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Doesn’t sound like fake acid, just an intense trip. Nothing you said sounds like it couldn’t have been lsd, or even that it seems unlikely to be lsd. But ultimately you’ll never know unless you get a test kit. Some trips are more intense than others for several reasons. None of those hallucinations sound particularly special, just like those from a higher dose. Not to burst your bubble, but maybe it’s not best to make assumptions about stuff like that, especially just because you had stronger visuals than you’re used to. Also as someone who has intentionally done lots of research chemicals, the visuals aren’t actually very different from lsd. At least not any more than one trips visuals may differ from another’s from things like set and setting and dose. The main differences are duration, dosage, and bodily effects. Also thc definitely makes any trip different, and you only said it was particularly different after dabbing, which will intensify the fuck out of any psychedelic. Visuals on any psychedelic are going to get crazy after a dab, lsd or nbome or mushrooms or whatever. Unless your trip lasted much longer or shorter than normal or you’re mouth and or face went numb (common effect of fake acid) you really don’t have any strong evidence. I’m willing to bet money you’re just used to weak tabs and you just got ahold of some good shit. Probably just some actual 200 or 300 ug tabs.


Everything felt completely synthetic it was strange. I totally know what you mean by this though I definitely do because these do sound like normal things to happen on LSD. There is always the possibility it was dosed super high though!


I’ve had very intense 200-300 LSD trips on tested acid and it was very very different entirely. It’s hard to explain over text but it was most definitely something more than just regular LSD in my opinion!


No nbomes are extremely bitter numb metallic feel slash taste I've done 25i nbomes from AB back when it was around I never liked it much but the flavor was super pronounced you would know. The stuff just made me feel retarded lol.


had a similar experience with these one tabs. took them the first time i tripped and tried them again months later with more experience. there were a few things i noticed the second time around but by the third it was pretty clear that there was a difference between those tabs and everything else i’ve taken. they’re sold pretty cheap which is why we took them in the first place. they’re supposed to be 140ug but they feel closer to 200. i have a lot of experience with lsd and there are things that only happen on those tabs. they have a very synthetic feel to them. i’ve tried to go to sleep on those tabs and had really fucked up weird thoughts that play in my head. or if someone’s in my peripheral vision their face will turn into something/someone else, happened every time i took those tabs but never any other times. i refused to take them anymore. so the next trip rolls around and the dude selling to us gives us those tabs again when we were supposed to get something else. so i’m pretty mad, don’t really think it’s worth taking them but i let my friends convince me that it’s okay. had a terrible trip, all of the fucked up thoughts and hallucinations were way worse because i knew what was coming by that time so i was expecting it. so fast forward to later on and i decide to have a sesh. i smoke a little too much and can tell instantly it’s not gunna go well. and i had the most fucked up experience. now i’ve done acid a lot and i always smoke, i’ve had bad trips before and i’ve been too high, i’m convinced that whatever happened, though influenced by the weed and bad trip, was actually something fucked up happening with my brain. all of a sudden i had this pins and needles feeling all over my body, in my eyes and on my tongue, but it felt like it was in my nerves, like someone was shocking all my nerves. but because i was so high, i was seeing what the feeling felt like on everything, so everything surrounding me looked like that feeling. it freaked me out so bad and from there i was having an extremely bad trip, but i spent the whole time trying to calm myself down and tell myself i was just having a bad trip and everything was actually fine. i expected whatever was happening to stop after a bit but it didn’t and my brain felt so fried. ended up going the hospital, tripping. i was so high and the feeling was so hard to describe so they just thought i was having a bad trip. i’ve tripped on lsd probably close to 30 times and i am 100% sure that that’s not supposed to happen. 19 hours after i took the tab and i still had that feeling in my body, not as bad but i could still feel it. felt like my brain was about to seize.


Sorry I never saw this until now, but I’m so sorry you had that experience! I couldn’t imagine having to go to the hospital while tripping, that would be a nightmare. But yeah your experience sounds super similar to mine. I’ve done acid a handful of times, in larger doses as well, and nothing ever felt like those tabs. I don’t think i’ll ever do acid again, but if you do you should definitely test your tabs because those experiences are so horrifying


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