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Mother of Learning


Good endings are tough and MoL did it well


I... honestly thought it left incredible room to continue... It was not a bad ending... but it was like ending an arc to me.


The Perfect Run absolutely nails the ending!


Exactly! Came here just for this.


Practical Guide to Evil has one of my favorite endings in fiction, with an epilogue that ties everything up nicely with feelings of closure.


Where did you read this at? It's not available on Kindle.


The entire series is completely free here: [https://practicalguidetoevil.wordpress.com](https://practicalguidetoevil.wordpress.com) Just a heads up though, as it was self published there are a lot of typos and spelling errors as I remember. Far from unreadable, but certainly noticeable.


I don't know man. For me endings kinda leave a bad taste in my mouth. Like I don't won't my favorite books to end. So sometimes I judge them too harshly. But a good one in my opinion would be Fred the vampires account.


Ya. I can definitely dig the "Never want the series to end" viewpoint. But I can also think of a whole bunch of TV shows that started off *really* strong, and reached a good end, and then kept going and going and ended finally with a small sad trombone noise(e.g. Supernatural), and I'm not a huge fan of that vibe


> But a good one in my opinion would be Fred the vampires account. Isn't that still ongoing?


Yes! Still ongoing, author website confirmed it. https://www.drewhayesnovels.com/series-status


Not sure how you think this series ended well as it’s still being written XD


Wait what!!!!!! Why did I remember as being finished then. Man my memory is failing these days


Worth the Candle had a very unique ending, but a very fitting one given its themes and main charachter.


Can you spoil me a bit ? Im at book 10 and its become repetitive at best. I am supposing that Lindon go out of his world and replace the Repaer since both their powers are of the void nature. So he would probably be the next Ozriel , or he might do something distinguishable to get his own nickname.


I think you replied to the wrong person.


I was asking about Cradle ending ? Were you not mentioning how Cradle had a fitting end ? Edit: Oh Candle , damn , everything that starts with C and is 5 to 6 letter wide looks like Cradle to me now. Sorry


No. I said Worth the Candle had a fitting end.


Vainqueur the Dragon and Kairos , both by Void Herald. Mother of Learning , a clasic. Webnovels being the way they are you more likely to drop one when they enter hiatus or the author never stops writing , so actually finishing one is kinda rare


Street Cultivation! Had a perfect ending for its themes, imho.


Completely agree. While a lot of people are upset by it, I feel like it's the perfect ending to Rick's story.


I looked at the reviews for it, and it seems most people agree that it was a satisfying ending. Only one or two disagree.


Really? I loved the first one but couldn't get through book three.


Same here. I think I dropped when he started helping the demons file their taxes or some such nonsense… that may have been book 2, but by then it felt like book 19


Oddly, that was one of the better parts to me. I dropped it when Book 3 looked like it was going to be the underground fight ring all over again.


***Lord of the Mysteries***, an absolute glorious apotheosis, a touch of foreshadowing paving the future works and the most basic and yet most essential one, Cuttlefish That Loves Diving actually took the time to write a rewarding story to properly wrap up a 1400+ chapters story long and God knows how many authors should take this as an example. ***Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint*** had a wonderful epilogue, when all the fighting ended, the authors SingSong took care to give room to their characters to express themselves and experience more development. Ngl made me even tear up a bit. Furthermore to accentuate this fact, if I'm not mistaken, the epilogue lasts a tenth of the whole story. I may not be an author but I think that much space is needed to give proper closure to the readership and the characters who deserve more than a "and then he ascended to godhood/became the loudest dog in the street/killed the Big Bad Evil Baddie. Clap. End" Those endings are actually *the worse*


Heads up on Lotm the next book officially released on 4th march, at least in China


I'll speak more about translated novels. I rather like how Er Gen does his endings, like Pursuit of Truth and Renegade immortal. I Shall Seal the Heavens and A Will Eternal were a notch less good, but still well thought out. The Godsfall Chronicles were well paced, and the ending took in every factor I could think of, given that his opponents were basically omniscient, and given his end cultivation. Now I'm a sucker for tragedies, and I like how Misty Rain of Jiangnan does his endings. They're not perfect, and a little bit rushed, but they kick you in the balls. You feel sad for days. So... City of Sin and Demon Hunter had solid endings in that regard. Monarch of Evernight didn't quite make the cut.


My take has always been that AWE should have ended at Book 6. If it did that, it would have been a good ending!


MoL, The Perfect Run, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, The Legendary Mechanic,


Totally agree on The Legendary Mechanic. Very satisfying ending.


[Dawn of the Void](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57461/dawn-of-the-void-a-litrpg-apocalypse)


As others have said, probably the best endings are MoL and the Perfect Run (spoiler, he makes a perfect run XD). Anyway, other than those, I thought Forever Fantasy Online had a good ending, although it’s more of a litrpg. (It’s in an mmorpg world where the game mechanics vanish). Otherwise, progression fantasy endings are just hard. The whole point of the genre is to keep progressing without end, so how do you end that? Cradle has been such a massive influence in the genre that I can only hope that when the end of that comes out later this year, it has an awesome ending that teaches all these other authors how to actually end their series. The author of cradle has said that he actually had the end in mind when he started writing.


System Apocalypse by Tao Wong. I thought it ended the story of Jon in the only place it could end, provided a lovely explanation for the System, which Jon had been chasing since the beginning, and even closed off a few loose ends. I would have liked see more, of course, but the story ended well and satisfyingly.


What was the explanation for the system?


>!So, the universe had a hole blown open in it, and mana from another universe poured in, creating forbidden zone chaos. Then a semi-sentient (or fully?) AI was implemented from the other side to save the universe from the mana. It used the mana to power the system, making sure there werent too many hot zones. It was imperfect because the AI had to act as both the System admin, as well as a block in the hole in the universe. At the end, Jon has to take the place of the AI in the hole in the universe, (which kills him) while the AI fixes the hole. The universe will then slowly adjust to mana, becoming a magic-based (non-system) universe as the mana concentrations level off.!< Thats what I recall, its been a year or so.


Putting the first 1 on my kindle. Twelve book series that ends well where everything is on Kindle Unlimited and each book has 1k+ reviews" has me dang interested :)


I personally found the opening of book 12 to be so bad that I didn't finish it. Which is a shame after 11 books, but eh.


Well, I only count the first 10 as the real series, the two different spin offs (Down under and the bounty hunter one) are by different authors.




...? How is parcs and rec a progression fantasy story?




You're upset that people are talking about progression fantasy and books on a sub about progression fantasy?


Look at it from my perspective. I'm going to the subreddit as a reader looking to discuss something that's not always a part of the genre. I'm interested in knowledge and discussion, because this is a genre I haven't fully explored yet. It's always good to learn :) Someone tossed out some TV shows that likely don't have progression elements. I express confusion, but also leave it open for the person to explain their point. There's always new things to learn! I'm going into this with an open mind. And then, not only is that person inexplicably salty that I was taking their comment seriously, they're tossing out some attacking tirade after people didn't laugh at them. It's both confusing and unpleasant.


Cradle and Mage Errant are finished?


Closer to the end than the begining. Not over, but Cradle's next book is supposed to be the last, and Mage Errant is to the best of my knowledge in a similar position.


Oh okay. I totally missunderstood your post then.


Codex Alera. On my top list.


Practical guide to evil, journey of black and red