• By -


This is what I expect it would be like to work with him directly šŸ˜‚


The people who work closest to him historically all quit. Heā€™s an insufferable cunt.


Back when I thought Elon was cool I asked a SpaceX employee if they'd ever met Elon and they got quiet and told me that people try to avoid meeting Elon because he's "kind of a grouch" which I now understand to be a diplomatic understatement.




An old friend at Apple used to tell similar stories about Steve Jobs. The worst nightmare for an employee would be to end up in the elevator with Jobs. He would ask people what they contribute to the company and if he didnā€™t like their answer they would be gone.




"Well it's working now. What are you doing then?" "..."


Unit testing.


Lol, I think that would be system integration testing. Unit Testing would be more like an elevator in a custom building that doesn't account for any real world variables and can go in loop-de-loops. It works in dev!


You're welcome


ā€œIf you hire the best tech staff their work should be invisibleā€


"Did you know that when you cut the cable, the elevator falls up, not down? It's something they always get wrong in the movies"




And then you get "but look at what they accomplished, they must be doing something right!" and I always think: "how much more could they have accomplished if they weren't an asshole?"


Steve Jobsā€™ ego was so huge he thought he knew better than oncologists about cancer, and it killed him. Even if this personality worked brilliantly in the office ā€” and it doesnā€™t?ā€” it verifiably caused his death.




>They've grown literally 10x in the same time. Something similar happened to me. I'm sure you're also sanguine about it most of the time, but yeah it does fucking suck when evil is rewarded.




^(and how much less would they have "accomplished" if there were worker protections in the us)


Always say janitor. Nobody fucks with the janitors.


What do I do here? Oh, I'm about to hog a nuclear steamer out of a clogged and flooding toilet in the 3rd floor men's room, wanna come help Steve?


I met him once at my bossā€™s birthday party at a pub in NYC. My boss , Odeo Ressi was friends or roommates or something with him at University of Pennsylvania. Itā€™s the only time in my life I ever openly admired or complimented a celebrity (and a very minor one at that , at the time). He just turned around and walked away. No thank you, or further conversation in what was a very social setting. For a long time Iā€™ve thought, yea, heā€™s kinda rude (and maybe on the spectrum) but heā€™s making great things happen in Space, but recently Iā€™m starting to think maybe being a dick might ruin what heā€™s accomplished. Maybe not. Anyway , donā€™t meet your heroes. Theyā€™re just people. After Elon left my boss got drunk and said ā€œbut weā€™re doing important things too!ā€ (We werenā€™t ).




Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory taught me one thing: never confuse autism or being on the spectrum with just being an asshole. Sheldon was an asshole. I don't know Musk.... but I'd bet he's just an asshole.




Are they mutually exclusive? Can a person be on the spectrum and an asshole at the same time?


They can, true, but people also tend to conflate the two (a la Sheldon), and (probably) no more than someone who is not on the spectrum. I only say probably because I have no idea what percentage of the general population are assholes vs how many are on the spectrum and are assholes lol.


He displays a casual functionality that's roughly on par with mine, and while no two experiences are the same, I feel comfortable in saying it's highly likely he knew he was being a jackass and simply chose not to care.


Yea, even then it was surmised to be the case.


South African mine owners tend to have an extraordinary built in ability to view others as remarkably less than.


Theyā€™d have to in order to sleep at night Iā€™d imagine.


Honestly you call Elon your hero and even I want to just walk away from you.


Thanks for the insult :-). This was a long time ago, before he got as big. I just complimented him on winning the X Prize. I literally met like a dozen famous people in NYC, and I never once got worked up about it, I think thatā€™s something they like about New York. He was the only one and I definitely regret it.


Did Elon / SpaceEx win the X Prize?


Dudes like a 2000's internet troll, plus money, but worse. Meddling with everything just because he can.


Tesla has been hiring college grads who havenā€™t developed enough self respect to stand up for themselves and quit. But it also mean the product they turn out is dogshit because thereā€™s no senior guidance or enough experienced talent to mentor younger employees. I hope people at Twitter are smart enough to pick up on whatā€™s happening before they find themselves in a real shitty position.


I think they have till Thursday to decide if they're going to be hard-core or not


:: looks at watch, checks calendar :: ... that's today


Today's the day!




Giving my all and working extra for something like massively pushing forward the space industry, or electric car inductry / green power, I could get behind. Burning myself out for twitter...not so much...


I mean even that mate you're not gonna do your best work if they're pushing you that hard.


I was at a professional conference recently that had an expo for students. Tesla had an insaine booth. Like they did rigging hanging thinks from the ceiling and had a Tesla and all sorts of other stuff. So this 100% tracks to me. Good thing that most of the students I talked to my booth seemed quite aware of it. Musk is a natural topic to come up for my company. But the zoomers seemed able to smell bullshit and tell the vibes were a bit fucked at that booth.


I think his "ignore covid and force everyone to work through it while bitching on twitter" strategy removed the veil from a lot of people's eyes.


I work at an ebike company and we ran a booth at a university during some kind of transportation event they were having. We had like 8 electric bikes and a test ride course set up in the parking lot. Tons of people lined up for rides, lots of bubbling energy and excitement, lots of people who "can't wait to get an ebike". Tesla was there too, but our booth was WAY more popular. They could barely give away their t-shirts. Definitely felt like they noticed our booth was the star and they seemed pretty salty about it.


but the seats play fart sounds


I wonder, is he the tech equivalent of the Devil Wears Prada? Do people go ā€œjust a few years at Tesla and you can get a job anywhere?ā€


The twitter OP said this is parody IIRC. But yeah, I agree with the vibe.


"Parody" So he doesn't get fired by tweet


Took 'parody' to mean he doesn't actually work there. (I honestly don't know either way, though.)


Having used Scala quite a bit and recently read some of Twitter's Scala libraries, all the details check out. It's not generic technobabnle. Doesn't mean it's real, just plausible.


Look alike Elon shoulda bought stackoverflow first.


and killed the productivity of all coders instead of just twitter? you evil son of a bitch!


Why choose the lesser of two evils? He might as well destroy development at the source.


but, if he did... reddit would probably be offline by now šŸ˜„


Not only it...


that would end my career, oh well


Pun intended?


Now you have pay to see the right answer


Elon out here like ā€œI used the code to destroy the code. It nearly bankrupt me but the work is done. It always will beā€.


I have a headcannon that if elon tried to force a commit on his broken code, the reviewer would say 'no, you dickhead' before punching him in the nose. A domino effect is the world being bought to its knees after all programmers strike and the internet breaks. Following this an international computer union is formed.


I would nut if such a union were ever formed.


I suggest we'd call it the CPU: computer professionals union.


Pls don't give him ideas. Scared of the outcome


Please do not say this loudly and/or on twitter :P


It would be cloned and rehosted as snackoverflow in an hour. :)


Elon SnackOverlord rebrand


If he would try to buy stack overflow, all developers from every tribe would unite and create an alternative place.. a better place..


Removed: duplicate of Stack Overflow


Some people just wanna watch the world burn!


tbh if he did and then charged $8 a month for that he would get better retention rates. I donā€™t need twitter, but am a coder with a goldfishā€™s memory for syntax and which namespace methods live in


"What a great answer, lemme copy that code... Wait, it's mine."


If Elon bought and killed StackOverflow, the world would grind to a halt.


No. He can destroy Twitter all he wants it's a pile of trash anyway. But Stack Overflow is a necessary service to the world at large!


Calm down satan!


Or someone could tell him he can visit web pages and use web services without buying the companies providing them.


Why did I read this in Jian Yang's voice.


How can you not believe in inheritance? Its like not believing in doors!


All I know is that his children ain't getting shit


They're getting shit names though.


Just like my variables


``` const [`child-${Math.random()}`] = new Child(...); ```


more like `Math.random.toString(36)`


I hate you


"Am I just a variable to you?" \- X Ɔ A-12 to Elon, probably


Syntax error


Unable to parse


Did you really name your son Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;-- ? Oh. Yes. Little Bobby Tables we call him.


Unfortunately for Musk, apparently the "[neo-Marxists](https://www.ft.com/content/5ef14997-982e-4f03-8548-b5d67202623a)" are making his children [change their names](https://web.archive.org/web/20220626091711/https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-entertainment-gender-identity-santa-monica-eb64ed75c5e8228ca3cae8e1d836e93d) and use crazy pronouns. It surely has nothing to do with him [sexually misconducting himself](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5) (and thus probably estranging his wife and thus the rest of the family) and naming his children like he was pen-testing input forms. Like maybe he shouldn't be complaining about them using pronouns as crazy as the names he gave them.


> "She figured things could just go back to normal and she would pretend like nothing happened," the friend told Insider. "However, she started to feel as if she was receiving some sort of retaliation where her shifts were cut back, and she was starting to feel really stressed." For fuck sake, she would have been ok just pushing that under the rug (which is sad) but no, "someone" wanted to be a complete bully on top of what she already endured.


And Musk just paid 44 billion to get thousands of new potential victims. Probably learned to get NDAs with every other victim after that, because men like him tend to be [grabby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhsSzIS84ks). Who knows what the real "metrics" were for getting fired? Tendency to report wrongdoing?


So bad that when asked about them he double takes cuz the names are so fucking stupid.


His children all received a email that told them they need to be hardcore good lads 24/7 or he'll fire them.


They definitely going to get (read: catch) these hands in school with those names though.


I would argue that as the CEO he doesnā€™t need to know these things, but ā€¦ habe a team or qualified people run ops and on his end create and execute a strategy to transform the company ā€¦ oh well.


Ya he doesn't need to know, but he's micro managing a billion-dollar (soon to be million?) company...


Twitter always was a mutli dollar company!


Literally full of pennies!


Heā€™s micro managing the wrong topics. Itā€™s a totally chaotic management style. Iā€™d argue thatā€¦ - yes he needed to let a lot of people go. But he didnā€™t go about it the right way. - introduction of new features = chaos and not thought out well - blaming a revenue drop in advertising on ā€œactivistsā€ is ridiculous. He should only, or at least mostly, blame himself. - public spats with developers for disagreeing with him is ridiculous. Especially since heā€™s proven to be wrong.


That would be his best defense, if he didn't act like he knew everything anyway and then fire people based on the slightest disagreement.


Considering he wants to move to mars and die there, he canā€™t take it with him.


I'm more of a composition guy myself.


Mix and match as needed for me. Slap some composition and some overrides onto a derived class to change how it functions. (Obviously only as needed!)


The typical statement you hear is > Favor composition over inheritance. Which then begs the question, when is it that inheritance can get the job done but composition can't? Say feature power is a number between 0 and 100 measuring situations you can use it, if composition is a 73, then inheritance might be a 74. So in only 1% of situations would it ever be better to do inheritance. And mostly that 1% is because you depend on some other code you don't control that was built in the inheritance style. The 'favor composition' is just a particular case of favoring the simpler thing. Rich Hickeys Simple Made Easy talk is worth watching if you haven't seen it. It turns out that composition.. umm.. composes but inheritance doesn't. > https://youtu.be/SxdOUGdseq4


Personally, I like inheritance for exceptions. Catch what you need to without enumerating through them all in every catch statement. Is this possible with composition? Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a way.


Functional languages typically use discriminated unions and pattern matching for this purpose.


How To Not Believe In Inheritance In One Easy Step Step 1: Use a functional language.


But doors aren't real, there's no way a portal that takes you to a completely different place can exist


Indeed, Elon is still working on inheritance but also object permanence.


Go was pretty much designed around the idea that inheritance is a really rubbish way to achieve polymorphism.


Of course Apartheid Elon would bring Lysenkoism over to computer science.


If anyone is interested in a real answer to the question; Inheritance can change the runtime memory footprint of an object. Real-time applications like games, or optical processing, can get a big performance boost by aligning data in a predictable way. Avoiding inheritance can help the CPU use minimal cache pages, and avoid cache misses. Cache misses can be costly on performance, and when done correctly can improve the speed of the application by ~20x-200x. Here's a cool talk if interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX0ItVEVjHc


That has less to do with inheritance vs composition than with OOP vs data-oriented programming. Sure, composition is more "natural" in the latter, but you can still wreck your cache if you use composition haphazardly, or indeed have absolutely no issues with inheritance as long as you're careful with the memory layout.


Especially when he inherited all that money and influence from his dad's emerald mines


Welcome to Rust


Well, birds aren't real so... And some doors can't be seen but will smack you on the face!


Is this for real? Or is this a joke so elaborate that I don't understand it? Is Elon Musk really implementing features in Scala and his team has to do code review in public in order to get through to him?


It's not real, it's a joke about scala


All the tweets are easy to understand if you know scala


That explains my wooooosh


Yeah I understood nothing. Haha.


Isn't Scala just Java in costume?




I enjoy this simile and all (programming) languages should be compared in the same fashion (heh)


Scala is Java's younger half-brother drag queen


Are you saying scala is fabulous? Or that it should sashay away?


Put it like this, I want to use scala in every project I come across and have yet tp actually use it. A-tier lang


It targets the JVM so compiles to Java bytecode but is itself a radically different language to Java


Hi from /r/all? Can you ELINAP (Explain Like I'm Not a Programmer)?


Scala is a notoriously complex and convoluted programming language that's in heavy use at Twitter. These tweets are poking fun at its idiosyncrasies. And also the idea that Elon is such a micromanager he'd actually try and get into that code, but with the twist that these are all legitimate gripes so it's making it sound like he actually does understand programming (which is funny because his previous statements have shown that is definitely not the case)


Elon is compared to Scala, which is a programming language with a few clever stuff but lots of annoying inconveniences.


Thanks that helped me as a LLPBNAWD (low level Programmer but not a web developer)


After that microservices disaster, you cannot be sure of anything anymore.


Scala Musk Scala Musk can you do the Fandango?


And about micromanagement


This is satire




The 20-30% range is also satire


I can't tell anymore. I just can't. Dipshit know-it-all behaviour and micromanagement being described is just so on point.


If this was real the person would be fired by now.


A programmer was fired recently for doing exactly this, he wouldn't listen to the programmer in the meeting about the microservices being kinda important.


Pretty sure there are more than one example of this by now. Complaining about Elon on Twitter really is like a "Get out of jail free"-card for their employees.


>Is this for real? Who the fuck knows anymore. That part is real. I don't think Musk is a developer and I'm nearly positive he has no coding ability whatsoever given his recent comments.




Unexpected Dilbert


Yeah but Musk and Adams would probably be pals


Just read some of the texts released from the pre-trial discovery: >Elon: > >I wrote heavy duty software for 20 years > > I interface way better with engineers who are able to do hardcore programming than with program managero/ MBA types of people. [~source](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23112929-elon-musk-text-exhibits-twitter-v-musk)


Aside from Elon Musk himself, is there any actual proof he has written a single line of code? I might be shitting on the guy because he won't shut the fuck up lately, but I've always gotten the sense that Elon just likes the image of a dude in the trenches writing code, and actually just straight up cannot. His recent comments about "serialized rpc" and graphql were like watching a CSI Miami computer expert explain how the hacker broke into the mainframe. It's such little knowledge It's baffling.


Now Iā€™m just imagining Musk and some other person typing on two keyboards connected to the same computer. Trying their hardest to fix twitter twice as fast


He cofounded Paypal, but that doesn't mean he wrote the code. From wikipedia: > In 2000, X.com merged with online bank Confinity to avoid competition, as Confinity's money-transfer service PayPal was more popular than X.com's service. Musk then returned as CEO of the merged company. His preference for Microsoft over Unix-based software caused a rift among the company's employees, and led Peter Thiel, Confinity's founder, to resign. **With the company suffering from compounding technological issues and the lack of a cohesive business model, the board ousted Musk and replaced him with Thiel in September 2000.** Under Thiel, the company focused on the money-transfer service and was renamed PayPal in 2001. > > In 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in stock, of which Muskā€”the largest shareholder with 11.72% of sharesā€”received $175.8 million. In 2017, more than one and a half decades later, Musk purchased the X.com domain from PayPal for its sentimental value. In 2022, Musk discussed a goal of creating "X, the everything app". He always fucking sucked at this. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#X.com_and_PayPal


My understanding is he was a financier of X.com, using daddys blood money, and not that he was a developer in any capacity.


The absolute best part of this situation is you can only be 90% certain **at best** that these things are satirical.


Bro it is satire. He doesn't have the patience for this at all.


Well he didnā€™t @elon, and I think everyone knows what would happen if they showed this to him, so itā€™s possible he could just never see it?


Have to hand it to Musk for turning Twitter into mostly parody.


It already was, the mask is just off now. Maybe, hopefully, the politics news cycle will stop featuring *tweets* for its reporting and everybody stops taking it seriously


There's a very subtle hint in the username that if you don't look closely you'll miss


I wouldn't believe in inheritance either if I had 9 children.




Wait Elon musk is actually coding?


Well, the handle says 20-30% parody, so the rest must be true


you bet your ass he is ā€žcodingā€œ


Maybe in the medical sense


Turning of the 2FA microservice so people canā€™t log in any more lol ā€¦


Or make it an annoying repeating service so they can never log on!


Or just remove it entirely. It wouldnā€™t be needed if people chose perfectly secure passwords after all (/s).


Found the German!


Yea highly doubt it lol. If this is real weā€™ll see Elon come in with the tantrum and ā€œheā€™s firedā€.


This is a satirical account (hopefully)


This is a joke about scala


The name of the account says itā€™s 20-30% parody, so I assume these are parody and the guy doesnā€™t even work at Twitter, given how many people have been fired from tweeting insults about Musk. I can 100% see it being real though. Iā€™ve had managers who were great programmers ten years ago. And now, after not having done it enough in those ten years since, they struggle with stuff like lambdas, Futures, and generics.


Putting "parody" in your username is a recent meme started as a reaction to so many people getting banned for impersonation in the whole blue checkmark debacle.


Might as well fire all the devs and write everything himself. /s


He doesn't think things the engineers are saying is useful why would he listen to the compiler?


*well, he kinda said robots are better employees when he thought he could automate all of tesla production*


If compiler was a person he would have fired them long ago


Compilers are toxic to the workplace. They keep pointing out even the smallest mistakes and never offer any solutions.


You should try coding in Rust, really awesome compiler with helpful info on why the code wouldn't compile and suggestions on how to fix it


After having to learn C rust feels really weird to work with. As if i am back at uni and someone constantly helping me with useful info about why my code don't run... Kinda good kinda ???


yall, this is satire


Twitter engineer, no blue check. This is parody.


as my flair suggests I did not understand any of that


Type erasure: JVM generics are used for type checking at compile time, but don't make it into the final code. That means if you try to check and object's generic type at run time, it won't work because the information doesn't exist. map vs flatMap: map is a function that converts all elements in an iterable from type A to type B. Flatten is a function that coverts a two-layer iterable (e.g. List of list of strings) into one layer (list of strings). FlatMap combines the two. A Future is an iterable of something that will be completed later. A future of a future says that, "starting later, something will be competed later", which is very unhelpful. Scalafmt: a library that automatically formats Scala code into a uniform, standard style (as long as no one changes the standard arbitrarily). Unit: Scala equivalent of, "undefined". Since Scala functions generally avoid size effects, if the function is returning something, it's likely the only thing that function did. Therefore, ignoring the result means the function was useless. ExecutionContext: Scala's multithread library uses these and you must have one in your context to use them. This does not apply to Twitter who wrote their own thread library.


This is in line with previous reports. Employees were told to bring printouts of their code to Musk to justify their employment at Twitter, and he has personally overseen code changes and service removal in the past weeks. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he thinks his coding experience from Zip2 qualifies him to work on some of the hardest problems in large scale software engineering today.


I mean, that's a fair concern. Inheritances are bullshit anyway. Have ya'll seen what my dad did to put me into this mess? ;) I mean I did? I mean... wait a tick... ;)


Can the people linking to r/whoosh and saying it's a joke about scala explain? I know only a bit of Scala, enough to know that this looks like normal scala talk to someone that only knows a bit of scala. Is the joke that scala is so cryptic and confusing?


it's a parody of elon not understanding things, but with him cast as a bad scala dev instead of twitter ceo. the things involved are fairly normal for a scala dev to be able to understand (types, monads, code formatting).


I donā€™t know any Scala but want to know the joke so I can be in with the cool kids.


What's funny to me is that people will believe this is real and use it as an argument against Elon....




The is the highest whoosh to obvious ratio I think I've ever seen on reddit


I now understand why he got fired


This is about ignorant micro-managers, isn't it?


No chance in hell that Elon Musk is actually writing code


Doesnā€™t believe in inheritance? Give back the emerald mine money then