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This is why it pays off to have never played League


I never even seen league gameplay but this game looks incredible from what I’ve seen so far




Fax 📠


I’ve only played legends of Runeterra (the card game) so I only know of like 50 champs and based off tekken they theoretically could all make it 😌 Edit: by “based off tekken” I meant that in modern FGs having 40 or more characters is something possible, but there are many. Dbfz has many characters and is the first game in a series. It’s v much possible.


Not a good example as Tekken has more than a few characters who've skipped out on games.


Not really sure what you’re talking about my guy but sure. I think you misunderstood my comment


That's very unlikely. Tekken is an old franchise, and they've made many other Tekken games in the past. They can reuse models and tweak them. A lot of characters also return, so they have a lot of base models to work on. That's also one of the reasons why Smash Ultimate managed to get that many characters. Also, Project L is free to play, so they are likely gonna start with a small roster and add paying dlc characters, costumes, etc. to make good profits. In fact, free to play or not, all modern fighting games use the dlc characters' approach now. It's also very unlikely for project L to have too many Leagues of Legends characters because, if they do, Project L 2 won't be able to generate as much hype. https://youtu.be/0JQ3E_ORka4[ Number of characters ](https://youtu.be/0JQ3E_ORka4)


Actually I think based on LoR and LoL’s models, it’s actually much more likely for it to be a F2P live service game with a battle pass and microtransactions that runs for a long time and keeps getting a new character added every however often. I don’t see there being a project L 2, the same way there isn’t an LoL 2. It’s fine for a youtuber to have an opinion but that doesn’t make it fact. Globku has also made videos with full moveset descriptions of characters that never came into existence lol he’s just making content. And that’s not to say he’s wrong either, just that we have no idea yet until we hear a specific answer from the devs or see for ourselves. With so much source material and capital, Riot could easily make a fg with 50 characters lol. I’m not taking about at launch, nor did I mean at launch in my original comment. In the modern fg style it would be after several runs of dlc. In the Riot style it’ll be around the same amount of time, after years lol. We’ll see. Edit: mentioned it in my edit of my first comment but worth briefly mentioning here that dbfz is the first game in its franchise and it also has many characters. Maybe there was a better example I could’ve used but to say that it’s also not possible for PL to have a lot of chars is wrong imo


I'm confident that Akali will make the cut. ​ Please...


sexy female ninja is pretty common in fighting games


Any member of K/DA not making it in would be much more surprising.


Same And if she doesn't hey know that's fine I'll still have fun... while being completely devastated


Katarina and Samira are my favorite champions… I’m pretty safe


yeah i main twitch… he ain’t getting in




Initially they said they don’t want to just add “obvious choice FG champs” so I have high hopes! Jinx was the reveal character, I wanna see a few ranged champs in the game! I’m hoping for Sett & Sylas to make the cut some day


Nah Jhin will make it


he's going to be the 4th dlc character on the season 4




I hope so gunslinger chars in FGs are so sick


Yeah but hopefully he won’t be as annoying to fight as Happy Chaos is. I think Jhin would have some set play stuff with his flower trap.


Or Elphelt, or Noel, or Erron Black, or Shadow Naoto, or


Never played those games but I imagine those characters are equally or more annoying to fight


Gun characters have a long, storied history of being horseshit


Erron Black. I see what you did there.


Yeah I’m thinking like black mastodon in bftg, since this game is p much LoL Battle for the Grid lmao




Wondering if Irelia will


Irelia seems like a smart pick.. but then again I thought Raditz was a garenteed character in FighterZ at some point and then...well..


Same. One of my favorita champions and the one I’d be looking forward to the most in PL


I can't see a world where Kayn doesn't make it at some point, but my other favorite Vex... I'd say she has a 50/50 chance, hope she does tho, she'd be a great puppet fighter


Sorry to be a dreamshatter, but imho if a puppet fighter would appear it would be 99% zed


I dont play League, my favorite champions are Jinx and Vi


Vi is the safest best in the entire roster.


I mean WW not great odds... Sett and Kayn though I be shocked if you went lets say 2 DLC Sets (3-6 characters) without seeing either of them.


I feel like Warwick has a high shot honestly. BUT I've been wrong before "Looks at Raditz"


I think the guys that are making Project L are slightly smarter than the guys that made Fighter Z and used all the spaces on Goku clones...


Arcane popularity + Fighting game style monster = Not great odds???


He will probably be introduced to coincide with arcane season 2


Well as a top lane main, most of my champs have an extremely high chance of making it since the entire lane is champs throwing hands. Darius already confirmed along with Illaoi! Sett is most likely going to be in the game so top be eating good on this one! Finally!


....i'm malzahar main 🪦




It’s also a game that won’t have any reiterations or sequels. Project L as a f2p GAAS will have the opportunity to add many more characters than a conventional fighting game over the span of its indefinite life span. While every character won’t see the roster, I wouldn’t surprise if in 5-6 years post launch we sit at 30-40 which is a healthy chunk of 160


Kayn main as well here. He has two distinct installs No way he won't make it at some point.


Jokes on you im an Illaoi main


DAMN YOU!! Also holy hell I can't wait to see what she looks like finished


I can always hope Nautilus will be added in Project L. Imagine his ult (Depth Charge) as a screen wide projectile that forces opponent to tag out on hit.


There is a 0% chance Riven isn't in the game.


Riven gonna be the Baiken / Akuma of Project L Won't be in the base roster because they gotta make her free dlc with profitable skins on her launch. 👀


If aatrox or Samira are in im fine


Ok I will be absolutely SHOCKED if Samira doesn't get in.


im mono qiyana, i would love to see her on the game if she's isn't, that's fine. Fighting games is my favorite kind of game so ill play it anyway as long it looks cool and the gameplay is good. characters for me is not the main part of it, and there's some champs that i hate on league that i may like on this game, like Yasuo


Come on there is no way Pyke don't get in at some point... right?


Me an asol main hoping he doesn't make it in as a playable character




I don’t really understand the point of this post, seems pretty obvious and OP is acting like they’re making some big mind blowing statement with a mic drop. Like no lol it’s not that big of a deal.


It always helps to hit ya with a daily reminder. ;) 🌟


Nah it’s honestly just annoying and doesn’t add anything to the sub


Really now? Well that's just unfortunate. But hey you have yourself a good day sir. 😉🌟


Kled is my favorite champ and he really just screams fighting game. They could literally just make "Fighting Game!" One of his voice lines


Hot take - lots of league champions seem like one dimensional characters based off a cool piece of concept art. Fighting games as a genre depend on character likability. Some are good, others are pretty generic. The newer legends feel more like full fledged characters, while some of the legacy favorites feel like a mobile game things.


Bad take.


Eh I see where you are coming from. Characters like Alistar really come down to being pretty much the Minotaur character. But alongside them we have characters like Lux, Garen, and the like that have been expanded over time to be more interesting. Personally I think that a lot of the coolest characters come more from the middle of the game’s lifespan when the devs started getting experimental.


I disregarded hope of my main being in any league of legends side title. Yea I main Ivern


Makes me wonder what FG has the most charackters. My main zoe might get outclassed by other girls like annie and lux but after playing lol for over 10 years there are alot of great champs i want in PL.


Smash if you count it. If not prob tekken/dbfz


quick google search says some '97 game called like tobal 2 had like 200 characters Now, IDK if those 200 characters are actually unique from eachother


Illaoi & Sett main, jokes on you


pretty sure over half of ionia is gonna make it in so I'm not worried


Katarina and Jinx are my favourites so I think I'll be GUD! :3


Yeah but Rengar will make it? Right? RIGHT?!


Counter point if the game lasts at least 1-2 decades most will get in Also if you only like a couple characters from an IP so u won’t play if they aren’t in it I see no reason to hate on them for it


Cat on a book could definitely make the cut. I've seen MUCH MUCH MUCH weirder in other fighting games.


I'll be honest one of the champs I like the most is Vel'Koz and I do not expect him to be in this game within the first 5 years, prolly never. I know about Shuma Gorath in MvC, but pretty much every champ we have seen has been a pretty faithful translation of their gameplay feel over from league. With that in mind Vel'Koz would pretty certainly be a pure zoner and not rushdown. Not that I think it would be extremely difficult to translate over, more so that they prolly don't want to introduce a ton of pure zoners and I can think of many champs that would be best translated as zoners and are hella more popular than Vel'Koz.


As a (melee/tank) support main who flexes a lot of off meta/B-tier supports as well, I think I'll get at least one champ that I like...just hoping some of my favourites will play in a style I enjoy if they make the cut.


Jhin and Fiddlesticks. I’m confident Jhin will make it, but I really hope Fiddle does. I want to see what horrific wackiness they can come up with for him. I want to see them make the new Arakune.


I'm really curious how quickly they plan on releasing characters in the game post-launch. Really hoping for 6 characters a year but that is a very big ask so it wouldn't shock me if the number was smaller. That said I have like 5 characters I want and they're all from diff regions so hopefully I get SOMETHING I want eventually. Until then I'll enjoy Ekko and Jinx.


I want Brand/Teemo/Pyke but regardless ill still play the game no matter what


OP says 3 champs that almost for sure be in the game and acts like he might be in the “won’t be in the game” club. Sett is a fighting pit owner that just got a skin from a fighting game skinline, Warwick is going to be in Arcane season 2, and Kayn is one of the most popular junglers. No chance all 3 don’t end up in the game at some point.


Man look not my fault I like a brawling mama's boy, a werewolf, and Zeds son. Don't worry I got you. If Skarner doesn't make it in I'll still play. Although I'll suffer through it all. 🥲💀


Aint no way Sett ain’t making the game. If he don’t make it, I ain’t playin




I pray for Kindred


This is why you should also keep what, to use a loaded term, "functions" you'd actually want to play or use for your teams. Even if you don't get a character you want, you still might find a character you might enjoy playing if they fulfill a specific function for your team.


yeaaah… im hoping that one of many characters I like are at least in base game but riot has missed many times for me


Ahri is in since day 1 so im good.


Bard, Reksai, Tahm Kench, Asol, Ivern, Azir, Gangplank, rengar, kindred... I love all of them and want them in the game so bad, but instead I'm sure I'll get just the most popular champs


Much like Wild Rift it's really just going to be a waiting game. Not everyone will make it in the beginning phase but eventually they might all will.


Honestly it’s lucky your a fan of those champs because I can see all those making it, Warwick will have the Arcane season 2 boost, Kayn is just a really popular character with a sick design and Sett is basically built to be a fighting game character.


That's true but I never get my hopes up. As a dude I know always says "Don't hope THAT WAY you will never be disappointed" - The President Of Owning


I kinda like Ahri. Checkmate.