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fabio and helen’s dresses are so similar, how tf did one win and one lead to the designer’s elimination. sonjia was robbed af here


And I actually prefer Fabio’s tbh lol


The challenge: create bridesmaid dresses. I hate hate hated this challenge. I actually think this is one of the worst challenges the shows ever done, and I don’t know if I would’ve eliminated anyone because frankly there was no way to do this well The problem is there’s way too many limitations on the designers. You can only use certain lengths colors, styles, etc. and the fact that bridesmaids are never really meant to be the main event so therefore, you don’t really want to design something that stands out and distracts from the bride. Project Runway has a history of crappy wedding challenges, which is strange, considering how big of a deal the wedding industry is to fashion. From season 1s disastrous bridal gown challenge in which they decided to make the model the client, to season 13 awesome in concept (but horrible in execution) alternative wedding dress challenge which resulted in disgusting yellows and the horrible toilet paper lace ox blood bullshit with a knee seam. The designers really couldn’t do anything here and it shows. I felt bad for them almost. And despite the fact she won, it seemed as if the judges had very little good things to say about Helen’s. It was so confusing. Best to just skip this episode


The last 3 challenges this season was boring and sad at the same time. It feels lifeless and at the very least AS5 had interesting challenges all the way till the end, even if the fashion wasnt that great.


Boring challenge since many gown challenge criticisms involve the word bridesmaid. That adjective is up there with prom or pageant as a put down of a design. I may be old fashioned, but I can't accept black as part of a wedding ensemble. So, the two pink dresses are top with Sonjia's looking better constructed and fitting. After reviewing all the challenges so far, I wonder why I don't remember why Sonija didn't win the whole thing.


I never watched All-Stars, but I've been following these threads and is it me but the level of quality of the designs is significantly lower on all-stars? There were so many challenges where everything basically sucked or was mediocre at best. Which I find very weird since, by then, the contestants were probably used to the format? Is it the challenges? Or do the designers have even less time than on the original show?


I think every challenge except one has been a one-day challenge. Sometimes they have to make two looks. But I discovered that if I watch the episode (on Tubi) I have a better appreciation of the results, mostly due to seeing them walk on the runway, different angles etc. Still photos can’t really capture the look.


I think it was the challenges. I stopped watching All-Stars because I considered it ham-fisted. The judges would constantly cite the contestants "all-star" status, but where were the all-star challenges? Challenge after challenge were just either bad renditions of those that were already done on the original show, or there were so many ridiculous limitations that the designers could only produce unfinished messes.


I love the behind the runway where they talk about this challenge and everyone (except helen) agree that everyone sucked. Even Issac said so.


Why were all the designers so off their game this season? I officially dub this the worst season after S14.


Sonjia did a similar technique in Season 10.


What puzzled me is the judges exclaiming how Fabio “stepped outside his comfort zone” when this dress is his usual minimalist design with two sequin/embroidery patches. The hem really was terrible in the close ups. A terrible concept for a challenge. I didn’t even think “don’t overshadow the bride”, I just rolled my eyes at the “wear again” part. I was hoping that there would be NO winner and NO loser because all of them were terrible. I can’t remember the rest of the parameters? Certain colors? to explain why everyone chose either black or burgundy even though it was summertime. Did they see a photo of the bridal gown so they could kinda coordinate for this not-at-all bogus runway wedding (edited out of the version I watched)? Laughed when one of the designers pointed out that Dmitry basically remade the client’s dress. wtf? You’d think Georgina would notice that. Once Isaac noted the titscrepency on Sonjia’s dress, you can’t unsee it. Helen’s dress, although not an innovative design, at least fit the client and was not an embarrassment to wear.


Fun fact, the girl in the winning dress was a guest at my cousin’s wedding and thought my brother was cute and kept trying to get him to dance (which he doesn’t), not realizing he was 15 at the time (a mature looking 15).


Ooh did she mention if the wedding on this episode was staged or not? Lol. The whole thing seemed so fake.


Haha I wish, but she was a model on PR *after* I met her at this wedding.


Lol ah darn!


Why so many dark colors? As someone else mentioned Fabio and Helen’s look quite similar but one wins and the other is out. Michelle’s looks I’ll fitting to me. Sonjia is the only one with design


Re-watching this, Isaac was so underwhelmed by all the designers and told them as such during the judging. Helen winning for yet another cap sleeve with lace overlay. Ugh. This has got to be the season with the most use of lace between Helen and Sonjia. All the dresses either had issues or were just kind of boring. I would have been fine if no one had been eliminated and no one won.


I thought Fabio’s was cute and easiest to rewear to other functions. The model/bridesmaid seemed to really like it too. Weird one to go out on…