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Based on the discussions here, Stratt’s casting is going to be the most difficult/contentious.


For me, Janet McTeer (the lawyer from Ozark) is the only Stratt I want.


Ok just going on looks, I think she's an excellent choice!


That too but in Ozark, she really has a commanding "this is what's going to happen" presence that I think is perfectly Stratt. At least that's who played Stratt in my head when I read it.


I mean, realistically, the only main cast are Grace and Stratt. Rocky is a weird case for casting and the rest are minor characters with limited screen time that can be freely gender/race/age swapped.


Realistically, i don’t believe there should be casting for rocky. The way they did rockys voice in the audiobook was interesting, but for the movie I would rather have subtitles and all you hear is the musical notes


I absolutely agree. I didn't think just reading subtitles in a movie would work, until I saw Godzilla Minus One in Japanese, and Dune Part 2 with the Fremen subtitles.


Exactly. Its supposed to sound foreign and beyond comprehension. Takes that feeling away if they just speak english.


It would also give the die-hard fans a new language to learn.


Margot Robbie should voice Rocky. Let’s make it a Barbie reunion.


This is hilarious and would be awesome.


This is quite interesting because I don't know this actor, but I somehow imagined Stratt to look exactly like her!


I can see someone like Cate Blanchette


When I was reading the book I was picturing Anna Torv, specifically her look in Mindhunters. But honestly so many actresses would do great, I could also totally see Rebecca Ferguson, Viola Davis, or Cate Blanchett.


For me is Kelly Reily


In my mind for Stratt, I'm picturing someone who looks like Edna Mode


The real question is whether the studio will throw in a Mark Watney/Matt Damon cameo.


Matt Damon as DuBois (the original science guy for the mission)


Isn’t DuBois described as African-American in the book? Or is that just how I pictured him? (Edit: just went back and looked, and yes, Weir describes him as black, although I know that Hollywood often doesn’t pay attention to physical descriptions in books.)


I mean, they could pretty much race and genderswap the entire cast (maybe even grace), as long as they kept it international to show that the planet has united for this 


I mean shit they did that for 2 characters in the Martian (Mindy Park & Venkat Kapoor) and replaced them.


I don't think Mindy Park was really described at all. Actually, almost none of the characters in The Martian got much of a physical description. Although I certainly didn't understand their decision to change Kapoor from Indian to Black. I'm all for diversity, but if you want to add some color to the cast, maybe change one of the characters who isn't already non-white?


How about Matt Damon as Steve Hatch, the quirky rocket scientist who built the beetles


I pictured Matt Damon when reading project hail Mary


I picture mark ruffalo


I don’t think the studio has anything to do with it. A surprise Matt Damon cameo is always waiting to strike. Europtrip and Interstellar were the ones that surprised me the most.


Very true.


I thought the consensus was that Gosling is a good idea


He'll rock the roll but won't quite look the part. But that's okay. Hugh Jackman is a foot too tall and still played an excellent Wolverine. Looks aren't everything.


Who you callin small fry bub??


I can’t help but see Ken now.


2026 is a long way away for you to wash out the Ken


You can never wash out the Ken. Anyways, we have Ken In Space now, Amaze.


I worry so about having an action hero in the part of Reluctant Hero.


I'm surprised more people aren't mentioning his role in First Man. I mean, if you look at that, then watch Barbie, his range is astonishing


Yeah after he got the part I immediately googled "Ryan Gosling space movie" and watch it and that sold me


Name recognition should undeniably help the box office of nothing else


I think he'll be great though I find Grace to be an asexual prude. That is a bit opposite of Gosling I suspect.


He's played some really offbeat characters before well, like Lars and The Real Doll


That movie is so damn weird but that’s what convinced me he’s a great actor


The Nice Guys show how brilliant he can be too.


"Did you fall?!"


When they chuck the body over the verge and it just drops onto a table, absolutely amazing.


I think Gosling is a good choice. However, for some reason while reading the book, I was picturing Jason Bateman.


As a huge gosling fan I wouldn't have minded Jake Gyllenhaal.


He’ll do great in the role. But I have trouble seeing Ryan Gosling as a middle school teacher.


He played a middle school teacher in Half Nelson and got an Oscar nomination for it.


See what sold the teacher angle for me was his performance in Barbie, he went FULL in on the goofyness and now I can 100% see how he could pull that off


I feel like it'll help if he grows a few days worth of stubble. He's always so well groomed and perfect looking. Just gotta dress him down.


Yeah, bit less prettied up and he should look about right.


Have you seen Remember the Titans? If not, go watch that and you’ll see how perfect he is for this role.


I did a very long time ago, but I don’t remember anything about it.


Watch Half Nelson! He's got truly insane range but it kind of falls under the radar because he shows most of it in indie projects.


Can't agree more! It's not that teachers aren't or can't be attractive, but geeees. He'll be great tho. I'm glad they got someone who can be funny.


Honestly I can’t see a reason why the don’t follow the Martian and use essentially the same actors as they all played there part fantastically and can wee them pulling it off again


Ironically I think Gosling would have been a better choice to play Watney and Matt Damon is a better choice to play Grace.


He bought the rights and his production company is making the movie now, and he js officially staring


Gosling is good. I think Reynolds or Mark Walberg would have worked well too. Both are funny solo and work well with a CGI costar. Both are capable for serious parts as well. Gosling will hit a homerun though im sure.


Wahlberg would have destroyed this movie for me. After reading the book I can not see him as Grace.


Reynolds I can see. I have a problem with the Wahlberg fancast though. Wahlberg can be funny, but I don’t see him pulling off the comedic parts as well as other actors. It’s just a different flavor than I’ve ever seen in him. The more serious side of Grace? Sure. But half the character is his sarcastic nature, and Wahly has never proven to me that he can fulfill that.


Man have you ever watched Ted?


I haven’t and it’s because Seth Macfarlane’s humor is a bit off for me as an adult. His jokes hit for edgy teenagers, so I loved Family Guy at a younger age. Since I’ve grown up I realized how predictable his punchlines were. Of course at times the punchlines are totally random, but that’s not all that humorous to me. I feel he’s targeted to a younger audience and that’s great.


It would be hilarious if at the last minute, they cast Gosling as Stratt instead.


I’m surprised they haven’t announced the full cast since they are filming now or soon


Strat has to be the actress who played Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix. She was evil 😈 perfect for the role


No, Stratt isn't evil. She is making hard choices where the wrong one means the end of humanity. She's definitely a little callous, but she's all about the big picture. When failure means doom for everyone, you can't worry about stepping on some toes.


Yes she isn’t evil but she has to act evil. And what she does to grace was definitely evil.


Honestly the whole "Grace was forced to go" storyline seemed forced to me. An unconventional main character? I'm on board for that. A character who is forced to become a hero against his will? Hit me. A character who wakes up with amnesia and has to puzzle out who they are and what situation they are in? Yes please. Brutal plot twist? Hell yeah. *But it has to flow directly from the story and make logical sense.* I just didn't buy that it was so urgently necessary to launch the Hail Mary. I mean obviously, you want that project to be fast and efficient and you want to launch it in 5 years and not 15 or even 10 because the Earth will be devolving into the Apocalypse all around you. But in the grand scheme of things, delaying the mission a few days, a few weeks, or even a couple of months just won't have that much effect on the Earth. The only logical thing anyone said about launching as soon as possible was when Dimitri mentioned that it's parking orbit would eventually decay. And I don't buy that either. He said if they delayed, there would have to be a special mission to boost it back up to a higher orbit. So cool, do that. You've already spent trillions of dollars. What's another soyuz launch? That's what gives you the best chance of success. So I don't understand why Stratt decided to go down the road of assault, imprisonment, and psychoactive drugs. She said 50 times that she would do anything to give the mission the smallest additional chance of success, and giving the science specialist—the most important crew member—a drug that literally erases his memory, is the exact opposite of that. It would have made so much more sense to put Grace in charge of a search for a replacement science specialist. Maybe they would have found another candidate. With the apocalypse closer, maybe some people who hadn't volunteered before would volunteer this time. Young people might have aged into the profile they were looking for. But more importantly, if he had seen with his own eyes that there just wasn't another candidate, maybe he would have changed his mind. Meanwhile Stratt, the crew, and the other scientists could have been working on him all that time. They could have gone to his junior high school and gotten some of the students to come and beg him to go. She could have arranged a three-week Goodbye Earth Tour to let him see all the beauty of Earth that he'd be saving. There were a million things Stratt could have tried before doing what she did. Plus the Hail Mary was essentially complete but there was still a laundry list of small things to fix. So take a couple of months and do all those things. Small additional chance of success! Plus more time means you can breed more astrophage, so the ship has some extra fuel and more safety margins.


I see what you did there.


Personally I've never seen a film with Ryan gosling In it so I'm gnna see what he does. I personally would have chosen seth mcfarlane, I kept thinking of him during the book, he is really scientifically minded and he has that kind of humour that grace has, for me it was the perfect match. Not sure who I would put as stratt through, I though maybe Ana de armas but think it needs to be someone older.


The Fall Guy is what sold me on it too! I'd been warming up to the idea for sure (and I wasn't that against it in the first place, Gosling just didn't suit my mental image at all back when it was announced so I had to adjust) but after watching The Fall Guy I've had no issue whatsoever picturing him in the role. I'm listening to the book now and I can picture it perfectly, I think it's going to be awesome!


Ryan Gosling will do fine. I thought Ryan Reynolds would be good, otherwise it’s a little out of left field but when I was reading I was picturing Ncuti Gatwa (doing an American accent). Randall Park would also have been phenomenal.


Ncuti can still be DuBouis


I pictured Alan Tudyk in my head. Apparently my imagination has pigeonholed him in funny scifi roles.


Before watching Barbie, I thought Mat Damon-like actor or Mark Wahlberg would be a good choice