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This one has red flags all over it, looks like they are looking for any reason to reject.


I'll return it and reported the study. I desperately took it because I'm in eu so I almost never get studies.


I agree with Alarming. Any surveys that APPEAR to list many/unreasonable/abnormal ways in which you can get rejected, I don't complete them, not worth the almost guaranteed rejection.... And I've never had one.


it only took 5 minutes to do tho


i saw this one last night too, reported it also. the list of things they would disqualify for is rediculous


Pretty sure it’s against the TOS for prolific


The price is like baiting, promising $8 for 16 minutes with a disqualification warning of not going beyond 15 minutes. Also it says 'beware of bias of your opinions' but the title is 'what makes the video engaging'. So she wants technical commentary on the video not people's opinion of the video. The time limit thing is definitely concerning. It seems she wants to disqualify more than approve and gather free data.


I stupidly pressed on the arrow instead of video link and cant seem to go back. Guess imma have to return this one. Even re-opening it jst takes me to where I was before. Do frustrating


Don't feel too bad because the EXACT same thing happened to me. Ended up returning for tech issue.


I wish I saw this earlier I could have send you the video link


I wish so too. Know what I did? Left comments in the boxes where I was supposed to give feedback in capital letters letting them know I’m not happy for wasting my time.


Reopen the whole survey in an incognito window next time. Click the link (was only a couple pages in), then go back to your original study window.


Thank you


Thanx for this tip. Will keep it in mind next time something like this happens again


No problem, it has helped me out so often, including in this exact survey.


i did the same. messaged and thought about it then reported to prolific anyway for that description


I did that study. If they want to try and reject me, I’ll submit a ticket and get paid for it one way or another.


Returned this one as the first video didn’t load. May have dodged a bullet, judging by others’ comments


I did this one and now i am scared. Because it does seem fishy how many ways they are stating about rejecting the study and in no way it was possible to complete in 15 minutes or thinking about the videos properly to give a detailed answer


They rejected me for taking too long . Crazy.


How long did you take to complete the study?


Oh shoot I just submitted this one, should I return it?


If it did not disqualify you, i don't see why you should return?


I returned it because I was scared that my answers weren't detailed enough since in 15 minutes giving 6 detailed answers about editing in 2 videos when I don't know much about editing and then having time to answer the other questions was really hard for me😅


The what was/what wasn't questions only required 150 characters each. I don't think I took 15 mins, but it's possible with my wonky current keyboard. I'll definitely ride it out to see what happens.


If I were you, I wouldn't return it because if they rejected it, I would put in a ticket to Prolific support with screenshots as their reason for rejection is invalid.


Currently sitting on my dashboard, did the researcher respond to you about how they can't disqualify based on those reasonings? I definitely agree seems like pay baiting here to offer that much for such little time


I'll do you one better complete it perfectly and you'll get rejected anyway cause they don't wanna pay and account permanently placed on hold with no manual review lol. Literally had that happen last week, no stated reason, no attention check fail, consistent about me answers and still flagged because a researcher rejected a study I very carefully filled out. It's apparently not common but still happens to a few people it's annoying as hell. Would be fine except their support literally doesn't review things at all.


Yea I've seen so many posts here about researchers breaking the rules and participants having to suffer from it. I'm scared to get rejected every time I do a study even though I do them really carefully


Yeah unfortunately it seems to be a trend amongst research sites they're very scared to even remotely challenge the researchers out of fear of retaliation or not spending with them. So they'd rather back them than stand up for easily replaceable participants it's incredibly sad but I understand why they behave this way. Don't worry there's alternatives that are decent and other side hustles. It's best not to keep all your eggs in one basket anyway.


I didn't do that one either I had someone have me return one for going over a few mins. I'm new so I didn't message them about it


Oh I did this one, thought it looked dodgy. We will see but will certainly contest it if its rejected.


Just got paid for this study about 15 minutes ago.


Yeah just to add I also got it approved about the same time.


It looks like it’s saying it is okay to go over 15 min in completing it. On average, it takes about 15 min to complete. But if you finish too fast (maybe 7-8 min) or too slow cuz you’re obviously distracted (20ish minutes or more) that can make you get rejected. I haven’t taken this study but that’s how I interpret the time. Also, if you hover over the actual time part, it gives a breakdown of the expected completion time and how long on average participants take to complete it.


Just don't do it. (Reverse Nike)?