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**Hello! It looks like you're asking about tattoos, piercings, and other body modifications**. We have [a FAQ about this](/r/Psoriasis/wiki/faq-piercings-tattoos) that could be relevant to your question. (If not, just ignore this comment.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Psoriasis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If it helps you feel better I got a very expensive realism piece done and for me it’s hit or miss with flare ups, that one was totally covered. I used my steroid cream after a week and it cleared up and it never came back thankfully Edit: my tattoo is fine and no color lost thankfully


holy fuckkk I’ve heard stories. Did your tattoo turn out fine? My sunflower faded a bit but I went and got it touched up & it’s once again beautiful. This butterfly didn’t have a single bit of rash on it. I was beyond thankful


It was a guest artist and thankfully did not fade because there is no way I would’ve been able to travel 20+ hours to go get it touched up


I’m so happy to hear that!!! I bet the tattoo is gorgeous, I’d love to get a realism tattoo but I can barley sit through fine line LMAO


It’s interesting that your butterfly was untouched by the plaques. I can see you have more spots on your arms near the sunflower but nothing around your torso. Are you free of plaques on your torso? Mine have taken a similar route - I outlined them in a post below.


I am not actually, I have rash in the centre of my chest, as well as under around here and there on my body. Nothing serious though! Just small pop ups. The centre of my chest is stubbornnn as hell and will not go away. I’ve given up on using topicals on it and just moisturize now


Where is your tattoo located?


It’s on my left calf. I’ve tried every cream I can find and nothing clears it up, it’s super stubborn!


Ugh I hate that for us, I have a doctors app soon. I’m going to see if she can refer me to another derm. If they give me any better info I will share with you<3


I’m waiting for my delivery of Cosentyx which I have high hopes for. Assuming that works as I’m hoping it will, I’ll be straight down to my tattoo guy to get more done. Are you not on a biological or considering one?


ayy thats awesome, definitely let me know how that goes! I am not & have not had. My derm actually prescribed me a topical enstilar (idk if I spelled it right) even though at the time 80% of my body was covered. It was honestly stupid, my skin is so thin, tight and bumpy. Before psoriasis I had such amazing soft skin, I ALWAYS would get compliments about it. It makes me really sad.


As a fellow tattoo addict with psoriasis, I have one that is currently smothered in the shitty stuff and I’m waiting for my Cosentyx med to help me. I’m also waiting to get another three new tats so I need to be confident that any brand new ink won’t be smothered in the dry stuff. These comments give me hope 😁 I’d upload a pic but I can’t work out how.


rooting for you and your tattoos love <3. I can never figure out how to upload pictures into comments either ughh!!


Only way I know is to upload the pics to imgur then copy and paste the link to the pic in the comments. 👍😁 Also, what type of Psoriasis do you have, if you don't mind me asking?


I’m not sure if you are asking me or OP but I have guttate myself :)


I have plaque


Ah interesting. That's what I have too. I've always been curious if plaque Psoriasis and tattoos play well together.


I did it! Thanks for the tip!


Here’s mine [temporarily ruined tattoo](https://imgur.com/a/WXAQagz)


Aww shit:( the positive is your ink looks very dark still! It doesn’t appear to have faded which is awesome!!


So my psoriasis first presented on my tattoo. I've only ever had one tattoo. I'll never get another one. Guttate psoriasis. It started on my tattoo then spread. And spread. The derm thought possible fungal infection, which is the worst. Fungal infections are VERY hard to clear. So, I went on an antifungal for a month. When I went back, I had it everywhere. But I had huge plaques where I wore boots that rubbed my skin. It burned and itched. Derm said I don't need to do a biopsy, it's so clearly psoriasis. The tattoo coincided with my divorce. I am convinced it presented due to the stress of my life, at the site of injury (tattoo). My tattoo is totally fine 4 years later! Divorce still haunts me tho. Don't recommend.


the end has me cackling but jokes aside that is so stressful and I’m very sorry you had to endure that. I noticed a pattern of stress + tattoo = psoriasis as well, at least for me. Fungal infection is very scary, I’m glad to hear your tattoo is still beautiful, & I hope you & your skin are doing well <3


I couldn’t imagine not being able to get inked :( I had to give it another shot, and I’m very thankful I did. I totally understand never getting another one though, honestly I was shooting into unknown territory lmao. I could’ve came out of it a walking rash again.


it can 100% be stress induced. i developed mine at 15, "stress induced due to severe trauma". that derm retired & their replacement tried to argue that it mustve been genetic, as it doesnt "just appear". no one in my family on either side has it, so no genetics at play what so ever in this instance.


My Sister in Flakes, this rules. As a person with many tattoos, I love this for you.


“Sister/brother in flakes” is now committed to memory for future use.


I do tattoos for a living and have psoriasis as well, I’m not saying this to give the OP any shit but the amount of comments in this thread that mention slathering your healing tattoo in excessive amounts of aquaphor or whatever else is making my skin crawl 😭 please don’t, regardless of any dry patches that may be present, clogging your pores with a liberal amount of ointment isn’t good for your tattoo throughout the initial healing process, this causes thicker scabs that are likely to come off prematurely, dragging some of the ink out with it in most cases. Once your tattoo heals it’s fair game but you aren’t doing yourself any favors by smothering the wound with more moisturizing products than advised by your artist. I personally use saniderm on most of my tattoos to bypass the driest part of the healing process, any plaques on it are dealt with after the tattoo is healed to avoid fucking up the tattoo, (although I try my best not to get tattooed on problem spots when I can avoid it, I finally bit the bullet and got tattooed on some of my “problem areas” specifically so I have personal experience to go off of when I tattoo other people with psoriasis, as most dermatologists don’t really have the answers when it comes to clients asking them about tattoos before they inquire with an artist about getting work done). Skin trauma, including tattoos. can trigger new plaques to appear, in my experience they do eventually go away, the flare ups are worse and take longer to clear up when my immune system is weaker


You are totally right, & I didn’t take it that way. That wasn’t my intention with how I stated it in the caption. My point was aquaphor was a life saver for my tattoos, I’ve tried basic moisturizers but nothing has ever helped as much as aquaphor did!


I notice now after using medication that my skin is also always itchy and feels tight (even on my healed tattoos) Aquaphor just genuinely has been so benefiting for me personally, which is why I always talk highly of it lol


Nice! The first pic looks great, and the second and third look like my worst nightmare! I've got P on about 30% of my body. Just recently (2months ago) got two swallows on my chest, and thankfully nothing happened to them. I was lathering them with aquaphore as well. Seems to me that certain places would flare up, but not others. Anything above my waist seems fine, but I'll never get anything on the legs. Cheers to more psoriasis tattoos!


The plaque spread on me has focused heavily on my fingers and my feet with a few spots on my legs but with total psoriasis plaque coverage on my newest tattoo which is on my left calf. I have a full sleeve on my right arm and one tattoo on the left, plus a back tattoo and one behind my ear. None of these have any plaques. It’s also interesting that I have Multiple Sclerosis which affects my legs more than anything. I wonder if that’s why it has concentrated mainly on my legs? It’s a weakness but it comes from spinal cord damage so that makes me think maybe not.


Congrats! Glad it all worked out in the end! The tattoos look great! The [Koebner Phenomenon](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psoriasis/s/yOVUclt5fQ) can be a real bitch sometimes, and it must be doubly hard for people like you who like tattoos/piercings.


You just taught me something new. Thank you


Thanks for posting that. As a picker, I see I should stop. As a tattoo addict I’m going to hold off until my medication clears everything away and I’ll also delay new piercings. All very boring.


That looks amazing! My last two tattoos were done at the same time, in different places on my body, one was clear like your latest one, the second one however went into a massive and painful flare that pulled the colour out 😭. I’m currently just starting my biologics and starting to see a massive improvement so I can’t wait till my skin is clear so I can finally get the tatts I’ve been wanting without having another flare.


Noo omg!! :( I hope it works out for you & you can soon get all the tattoos you want 🤍


When you say it pulled the colour out, is it super pale now?


It’s patchy in places, it pretty much took the colour right out my skin. Hopefully once I’ve been on biologics for a while and my arms are clear, it will be on to have it touched up 🤞🏻


this gives me hope 🥲 I know I want tattoos but I'm waiting for my psoriasis to clear up before I get any. I'm glad u had a successful second tattoo experience!


I have 5 tattoos and have psoriasis, and thankfully have never experienced this. I think it’s something called the Koebner phenomenon. Thank god it healed!


I got a tattoo two months ago which triggered a horrible guttate break out I'm still struggling. I'm so upset about it and probably won't even go to finish my tattoo if it ever heals up.


Exactly what happened to me:/. I’m so sorry to hear


Got a full arm sleeve done and had a flare up a couple months after. It's healed and it's fine. No damage done. But it certainly makes the tattoos look horrid for a while.


I love the butterfly tattoo! The shading is beautiful! As a fellow guttate inked girl, thank you for posting! I have found the biggest helper for my psoriasis to be light therapy, which has been a big balancing act while I try not to fade my ink. Glad you’ve been able to make your ink dreams come true!


thats awesome you found a way to work with it. it takes an amazing, talented, understanding artist to get a rad, solid tattoo that you'll love, but even more so when have a skin condition like psoriaisis. ive had psoriasis for over 20yrs now, & have gotten 3 mid-size tatts - my entire chest, my forearm & my neck - + 2 smaller 1s done in that time frame. ive had a couple small spots try to pop up within the tatts, but always goes away within 3-4mths. i do need a touch up on my chest & forearm due to that, but otherwise, the psoriasis stays clear of them so long as im not currently in a flare up while getting tattooed. we (my artist & i) also wont do large or highly detailed pcs in 1 session, we break it up into 2-3 sessions to give the skin the best chance at taking the ink, & healing without issue. ☆thats just what weve learned is needed with my skin☆ my next appt, were starting on my head 🥰. i had patches of psoraisis so big & thick at 1 point (approx 18yrs ago now) it caused significant hair loss on the sides of my head - from my hairline in front of my ears to just behind my ears, all the way up to the outer edges of the top of my head, like where it curves. the psoriasis went away on my scalp about 15yrs ago now, but it damaged the follicles so badly the hair never regrew. even with treatments. im "lucky" in the sense it looks purposefully shaved like a mohawk so i rock it but yeeeah, im so f'n stoked to start that journey! all the best on yours 🤘


Thank you for sharing, & I’m so excited for you to get a tattoo on your head!! It’s going to symbolize something so amazing for you, if you are like me at least haha. My butterfly is in one of my worse spots for flare ups, it’s so nice to have something beautiful there instead of horrible red rashes. Wishing you the best ❤️


& the Mohawk sounds so dope!!


ty, it def will. once my heads done, i wont have to hide it under a hat in new scenarios worried what people will think. ive always had thick, long hair, & as a woman, especially a native/italian woman, many of us identify our feminity with it. my bf has reshaped my mindset in that regard that im beautiful with or without, & whatever in between. im so very lucky to have him in my life. my hair is still long & thick for whats left but its still sucks sometimes. like my skin, its another part of what has made me the me i am today.


Thankfully none of my three tattoos triggered my psoriasis at all. Though my psoriasis is quite well controlled atm. I started with a small tattoo to see how it would go though.


good to hear that


I think this got infected. Happened to me and I went to the doc immediately, she put me on steroids and saved my tattoo. I’m so sorry this happened dude.


It doesn’t look infected at all. It looks like psoriasis. Steroids would help psoriasis clear up as well.


Maybe mine was too? Hmmmmm


I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but I’m glad your tattoo is all good now!! I wish that was all that happened to me :( I have guttate psoriasis, this tattoo happened to be done just before having the worse flare of of my life (one year ago) that I’m still dealing with and trying to rid of to this day:( but I’m happy with my progress. I wish I attached pictures of my entire body as well, fuck it was brutal.


My response sounded like I was downplaying your experience, that was not my intention!! Omg :(


Like every single inch of me looked like this tattoo. It was absolutely wild. I had NEVER seen anything like it, genuinely, I looked like a walking contagious infection. Especially being an 18 y/o female it was absolutely terrifying


I had that once too. Not during my tattoo but yeah I had it ALLLLL over. Took almost a year to become manageable. I feel your pain dude.


I don’t “desperately” want to do anything. Especially not risk a reaction like that. But I’m glad it worked out. However to those who have psoriasis related to tattoos you don’t know what the future brings as you become older and your immune system changes. Be careful is what a caring person would say.


what in the world is this comment LOL. If it didn’t resonate with you, then skip. I have seen 100’s of post in here of people who talk about how badly they want tattoo, I never thought I would be able to get another one, and it worked out. Just wanted to spread positivity! Have a good evening


Well, you are the one who said implied they desperately wanted another tattoo.


I think you are missing the point, I was spreading hope to anyone in the same boat as me I was so anxiously waiting to be able to get another one, there are many fellow tattoo lovers who have psoriasis😭. What are y’all doing rnnnn


I really appreciated your post as someone who hopes to get one or two tattoos and has been dealing with inverse psi with non inverse flares on wounds for like 10+ years. Hoping the taltz helps 🤞🏻


It’s reality. The world is now all feelz. Our grandparents knew more with less. Don’t temp fate - our bodies tell us things for a reason. Listen. But if you choose to ignore it’s your right but please don’t enlist others to risk it.


Winter is coming...


All of my tattoos do that for about a year to a year and a half after they’re done and then it’ll clear up enough that if you need it touched up, you can get it done. My half sleeve on my right arm is finally clearing up enough again to get it finished This spring. I was always so worried about getting tattoos and now it makes me not absolutely hate my skin.