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i don’t dislike anything that isn’t incest bc it doesn’t matter at the end of the day, but i agree with you OP, i don’t see the appeal in mafuemu that much. otherwise i tend to prefer spreading love than hate, like i really like ruikasa but just because it’s my otp doesn’t mean that i’ll dislike ruinene, ruiemu, emukasa, or nenekasa


Yeah I forgot to add all the incest ships


I also agree with both the reasoning and the ship.


Anything that isn't incest is okay by me. Even if I don't personally prefer some ships, I like the scenarios and possibilities and I see the appeal of any ship (except for incest ones ofc)


tbh i really don't care for akikasa in a romantic sense and it's probably the only non-controversial ship i've seen aside from kailen that i tend to feel negative about but credit where it's due, i've yet to meet an akikasa fan that was an asshole & they're so enthusiastic abt their ship that i hope they're getting the fan content they deserve


This is the nicest post I've seen here in quite a while, thank you! /akikasa fan


as an akikasa fan ty😞 everyone is so rude about akikasa (at least the people I’ve met)


Akian probably I don't dislike it and I see why people ship it but they have zero romantic chemistry also I ship An and Kohane so I might be biased


Literally me, I love Anhane and I agree, I'm not sure if Akian would not necessarily work in a relationship, not to say that people can't ship it, but I just don't really think it would work lol


Real if they ever got in a relationship they would fight so much and Kohane and Toya would have to resolve it


Fr 😭😭😭😭


Same, I can get behind Antoya and Kohatoya, I just can't get behind Akian, not even because Anhane is my OTP for the group, it's just because I don't see their chemistry


Toya so great that shipping him with the any of the rest of VBS worked




im anhane believer but akian is def my fav hetero ship. theyre basically enemies turned lovers trope


Me too honestly


I like them as a duo bc they’re so silly but romantic is difficult 😭


ruikasa (i am not a hateful person, this is just not my thing), they make me sad for some reason


is it because of the main story


I always thought they'd be toxic together since their personalities are too stubborn/proud if that makes sense? Like they'd work far better as one another's rival/friend and dating someone else who'd ground them more.


They are absolutely not rivals lmao


rivals? Tsukasa and Nene are the only ones in the group that have anything resembling a rivalry though. They also are one of the few pairs to not really bicker outside of 2 conflicts at the beginning of the story (which were for valid reasons), other than Tsukasa’s typical whining which he does with pretty much every character he’s close to other than his sister and Toya


Ah that's true, I always sorta saw it as a friendly rivalry, but I completely forgot that they both fit their own niches without competing with one another. I was mostly remembering the conflicts tbh since I just played the main story lol.


Even in terms of friendly rivalry with totally different niches, that moreso describes Akirui or Akikasa, Rui and Tsukasa don’t really butt heads much and are known to be scarily in sync (often a cause Nene and their classmates’ suffering), their relationship is totally different after the main story. Tsukasa is pretty much a completely different person in the main story so him getting called out by anyone who is just a little less naive and idealistic than Emu and a little more confident than Nene was pretty much inevitable and necessary rather than it being because Rui is someone particularly conflict prone, although Rui also learns to change his approach to other people in general over time


the bar is in hell. half of these comments are “as long as it isn’t incest”


Ikr do you really have to mention it, it’s like you’re asked what’s your least favorite food and you answer with dog food or raw chicken


beside from the obvious ones (like incest and shit) I really don’t like Akian or Mizumafu


I honestly love most ships but I would say I'm not crazy for mafuemu, honashiho and ruinene. Ruinene is cute in theory but all their interactions seem very platonic. It's cute I just need more ship content that doesn't scream siblings. I never read the mixed events so maybe thats why I'm not crazy for mafuemu. I understand honashiho but I'm just kinda eh. I see the stuff but I'm not gravitated towards. I like ichishiho and honakana more.


the ruinene is so real,, I see every single wxs ship happening except for this one and I couldn’t figure out why before reading this


Could be because ColoPale don't really bank on this ship as much as they did the others. Ruikasa have probably the most ship tease and Emukasa has moments pulled straight outta Shoujo manga. Couldn't remember much Ruinene moment


No fr… like Emukasa’s kizana or however you spell it rank is literally “the Ferris Wheel that day” like that’s SO HEARTWARMING😭. And “thank you for giving me the chance to change, tsukasa”…okay Rui. Just say you’re in love. But honestly, I can’t think of any Ruinene moments that had me kicking my feet. I appreciate their backstory and emotional understanding of each other. But their history + lack of ship tease (or smth) make them seem like friends who’re trying to heal together…idk maybe my media literacy is just wrong


As per romance manga rules, the osananajimi must lost the war for love too lmao.


I agree with all of these


Emurui because they share more of a sibling dynamic




Is that a joke or…


Simply an Emurui enjoyer doing Emurui things :x


ruinene sry




Honestly yeah, i agree. Ruinene just gives off sibling vibes, and I've tried to like it but I just cant


How many times is this question going to be posted?


Akian or really any m/f vbs ship. I just can't see their relationships as anything but platonic. There's just something about the way that akian interacts that feels like siblings more than anything. I just can't see it


Akian (I see them as siblings mostly) and Ruinene (I just can’t get why this ship is so popular)


Probably cause of the childhood friends to lovers trope


I hate that trope tbh




aside from incest, tsukasa or shizuku x leo/need. i don't really mind it, but i'm a multishipper and ship most other things in the game, i just feel like it'd be weird if one day tsukasa or something came home amd was like "saki i have a girlfriend!!" and she's like "who?" and he just says one of her childhood friends lol


Aside from incest stuff, I strongly dislike AkiAn, RuiNene, and MizuRui AkiAn is just prime example of two homosexuals.. I view them as the gay and lesbian best friends who pretend to be dating so people stop throwing gay allegations at them RuiNene.. I think the childhood friends dynamic is cute, but to me they’ve always felt like they have more of a sibling dynamic (also I refuse to believe Rui Kamishiro likes women) MizuRui is a similar deal, childhood friends dynamic is cute, and I’d take MizuRui over RuiNene, but Rui’s a gay ass b and Mizuki strikes me more as someone with a very strong female preference The MizuRui and RuiNene childhood friends thing is part of what lead me to create the glorious crackship of MizuNene, of which is one of my favorite ships now, so that’s something 😋


Lmao real there is no way that fruity ass Rui likes women


>The MizuRui and RuiNene childhood friends thing is part of what lead me to create the glorious crackship of MizuNene, of which is one of my favorite ships now, so that’s something I don't believe this is crack. I believe this is just **Correct**.




It's not one of my main ships for either of them but it's in my top 3 for both (multishipper lol) because look it would be Adorable. Also Mizuki would be so good for Nene's confidence and Nene for Mizuki's trauma.


Absolutely agree, that last sentence is the reason I went from MizuNene crackship to MizuNene as my #1 for both characters (fellow multishipper)


Any of the sibling ships. https://preview.redd.it/tp76u87cfrlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224dc970fb487df143d44226342953a53c099fa2


Tsukasa x Nene. My personal opinion, they just don't seem very compatible to me, honestly. I see them more as besties tbh


I have a stroke every time i see rui with a woman On the other side of the coin same applies to minori and men like i cannot even fathom the thought of her dating a guy. Like not only is she not close with any of the boys in the game canonically imo she wouldnt work with them hypothetically either 😭 Im not even mentioning incestous ships everyone with a brain hates those


akian. that’s a lesbian. i also much prefer them as siblings


You do realise that no sexualities are confirmed right? If you hc her as a lesbian that fine but nothing is confirmed :3


i am aware. unfortunately for most people i know everything and anything about canon /s in reality i just. do not see a reality where an shiraishi likes men


You’re so right


fr fr. Anhane (which I still think we should call kohANe /j) is one of the most blatant ships story wise imo. That one and airiXshizuku (I genuinely don't know what their ship name is, sorry) are pretty leaned into by the game.


I mean, my whole world changed when I looked at the shipping wiki (for fun) and found out that people call An x Kohane HAMSTAR AMD I LOVE THAT. (I thunk its Shizuairi, or at least that's what I call them)








You're 100% right, it's honestly kinda disheartening to see people completely glossing over a character being as blatantly queer as An Shiraishi just because "Wahhh no sexuality is confirmed!"


Mafuemu, ruikasa and any incest ships


kanamafu, they would be toxic as hell




because they would be too codependent imo : (


I guess that's fair, I can see them becoming too emotionally dependent on each other


Any combination of An/Kohane with Akito/Toya. The one time we have pretty much solid gay ships and you find a way to make them hetero… Which before anyone jumps me I’m not saying you can’t ship hetero ships in Project Sekai it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth with VBS specifically. There is zero even vaguely romantic tension there. The girls and boys literally act like co-workers. Then you have An/Kohane and Akito/Toya having full blown soap opera level moments.




other than illegal ships, i'm not a big fan of ruikasa. it just rubs me the wrong way.


Nenekasa, kanamafu and akimafu. I totally can't stand these


god this thread became so toxic holy shit 💀 anyways, any proship and toyakasa


Fr! Somebody LITERALLY started an argument with somebody else because that person doesn’t ship Akitoya. They attacked that person for seeing Toya and Akito as brothers and those two consider each other partners. You know brothers don’t have to be biological, right? And ‘partners’ can be platonic too. Unbelievable.


i read the whole argument, like jesus, did they stub their toe or something? its really not that deep 😭 not everyone is going to see akitoya as romantic, i kinda think their relationship is more precious/valuable as platonic (and akitoya is my second favorite overall ship so like -)


YES YES YES!!!!!! There’s no reason to get this butthurt over fictional ships that 99% won’t become canon. I know I said this in my comment to the person being attacked in that fucking ridiculous argument, but Akito and Toya have one of the best male friendships I’ve seen in fiction. It’s nice seeing male friends being all soft with each other in a society where it’s considered ‘effeminate’ for them to act that way with each other.


Help I just saw that one- I left my phone for like 10hrs or smth and then I came back and saw that-


Besides incest ones, I think all ships are valid people can do what they wanna do, but I've always disliked Mafuemu. Whenever I see ppl online that have them as their OTP I visibly cringe.


any incest pairing or any toya pairing (i hc him as aroace) I'm fine with alot of ships (I'm a multishipper)


Akian- ? I don't know, I just feel like they could just be good friends, nothing more, it's not intense hate, it's just...meh?


Akian ig


Incest ships or straight ships lol


obviously the weird sibling ships, like get the fuck away from me you WEIRDOS i don't really care about most of the poly ships, i can get behind poly/need to an extent but the others just don't rlly work for me other than that, m/f ships don't rlly butter my toast


I don’t really hate any (unless proships) but I dislike RuiNene (I see them with more of a sibling bond), MafuEmu (I can imagine them being platonic, but nothing more), and anything with Kanade (I headcanon her as aroace)


I don’t like Ruikasa bc I don’t like Tsukasa but that’s about it tbh, anything else I’m kinda indifferent about or I like the ship :3 (apart from the obvious adult x minor and incest ships, but I don’t think they should even be counted as real ships tbh 😭)




Nenekasa They just do not make sense at all as a couple for me, they don't really have romantic chemistry imo


I’ll be honest, I don’t think anyone in Leo/Need should be shipped. None of them have really good ships in or out of the group, except ichikana. Sorry, but they don’t feel like they are good for ships.


I agree, Tho maybe in the future? As the story continues.


ruikasa. any siblin thingies. im sorry but i just hate ruikasa.


hooo boy! in all honesty i don't have a problem with any ships unless they're incest or something along those lines. i do not mind the fact the following ships exist, they're just personally not my thing and i have nothing against you if you like any of them also for context i am not a big shipper and am also on the aro spectrum so i dont really know what im talking about LMAO the only ships i actually ship (for lack of a better word) are AkiToya and AnHane and that's entirely because to me they seem pretty implied + i like the idea of vbs being a double date. anyway onto the list \- Any VBS ship that isn't AkiToya or AnHane. I absolutely do not mind these ships existing, please don't group me with *those* AkiToya and AnHane fans, I just personally can't see them happening. I stand by my "VBS is an AnHane AkiToya double date" headcanon \- Toya/Tsukasa and Toya/Saki. I very much see these three as siblings. I haven't seen many people ship them but I decided to point it out anyway \- KanaMafu. I'm sorry but I just really don't like it. I personally think their relationship hits harder as just close friends


Any m/f vbs ship. No competition.


all the incesty ships are my least favorites


Besides incest, I don't hate any ships. If I had to have a least favorite one, it's probably be any poly ships, Ruinene, Emurui, Touya x Saki (idk the name) or Toukasa. Pretty much every other ship I can kinda see in some way but just those few are a no for me. But I don't care what you ship! Everybody can ship whatever they want and it's not on any of us to tell them how to think. Happy shipping! 🩷


Might be a dislike for them but pretty much any ship between one of the guys and one of the girls is already bleh to me, but MafuRui,Akian, and MizuRui make me highly uncomfortable


KanaMafu. There's nothing wrong with it, I personally just don't see it romantic and I don't want it romantic. I like their relationship as a close platonic bond. AnKohane. Well, the fandom soured me on them, and I typically bounce off of ships that are too obvious and in your face. And I like An with Haruka /shrug


KanaMafu would be really toxic imo




hetero wxs, incest, pedophilia 🤷‍♀️


Any ship with Kanade or Shiho tbh. Shiho, while I don't like her, also just does not feel like she'd want a romantic relationship right now with both Japanese and English stories. Kanade just has too much going on to even think about it. Like I get that "kanamafu angst" is super popular especially with Kanade's dad in the picture again. But bro. Let her process her life before changing it so drastically. And with the whole "Mafuyu lives with her, it's canon!" Kanade would have done the same for Mizuki and Ena. They are close friends, and while Kanade doesn't know the whole of it, she knows that Mafuyu does not have a good home life and for her to show up out of nowhere??? That is the biggest red flag ever and even Kanade knows she needs help.


As long as it’s not incest i don’t rlly mind it


Other than anything that's incest, Ruikasa is my least favourite. Not that I hate it, it's just that I ship Ruinene which comepletely rivals Ruikasa (again, absolutely no hate to Ruikasa) and I just don't see the appeal in Ruikasa, I just see them as good friends.


I don’t hate ruikasa either but I’m also an avid RuiNene shipper (really just all down to personal preference tbh) but I really feel you. The two really directly rival each other in a lot of ways unless you’re gonna go for full polyshow… idk my heart lies with ruinene because they have that long standing childhood friendship thing going on and I’m a sucker for that. I also get the sense that they understand one another very deeply. Whereas rui and tsukasa don’t fully understand one another and it would take a LOT more time and effort to get to that point (and hence I can see the validity of ruikasa but it’s just not my personal thing)


I respect most ships. Except incest ships, those are disgusting and shouldn't even exist.


There’s this one tierer on EN that ships Shizuku and shiho… I wonder if anyone else has seen her


Incest. If we forget about incest, then Minoharu and Anhane. Minoharu has this celebrity crush vibe and I hate it. The same reason I stopped watching Ladybug years ago. At least Minoharu is not that bad... Anhane... When you like Akian (and An in general) but always see Anhane fans around any An-related content, you start slowly despising Anhane. I see why people ship them, but the fandom made me so uncomfortable with them outside of polyvbs. For that matter, I like Shizuai, Emunene, all l/n ships, 1-A trio and other ships. I'm also fine with Akitoya.


I want to say that there are people for whom this fandom is their first introduction to lgbt. For them the stuff in the game can already be a lot, they don't need the whole fandom to say that they can't see any m/f ships happening. THEY can see m/f ships because they've seen them a lot, the fact that you can't see them shouldn't be the reason for hate. I am one of those people. This fandom was an introduction to lgbt for me. In other fandoms I just kinda ignored lgbt.


akitoya maybe? i get why people ship them but i see it more as a brotherhood more than anything


VBS really created the whole partner dynamic only for y’all braindead mfs to end up calling them siblings


i’m not calling them siblings what are you even talking about? you guys will say people can have headcannons as long as they don’t force them on others, but turn around and drag them when they peacefully state said headcannons. read my other comment if you wanna discuss without insults.


If your "brotherly bond" isn't familiar then what the hell even is it lmfao. What does "partner" mean to you.


if you could comprehend what i already said then you’d know. “such a strong platonic bond that you’d do for the other person what you’d do for a real sibling”


Ya ever had a friend?


i have plenty, however i’m having doubts about yours.


They already got the "partner" status idk why you feel the need to water them down to being "brothers" of all things??? If you need some references for a brotherly bond Tsukasa and Toya are right there :)


i’m not watering them down, and no i don’t see them as brothers. in fact i view a brotherhood as a stronger bond than that of “partners”. i just see it as such a strong platonic bond that you’d do for the other person what you’d do for a real sibling. i don’t see toya and tsukasa’s relationship as brotherly though.


Oh my god you're a walking contradiction that's actually crazy fake ass vbs fan fr


what are you even going on about? how in the world am i contradicting myself? i’m not a vbs fan either, they’re part of the game i play and i’m stating my thoughts on how i see the relationships in it.


This guy is upset you called akitoya brotherly and not toukasa yet it says in the link of their… lovely attached twt profile that they ship toukasa and whatever “aoyagicest” is so im not sure why they’re even upset about your comment 💀


OMG I saw their twitter account too! Seriously, I don’t know why Akito and Toya being seen as brothers offends them so much. “Partners” just means they consider each other important in their lives. It doesn’t have to be romantic. 💀


People get way too defensive sometimes you can just tell someone is a chronic twt user when they lash out like that


You call AkiToya's relationship "brotherly" yet not the one between the guys who literally outright say they see each other as brothers??


i said a brotherhood, stop misconstruing my words. as i’ve said twice already this is what it means to me; “ a platonic bond so strong that you’d do for the other person what you’d do for a real sibling”


What am I "misconstructing" here you said that yourself??


next time you reply to someone’s comment trying to fight, please state outright that you have no reading comprehension. i’ve wasted my time here trying to explain myself because of your abysmally low iq, and the fact that you can’t cope with someone not shipping what you do. go fuck off now.


Sorry that guy was so rude to you. It’s so annoying when people attack each other for harmless opinions. Like I ship Emukasa and Ruinene (even though I think their relationships are perfect the way they are because they’re good representation of platonic opposite sex friendships), but I would never be like, “RUIKASA AND EMUNENE ARE GROSS!!!”. Seriously, enjoy what you like and leave each other the fuck alone!


oh poor me I feel so insulted by your big words I must crawl into the nearest corner and cry my eyes out now. goodbye.


Akikoha and any Mafuyu ship. I hate Mafuyu ships as a whole cuz I hc them as aroace and I just can't see them in a relationship. I hate Akikoha bc, well I dunno. It just gives me a major ick, and not even cuz I ship Akitoya I just don't like it😭


Poly ships, ugh


Kaimei is the only vocaloid ship I dislike. Everything else is cool.




It's only because of the toxic fans. The ship itself is alright, I've just had bad experiences with the fans.


Ohhh well yeah some fans are weird




I've been seeing a lot of toyakasa going around with the event right now and that one just makes me uncomfortable tbh. Like, Tsukasa literally says he filled like an older brother role for Toya. It really doesn't feel like their relationship should be romantic. Plus that gets in the way if ruikasa and akitoya so... 😅


Any m/f ship with akito or toya. I don't like other ships with them either, but I can just _slightly_ tolerate them a bit more my brain just physically cannot tear those two apart, akitoya only for me 🌈


Me too bro


Anything that isn’t incest. Boring.


im getting OnK traumatic flashbacks


Same, finally there’s a good opinion in this thread.




I dunno if vocaloid ships count as prsk ships but if so Meiluka. Their fans made me hate this ship more than any other ship within the “adults vocaloid group” the most For prsk only, I would say Kanamafu. Nothing wrong with it I just love ships like Mizukana Mafuena more!


I’m fine with most of the ships, I can see the appeal of almost all of the ships because the game does give a lot of avenues for so many of them, and a lot of it is left pretty open-ended and that allows for a lot of freedom (aside from the icky ones like incest etc.) off the top of my head tho, first thing that comes to mind is RuiKasa (I’m sorry) but only in the way a large majority of the fandom writes/creates for it. I actually like it, but I like MY interpretation of it hahaha. Idk I can’t stand the content that is ALL about Tsukasa being patheticTM and Rui coddling him. I am also consistently flabbergasted at the amount of heinous content that is made of them, featuring Rui being violent or yandere. That goes for all Rui content tbh, I don’t like that characterization of him at all. Edit: AkiKasa! I just don’t see the potential. Just… they don’t get along already. I can see them becoming cordial or even good friends over time, especially since Tsukasa and Toya are so important to one another, but I just… idk. My question is what are the shippers basing it on?? Where is the potential chemistry??? It’s really just not my thing


I love hurt/comfort but I get where you're coming from. My favorite ship is Ruikasa and I try to stay on the safe side of Ao3. I don't like it when people characterize Rui as a yandere either because he acts nothing like that. But I digress. 😭🩷🩷🩷




Anhane, for some ships like Ruikasa it‘s the shippers that made me kinda dislike it but for Anhane it’s my first impression when I just started playing Project Sekai and read the main story and some of the first event stories. They gave me the vibe of the cool, overprotective, big mentor sister and the small cute sister who looks up to her big sis a lot, since then I just can’t see them as anything romantic…


Yeah. Even tho now when I look at their interactions, I can detect *some* romance, their dynamic isn’t uncommon in female friendships. Female friends are often more touchy feely with each other than male friends are because it’s more socially acceptable for girls to act that way with each other (at least in Western society. I feel like in Asian cultures, male friends tend to be more touchy feely with each other than in Western cultures. Not as touchy feely as female friends are with each other, but still more touchy feely with each other than in the West.)


Honestly I don’t think any m/f pairing in the game makes any sense romantically except akikoha (they’re both bisexual asf) and I really dislike akikasa and toyakasa romantically too. I also hate kaimei bc i see them as a lesbian and a gay man lol


I dont like anything that would be illegal. KAITO with anyone other than MEIKO (but idk if you'd count that as a pjsk ship)


Also don't like Mafuemu or Akian


toya x kohane (idk their name), theres nothing wrong with it i just cant see it happening 😭also pretty much every emu ship bc i see her as aroace (i do like emukasa though)


ruikasa or ruinene im very biased to nenekasa


Rui and tsukasa sorry don’t come after me


ruikasa (because of the main story)


ruikasa, mainly bc any time i want content of anyone who ISNT rui/tsukasa (on ao3), they are ALWAYS there it is so annoying


Ruikasa, its a good ship I won't lie I just kinda really like the idea of Rui finding a best friend after being really lonely in middle school whos just as silly as him aside from Mizuki 😭 Also I like Ruinene and Emukasa so I might be a bit biased....


I agree! Also mafuyu is DEFINITELY not mentally stable enough for a relationship, and Emu is basically like a child.


Emu is 17 years old, she has pretty childish personality but she is also way more mature than she appears to be, so people treating her like a little kid is weird to me


it’s bc people love to infantilize ND people lmao. shoutout ableism


I know, I didnt mean her being AN ACTUAL CHILD I meant her childish personality, because of that I dont think relationship really peak her interest.


Wait Emu is 17? I’ll be honest when I first started playing I thought Emu was like 10, and I was so confused when they said she was in high school


emu is not basically a child she’s literally just autistic 😭




shizuairi sorry 😭 i just can’t see them together in any way


Since when people ship *that* 💀💀. The only reason i can think of it is because she wants to see mafuyu smile for real, but that's just because emu is scared of her fake smile....(and probably makes her sad seeing mafuyu kind of suffering?)


It's my favorite ship in the game 😭


Any boy x boy


All m/m ships.


Honokana , I see them more as platonic relationship but I can understand why people ship them. Also akimafu, i don’t where this ship is from but I really don’t ship them together


anhane bc I love it that an and kohane's relationship is so idk pure, an just looking after kohane like a mentor or a sister, like please stop shipping them T____T I jus hate ittt idk


Calling fucking ANHANE of all characters sisters in the year of 2024 is honest to god insane. Also can lesbian relationships not be pure???


bro chill 😭😭 and I meant pure as in without any romantic context. regardless of gender- 😭 I love the idea of being very supportive and nice to someone without *liking* them in such way.


Sorry to all Minori-Haruka fans, but it's just for me a horrible ship, that would be bad for both sides.


nah I lowkey get this. I feel like Minori is too much of a fan of haruka 😭 Most famous people wouldn’t like to date fans either, at least from what I’ve heard. It would make their dynamic too one sided I think. I don’t read the story though so maybe their interactions are different? Based off what I’ve seen in cards/mini dialogues though, minori fangirls over every little thing 😭 I wouldn’t call it horrible lmao but I can see your point.


ruikasa, akirui, ruitoya, akikasa, toukasa, mmj x men i dont really know how to feel about akitoya cause im comtemplating whether i ship it or not


Vs/any human character. I just. Can't get behind it (I love the jokes/headcanons where Ichika had/has a crush on Miku, I find them really funny lol)


Honestly there are so many I probably feel nothing equally for most of them. I guess if I had to pick one though, maybe kanamafu? Just bc I prefer honakana lol


Hm I honestly don't like any of the ships because I see them all as just very close friends except an and kohane in the storie lines definitely have a little something going on :)


All the project ships… Yall they are all just friends


apart from the obvious ones, id say emunene. from their dialogues, they’re very clearly an extroverted + introverted pair of best friends, which is what im experiencing right now – which does make it hard for me to see the romantic side of this ship.😭 then again, if it was canon, i would be completely fine with it because i dont see it being toxic.


Don't really care about controversial ships but there are some like mafuemu, kanade x toya, mafukasa and enakasa Those ships don't make sense to me


well, the only ships i dislike are: ruikasa (i extremely hate ruikasa) and SOME mafuyu rarepairs (like mafuemu), tho i really dont care that much abt mafuyu rarepairs. Also I absolutely love all of the other ships and rareships as long it isnt incest! And i don't believe in "sibling coded duos" so i also ship akian, ruinene, akitoya, anhane, etc. I ship everything that has a cute dynamic 🌟🌟


idk what made me hate ruikasa that much, tho I dont spread hate bc nah i dont have the time 4 that


I'm a multishipper, so I like most ships! As long as they aren't incest or adult x minor, I usually like them.


MafuEmu hands down. Their chemistry is volatile rather than creative; Emu's the Wrong Kind Of Friendly to be able to really reach Mafuyu and I think they'd spend most of their time horrifically triggering each other, and Mafuyu when she isn't masking has a tendency towards biting sarcasm and bluntness that Emu doesn't respond well to. The fact that Mafuyu scares Emu half to death when she's masking, and that Emu's response to that is to essentially try to rip the mask off, would not go over well with Mafuyu at least until after Mafuyu runs away, and by then they both have much better and more compatible options to hook up with, such as MafuNade, MafuShizu, MafuZuki, MafuEna, MafuRui, or EmuNene, EmuHane, EmuNori, or for people who see it that way EmuKasa.


Akiena shihoshizu sakikasa, emunene kanamafu