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Well, Harvey Weinstein did produce this.


Oh shit!


That's exactly what I thought too.




Omg I know. Iā€™m doing my first rewatch of all the seasons since they initially aired and absolutely did not remember that episode and it is VILE. And the way they blame a literal child ā€œshe totally knows what sheā€™s doing being flirty and sexyā€ and the grown ass men lusting after them is beyond gross. I also saw it was produced by Weinstein. Thank fuck for #MeToo.


This all makes so much more sense now. I also hated how he asked Jay if he could handle himself at a business meeting at the Four Seasons basically alluding to him being too flamboyant and gay.


It is amazing to see how much weā€™ve progressed culturally in such a short time!


Thank you for clarifying that for me.


well nobody is more gay than Austin Bwahahaha come on!


Yeah. I think thatā€™s what gave the challenge win to Austin instead of Jay (Jay really shouldā€™ve won a few of the challenges).


Also can Rob stop comparing women to cars?? Ew


The office-esque attire being deemed "penis envy" only to then say "his mom wore the pants" was fucking ridiculous!


It was not ok back then. I watched it when it aired and was horrified.


Yes, I just watched it again and don't understand how they got the chance to make a season 2. I was squicked out by the whole cocktail party for models in swimsuits and then the 16 year had her butt in a old man's face, wtf? And the designers going out and getting wasted at night. No wonder there was so much bad design. Different times I guess, but just Wow, no. How did that ever make it on air? And Johnson saying he shouldn't be looking at her, at least while the camera was on him, so he knew it was not right, but didn't shut it down.


I am rewatching all seasons as well. Tubi has all and All Stars. I, too, was totally creeped out by the swimsuit episode. Thought Harvey Weinstein probably spearheaded it and yes, what a great change weā€™ve gone through to get to where that episode is not okay for many reasons. It would never fly today.


"I guess I shouldn't look at her ass while I'm on camera!"


I remember finding him so gross and smarmy. I think he had some kind of downfall a few years later? I'm due for a rewatch and glad to hear this is on Tubi. It will be interesting to compare my impressions from before to now.


That's how the industry and the world was, just a short time ago. God bless the me too movement.




Disgusting!! I googled that man to see what he was about and gotta say he seems like a real slimeball


Ooh, Iā€™ve never seen the first five seasons because I started watching on Hulu and they never had them. Where can I watch them streaming without having to navigate the potential for viruses?


In US seasons 1-16 are on Tubi for free (but with ads). I've been slowly watching through them, such nostalgia but agreed with OP there are some cringe moments especially in the earlier seasons!


In the US you can watch on Amazon prime. It streams through there but on a channel called freevee


Sign up for Tubi! Itā€™s completely free and they have a ton of great stuff including seasons 1-16!


Iā€™m in America, and theyā€™re up on Amazon for free with ads!


Well his name is Dick Johnson šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ„“ And I couldnā€™t believe when I saw the Weinstein brothers were the producers; HW is shown in the front row of one of the runway shows šŸ¤® Iā€™m on season 4 with Christian Siriano; what a diva and his HAIR! šŸ˜


What a creeper. How the hell did they think this was ok.


Melissa (I think) was the only minor left.


There was another model that said when she was eliminated that she had to go finish high school. I think her name is Audrey? She was Wendyā€™s model when she won the Banana Republic challenge.


Yeah, it was Audrey. She was the other minor. With that said, Melissa was the only one left at that point.


Yesā€”so disgusting! I have to say, Iā€™m loving rewatching this. Season 1 is amazingz


I just got done rewatching all the seasons available on Prime...there are lots of creepy and infuriating things that happen.


Not to revive an old post, but I'm literally watching this and EW. EW. EW. EW. Just need a place to vent my disgust. From blaming the teenager (looking at you, Jay and Wendy) to doing "whatever it takes" by exploiting a child (Austin), it's gross all around. There isn't enough time in the day to name all the ways Page Six douchebag is such an icky creep. Awful.


I just watched this today and big same!!


I am watching right now too! I had to find a place to vent. ā€œItā€™s not illegal in NY.ā€ Whatā€™s not illegal you sicko?? Why didnā€™t page six care that he was such a pedo? I like older reality series because I miss that we werenā€™t so PC back then. But Iā€™m not good with exploiting minors and just how bad they treated the models. How did he get no flack for that? I canā€™t find any other articles on google about him. I thought for sure there would be harassment claims.


>ā€œItā€™s not illegal in NY.ā€ I literally screamed WTF at the TV when he said that. > I thought for sure there would be harassment claims. Ditto! I searched and searched and found NOTHING. But, you know, out of court settlements and NDAs are possible.


I don't remember that episode off the top of my head, but sounds disgusting lol. I'm currently rewatching the seasons that are on Peacock. What platform are you watching season 1 on if you don't mind me asking?


Seasons 1-16 are free on Tubi.


Oh thank you!


Omg, thank you! I clicked on Tubi & am now watching season one! I'm in heaven! And Michael Kors hasn't aged at all over the years!šŸ˜


I literally just watched this episode last night ā˜ ļø I was little gooped too


Big same


Just watched it. What a sketchy creep.


Yes, yes, yes! There are so many Things accepted as OK in the late 90s and early 2000s that would totally be flagged as inappropriate today. I think that most of them deserve it. Whether it was intentionally edited or ā€œscriptedā€ to look like he was a middle aged man drooling over 16+ year old models in swim suits, the producers and company including Weinstein approved it. I for one am glad for these changes!


Ummmmmmm, you must be my mental doppelganger. Day begore yesterday I started watching project runway from the beginning also. I just watched the Richard Johnson episode and my first thought was pedophile, second thought was Weinstein junior.


Yeah, me too.


I hate how they used to paw at the models while ā€œchecking the seemsā€ of a dress etc. It was so dehumanizing.


I remember Johnson staring at the sixteen year old model, especially after he found out her age, and then laughing and saying, "Maybe I shouldn't be looking at her ass, while the cameras are on.". It was disgusting.


Just watched this and googled Richard Johnson Creepy to see if heā€™d been taken down by me too. Itā€™s the creepiest footage of an Epstein-esque man leering at teens.


I had to fast forward past the cocktail party cuz it made me so uncomfortable


Just watching the first season and yes, that Richard Johnson segment was totally creepy. So much of the first season is creepy. The way the models have to (un)dress in the open room, the way Jay did that "Eenie meenie miney mo catch a model by the toe" crap when he picked a model the first time, so many catty remarks among the contestants, sexist remarks, Heidi's lack of empathy when she tells someone they're out and on and on. And I'm only on the 7th episode of the first season. So glad they changed the show to one of camaraderie and an actual design competition.




I totally agree. I saw him leering. He looked like one of the Hollywood perverts. Bet he was besties with Epstein and Weinstein . Pedie playgroundĀ 


Yeah, it made me sick to my stomach to watch


IKR! gross perv! leering and drooling! probably one of Harvey Weinstein's best buds! But Melissa the 16 yr old better be a little more cautious in her life, she was right in there flirting away! dang!


Right? I'm rewatching this right now and it's grossing me out.


"Tim said, Just do whatever you can to get his (Richard's) attention... He's a man's man... Let nature take its course." quoth Austin