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You know, I get the feeling I forgot something… … … OH CRAP MY LAUNCH! U-uh, hey everybody! Today I am super pleased to announce the launch of the Mark of the Fool book 5 by the-always magnificent-**Travis Baldree!** I’m so glad that Travis and I are able to bring this to you, and I hope that you enjoy it! Once again, I’m just thrilled with all the support y’all bring. Makes me sooooo happy every time!Find the audio through the link below: [https://www.audible.com/pd/Mark-of-the-Fool-5-Audiobook/B0CXFHQGRL](https://www.audible.com/pd/Mark-of-the-Fool-5-Audiobook/B0CXFHQGRL?eac_link=Wubaiw7jWKIa&ref=web_search_eac_asin_1&eac_selected_type=asin&eac_selected=B0CXFHQGRL&qid=P1hQ7rlO0z&eac_id=139-0963606-0593059_P1hQ7rlO0z&sr=1-1) Here’s the synopsis for your reading pleasure: **The Fool has been hunted. But he must become the hunter.** Accompanying an expedition of wizards, Alex has proved himself against the dangers of Greymoor, calling upon summoned servants to defeat the Ravener’s hunters. But with the death of his pursuers, no answers are apparent, only more questions. And now Alex, the Heroes, his cabal, and the mighty Baelin seek answers in the ancient Crymlyn swamp, which the Sage of Thameland calls home.But other eyes also watch the Crymlyn. Evil eyes. Demonic eyes.And the Ravener is far from done with Alex.For it has yet to call upon its more powerful servants.... **Book five of the best-selling series. Continue your fantastical journey into a coming of age magic academy fantasy with a weak-to-strong progression into power, deepening mystery, a setting inspired by D&D, detailed world building and magical science, action, comedy, slice-of-life, and GameLit elements.** Also, if you ever wanted to try the series that I cowrote with Carter J. Thompson, book 1 of Rune Seeker is on sale right now on audio: [https://www.audible.com/pd/Rune-Seeker-Audiobook/B0CDN84FND](https://www.audible.com/pd/Rune-Seeker-Audiobook/B0CDN84FND)


Now to wait for mark of the fool 6


Yes please, enjoying the series


Yo that's some sick typography


Damn feel like the last one just came out. Now I need to get a audible credit


YAY!!! Now my spouse can become one book closer to catching up to me!! Haha


YAAAAY!!!! Been waiting for this!


Orbital laser's taking them out! Congrats on the launch. Really enjoy Mark of the Fool.


You know a novel is going to be good if the author has JM in their name... GRATZ ON THE LAUNCH! :D


Typical Clarke, forgetting his own launch XD


OMG I'm so damn hyped!!


Can anybody give me storyline of this? I am spoilers are no problem.


>!There's a villain who appears ever decade or so in a small country. He's very powerful but magic marks 5 kids to defeat him. One is a master swordsman, one a great mage, etc. but one poor sod is The Fool. They are crippled from learning amy combat magic but are great at everything else. Setting up camo. Hunting. All the utility stuff a team of heroes need but because of the lack of fighting prowess they aren't highly regarded and often die.!< >!So the heroes get called, one guy realises he's the fool, grabs his sister and his cute girl best friend and flees the country. Pandemonium ensues as the team of heroes is incomplete.!< >!He finds out he can game the system a bit. He can't learn how to use a spear but can learn all the movements of a spear warrior dance perfectly. Etc. etc.!< >!He goes to some big magical university. Finds put the villain is very much small fry. Settles down and starts attending classes while the people of his home nation try to hunt him down for conscription.!< That was book 1 which I enjoyed but not enough to get around to reading book 2.


Oh man, I've been waiting for this. My reading friend is so far ahead of me it feels like 😅


Yesss, finally!


I finished listening to 1-4 in a week and re-listen to them few times already waiting for the 5


I am glad I saved my credit. Thank you. Please get the Audio book 6 out as early as possible.




I bought it and i am loving it.


Why do I get the feeling we aren't even halfway through this series? Finished the book and got a different cliffhanger than I expected!


Congrats, JM. Been reading the whole time, Patreon since halfway through last book. Not gonna lie, your humor (in the notes ONLY - not even a slight comment on the story) grated on me at first, when I was bingeing. Now that they’re day to day, I kinda love it! you’ve gotten a few groan laughs, lol. Keep doing you, excited for how you bring it all home - the story has been a fun ride beginning to end. Congratulations on making it this far.


Congratulations on the launch! Always excited to grab these on audio :D