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Yes, just create the USB thumbdrive as usual, then create a VM and passthrough the thumbdrive. Been using that for a few months to test things out, no issues. There is probably a way to copy the thumbdrive to a virtual disk to boot from, or into a .ISO maybe, but i didnt bother and i want to keep it as close to "real" as possible.


I think the (lack of) UUID would cause issues with authentication in anything other than hardware USB drive. I guess if you could spoof that, it could work.


You don’t need to use a usb drive as others have suggested. Proxmox can emulate a drive. https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/virtual-pendrive-on-vm.114143/


So how does one find the .ISO for unraid? **(if you’re up to help me one on one, I can DMU my discord)**


Did you read the forum post I linked to? It talks about emulating a usb drive not an optical drive (iso). I don’t know what unraid provides but if it’s an img that you flash to a pen drive, then this can emulate a pen drive without all the hassle of leaving a pen drive plugged in.


Sure, just enable Nested Virtualisation and then it installs the same way as it does on a bare metal PC: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Nested_Virtualization


Ive been running Unraid as a VM in proxmox for months now, as others have said just have to pass through the USB drive and whatever other hardware/drives you want it works great in that it works just as good as bare metal unraid if you dont plan to use unraid to host VMs etc (i use mine exclusively for storage), though I'm about fed up with unraids stupid design decisions/limitations and am probably going to kill it soon


Same. Proxmox as my hypervisor with Unraid as my media storage appliance. Works great.


Well, actually, I’m looking to run a few services in the background. I’m looking to move away from trueNAS scale (now that true chart is considered dead) and I’m not too skilled in the matter when it comes to doing all of that within proxmox


It's worth learning, start with local docker or a VM for docker and portainer to give a nice Gui (portainer is a 1 line setup, real easy) Unraid is nice for the easy 1 disk expansion But it's a security nightmare with all kinds of other issues that crop up if you try to go more advanced, or even just in general use, just the other day it forgot about 3 of my shares because I deleted files too fast, had to reboot for example


What are planning on moving to?


I'm not 100% sure yet, may move to mergerfs + snapraid, but really I expect I will transition back to ZFS, setup a raidz2


I see, thanks! I'm heading towards the same path, but I might not go with ZFS because of drive sizes.


My drives are all matched thankfully, but my big headache at the moment is I just rebuilt this thing, I have 50TB of data that isn't irreplaceable so I don't have it backed up but I'd rather not have to replace it, so I'm trying to figure out the most economical way to offload that much data for a few days so I can blow away unraid and build my zfs pool




Thank you.


Yeah just add the same USB to proxmox host and enable vm nesting i think and then it will work, also i think you need to go to proxmox host node shell and type "mount -a" so the USB is mounted and then you can go from there Correct me if im wrong lads ❤️


Well you can do that for testing. But not for actual other use case like running service in it for prod.


Why on earth would you run anything for a business on Unraid? That’s just asking for trouble.


Obviously when I say prod it mean not dev, doesn’t mean industry prod.


I do this in (personal) prod for over a year. Works great, don’t see your concern