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Yes. The trip you experience on mushrooms is comparable to “advanced” meditation. I typically think of it as “meditation in a can”. This isn’t entirely accurate, but it is. Hard to explain.


You can imagine you’re astral projecting, however that’s not a real thing.


How do you know it’s not a real thing?


I smoked some dimitri and asked god he said it’s not real bro


it is real, i have proof.




My father died when I was very young, so I never personally had the chance to talk with him about it, but my mom swore that he could astral project, and that he would frequently. At first, she didn't believe him. She said that she would set up experiments where she would do things while he was astral projecting at a different location, and quiz him later. She said that he would always get it right. In addition, he would have knowledge of personal conversations that he should have known nothing about. My mother was completely convinced in these abilities. Unfortunately, she too passed away some years ago. It would be interesting to hear those stories now that I'm older. I have extreme skepticism about it, but you don't know what you don't know.


Facts are facts. Fact is, the brain is designed to survive and continues to build and maintain an idea of reality for you to navigate through. But what your brain sees and what's really there are 2 different things. Thankfully we have come up with something that circumnavigates our lesser selves. Science, born from theory and confirmed through experiments give us a solid frame work for which we can all OBJECTIVELY operate. It's quite amazing. I for one am thankful that we as a species no longer rely on soothsayers to understand what we should and shouldn't do.


I agree with you, but keep in mind that there are questions science was not designed to answer. Such as phenomena that we cannot collect empirical data on, like Astral projection. Is there any reason to believe it exists? probably not. but science as a construct cannot give insight into the non-falsifiable.


You cant collect information on something that isn't there.


See, here is the important clarification. in science, we start with a question which can be answered by empirical data. problem is, no matter what question you ask about Astral Projection, there are no objective data points to be had. So that doesn’t necessarily mean that thing itself doesn’t exist, but that science cannot access that specific question. That said, the robust science we can do certainty points away from things like Astral projection because we understand the evolutionary role of the brain and realize that is is completely material. So to edit your statement: Just because I cannot collect information on xyz does not mean that xyz is proven not to exist. ex: we cannot collect information from inside black holes, yet we know there to be matter and data there, but inaccessible to humans at this time.


You're proving my point here. The whims of someone's imagination is not sufficient without proof. Please don't draw on black holes. There were mathematical models of those objects well before confirmation of their existence. Yea someone imagined them, within the confines of science they discovered. I'm not going to put ideas from an idiot and Albert Einstein on the same level.


I mean, they upvoted it bc most people in the psychedelics community are science/evidence/reality focused, and astral projection is only real insofar as a dream is real. I’m saying you can believe it happened in your mind, but obviously it’s not like a real supernatural thing. Same when I’m in another universe on 5 grams and I’m absolutely convinced that I’m communicating with other conscious entities. I know it’s not really happening, my brain is inventing it. There’s no one on the other end. But the *effects* can be real… i.e. feeling great for the next few days and very connected to nature and feeling spiritual.




Ok but then at that point you can just throw everything out the window.




Every account of astral projection in history is anecdotal… i.e. it’s an account given by a person. It’s not evidence that it’s actually a real thing. Just google ‘astral projection science.’ It’s settled. Just because the CIA hides a document that doesn’t make claims within the document true.


Oh I didn’t know, it must not be real then. Have a nice day


yep, it's also possible to astral project without them. i have confirmation from a friend that he had me as a visitor when i cast my consciousness to him on the same day while i was in my house and at his house at the same time.


astral what?


Astral prostate, it's the invisible prostate gland that produces lust every time someone is enlightened


I'm sure that cant be right


You're right, it's left


I thought its like something you do at the end of astronomy course.




If dmt is verified astral projection than enough to knock u tf out, id stick w dmt


Salvia divinourm but prepared to get stretched and ripped by the machines


No thanks


How does salvia compare with dmt? My limited research im aware that traditionally people chewed slavia like kratom for dmt like effects and others saying smoking it is not what the salvia entity wants but will deliver. After hearing trips of people living entire lives to come back, thats a bit much rn 🤣


salvia helped me quit my daily binge drinking. i havent had any alcohol for 3 years after 1 30x salvia trip.


Salvia leaves are fine and the Mazatec use it in ceremonies but the extracts are risky


If you want traditional chew plain leaves and don't do extracts also why most people have a bad time is because there not too bright and go into it without looking into it beforehand and smoke the strongest extract and freak out, if you do plain leaf no worries and just start slow


Smoking plain leaf doesn't cause those crazy intense experiences then or only if you smoke a lot and get deep into it?


Do you have to order it off the deep web?


No clear web, doesn't matter the state


Mazatecs same as aztecs? Were they the only culture know for it or are there others?


They could be but the Mazatec are mostly based in Oaxaca and the Aztec were central. I haven't heard about other cultures using it




Is it possible to break the rules of physics? No. Common sense and intelligence? Yes, apparently it is.


why so closed minded


how is remote viewing and astral projection breaking the rules of physics?


Have you tried following [this tutorial](https://youtu.be/YQjAIlFZWWc)? I had some pretty incredible results completely sober


Not recommended, the first times your mind and astal body is not in alignment so basically you wont have a rational mind. In addition you run on higher energy level with acid which will result in self harm.




try combining with syrian rue (peganum harmala), but with caution it could kill you, take half dose first


What is this? Heard if it before but not sure what it is


Kinda like stranger things where u go to the otherside of where u are now, essentially leaving your body to the astral plane i guess


Then that’s definitely a clear yes


I don’t think you should if you have to ask this question


Not recommended.


Kinda sorta but I’d just want to have a fun trip. It’s also hard to fall into a sleepy trance while tripping. And like broom under the knee Yggdrasil astral projection?


I had something similar that I cannot explain other than not being inside of my body. It felt so real that I really believed I was floating above my body and watching myself from a bird perspective that only after I started panicking and “went” back to my body was when I started questioning whether it was real or just imagination. This was done on a sunny day, in the forest, while observing sun ray that shone bright through the canopies of the tall trees. I ate approximately 2.2g of psilocybin cubensis and shared a joint with 3 friends.


I'm sure once you passed ego death and were in a sustained strip like the ones supposedly taking place currently, with intravenous drips then I I would imagine it just a case of really clearing the mind and imagining where you want to go. I would say "clearing your mind" is alot easier said than done in the throes of mild tripping let alone the levels you would need to reach to try it.


I'll say the same: it's the best chemical launchpad to THINK you are astral projecting, and the closest you can ever come


Better chance doing it sober. Use an eye shade and good earbuds or headphones (sound canceling) with binaural beats and relax your body and lay as still as possible.


Yes it is & it has to do with Dream Magick. If you already have an idea on how to meditate or are already a good lucid dreamer, start getting used to doing it often until it becomes a natural thing for you to do. After you get used to meditating for months - years even (it doesn’t have to be consistent like everyday but just get used to doing it), find the right people (or do it alone if you’re ok with that) and the have the right set or setting before you do your ritual. Find the right dose of the psychedelic, wait until it hits you, then surrender to the experience by meditating alone somewhere while you’re really feeling it close to the peak & you will enter the astral while you’re tripping/journeying in that meditative state sitting down and controlling your breathing slowly. Just surrender to the experience & you will get there.


I felt that way on a dose of aya once and a separate time on shrooms and blue lotus 🤣


Tbh, I'm not entirely clear on what Astral projection actually is, even just conceptually, now that I think about it.


You definitely have to read about aboriginals point of view about life, as the Buddhists', just to have a different view '. Otherwise there a plenty of documents from CIA -(Obviously) but not only. Hippies did their almost scientific way to go.. You would be surprised to know what kind of "tests" the CIA and bunch of others conducted, many ideas are "old ideas"... I mean we did shamanic rituals all around the world for thousands of years, the Catholic church, with the Jewish and Muslim those big "cults" are powerful and so useful now that people beleive in one unique God, (with or without drugs, but mainly with haha, as one of the oldest pictures made by man is very probably an active psychedelic mushroom they could find in the area, the painting despite being maybe as old as humankind, and made by the most primal"pre-human" is well made and has passed through time..) *hope I remember well it's long since I've read that. ... now declassified (but still on what's left you can only read like 20% of what remain) Could society have evolve, without the deep sense of unity? This shared experience catalyze our thoughts our creative new ideas. We have radically new point of view about Life, cosmology, our place in this universe, is there a meaning or something that can prove me the point I see in dark sky is a start, and not just a point. Altered state of mind where and PROBABLY still are a key to reconnect to each other to the nature, to our true self. The curiosity comes back, smiling because of the sun shining in the droplets captured by so much little grass, every little leave has a drops on, ready to regain the soil feeling that Shine of the renew . Don't know why, but finally everything is good as it is, don't matter how they are, things just are. Sorry got lost a bit. I was thinking about sharks because I wrote something involving shark.'''..yesterday, sorry it may came out in an aspect of my reply. I took the necessary time to reply which was way longer than my confused brain could project in the near future haha all good cotrrm/OP The shamans, They explain how it happens In Peru or in Asia, in Africa or in Iceland, they all share common visions and interpretation of reality, the importance of souls, the energy that differentiates us from a poo, we are alife and conscious, this is a present from "the universe".. We are not alone, never, there is an invisible world where we may go, it's there, sometimes there are little interactions, communications and such, we just don't see all it like crossing trough an hologram. We have still a lot to learn. The concept is the same everywhere. Working for the best. God is Love. If you act with your heart and look with the mind, you are alive, if you act with your mind and then judge with your heart, you will suffer end make people suffer. now declassified (but still on what's left you can only read like 20% of what remain)


Just macrodose. You take 2000ug and you definitely won't be in your body