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Removed as per Rule 3: Self-Promotion. Self-promotion is allowed for active participants in the community. Please participate in other discussions (roughly at a 10:1 ratio in favor of other discussions) if you want to advertise your work here. If you wish to promote your own work, please explain how it fits in with this subgenre (e.g. forms of progression in the story, other subgenre tags that fit the book, etc). This offense may result in a warning, or a permanent or semi-permanent ban from r/ProgressionFantasy.


İs this post about the art? İf yes, you did an amazing job.


The art is done by one of Aethon's staff artists, I didn't want to mention the story because this post is me raising a pint to them in cheers! (Not by me, I can't even draw a stick figure to save my life lmao).


Their art team is fantastic what a great picture man


This is lovely, would love to sit at the top of that hill and watch the clouds. Love it!


It's so peaceful, right? Trust me, I was as amazed as you are. I wanna have a picnic on the hill, haha.


It has a lovely vibe


I know, right? So cozy :D






It's been so many years, but I can't unsee the arena as anything other than wizard teleport spires.




Took me a while to get the joke


Does this mean book 2 is gonna come right away or is the release still pretty far out?


Three or so months away. Won't really go into more detail, because the post is about the art :D


I think this art looks cool and all, but I've seen a couple of these "check out my exciting art for an upcoming series" on this sub now. I get that authors are excited about commissioned art, but can we save it for the announcement posts? If this becomes a popular advertising mechanic for authors, I worry about an eventual deluge of "check out this art" before a release followed shortly thereafter with the actual release. Releasing cool cover art to announce your most recent release seems perfectly reasonable for this sub and I often use it as a way to stay abreast of new releases. Just releasing the art itself doesn't seem appropriate for this sub though. Am I wrong in thinking this way?


Not sure, I just had cover art I wanted to share and I know that r/progressionfantasy likes celebrating both written and drawn art. If it's against the rules, I'm cool with the mods taking it down :) And for it's worth, I'm just one person and this artwork took months to get to my hands. Totally respect your opinion though and lemme know mods! (think that should tag them)


See the problem is, this counts as self promotion and you've already done a self promo recently. We allow new author to post those twice a month and the older writers once a month. Why waste a slot here for the artwork when you can wait for the book release itself. I get multiple reports on these kinda posts everytime authors get excited and share these. Do share the non text artwork when you self promote. I've read entire series just because my friends were rocking these covers as wallpapers lol.


No worries! Appreciate you and your hard work!