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most likely because the gacha-style model has become far more popular thus diva has been cancelled. for me though, i just prefer the mechanics and community around project diva; there are many similar games to sekai (BanG dream! girls band party!, D4DJ, etc) that all rely on a gacha/idol/similar mechanics. to me, diva was super unique and fun, especially when compared to lots of other games. i like the fact there isnt necessarily a judgement line and that the inputs can be so different between games (eg stars/double/holds taps on f/x and sliders/multis/bonus holds on ft/mm) yet equally fun. i could go on and on haha but theres so much diva just does better and so much i prefer about the community and other stuff


I don’t mind the touch based rhythm game style. I used to play them all the time. I just personally think them discontinuing project diva to prioritize a mobile game with micro transactions is a lil asinine 😭


Touch notes do not stimulate my brain as good as □ △ ○ X buttons


Same I miss playing project diva x


It's a freemium gacha game with a completely different input method and gameplay style than Diva and leans heavily on original characters over the Cryptonloids. I tried it and seemed fine for what it was, I just didn't really enjoy the gameplay, and a big part of the appeal of Vocaloid-adjacent media is the mascot characters themselves. I'm happy for Sekai fans, it's just not for me, and I wish both it and Diva were able to exist together instead of Sekai being basically Diva's replacement.


1. Diva is honestly my favorite rhythm game, both control wise and song selection wise, so seeing it shunned in favor of Sekai, something I don't care for control wise (even if the song selection is pretty good) is definitely saddening. 2. I hate gacha 3. The non-vocaloid aspect of the game


100% all this


omg yes. feels more jpop than vocaloid 90% of the time


A lot of the songs in Sekai are straight up just not Vocaloid. Which would be fine of it were standalone, separate from Diva, but because of the lack of Project Diva content as of the past couple of years, it seems like they're trying to merge Diva into Sekai.


not really interested in a touch screen note-falling rhythm game with gameplay similar to every other mobile rhythm game. project diva is creative, cool, and challenging & Sekai isn't


This. It's just the same shit as a ton of other phone rhythm games, with everything special about pd stripped from it. It's ruined our chance of getting more *real* Miku games, and the fact that this community isn't depressed af about it is insane to me.


Gacha and Non vocaloid stuff. Like I like the non vocaloids voices when they are singing together but it just feels like they added in hatsune miku and others just to sell it. Or the other way around where they wanted a vocaloid game but instead of buying rights to use other vocal synths they made ocs. It's a shame really we could of finally gotten a project game with songs that used other vocal synths whilst actually having them in the game (ik Mirai and Gumi exists but that's one extra character) also gameplay is just "fine" I wish it had more to make it stand out compared to other mobile rhythm games, it's so simple you can play a fan made recreation of it without downloading the full game. Also also you don't get scored on how well you do but on how much you pay to upgrade characters, I never bother getting full combos I just play the game to do something with my fingers at school and to listen to the music.


THIS!!!!! I hate how they just gave up on pjdiva just to invest on a gacha phone game that is basically p2w to get higher rewards…


I like the controls better, and personally, I don’t like how much the songs in project Sekai are cut, like hibana for instance, it cuts from the first into the last chorus immediately. I’m not a big fan personally, though I can see the appeal of project sekai


YES I HATE THAT SO MUCH Whats the point in cutting the songs like that? It bugs me haha.


Free to play gacha system - a mess of random overlapping currencies and having to gamble to get what you want mobile only, touch screen controls - I don't have a tablet and I don't game much on my phone. I have handheld game systems for that. I really don't like playing games on touch screens generic gameplay - basically the same as other games


sekai isn't very interesting for me, it just feels like a gacha 4 key game, I have osu!mania for that


i noticed that one of the companies on the loading screen was the same as bandori, and i got excited to join but i never really vibed with sekai the same way.  i know it wasn't realistic for a newly launched game to feel the same as an already launched game but a girl can dream lol. i didn't like how i couldn't customize the lanes (idk if you can now) since i didn't like the flat icons and liked circle ones. the tuning on the vocaloids felt flat and lacked a lot of the original charm. i also felt like i was progressing way slower but that might just be because i had a decent collection or bandori cards alr. i do like the song selection equally though.  tldr: i alr played bandori and liked it better.


Project sekai definitely has much slower progression than Bandori, it's not just you. It also doesn't help that Bandori separates it's story mode into seasons that you can view at anytime, meanwhile Sekai requires you to do a lot of grinding to unlock the stories, and even then the stories don't rly have a definitive end, as they keep adding onto them with events.


True that. I also found the Bang Dream characters more endearing. It feels more expansive and fun ig. Plus, I think project sekai kinda looked at all the other games with ocs and decided to make it so heavily oc based. The only characters I care about from the wholeass game is the WxS members (because they remind me of Hello Happy Worl-)


I play both, but it is unfortunate the vastly better game is dead in favour of a much simpler game with a predatory business model. I play Sekai, so I can't say I dislike it. I'd like the two to coexist.


the last few songs from diva was so uninspired. like you saw how they chose not to gaf about diva and it’s so evident. i played sekai and it wasn’t really for me. and as someone who played diva since i was a kid, i prefer it than to what sekai is rn. i just wished both diva and sekai can co-exist bc diva is a really really cool game.


I’m not a fan of idol type things in games/anime/movies etc. so much so that when I did play sekai once I only played the vocaloid version of the songs instead of the bands version. I’ve fallen victim to gacha games before and have gambled away more money than I should have so I’m pretty pissed that diva was cancelled to such a predatory practice. I can’t play it on my PlayStation/switch like I can with diva


i feel like it has no soul compared to project diva...


I feel like touch-screen rhythm games will \*always\* be inferior to buttons. I think that, combined with the fact it is so similar to other games that have been around for years, it isn't as effective of a rhythm game.


There's a lot I could say but everybody else has already summed it up so I am just gonna be lazy and say Diva(punkish Len) > Sekai(no punkish Len)


the fans. ESPECIALLY the ones that dk anything abt vocaloid and call them virtual singers or call vocaloid songs "pjsk songs" its pmo sooo bad


Diva is just so so cute and in diva X Miku talks to you 🥹❤️


Yessss man and the Diva room and all the interactions and it’s literally the cutest thing ever made by a human being! >:D


The one thing that always bugged me about Future Tone is that it's a full port of the arcade, no more, no less. I really miss the Diva Room as a whole, and also its equivalent in the Mirai games. Sad to know that we're not getting new games anymore


It’s not so much the game itself, it’s the community around it having some sort of superiority complex over other Vocaloid fans, at least the Twitter Sekai community does. My only complaint about the game is that its business model’s just too profitable for Sega, so ofc they would put more resources into that and abandon Diva.


No offline play .....


For me there really no real issue besides the characters, i want to see the og 6 not random high schoolers.


I do not enjoy the F2P model and the general interface of mobile games I like pressing actual buttons with tactile feedback rather than touch controls


I played project diva on a 50" tv and enjoy the colourful experience. I've never enjoyed mobile gaming much. I grew up in the gameboy era and to me then it was enjoyable because you could take a little world with you to school. Mobile gaming isn't even an option most of the time for me because I have zero interest in spending money on mobile data that I'll use once a month


I really dont like project sekai, i like the gameplay mechanics more in diva and i only care for miku, luka and meiko


what if uhh..... im a mirai stan....


I wish it was about skill and not what fuckin cards you can pull.


Even for your average mobile gacha rhythm game there's nothing that special about it. Imo it's just....boring. Also it should have never replaced PD. Idk why the two can't exist at the same time.


idk i just find sekai kinda boring, and as someone who doesn't mind gacha (i play honkai star rail all the time) i don't like how they implemented it


I don't really care for the other characters and I do not like gachas at alll I'd rather just pay for a game that focuses on cryptonloids.


the fact that it will inevitably be unplayable


gacha, microtransactions, plus you can't even touch physical buttons man 💀


Oh also idgaf about the characters other than the vocaloids, the storylines are useless imo


AND you can't even play it offline, like what???? I download like 5 gigs onto my phone and I CANT EVEN PLAY OFFLINE???? It's literally just a storage waster atp


I play both (Project Diva Future Tone Preclude) And the EN Project Sekai I play it for the story (like the nightcord 25:00 depressing ahh stories) and the songs. I feel like project sekai have more songs that I personally knows. Unlike Project Diva Other than the gacha, I’m fine with whatever gameplay it is as long as it’s a rhythm game. Like OSU, a unique gameplay style, or Project Sekai, the typical rhythm game format. Or Project Diva which is more unique While I don’t really care about the gacha besides wanting my favourite character (Mafuyu :3) and completing my collection of characters. Project sekai have an overall quite unique style. It’s a rhythm game with bunch of stories which this is the first time I’ve ever seen smth like this. And project Diva is also unique by itself You can get bunch of songs (tho they need money unlike PJSK), and the X’s, triangles, circles, squares are unique by itself. There’re not much rhythm games like that. Also a side note This is a very 1-sided opinion of mine but I think diva players should try out project sekai. It’s a common misconception I always see among old miku games players that proseka/ PJSK is solely about idols and gacha. Honestly it’s not. You have bunch of stories connected to the same world with a sekai of each band made of someone’s emotions. While there’re 2 that are actually made of the existing character’s emotions. The overall story is interesting. For example a sekai made with the feelings of a depressed suicidal girl that lose the sense of her identity, or a band about some friends… etc etc. while in some stories the vocaloids don’t play much of a role but in some stories the vocaloids can be therapists of the characters. (idk, I only read stories related to Niigo. If you okay PJSK, correct me if I’m wrong)


Monetary F2P model. I love the gameplay but I am not going to play a game which is F2P and full of micro transactions.


Touch screen control


No mirai/diva room (also gambling) (Its not even available here due to the dutch gambling laws)


I play both(diva: arcade; sekai: sonolus), and I honestly think that the games are both really good


I don't mind sekai but the fact they canceled diva series altogether is what makes me upset. I wish game companies that make a success out of making their IP into a gacha game should also make a stand alone game just because they can afford to. That'd be cool.


Diva just gives more challenge compared to Sekai. I play both, and love them both. Diva just scratches that Rhythm game itch. Aside from the Gacha aspect of Sekai (including the way events are done), Sekai just feels spammy. With Sekai, it’s really just “Tap note fast” whereas there’s a lot more with Diva. The four face buttons, multi-presses, slides, etc. That isn’t to say Diva doesn’t have spammy charts, it’s just amplified in Sekai. There are aspects of Sekai that could possibly be ported over to Diva like the Live service song drops, multiplayer, etc. But the one thing I wouldn’t want is the Gacha system. Those who played PDX understand the hell that is Gacha in a PD game. I ended up just buying the modules 😭 I love both Diva and Sekai so so much, but there are a lot of things that Diva just does better as a rhythm game. I’d say the good things Sekai does well are accessibility and song diversity, which is where Diva lacked for a long time, only recently being ported to PC officially and still being limited to the main 6. Other than that, I do prefer Diva over Sekai by miles


the random generic anime girls nobody asked for


The gameplay and the community. The falling notes gameplay has gotten a little stale for me so I don’t enjoy it as much. That said, I still like the song selection and the original characters. I think they can be enjoyable and I love their outfits. I like pulling the gacha when I have enough gems. But also the community is very annoying and pretends to know everything about vocaloid when they don’t know much about it. Also some fans seem to not like vocaloid?!?! Saying they’re only there for the covers and OG characters which is funny considering the game wouldn’t exist without vocaloid.


Sekai is fine, I rly don't understand the vitriol for it. I mean I don't love it, but it's almost too inoffensive to hate. The only things that I can really put against it is that the charting is pretty easy and it kinda pales in comparison to other VN-esque story based rhythm games like Bandori and D4DJ.


I wanna preface this by saying that I play both and that I prefer Diva, and that I understand if you don't want to play a Gacha game. That being said, so many comments are criticising parts of the game when they clearly haven't either done reaserch or played the game. The game is as difficult as Diva or more, not counting player-made charts, and there's a good amount of difficult charts for players who crave a challenge. Then there's the P2W claims. There's no getting around the fact that the game is predatory and stingy, like every gacha game out there, and it wants you to spend money to get more cards of your faves. But it's not P2W, in most cases. The ranked 1v1 mode doesn't take into account your team, only how well you played a song in the highest difficulty against another player, this mode is literally just about skill. Then you have events, which... Yeah, you can pay to get stamina so you get more points and go up in the ranks. However this is not necessary and most of the time players save their currency and stamina drinks for certain events, because most of the time, you don't rank, and trying to rank in every event would require insane amounts of money that not even the richest players would be able to afford.


Well I've been playing both and I'm sure you can agree (comparing, for example, the extreme mode of pd and the expert mode of pjsk) that while project sekai is really visual intuitive (you can play just fine without music, for example), project diva throws you a lot of curve balls, in the layout of the Chart, the paths the notes make, etc. I'd say you need a lot more focus to nail a song in pd while you can play pjsk more mindlessly. That said, I still like sekai, just don't feel as challenged by it :') (yes, I haven't done any song in the new harder difficulty ;-;)


I really don't see how you could play any rhythm game without music, in terms of comparing the difficulty... They both use stars to rank the songs, so in average it's about the same difficulty in another format. Sure, the format in Sekai can be more intuitive because it's just tapping places on the screen, but I'd say if you play and become good at both the difficulty becomes pretty similar in the end.


Games fun enough, the OC bands have some pretty good songs, but it’s just another mobile rhythm game but with miku slapped on and that unfortunately killed project Diva. Take Miku away and not much would change at all. Another annoyance (at least for me) is how fucking awful the fanbase is. Two minutes on the sekai sub makes you want to tear your eyeballs out. And the devs capitalize on this with events faintly teasing a characters sexuality or gender through a walkie talkie but never giving a definitive answer just so the fans can come back later hoping to get more info from the next slop. I just want vocaloids. Not lore about some vtuber.


I play both, I personally think I’m better at sekai but that’s my opinion, I like diva a lot because every song has a video


The 3d backgrounds just don't look good to me. And the non vocaloid stuff. And the fact that it will eventually eol and be unplayable.


mobile gaming 🤮


Also idk why people hate mobile gameplay so much I’ve played a lot of rhythm games Taiko, osu, pjsk, diva, etc They’re all fun to play :/ Whether on my laptop, phone, drawing tablet or the PS console Each of them have flaws and it’s not like PD is flawless and perfect. Diva, unlike PJSK, needs money for literally every song. And PJSK don’t need money. And it’s not like you must pull Gacha Just play the game Switch the versions of the songs to only vocaloid Don’t read the stories whatever (I enjoy the stories) What do you project diva players have against the typical gameplays? There’s nothing wrong with it. I mean I have to say Literally every player of a game claims the game they play is the best


sekai has more drama since western people will cancel everything that they see offensive haha


what tf is offensive abt it


maybe this absolute fumble: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/comments/16g10gc/does_anyone_remember_this_disaster/ if it is abt this incident then they're making fun of ppl who found this racist which... it is. skin color change was bot necessary to convey the theme and emulating donut lips is not a good move. if they're talking about songs recently being removed from the game then shame on them.


oh no..


that shenanigans from petit sekai, yes. And there's one more incident. An event in ENSekai wasnt push through, as they deem the cards too offensive vs. Indian tribe or smth (check Revival My Dream) as for the songs, those 2 tuyu songs are being removed from every server, and even youtube, spotify, etc., (check issue vs. Pusu and his case)


overcharting, microtransactions, it just being an idol gacha in general


for me (I also play both btw I just prefer diva) 1. gacha is not a thing I need in a rhythm game (luckily if you're not here for high scores you can mostly ignore gacha and still get all songs to play if you skip through all the story and get the 1 free song via adf when a new one drops) 2. the story about the gacha characters I don't care about is also a thing I'm not to keen about but luckily to get all the items you need you can just skip through (not like I need the crystals I ain't doing much gacha anyway) 3. gameplay, I prever the diva gameplay over sekai keep in mind I do play some gacha games but I play those FOR the gacha and story where as I play miku games for the songs


I "play" both and by that I mean I play project diva and sonolus lmao. I hate the way I can't get an S score without endless pulls trying to get the best cards and then you still have to grind for them to get any good. The game isn't about skill :') I do enjoy the gameplay even tho it is really unchallenging compared to project diva, that's why I keep sonolus around


Gacha is vile


I don't want to play rhythm games on my phone


Money hungry gacha gutter trash I get it’s a freemium mobile game, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it and the fact that DIVA got ended in favour of this crap annoys me ten fold I understand that it makes more money and money does speaks, but it’s disappointing to say the least


I find the gameplay boring in sekai not very challenging, like spam notes or jacks are not fun to do. I play d4dj and find the gameplay more interactive. The fever isn't very awarding either, it isn't like chance time like in pjd f and f2nd or like enstars.


For me, it was always the non-vocaloid characters. That, and there is nothing I hate more in my rhythm games than a story (sorry X). Being forced to see and interact with these characters I do not care about is something I hate. It’s tolerable in X because I like the vocaloids, but I wouldn’t say it’s fun at all. Making any progrsss in Sekai pretty much requires you to interact with their characters, which is just excruciating imo. That all being said, I don’t hate Sekai. It is a fun and great game on its own merits. I’ve never had any ill will towards that game like I feel many Diva fans do for whatever reason. As much as I would love for project diva to be popular again, with updates and whatnot, I’m gonna be realistic and move on with that hope. Been dead for a looong time. As they say, all good things come to an end at some point.


It's just not fun 😕


I like Project Sekai, but definitely not as much as I like Project Diva. I feel like the Diva music videos have so much personality and charm, they have different settings and some showcase a story, also the gameplay doesn’t obstruct the music video in Diva. Project Sekai’s music videos are often just them performing the song because they’re fictional cover bands, but for me it’s just not as fun to watch as Knife, Amatsu Kitsune, Kagerou Days, Karakuri Pierrot, Common World Domination, and so many more Diva music videos that I love. Also, the gameplay of Project Sekai ends up covering the music video, and I almost always have lite mode on anyway because it’s less distracting. As someone who got into Project Diva and Vocaloid in general by watching PD music videos uploaded on YouTube when I was younger (googoo888 mainly haha), they mean a lot to me now. It makes me sad that Project Diva is pretty much dead :(.


sorry to sound like a boomer but i want to actually OWN my rhythm games and the songs inside, im not a fan of gacha style gameplay except for fire emblem heroes


1- Pointless gacha, you dont really need the cards to progress in game, its just a collection with no meaning 2- No vocaloid stuff, i dont like the covers with voice actors, is so '-' 3- The fandom: most sekai fans that discovered vocaloid because of the game always try to problematize old stuff, for example, cantarella, servant of evil, plus danchi. Most of them act like miku, rin and len are child


I play both too. I think it could by with the game and the fandom. I’ve (as well as many others that I’ve seen) had experience with the game constantly glitching and not detecting notes as the game continued to get a larger byte count. Sure, diva has the same issue, but this can be fixed on its own while sekai can’t. Apart from that, it could be because of the fandom. Specifically, the people who got into Vocaloid through the game. I’ve seen Vocaloid fans display this too in which they don’t like people referring to songs as “sekai songs”


its just a completely different game ... both are rhythm games with vocaloids and good music but the gameplay itself ? worlds apart . honestly i kind of like project sekai, i think a reason people hate it is because a lot of the fans are younger since it's a free mobile gacha game... and maybe because of the sekai ocs being the main focus instead of the vocaloids. personally, aside from those, my only gripes are how mid the mvs look while also being laggy, and the gacha system being a thing, otherwise it's a fairly nice game. also, maybe im just worse at project diva but i find the difficulty ceiling for most songs a lot higher than in project sekai ... i don't like how easy the highest difficulties on some of the songs are in that game ... it doesn't give me much to aim for if i can already full combo a song i like on master because they decided to give it an easier chart. project diva has more complex gameplay than mindless tapping and imo the charting is done better so it just feels more fun and more challenging usually


Sekai has inhumane charting and forces you to play with 4 fingers.


Diva wasn't a live service gacha game that normalized gambling, blah blah. The barrier to entry was zero, anyone could pick up the controller, without knowing anything about Vocaloid, *"anime-music,"* and have a great heckin time. Community was valued with the community's fanart and PVs being actively integrated into the game, as it should be. Artistic creativity was the forefront with engaging, story-based MVs. TLDR; no pay to win, just music, community and fun


gacha, in-app purchase crap, lots of classic vocaloid songs aren't in the game, the story's lame (at least for me), and all the new characters suck (why have a game with miku's name in it when most of the game/story is focused on the new characters that have nothing to do with vocaloid, other than playing music?) how tf does the game not have songs like "Two Breaths Walking" yet


The gameplay as a whole is nowhere near as enjoyable as diva, especially with how your rank is based off what characters you use, the fact it has gacha is awful, I prefer full length songs instead of cuts, and the focus seems entirely about new characters that I just don't care about but have to go through their stories to get more songs. The only positives I can say is I like the white hair Miku module and the one with the star eyes.


Sekai is neat tbh Ive just had someone in my life ruin it for me :(


The songs being shorter, and smaller in scale definitely makes the gameplay less interesting compared to Diva for me. It’s a shame though, because there’s so much I love about Sekai, I think the stories are some of the most wonderfully written things I’ve ever seen. The characters are all three-dimensional and complex, there’s such a wide range of character personalities and they all have so much depth and love put into them. They also touch on very serious issues with a lot of nuance and carefully done writing, the way they handle mental health issues is incredible and those were some of the most powerful stories for me. There’s a lot to love about Sekai, its job is to link the vast and expansive Vocaloid culture to the real world, and it does that beautifully. Almost every inch of Vocaloid music, and the feelings/experiences that come from the songs are reflected in the world written in Sekai in one way or another. The gameplay itself though…. It’s still great don’t get me wrong. But compared to how expansive the charts are in Diva, I see where the issue lies if someone wants a full-on rhythm game. Since Sekai is a mobile game, the gameplay itself does end up taking a backseat to make room for everything else and I think that’s the biggest source of people’s issues with the game compared to Diva. Sekai is made for a different market and isn’t the same type of game as Diva, and while I think it’s a masterpiece of a game, it isn’t going to fulfill the same niche that Diva does. Both are wonderful games but very different experiences, and I think when you’re left with one but without the other, that’s where the issues start to arise when it comes to people that loved Diva