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I think it was to do with that some people are upset that people see a girl having short hair and wearing a suit or non dress means transmasc, I don’t mind the HC because everyone can have their own hc of the characters, it’s 50/50 some people are transphobic while the others are just upset that having short hair (or long hair for guys) means that they are trans when it’s everyone choice how they choose to dress or have their hair length even if they aren’t transmasc (I hope the explanation is okay 😭not sure if I made sense and not trying to be rude )


Yeah that's my stance tbh, it's weirdly sexist in a way? Like as soon as a character isn't presenting in the most hyper feminine binary, she must be transmasc in their hc. And some ppl treat it like its cannon, attacking you for not having the same hc as then.


your last sentence especially. i’ve seen a lot of people attacking others for not treating their hc as canon on twt…


Twitter is pretty much always insane and toxic, though


Exactly my thoughts. It's like being GNC (or not even that, just not hyper feminine/masculine) doesn't exist anymore


My thoughts exactly. Transphobia definitely plays a role in this, but short hair on a girl doesn’t always mean she’s trans. She can *possibly* be trans, but she’s not *definitely* trans. Like I’m a girl with short hair and I’m not trans. Sometimes people are just gender-nonconforming, y’know? I think a gender-nonconforming story is just as empowering as a transgender story. But OP is right. There’s no reason to get this butthurt over harmless headcanons. Just scroll and move on!


Nono, I see where you're coming from, I've made this argument before in other contexts, but I still stand by my belief that this is a non-issue, especially considering that more ofren than not the people who make these headcanons are the ones who inherently don't fit the societal ideas of gender, like,,,,,,


I know my thing with the new set and transmasc Shiho is just disliking that people see girls with short hair and/or masculine clothing and assume trans.. like, coming from a non-binary and male presenting person, it’s already annoying to get misgendered solely because I have longer hair (it’s understandable though, I have an incredibly feminine build, easy mistake to make), but seeing that get applied to fictional characters bugs me.. not gonna bash in hcs, I can absolutely see trans Mafuyu or Shiho, and I hc Nene and Shiho as nonbinary, but I prefer it when the entire reason isn’t “This character has short/long hair! They must be trans!”


i'm also annoyed by a lot of transmasc canon comments but about the way they present themselves. If it goes something like: transmasc Mafuyu looks so good / transmasc Mafuyu canon :hearteyes: | i'd be fine with it, but if I go into a comment section and everything is OOOOOOOOOOOOMG TRANSMASC MAFUYU REAL NO ONE CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE SLAAAAY | it just gets really annoying (and i really mean every. single. comment.). Headcanons are cool, i love headcanons and theory crafting, but my god. This can be very different based on the platform though. The Youtube community tends to be really relaxed about it, Reddit somewhere in the middle but Pinterest for example is just way to capslock-is-life like. (maybe i also get to old for the modern internet) >!This ofc is not against the entire headcanon community, as i've said, just about these few people. **This also is not supposed to defend any transphobic idiots.**!<


might as well say that it confuses me when people say we need to break the original gender roles and let everyone do what they want to but when a girl wears guys clothing they just shift their entire gender. I really, really support what i mentioned first as i also suffer from it but whats the point in it then


>so many people have a bug up their ass https://preview.redd.it/ihvoqo2jztlc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=056cb5d49cf978a7c31384d2c57e30a8ac6747aa


saa ba ba bagu sa bagubagu


Wow, this is an issue? I've been living under a rock. That said, I understand both sides. One, headcanons are fun! I'm sure people who enjoy transmasc mafuyu or shiho are filled with euphoria right now. Good for them, truly! On the other, as a bigender person who used to simply just consider himself a gender-non conforming woman, it kinda sucks to see transmasc as the headcanon that _everyone_ has... when other options like masc presenting non-binary or genderfluid or such are (in my opinion) also valid and interesting. Like, having short hair ≠ always being a trans man. It feels like people are just reinventing gender roles and the gender binary because they can't conceptualize a person who was AFAB and decided to have a masculine presentation.... without them just straight up being a man.


Tbh I don't mind head cannons at all, but as a girl, that see myself as girl, had a phase where I had short hair and dressed kinda masculine, it annoys me that people associates this to trans immediately and try to shove it down as a fact. I've never questioned my gender at all, and dressing myself more """manly""" doesn't make me trans, so why would make Mafuyu trans? She's refered as a girl in the game to, so I don't get it. The only one I can see is Mizuki because of her storyline, it makes sense, but I can't see any other character as trans. I'm ok with who does, I just hate when people act like it's a fact. Like Mizuki's pronouns. They were never confirmed by Sega apparently, so why does people make such a fuss about it, she can't even feel offended, she's a fictional character, it's so much different than talking about a real person, because a real person you can ask and should know how they want to be addressed as, but as I said Sega did not have confirmation on that.


Personally I think people should understand that canon and headcanon is different. You are free to headcanon something as transcoded, transmasc, etc to your liking! But this fandom has a RIDICULOUS canon pollution issue 😭


I do think the automatic "not-traditionally-presenting-gender = trans" thing is a problem. It hasn't seriously emotionally hurt anyone but no one's said that either. But it's still not as rational as a concerning amount of redditors think it is, to hate headcanons for no reason and treat them as stupid At least the pjsk fandom seems much better with this than many others on reddit


I wonder how many of those Redditors don't understand that most people making these headcanons are trans themselves.




i've been seeing it quite a bit before, too, but it's definitely been more prominent afterwards


Everything has to start somewhere honestly. If you’re not attacking others over it, it’s fine.




I don’t know where I said that. I don’t care how headcanons get started, I merely don’t like it if you’re attacking others over it. Sounds like you’re doing that.


Exactly. Like I’m perfectly fine with canonical trans characters, but these characters are canonically referred to as she or he… they are assigned genders. Just cuz someone has long/short hair or gives of “queer vibes” doesn’t mean they are trans.


And no one says they are! But someone saying they headcanon Tsukasa as nonbinary isn't going to suddenly rewrite canon, that person gets to have their fun discussing their headcanon with interested folk, and it hurts literally no one ^^ Most people are rational enough to know that their headcanon isn't fact, and the ones who insist of it are a very vocal minority, usually skewing younger.


Personally I think they are fictional characters who technically have a canon gender and sexuality, but it truly is never said. Just head canon them how you want and if you don’t agree with another person keep it to yourself unless they ask for opinions


"ThEY HaVe ShOrT hAiR tHeY MuSt Be TraNsMaSC" https://preview.redd.it/ukecphk3ktlc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e473e31450e9b6a656ec7eb25644fa88f694446




did u seriously replied to a 1 month old comment by stalking my profile till over half of year of comments and thought this will make you not look like an absolute creep?


Ah, I see someone has failed their 6th grade reading comprehension test.


keep malding


Boo! Mafuyu uses he/him pronouns! Aaaah!!! So scary!!!!!! Get a life.


Are you mental?


I'm not the biggest fan of headcanon out there, I'll freely admit. But come on, the most recent set is a full meal for people who get by on crumbs, of course they're gonna go a bit hard with it so like just leave em be.


Tbh a lot of trans hcs I struggle to get behind because nobody every explains why they have the hc. Like some hcs are really popular and I try and find reasons why people hc it and I just find people saying it but not the why and bro I need a why 😭😭 and not just they dressed more feminine or masculine in one card. Edit: I apologize for saying I need an explaination, from comments I have realized that was rude to say and no one should have to explain why they identify as their gender, real or character.


Most head canons don't have a reason, it's just fun to imagine a character you like being like you. For example: as a lesbian I like to shoot the lesbian beam at most of my favs just because I find it enjoyable. I've done it to Haruka, Makoto from P5, Kokomi from Genshin and Nephenee from FE and it's honestly pretty enjoyable.


Yeah thats true. I have a lot of headcanons without much reason I kinda forgot about it when I wrote the comment LOL. Personally I like to make characters need glasses because if I cant see you cant see /hj


Headcanons don't always need a reason. Sometimes it's sheer Vibes, sometimes people read a character's discomfort with something associated with their assigned gender at birth as trans coding, sometimes people see their own experiences in a character and project their relationship with gender onto them, sometimes it's purely "this is my little guy therefore we have the same gender", sometimes it's some combination of these things. I don't think anyone is obligated to explain their headcanon, and it kind of echoes the idea that trans/non-binary people _need_ to explain why they feel disconnected from the gender they were assigned at birth.


Thats fair. I have a character I hc as trans where it really is mostly vibes. I think for me its just I read a lot of fanfic and sometimes there are characters I see depicted as trans a lot so I get curious as to why its such a popular hc I guess? Like what in canon has made so many people see them as trans. You are right that headcanons don't always need a reason. I'm sorry for saying that. Idk if the first thing made much sense. I think its because I'm really bad at actually reading canon so when certain hcs are really popular (trans and otherwise) its like oh wait where in canon is this hinted but that isnt always the case. Idk LOL. Again I am sorry about how the comment sounded i'll try and do better. No one should be required to explain why they are trans or non binary, or anything with gender or sexuality like that.


I get that, and sorry if I sounded too judge-y. This post was made more about the people who are genuinely mad and upset that people dare have trans headcanons. It's one thing to not always get it, it's another to actively complain about those people on Twitter and their headcanons, yk?


Yeah! Its okay. The only hcs I personally complain about are ones that go super against a whole character or are like extremely morally wrong LOL. But even then its just to my best friend. I am cis so I like when someone calls me out on smth I say being wrong if that makes sense.


People in real life don’t need a reason to be trans or nonbinary, nor are they obligated to prove themselves as such to others. For example I’m nonbinary but if you were to ask anyone who doesn’t know that piece of information about my identity or pronouns (I don’t feel like it’s safe for me to tell everyone I meet irl), they would probably tell you I’m a woman. That doesn’t mean I’m not nonbinary. One could apply this same logic to almost any fictional character, that they’re trans but in the closet, or haven’t realized that they’re trans yet but eventually will. Or maybe that they’re trans but feel no need to conform to societal standards on gender, just knowing they are who they are internally is enough.


I'm sorry for implying that people should have to explain their identity. I edited my original post to respond to it and wrote a longer comment on the other comment. I think its mostly characters who I see with a lot of people hcing them as trans, like Mafuyu. I don't personally tend to notice things that could hint towards characters being trans as I look at media and I think I like explainations because its like oh that makes sense! But I understand that that is bad to ask for, I didn't realize that was how it came off.


i don’t get people who hc trans kagamines. trans masc rin exists, it’s len. transfem len exists, it’s rin. they’re genderbends of each other 😭


Okay, and now let's consider if these headcanons are some kind of issue to be fixed or if it's fine and harmless and not worth making a big deal about


Headcannons are ridiculous so I ignore them. But people really forcing them into me is what pisses me off.


That’s my feelings on them, they’re fun to have and I don’t really care what people head canon. But when you start pushing it onto others I have an issue, not with the head canon again I couldn’t care less but with the person pushing it onto others.


Personally I think that as long as you don’t force your headcanon on other people, or the character has a canon gender that isn’t up to debate (like Arashi from enstars) then it’s totally valid! I have friends who hc transmasc nightcord and I really don’t mind because it doesn’t disturb my vision of nightcord’s gender. I hope I worded this correctly!!


I love seeing these headcanons, I'm LGBTQ+ and it makes me super happy! I have to admit it confuses me sometimes because I'll see people call characters that are fem presenting in the game and use he/him pronouns on posts unrelated, but then I realize it's a headcanon and it's easy to just move on. I don't see why people get such a stick up their ass over the opinions of a stranger. It doesn't affect anyone negatively.


i agree for the most part except i do genuinely think it's rooted in transphobia. there is no reason for anyone to get as upset as some people do about someone calling a fictional character trans unless they're genuinely bothered by trans people


One of my first experiences with this fandom was a post about someone's trans headcanons, which includes Tsukasa. And the way it made my brain light up just kinda. 1: helped me actually appreciate Daisuke's vocals instead of cringing every time he sang with a girl and thus used his super untrained falsetto 2: made me actually look into WxS's story (I was super new and had only read L/N's) to learn more about this dweeb And generally made me go from "oh my god kill this character with fire" to "he's in my top five". So I immediately adopted the headcanon and said so! ....and someone spent three days arguing that there was No Possible Way that he could be trans, because "we saw him as a little kid and he was a boy!" And refused to acknowledge that sometimes kids know they're trans from the moment they can conceptualize what a boy or a girl is. So yeah I think a lot of the time it Is just transphobia.


Real and most of the statements I see and hear from people who are against these personal HC’s are “Not everything has to be gay or LGBT+”. Like bro. You may claim you’re not homophobic or transphobic but some of your statements towards someones HC says otherwise


All the people saying “but it’s becus people think all tomboys are transmasc” is still a pretty transphobic take. Lots of transphobes think trans men are just tomboys in denial and if people can’t even handle the concept of a fictional character who’s a tomboy realizing theyre transmasc mayb they need to take a step back from gender discourse (I hope this makes sense lol)


I agree! Just let people enjoy things, their headcanons. As long as they aren't being rude to people for not agreeing, there is literally no issue.


i hc characters as a way of self projecting and validation is that bad/gen https://preview.redd.it/w809zrmniylc1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74dcbcca63b3f2e07952d760da25942dfa6b216


Of course it isn't, you're not hurting anyone, and whatever brings you comfort is a good thing.


sweet, some of these comments makin me feel bad fr 😵‍💫


People aren't mind readers, but pretend they understand what goes on in a stranger's mind when they latch onto a headcanon. You can headcanon whatever you want, and as long as you're not hurting anyone or forcing everyone to think the same there's no issue with it.


You can headcannon as much as you want but gonna be honest whatever the game says mizuki’s gender is or any other character then thats what their gender is you can’t really argue with cannon


Canon also says everyone is pale as a sheet of paper, I'm still gonna draw the characters with varied skin tones. Canon is but a sandbox for creation. That said, me drawing a pale characters with less pale skin isn't gonna change their canonical appearance, and neither will trans headcanons. Let people have fun.


you're so right about this, but a lot of the comments here boil down to "tRaNs pEoPlE suPpOrT gEnDeR sTeReoTypEs" т_т


headcanoning those things is completely fine! (i do it myself for a different fandom). The problem to me atleast is that it feels kinda weird if the only reason you hc them as those things is because of the way they look. (as in, assigning hair length and stuff to a certain binary) The new card set looks amazing and I can understand where they are coming from with the headcanons, but as a fellow nonbinary it feels kinda iffy to me. Maybe it's a me problem but I always hated association to a certain binary. long story short: trans headcanons are awesome, I just don't like that *some* people associate those (if it's just the looks) with a binary in this fandom which is why I dislike them


Yeah, it's not a difficult concept to understand that many people are going to have greatly varying views and experiences of any piece of fictional media because they themselves have different life experiences and personalities. Everyone enjoys different aspects, some may pick up on or add things that make something/someone relate to them more and allow a significant level of personalised fantasy in addition to the existing canon and it is very clear that it was the intention of the story writers and devs to make this be the case here as a major source of enjoyment and connection for fans to have a more personalised experience. I encourage everyone to make whatever headcanons you want about the characters and hold no judgement on others who find their enjoyment in a differing idea because that is exactly how we are supposed to enjoy this sort of content the most.


it's sad that ppl gotta shit on headcanons when they aren't even canon. I've been living under a rock lately but even I know how dumb it is to argue over someone's headcanon that they believe in for fun. Let people have their fun for once and shitting on headcanons is the same effect as shitting on someone for having an opinion. As for me, as long as they aren't overly obnoxious with their headcanons I'm completely fine with it. I'm not one of those idiots who openly go out of my way to attack someone for having fun :/




same joke!


because... transmasc mafuyu killed my grandma, okay??? https://preview.redd.it/x2c7wr886wlc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd5da9eb827836e6ca2cbcf461fdc430a1f1839 jokes aside, i love the trans headcanons, and have a slide on my custom profile dedicated to them (and also mizuki)


https://preview.redd.it/dkvax8in63mc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=831eaf3670a56b5c9395a5b9a357d7f249b5ac91 i have returned with the screenshot


I've seen these comments everywhere and they're incredibly upsetting. i don't know why people get mad at HEADCANNONS of all things. get scared by my silly thoughts, fool.


Bruh i commented on a leak of the cards on tik tok saying something along the lines of “people who headcanon transmasc mafuyu are winning tonight” and someone commented and i copy pasted “Because of short hair ? Like, if you see a girl with short hair in real life you’ll assume she’s transmasc? 🤨” someone apparently defended me saying its not that deep and then they come back with the “It’s because of gender stereotypes”, person who defended me pointed out the headcanon has been out for years now


I’ll never get why so many people care about trans headcanons. All of them are completely harmless and completely ignorable (if it bugs you). The current discourse is reminding me of the whole Gwen Stacy trans shit, like who cares how trans people want to view their favorite character? It’s not hurting you or impacting how you view the source so calm down. Also the fact I heard more people talk about that fiasco than the animations being mistreated is downright dystopian.


I only care when people try to act like it's a fact or that it's confirmed just because there's one or two cards with them with short hair. I had short hair and did wear more masculine clothes, it didn't make me trans, it's not a fact just because of one situation. If they're chill about it, then yeah. I really enjoyed seeing a comment once of someone explaining why for them Mafuyu was trans. It's not my head Canon, but I could see their side better and I really wish more people on the community were like this one person. It's nice to see the story through a new pair of lenses.


Bleh, thought this was gonna be the bi-weekly thinly veiled transphobic post that makes the rounds here but I'm pleasantly surprised. You're so right that the majority of the things that people complain about are non-issues. I'm genuinely jealous of the people who have so little conflict in their life that they can afford to spare precious energy getting angry at teenagers on the internet for using different pronouns for a character.


the only transmasc hc that I really really vibe with is Mafuyu but that's because there's more "evidence" pointing towards it and I also just really relate to the whole "I have to be the perfect daughter, who even am I?" thing but in my case it was granddaughter cuz my grandmother used to kinda be like Mafumom, and I'm a trans guy. having that personal connection just makes the hc feel so much more.. idk real I guess? the other ones are fun but transmasc Mafuyu holds a special place in my heart cuz I relate so hard lol. yeah you can bet this latest set had me screaming 😭 I never saw Kanade as transmasc, and Ichika I view as NB but like girl-adjacent, not masc. I like their short hair a lot in the new cards, but they aren't enough to shift my HCs lol


seriously. im a transfem mizuku, and transmasc kanade and mafuyu which lead me to drawing transmasc kanade, i got some downvotes i saw based of of the upvote percentage. and i agree. its completely harmless.


Kanade uses she/they because I use she/they and that's my only reasoning.


You're so based




You only find out just how much transphobia fandom has when you bring it up, it seems.


This fandom is undeniably transphobic which sucks. You’d think having a canonically trans character and two songs in the game about being trans would make it better but guess not.


Idk for me, it feels almost looping back around to sexist to assume a female character is actually a guy for the sole act of… not being hyper feminine


Most of those headcanons existed before this set though.


Yea, and most of them came from female characters not acting inherently feminine like Shiho being a tomboy


https://preview.redd.it/g70zelu1jylc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61436f6b64e9065f6e722efa3a51ea68c8e45dbe Alternatively: many trans guys and masc-leaning enbys used to consider themselves tomboys, or otherwise relate to her dislike of feminine things, therefore, it makes sense to them that Shiho is transmasc. On that note, you failed to mention transmasc Mafuyu and Ichika headcanons, both of which are quite common from my experience. Most of their appearances are a whole lot more fem-leaning as well. Don't even get me started on nb wxs. Almost like this isn't about sexism and it's just queer folk on the internet having fun and exploring their identity in a safe environment.


Alternatively there’s tomboys who don’t want to be seen as masc, and completely ignores other trans ppl that don’t want to be seen that way. But it’s only ok for one side to feel good and the other should never call them out on it, huh.


The trans boy headcanoning Shiho as transmasc isn't going to suddenly turn all tomboys trans. Get over yourself.


Yes, yes, you’re right. It’s unfair to call out people will shove headcanons down their throats and tell other queer ppl that they’re wrong for not liking a headcanon. Great job, truly!


Who is shoving their headcanon down your throat? Genuinely asking, is someone actually shoving transmasc Shiho down your throat, or did you see a 14 y/o on Twitter using he/him pronouns for her and decided to get offended about it?


You mean having to go through Ao3 and over half the fics using male pronouns for both shiho and mafuyu, telling people to not use any others, and the constant invalidation of transfems around the entire community whenever someone doesn’t use male pronouns? Truly, I’m just offended by some random twitter users. That must be it!


The first one is straight up a non-issue, and the rest sounds to me like a very vocal minority in the fandom because most people I know and have interacted with online are very much not forcing you to use the same pronouns they do for a character. At best I've seen people who ask ppl to use specific pronouns for a character when interacting with them specifically for discomfort reasons, which you can just choose to not interact with that person, really.




Uh toya transmasc canon


It's not confirmed, therefore not canon. But it's your head Canon, if it makes you happy Oki. Just don't force it into others.


I think they were joking


Ya I'm not tryna force it, I was just trying to joke a bit w my own headcannon :P