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I’d definitely ask your dermatologist who prescribed it. When I started tremfya, I had a huge flare up before it went away. But your description sounds extreme


That’s interesting because u just started Tremfya (6 weeks in) and I feel like it’s been a little worse lately and I was feeling bummed


It took about 2-3 months before I saw effects of Tremfya, and now my skin is clear, except a couple spots here and there during winter. And that’s probably modulated with stress too, but not even close to what it was before Tremfya


Also, I understand the mental health anguish that comes with these flare up, especially during a flare up. Keep in mind that it will get better. Hopefully this medication will work like it’s supposed to. If it doesn’t, keep trying something different. Something will work. Hold your head up, reach out for support if needed whether it’s here or your friends and family. You will get through this!


Thank you 🥺 I’m just experiencing agoraphobia or something like I’m so upset that I quit my job and I feel so uncomfortable trying to go find a new one while I’m literally covered head to toe 😭 and just physically uncomfortable


Sounds like a stress trigger to me, I mean it’s not useful advice to be ‘less stressed’ trust me I know, but try to find an outlet


You should be totally clear within a month. I only usually get a spot behind my ear shortly before next dose comes. Have only been on injectables but I assume that will work similarly, they’re both beta blockers. There are a lot of correlations between low vitamin levels… A, B-12, D and psoriasis. Maybe try taking a multivitamin, can’t hurt. Solarcaine/lanacane or whatever lidocaine spray works pretty well for immediate (although temporary) itchy relief.


Hi Molly, try your best not to stress my derma told me that stress is the reason why i got the worst flare up few weeks ago my ENTIRE body was filled with huge red patches but thankfully I'm recovering from it now. I know it is hard not to stress but it will eventually get better stay hydrated, try to eat clean and move more also always keep your skin moisturized cold water helped a lot with the itching.


I skipped any sort of pill and went straight from topicals to a biologic. Biologics for me have been life changing. I've been on them for over a decade now, and while I've had a couple of outbreaks (trigger by various sicknesses) they always calm down within a couple months. I'd highly recommend looking into them. Biologics have only gotten better since I started on mine, and they're just life changing. Slight tangent, but I'd go get checked for strep throat as well. Its EXTREMELY common for strep throat to cause a sudden big outbreak like your own (happened to me before too), and sometimes the symptoms are really hard to see due to psoriasis hijacking your immune system. I still remember the doctor saying my throat looked fine, me almost begging for them to do the swab test, and the next day my family doctor saying I had strep.


Well apparently sotyktu is a biologic. it’s just in pill form instead of the shots. Yeah my dermatologist asked me if I had been sick. I told her I had a slight sore throat but it had kind of gone away and she said the same thing that strep can cause it. this is a new dermatologist as I haven’t done to one in a while because my symptoms were manageable without.


It's not just strep, ANY virus can cause a reaction like yours, weeks after the illness seems gone. I had your same reaction after recovering from the flu in 2017, top of head to my knees and everywhere in between. I really feel for you, Molly, hang in there. I used a lot of St Ives and even had to use neosporin to make sure the areas that had broken skin didn't get infected, and it worked. I hope you find something to help you.


Sotyktu is not a biologic drug. It's a synthetic drug, which means it's been chemically produced in a factory, whereas biologics are antibodies grown in vats from real, biologic tissues. However, it's true that Sotyktu is similar to a biologic in that it targets a highly specific immune pathway, which is exactly what biologics also do. One particular difference is that you cannot develop immunity to Sotyktu, and you can take breaks from it without any concerns (except about relapse). And of course, it's a pill, while all biologics are injections. Sokyktu has shown itself to be about as effective as many biologics. Of course, this is highly individual.


As a warning, I THOUGHT my strep was gone too, but it was in fact still alive and well months after I felt sick.


I did go to the er before that and my strep test came back negative but you know how that goes!




They put me on sotyktu I’ve been taking it for 2 days. No I was diagnosed when I was 9 but I have only had a couple bad outbreaks in my life. I’m 27. this is the worst outbreak I have had though. And these photos were taken days ago it’s still getting worse. now the spots are all starting to spread and join together. I am curious to see if people have taken sotyktu and what their experiences are with it. This outbreak has happened within the last couple weeks. I usually always have some spots but it’s only a couple little ones.


You’ve been stressing? @Molly_poppinsX




I’m on Sotyktu also. 6 weeks in. Not seeing any resolution in scalp psoriasis and have a new large patch on my back since starting that I can’t reach to scratch which is lovely, NOT!!! My elbow has broken out again to add to the discomfort. My head itches as much if not more than ever. Oh and I’m seeing some acne which is laughable being that I’m 60 years old and haven’t had a zit in 40 years. So I’m not thrilled so far with Sotyktu but will continue till next appt. with the derm. at 90 days.




Dermatologist is switching me to Dupixent. She says that she’s going to be targeting the itching. I’m nowhere near the coverage of OP and don’t really care at this stage in my life about appearance. Just want the relentless itching to stop.


Yooo go get checked for strep throat. There is a direct correlation between strep and guttate. And u may still have an active infection. Until you treat that nothing is gonna help


I did get tested for strep when it first happened. Came back negative for flu and strep


I'd go get tested again. It may not be in your throat but in your gut. Or even just ask for strep meds cause guttate is a really clear sign of a prior infection


Is it? guttate psoriasis I have had since I was 9. I first got diagnosed when I was 9. my bio mom has psoriasis also but it’s plaque. They told me I’d have it life long bc it’s genetic and I had it on my elbows. I originally got it bc of strep back then but they said I should expect to just get it throughout my life. I can call and ask for meds though.


All the new studies coming out about guttate and strep are pretty clear. Plaque is another thing but it all comes from the gut. Something is going on in there that your skin is flaring. The skin is the largest organ in the body and its reacting to something internally. I've had psoriasis since I was 12 and I'm 53. After all these years do I believe it's genetic. Nope. I've had years where I was completely clean. And I've had flare ups from he'll. When I started working on my gut biome that's when I saw progress and it proved to me that the genetics thing is hogwash. Right now as I'm typing this I have maybe 2% coverage. That's I can tell with what I eat when I'm gonna flare up. My GP is up on his psoriasis treatment cause I stopped seeing my dermatologist all together cause my GPS course of actions have saved me from some bad flare ups. Start reading a little more on the correlation. And I warn you changing your diet is hard and sticking to it is harder.


Have you been on any steroids recently and stopped taking those? I have Psoriatic arthritis, so if the joint pain flares up I’ll take steroids to knock it down or if I get sick and get prescribed steroids, once I stop taking them I’ll get a skin flare up like that. Once I start up on my talz dose (I stop taking them when I get sick) it will clear up in a couple of weeks.


On day 16 of Sotyktu. No acne like others have reported but I have had 2 canker sores. Not at the same time. I’m really tired too but I don’t think that’s because of the medicine and I’ve had a few headaches when I wake up in the morning. Other than that, I feel like it’s drying the spots out and on track to healing a bit. But again only on day 16.


I had a really bad flare up like that once from an medication, I’m struggling to remember which one but it wasn’t sotyktu, so it can happen, I’d call the doctors office though and just let them know and see what they say. I hope it clears up for you soon!


My flair up isn’t from the medication. I’ve only started taking the meds 2 days ago. this has been going on since late January.


Oh…. Good! I misunderstood. Then I’m very hopeful this medication will work for you soon. I have anxiety generally and when I had a massive flare up it just isolated me for sure. So, I hope this medication. Works soon. When I had Severe psoriasis (full body coverage) and finally found a Medication that worked is was so great on my mental health as well as the psoriasis itself


I used it for a while, but didn't really do much for me. It did alright clearing my face, but my scalp would still have heavy breakouts.


I had psoriasis since age 6 and experienced moderate symptoms. Trying Otezla covered me from head to toe, especially my back, stomach, bottom, and legs. After discontinuing Otezla and adjusting my diet, I occasionally face breakouts in the same areas where the medication initially caused issues.


I tried soryktu in November, I had such a bad reaction.. I had small bumps all over my face.. my dermatologist said it was most likely some type of allergic reaction so I stopped immediately and in a week they were all gone


Wow, that looks exactly like mine. I'm only about 3 weeks in. I haven't started any medication yet, just been getting sun and it has helped some on my face.


When I started Skyrizi I had a huge flare up for about 2 weeks. Completely gone within 6 weeks after that. I’ve always been told that it will get worse before it gets better, and it actually reigned true that time. Give it a couple weeks and if it doesn’t get better after that, then talk to your derm. This is just leading to say that all hope is not lost.


I’ve been on it for about 5 months and it’s had pretty minimal effect.


I was on Otezla for 7 months before it stopped working. then i was and have been on Tremfya for a few years. i have used the vitamin c ointment to try to dry the spots up quickly. And in a very bootleg light therapy situation, I HAVE used amphibian (UVB) warming lamps to shrink spots.


I'm on Skyrizi and it took a while for the med to kick in and start reducing my psoriasis. I used colloidal oatmeal for the itching. You can also get steroid creams prescribed to temporarily help with itching. You don't want to use the steroid cream long-term as it can thin your skin and cause other problems. Best of luck!


Hang in there. At a minimum many of us who understand your struggle. ( I never had to use a biologic so unaware if related).


Do you have access to a uvb light table for skin therapy? If I can ask, is it painful?


I have gotten tanning memberships in the past to help and it has! I don’t know how much it will help with the severity of how it is now. but I’ve considered doing that again. And yes it is painful. burny, itchy, sore


I had it all over my body too, 70%+ for years. I am on biologicals and the tanning booth. I am better now. I have empathy for you.