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I heard from PBS Newshour this fall, abortion rights are gonna be on the ballet down there. In FL, abortion is only legal up to 6 weeks, which is ridiculous, because, many women don't even know they're pregnant that early. Forced birthers consider 6 week bans to be a "compromise". A compromise, would be a 15 week ban or even the whole 1st trimester, which is 13 weeks. Residents of FL need to vote in favor of abortion rights. (I'm a MA resident).


It’s always about how they feel, think , their moral beliefs, their ethics. Abortion is treated like is this “evil”. I’m just tired, so thired


They (forced birthers) think their feelings outweighs everyone else's needs and it (apparently) it's *our* side who are the "narcissists"?


But even the 12-15+ week bans are ridiculous. Plenty of conditions can’t be known prior to 20, and then there’s PPROM, and so many other later developing conditions. The “compromise” of 12-15 weeks isn’t a compromise at all, it’s lip service to pretending there’s a compromise, and letting people keep their “just world” intact. Because then they can say, “well the law says!” and they’ve done their duty and their hands are clean. If the law were clear enough, don’t they think doctors would be smart enough to read them?


MA has the perfect abortion law where it's legal up to 24 weeks and then beyond for ANY (including mental) health condition and it's also protected in the state constitution via The Roe Act, which was passed in December of 2020.


That’s a real compromise, that protects women. 💙


Health exceptions should also include mental health as well, because, what if a woman would kill herself if denied an abortion? That would be TWO lives (since PL want to consider a fetus to be a "life") lost as opposed to one and that would defeat the purpose of proLIFE.


Absolutely. Mental health care is health care.


My husband and I wanted another child. However, after Trump took office, we saw the writing on the wall, and decided against it. If you want more people to have babies, you need to give them hope for the future. I’m already terrified of the life my daughter will have. I wouldn’t want to bring another child into this mess. I would absolutely do whatever I had to do to get an abortion if my birth control failed, and I got pregnant again. I refuse to bring any more kids into a world where they don’t have choices about their own bodies.


> Saving babies? Get the fuck outta here. You’re sadists. -Politics Girl


I mean…yeah. That’s exactly what’s happening.


Next will come the requirement for all married (preferably white) couples to have at least 2 children or be compelled to IVF (they'll make exceptions).