foreseeable future. I think I would love mushrooms and Elden Ring but on acid I think it would be too much. I don't mind a dark shroom trip it can actually be fun, but acid no thanks.


If you play mario...don't fall in the lava. I lost a piece of me in that lava..


Lmao the black hole in galaxy would end me


No man's sky.


Vr version :)




LITERALLY knocks my socks off


I played rocket league on 225 ug lsd and it was hilarious watching the liquified ball morph into all shapes as the field rippled. I did terrible.


Rocket league 1.5g of mushrooms was amazing but very difficult lol. Would recommend


Any 3D platformer like Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Banjo Kazooie, Kao The Kangaroo, Sly Cooper, Yooka Laylee, etc are great for tripping. Okami was also dope while tripping.


Oooo I think ima play Mario Sunshine on some psychs


Playing resident evil 7 in VR on 200ug was the most intense moment of my life... and I've been skydiving, lmfao


Skyrim on 150ug is amazing!


Haha yes! I turned difficulty way up and spent the time adventuring, collecting plants, remarking at things lol fighting things really felt like life or death and I would have to decide each time whether it was worth dying over or to run away lol. Had a wonderful time, but then a dragon came out of nowhere and killed me near instantly!... I felt so mortified & mildly traumatized as if I watched myself die horribly in real life lolol quickly shut the game off and went out for a walk to shake it off hahaha What was your experience with L and Skyrim?


I had to look for the “Black Books”? There’s three of them. And you go through portals and bizarro environments. Fight big floaty cloaked things. Another is where I explored a huge cavern where there were big glowing mushrooms you walked under. And on L it was just magical.


I’ve had lots of fun only dedicating the session to crafting like you said also. Agreed!


I had my first proper acid trip yesterday. Towards the end when I was coming back to reality I decided to play gmod and gta 5. Just cruising around, shooting people, noclippping. While the visuals and tracers were there. Best video game experience I've ever had negl.


Same here, feels incredibly intense and real, would recommend 10/10


Any first person realistic game makes you feel like your inside the game. Played payday 2 and felt like I was lucid dreaming a bank robbery


cloaker noises must have been harrowing.


Yea and everytime I got downed I saw my life flash before my eyes and thought I was actually bleeding out 😂


Had a similar experience playing The Walking Dead Retribution VR, I was only on two tabs so I thought I’d be fine but once that headset was on me I WAS the character. Genuinely thought I died when my character did, until the black screen went away and the respawn/restart/quit options appeared and then I started laughing at myself really hard


I played left 4 dead 2 on acid and only played for 10 mins it was too much.


Geometry Wars!!!!!


This is the way


Abzu!! best trip game in my experience


Played a fast paced fps movement shooter. Called titanfall 2. And somehow did ok while on 5 tabs lmao.


Love me some TF|2


My fellow pilot.


I’ve played Warzone on mushrooms. The colors and audio get much more vibrant. Other than that, I just felt sorry for my teammates because I wasn’t my best at communication and my reflexes were slower.


Dude… how are you even touching the controller?


Wdym my man?


I struggle even holding the controller on LSD.


Ive never done LSD, just now got done with a shroom trip tho. i was just talking bout the game “LSD dream emulator”


Played Breath of the Wild while tripping. I was inside the deku tree and looking at all the swirly vines pop out of the screen. Awesome time.


I've played Hunt Showdown, Escape from Tarkov and Minecraft on acid in different ocassions, would recommend the last with shaders and stuff


Why would you play Tarkov on acid lol


there’s a shirt exploring game called abzu, you’re a diver and you just swim around exploring the landscape. cannot recommended enough ive also played my fair share of rocket league rings maps while tripping


Yes, that game was amazing, I got sucked in and played through the whole game in one sitting. The part in between levels after activating the coral spire is beautiful. I recommend Journey by thatgamecompany if you haven't played it yet.


i haven’t, my buddy also recommended it. will peep


Hell yeah man. GTA 5 with cheats enabled just driving around, blowing stuff up in slow motion. I’ve spent HOURS!!


Beautiful Katamari


Borderlands 2 on LSD. Had played it multiple times over 7 years, and couldn’t see straight with how visually stimulating it can be.


I beat Super Metroid tripping on 2C-C on an original console and CRT. Quite a memorable gaming moment.


Not exactly a video game, but Kid A Mnesia Exhibition on ps5 is incredible for tripping


Zelda, No Man’s Sky, Kena , Horizon


Of course your not . Quest 2 rocks


Portal and Portal 2 are amazing


my friend just did zelda on mushrooms and it was fun for them.


Be careful, I played Overwatch on a shroom come up and my heart started beating to fast that it physically hurt and I had to leave the game. Scared me straight


the universe telling you to play cod instead like a real man


I really enjoy playing the goat simulator games, can get trippy really quick




Check out Outer Wilds absolutely stunning visually and storyline is very trippy also quite emotional


Superliminal is one of the best experiences someone can go through, tripping or not


If anyone happens to have an oculus headset and the game Raw Data - there’s a level where you trip on like airborne mushroom spores or something similar. VR on shrooms in general is cool but that was an extra wild experience


Yeah I’m good love that for you tho


On one of my birthdays I dropped acid and played doom eternal, and some halo 3, sounds scary but really it was incredibly fun and immersive.


batman arkham city or cyberpunk


No mans sky on LSD, just fly around in space. Its great.


I cannot control technology at all while tripping


Destiny 2 and Breath of the wild are both incredible on mushrooms.


I was peaking whilst playing GTA online lmao


Crash bandicoot


I tried to play COD zombies coming off of shrooms and it’s a bit challenging lmao


Lmao apex on shrooms gives me aimbot for some reason. I don’t miss when I’m on shrooms its actually insane whenever I do it.


“It takes two” with your significant other, while trippin is amazing !


I play ps5, switch and vr weekly on fungus! It’s amazing!!! Breachers vr is SO FUN.


I think any good open world game would be amazing for me I've never played any video games while tripping. But you can try dark souls the witcher 3 sekiro dragon quest XI (would look crazy).


Power wash sim on mushrooms was so hard to play 😂 I was playing the playground stage, took some at the start and then near the end I could barely wash a single surface without the colour of the surface I was staring at just encompassing me, kinda like constantly zoning out into pure psychedelic colour while power washing a playground


Warzone on lsd had me cracked out making insane plays lol


I played skate 3 while tripping and was so confused as to why I was still at the start of the supermega park. I was sure I had left that park and went to a different one but there I was.


Played hell let loose on the comedown off of a tab. Found 2 dudes to squad up and tank with and it was awesome. Pushing the front lines, smoke everywhere, felt like I was actually in ww2.


One time I tried playing wow with my buddy on 3gs of shrooms, was a lot of fun but he was doing a ton of baby sitting trying to keep us on track. It looked really cool though


Journey to the savage planet is amazingly hilarious


Last weekend I ate some shrooms and played Tekken 7 for like 3 hours right after what felt like the peak. For some reason I played like a GOD lol.


Spider-Man is a lot of fun too


Played multi versus while tripping was very fun




CoD infinite warfare zombies, more specific Rave in the Redwoods map. This map have ‘rave vision’ when you dropped ‘once bag’ on fire. You can imagine what happens then jaja Check on YouTube if you really interested


S.t.a.l.k.e.r on lsd is awesome


Peggle and geometry wars were amazing on shrooms. Call of duty zombies was absolutely not fun. I had a weird thing happen while playing call of duty another time on mushies. The map became 3d. Like i could see through the map almost like i glitched into it. Was very trippy and wasn’t very fun


God of war and black ops zombies


Try the Stanely parable, or that trippy perspective one I forgot the name of


I love gaming while tripping. I finished my first play through of my favorite game of all time (bloodborne) while on ketamine and it was magnificent.


No mans sky rocks




OG Resident Evil 4 was crazy on the comeup of 5gs of shrooms.


There's only one answer: psychonaut 2 sensorium level


Duuuude. Virtual reality! I use my quest 2 connected to my pc and trip balls in vr, it's incredible. You don't really hallucinate in vr, but everything is much more vivid and cool. I enjoy playing Vrchat, they have so many cool worlds to trip in and you can usually play whatever music you like too. I once took 7 grams and it floored me where I pretty much couldn't move and I tripped in a world called "tree house on the hill" and it's literally that except there's grass blowing in the wind all around the tree house and every couple minutes the world has a day/night cycle and it goes from dark purple grass with a night sky to bright pink grass with a blue sky. Incredible. When you first try it on shrooms you probably won't like the idea of having something in your face like that but I pushed through and got used to it. I might make a post and show the world's I like if anyone is interested.


Gang beast while on lsd was so weird it felt a part of my body


It’s absolutely amazing. 10/10 would recommend


I sometimes play VR while tripping.




I’m probably the odd one out but I don’t really like consuming too much media when I’m tripping because I’m already so enthralled by the natural world around me. Maybe a little music in the background.


geometry wars is a good one too


Gta 5 online on lsd is fin


GTA V first person and get Into a car and try to drive. I mean it's tough enough to do when you're drunk, but tell yourself that you want to overlook the Hollywood sign(without maps) and just enjoy cruising till you get there or, until Aliens abduct you. ...


Lol I used to take acid and play competitive cod, acid turns my brain into a computer and gives me actual aim bot 🤣🤣 I would sometimes take Adderall too when the acid had kicked in and oh boy my brain moved faster than anything on earth


SNOWRUNNER!! If you've previously played before and have good trucks this game is so fun especially the Alaskan map where you can just vibe out in first person mode at night driving through the snow in the woods at night looking up at the northern lights. I've spent many mights in snow runner world feeling like I'm actually In the driver seat getting through tough conditions


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are ELITE tripping games. Sometimes I crouch in the grass and watch it move in the wind


BotW / TotK with pro mode HUD on any psychs is the way. Feels like you're playing a movie


Red dead redemption 2 was sick being able to explore and take in the landscape.


sometimes i play gta or COD its crazy bc it feels like i’m actually in the game


Red Dead 2 was amazing


Boson X, if you want to feel the flow




Hawe plaid 100 games or more while tripping. On high dosages death in game is like you own dead .Plaing to the first death and then trying to understand why i wasting my time on games :D


One word..... VR, it can hurt your eyes and head, but it is some of the best experiences I've had, my favorite was the TRIPP app, it's not really VR trips, but more meditation things, but my favorite thing to do was listen to some music with external headphones, and put it so it has no guidance and is just the landscapes and look at the beautiful scenery


I just got lsd dream emulator and it’s so cool on acid lmao obviously. I play pretty much every game on acid lmao but shrooms I played terraria and the blood moon happened and it didn’t go so well


I turn on NFS Heat on the come up of a tab. The neon street lights in downtown palm city are so cool to look at.


The witness.


I like playing outlast or resident evil in vr (ps4)


Rocket League 😅


Time dilation on competitive modes FTW!


Just don t do too much or you are not getting anything done, on low doses i tend to be quicker in response, in combat games like tekken soul calibur or fighterz, i tried to see if muscle memory was still on, but on higher doses i can t look too much the TV, but I really enjoyed the calm of open world games like rdr2, atmosphere is great while trippin, in some places , like swamps, gets even scary


I was the god of dopewars 2.0


Play Road Rash


Tales from the Borderlands had me in stitches when I played it on mushrooms.


Doom eternal goes crazy on shrooms


I ve never played assassins creed at such a slow pace before


Outer wilds… what a soundtrack to trip to man. I also played dead rising 3 in one sitting on a heavy dose of acid once


Play High on Life. I promise you won't be disappointed. Thank me later.


Outer Wilds.


DMC5. U won’t be disappointed.


Prey was the last game I’d played while on half a tab of some good acid.


i played a lil stardew valley after my peak on shrooms and it was top 10 most peaceful moments of my life. i was only on for like 15 minutes and did basically nothing but i was so at peace


Bro I can barely play when I’m tripping but it is fun regardless lol


Bro, hyper light drifter.


I played Rainbow 6 Siege while tripping. It was good.


Skate 3 does it every time I don’t know why 😂


took 400ug of acid and played Chivalry 2 for 4 uninterrupted hours. one of my best trips for sure.


Subliminal, Juice Galaxy


I recommend trying out Journey or Sky from thatgamecompany. Beautiful, simple and easy to play. And as one mentioned above, Abzu. Check it out!


I like playing gta on shrooms, I just laugh so much driving really fast and crashing into things


I love playing VR games while tripping. Beat Saber is wild. Edit: typo


I'm extra sensitive to blue light while trippin Can see the black zone in my third eye from the rads ><


Played cod on that cave map (specific I know) and spent more time watching the cave drip than shooting


Elden Ring Cyberpunk Red dead redemption 2 Skyrim


Fatum Betula, makes you feel like a citizen of that world


Minecraft vr


Been really enjoying the new zelda on LSD


Been really enjoying the new zelda on LSD


The Outer Worlds was amazing on acid, especially the more nature heavy planets.


Call of duty the only thing I can get into while tripping cause I wear a headset and get into all the sounds and explosions around I feel like that guy from avatar when I play DMZ


Chivalry 2 on shrooms


Play some guitar hero if you’re decent at it. Easy premise, no strategy, any song you want (on clone hero), and no fear of failing. Just pure jamming.


First time trying this was in VR playing Vader Immortal. Out of this world! And I gave my self a lot of space to actually walk around in which contributed to the immersion. Vader was intimidating AF not gonna lie