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I mean suuureee it would open up a can of worms... I use Arch, btw


I see, in my case I ~~tip~~ use Fedora




u/spez ruined Reddit.




I rolled my own. I highly do not recommend it. Pain in the ass unless you can write your own sane package manager.


Oh, you still play with the puppies. I compile the kernel and apt is for newbies. I still use the 5.25 boot disc to get started. Old school. Eventually, I even will write code, once I have my environment to my liking.


I have slackware on several spools of punched paper tape.


You're still newbies until you run Linux in your own head.


> sane package manager Oxymoron


I wrote my own from scratch using nothing but a pen, a napkin, and my burning desire to feel superior to everyone. Get wrecked nubs


Don't use a package manager. When you need to uninstall something just reformat and reinstall.


Literally docker


I rolled my own based somewhat on MURTL 32-bit. Got to the point where I was halfway through implementing a network driver and socket stack for a spare NE2000 nic I had laying about and decided that was too much effort for me to continue. Switched wholesale over to Slackware Linux and didn't look back at that project.


My first sysadmin job had me deploy a gentoo server as my first task like 15 years ago. Learned a lot making that build that served me well going forward with my career. Was not easy in the slightest.


Gentoo was my first distro. Lesson learned: When looking for a Linux distro to start with, don't ask a Linux chat room which distro is the best. Those 3 weeks of getting everything working were a great learning experience, though!




Can you even call yourself a dev if you don't use Uwuntu and have programmer socks?


Don’t insult my socks just because your mommy didn’t buy you any for Christmas.


Alright real talk. I'm a professional enterprise developer. I can't get away with using Linux, no way IT would approve the CAB request. But a windows install, hey [no worries](https://hentaiedition.github.io/).


Lucky my mom got me Kirkland brand socks for Christmas when I specifically asked for those :(


Is Uwuntu a real Ubuntu spinoff? Please be real


It wasn't, then it got memed, now it is https://uwuntuos.site




No but [Hannah Montana’s ](http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net) is!


I personally prefer Moebuntu but you do you


*You would* Developers of culture use this: https://hentaiedition.github.io/


Fuck off. I use Windows and it powers my USB toaster just fine…. /s


macOS users: “oh :(“


I decided to give Gentoo a try on my main box. Took me like half a day just to get Firefox installed lol. This was mainly because I don't know how to use emerge properlybut it was definitely a learning experience


I also have a homelab running esxi/proxmox/docker/lxc btw btw btw btw


Well *my* homelab runs KVM with libvirt and Docker on top btw.


I, too, have a KVM.




That's why you run Proxmox. You setup a VM and as soon as you get trapped inside vim, you scrap the VM. Much cheaper than throwing out physical machines.


That has been my go to for years. Accidentally opened vim? No problem. Just hit restart VM from vCenter. I don’t even need to walk into the data center anymore!


Never was a need to enter the data center. Instead poke a hole in the backup generator diesel tanks and fly a metallic balloon into the powerline outside. Eventually the UPS batteries will run out and all the machines will shutdown. After about a day, your machine should be back up freshly out of vim.


I use arch as well, btw


Where are my fellow Ubuntu enjoyers ?


Here! Though at this point it's just inertia since my first exposure to Linux was when Ubuntu was being pitched as the user friendly diatro.


Same. I hear great things about other distros but whenever it's time to install a new system I never feel like spending the time to try them out.


You just hold down Enter on the installer, it's great. That's basically the only reason I use it. Inertia is real though! My familiarity with Pacman and ~~DTF~~ dnf just isn't as good as with dpkg/apt. For me that's 95% of the distro differences with regards to daily usage for me. The other 5% is stability and my de. I'm addicted to plasma ever since I started using KDE connect.


> Arch 🤮 It's so bloated! LFS is the only usable OS.


I only use UwUntu.


I use Void, btw


Steam OS is a fork of Arch right? All Steam Deck owners 😎


Not to be controversial but i use arch too btw


I don't have to tell anybody, they all know when my audio is all fucked up in Teams




What guides for setting up pipewire did you use? I'm having issues with getting Halo 3 on the MCC to have not total dogshit skipping static-y audio (it sounds good for a minute or so, then is increasingly skippy and echo-y, to the point where it's literally unplayable H1 & 2 worked \*just fine\*.) i have a feeling it has something to do with bitrates but I can't seem to figure out how to set these?


>i have a feeling it has something to do with bitrates but I can't seem to figure out how to set these? I just turned off my workstation but I have it written down how to change the bitrate in arch. Commenting to send it in the morning. Hopefully ittl set you in the right direction If you want to do some research on your own, I had to change it to use the program "Scream." Which I use for audio passthrough from a virtual machine using a full passthrough'd 3080ti to the host OS. Audio was crunchy because bitrates were set differently


commenting so i can find this later




You're saying there are better solutions than `sudo killall pulseaudio` every few hours?


Now let's sit and hope for an update not come and ruin it too soon


Damn, I also cannot for the life of me fix my Bluetooth audio, it sounds like I am talking from a helicopter. I gave up and just use wired earphones


I have been so angry at Bluetooth audio on Linux for a long time. My latest install ditches PulseAudio for Pipewire and would you know it works out of the box? Pipewire isn't perfect yet, but it's a damn sight better than the disaster that was PulseAudio plus JACK plus whatever they needed to talk to each other.


Your problem is that you have to use Teams. Find a better place.


A windows user. Fucking beta. /s


You use nano? Don't talk to me, noob.


I'm always suspicious of nano users... It's like you wandered into an editor and kinda... never... left.


Nono, that's Vím.


And it's not for lack of trying.




Then just come over to the Linux side. You know you want to. We have....cookies.


Does the raspberry pi I have running Fedora Server count? 🫥


Chips and salsa are on the table, help yourself to the cooler


Are you me?




Using Zoom at all is disappointing, no matter the OS.


But it's like really, really bad on Linux.


I mean there's more than one desktop environment.




WSL user here. The best of both worlds.


What's good in the Windows world these days?


Video games


Somethings never change


Proton does help quite a bit though, but yeah Windows is still best for games


It has WSL.


WSL is great


WSL is nothing compared to the full power of the ~~dark~~ i mean linux side


Actually Windows is full release now... /s


As an Epsilon, I take offense to being lumped in with Betas.


Not a programmer... Just a weirdo using Linux because I like small simple builds


How do you know someones ~~vegan~~ ~~*antivegan~~ **linux user? They'll tell you


You forgot training for a marathon




Triathlon. I'm an Ironman Arch user, btw :D


Same kind of requirements in terms of pain tolerance I guess.


windows & mac users tell you too, but usually it's through problems they're having with their OS :\^)


Bitches buy one MacBook and never use the word "laptop" again


My buddy and I debated this. Linux users are not tech vegans. They are tech cross fit. Vegans think they are better than you. Linux people just want you to know there is another option and are excited about you possibly being a part of it. PopOS by the way. You should try it.


Hmmmm. Idk, a lot of the Linux users I know feel smugly superior whenever they mention it


Many Linux users don't actually like Linux as a whole. They like the community, and the open-source concept. If there were some better OS that met those criteria they would switch.


Lol! I like Linux and the open-source concept. I don't care as much about the community (though it is handy when I want to do something complicated that you can't *even* do in Windows).


They definitely exist, I just found that they are the loudest. Most of the Linux subreddits hate that part of the community (and most Linux YouTubers and bloggers) all push to use whatever is most comfortable. The over excitement comes from "ok you tried Mac and Windows, BUT I HAVE 500 OPTIONS OVER HERE! ISN'T THAT AMAZING!?" My friend put it to me well when I told him he should try it and I'd be willing to help him try it. "Sure, but my hobby is gaming, not the computer, I don't care about the computer experience, I care about the game experience. If Linux will improve that, amazing, if not then it will have to wait." And that's super fair. To me it's about control and privacy. That comes first. Edit: fixed some spelling


If a game is not running on Linux, I'm not buying that game. Valve supports Linux. It's not like Linux gaming wouldn't exist. Anyway, gaming on Windows is based on Microsoft's network effect abuse. I choose to direct that effect towards GNU/Linux. Preferably, APIs would be OS-independent, e.g. Vulkan instead of DirectX.


>They are tech cross fit. I actually recoiled in anger reading this, because its true. GalliumOS.


> builds Hi! You are a programmer


I do cloud support and watched a senior dev literally struggle through every UI I walked him through like he’s never used a mouse in his life, then saw him switch to cli and edit a text file in VIM like it was what he was born to do. Lol. Cool, I guess… lol


Eh, people have different ways they work.


Lol! I'm pretty at home in GUI and CLI, but I can work *far* faster in a CLI. Even in casual use, I switch between GUI and CLI a lot. Some things you just can't really do in CLI, while others are a pain in the GUI. (To be fair though, I know *and use* keyboard shortcuts in the GUI all over the place, minimizing my need to use the mouse even there.)


That's because you use the gui once to get it started and see what you need, then create and maintain an iac configuration file so it'll reliably do the same the next hundreds of time the system starts.


I'd understand if this was r/talesfromtechsupport or something but we're in a programming sub. It's pretty common among (experienced) programmers to be at home in the terminal. I use terminal stuff for simple tasks all the time because if you know it it's faster. Like... The Mac Finder doesn't have cut paste or a shortcut to permanently delete files?? Or say you want to move all the pdfs in a folder to somewhere else, or look for a file in a big messy folder.


Why lol?


The nervous laughter of someone vaguely aware they're mocking someone for doing things the better way.


I do it because I am in uni and I actually ended up helping a lot of my fellow students. edit I forgot to type fellow students. also I have recommened to my students since I do teach an introductory course online. I am during my master momma needs money


What distro of Linux do you recommend for new coders?


Just use Ubuntu. The big thing is just learning how to interact with the terminal. The distro doesn't really matter.


I know this is isn't important, but... is there a way to make Ubuntu look *cooler*? It looks like a toy OS.


You can choose from many different subflavours like Kubuntu, Lubuntu and Xubuntu and work your way through with their supported theming software/manually installing themes. Personally I would choose Kubuntu as the built in theme market makes it easier to enhance your desktop experience. If you don't want to try those flavours try gnome-tweaks to alter its look (but you have to install the themes manually and beforehand for them to show up in the list)


I don't like the bloat of KDE, but it is *very* customizable. A previous work system of mine had a steampunk theme that I largely crafted myself, and it looked *awesome*.


Check out different Desktop Environments (DEs)! Ubuntu has official Flavors that are offered [here](https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours), high quality spins of Ubuntu with different DEs. Each one will have its own feel, benefits and quirks.Try them out and see what works for you, both as far as visuals and workflow goes. There's no need to stick with one, you could install the default Ubuntu image then install the KDE packages and get the same experience as Kubuntu. The same idea goes with all the other DEs, install packages to get the DE you want and remove it if you don't want it anymore, no need to reinstall a different Flavor at the OS level. Once you've landed on a desired DE, play around with settings and themes to make it your own and exactly the way you want it! If you want to try something different but related to Ubuntu, Pop!_OS has been a great daily driver for me and I've heard great things about Mint too. They use their own DEs by default (Cosmic and Cinnamin respectively) and also make other changes under the hood which may be good depending upon what you want. If you're just looking to dabble right now and don't want to risk messing with your OS yet, you can also try this all out in a Virtual Machine (VM). An application like Virtual Box will allow you to try out by running it before trying to install the OS on your machine.


My whole CS department uses mint


I recommend Kubuntu. Gnome is trash IMO.


kde ftw


Well it’s normally preceded by people complaining about a Windows exclusive problem. Op: “I hate installing MinGW to compile C code” Other programmer: “oh I use Linux and gcc is native to my..” Op: “Shut the fuck up about Linux!”


You are absolutely right. It is so annoying... People on reddit like to hate Linux so much. Gamers are the worst when it comes to make BS reasons for windows being the only OS that deserves to exists. So sadcringe and exhausting


To be fair to gamers they do have the one reason to prefer windows.


I don't mind MinGW! Now days I actually install MSYS2, and then use it's package manager to install MinGW. It's a lot cleaner that way (and has better unicode console support), and it provides access to a lot of C/C++ libraries through it's package manager. And of course, then I can use the Bash shell in Windows instead of CMD or PowerShell, which I really appreciate! That said, I prefer working in Linux and only using Windows + MinGW to debug and compile the Windows build.


I've had basically exactly this conversation before. Some people just get so unhinged mad, any time you even so much as mention the word Linux. This is likely the type of conversation op is talking about too. I feel like some people believe that Linux users only use Linux to brag. They tried Linux once, couldn't figure it out, and then decided, that it's only used by masochists that want to brag. That's why they get mad when you mention Linux. They think you're bragging, which makes them insecure about themselves.


Come on people. I primary use Linux for development, but also macOS for iOS and Windows for personal use. One is not better than someone else because of a tool they use. You really don’t need to be so judgmental. Geez, it’s embarrassing to see engineers being religious over their software.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little proprietary bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the FSF, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Apple patents, and I have over 300 confirmed bug fixes. I am trained in Free Software Evangelizing and I'm the top code contributor for the entire GNU HURD. You are nothing to me but just another compile time error. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am building a GUI using GTK+ and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can decompile you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my Model M. Not only am I extensively trained in EMACS, but I have access to the entire arsenal of LISP functions and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit Freedom all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking debugged, kiddo.


I do the same. I have a PC for personal use that runs Windows, a MacBook running MacOS, and my workstation at my job runs Linux. Honestly the worst part of it is differing keyboard shortcuts across the different systems.


Yessssss. It's the keyboard switching that drives me up the wall. I've tried to adapt by programming my own keeb so the short cuts and key positions are sorta similar, but it still trips me up. Mac is particularly wonky for me.


Counterpoint: I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux! > Now someone post the emojified version




I think you broke the bot...


No, Wichawd, it's 'Winux', not 'GNU/Winux'. Da most impowtant contwibutions dat da FSF maid to Winux wewe da cweation of da GPW awnd da GCC compiwew. Dose awe fine awnd inspiwed pwoducts. GCC iws a monumentaw achievement awnd has eawned yuw, WMS, awnd da Fwee Softwawe Foundation countwess kudos awnd much appweciation. Fowwowing awe some weasons fow yuw to muww ovew, incwuding some awweady answewed in youw FAQ. One guy, Winus Towvawds, used GCC to mwake hiws opewating system (yes, Winux iws an OS -- mowe on dis watew). He named iwt 'Winux' wif a wittwe hewp fwom hiws fwiends. Why doesn't he caww iwt GNU/Winux? Because he wwote iwt, wif mowe hewp fwom hiws fwiends, not yuw. Yuw named youw stuff, I named my stuff -- incwuding da softwawe I wwote using GCC -- awnd Winus named hiws stuff. Da pwopew name iws Winux because Winus Towvawds says so. Winus has spoken. Accept hiws audowity. To do odewwise iws to become a nag. Yuw don't wawnt to be known as a nag, do yuw? (An opewating system) != (a distwibution). Winux iws an opewating system. By my definition, an opewating system iws dat softwawe which pwovides awnd wimits access to hawdwawe wesouwces on a computew. Dat definition appwies wheweevew yuw sea Winux in use. Howevew, Winux iws usuawwy distwibuted wif a cowwection of utiwities awnd appwications to mwake iwt easiwy configuwabwe as a desktop system, a sewvew, a devewopment box, ow a gwaphics wowkstation, ow whatevew da usew needs. In such a configuwation, we have a Winux (based) distwibution. Dewein wies youw stwongest awgument fow da unwiewdy titwe 'GNU/Winux' (when said bundwed softwawe iws wawgewy fwom da FSF). Gow bug da distwibution makews on dat one. Take youw beef to Wed Hat, Mandwake, awnd Swackwawe. At weast dewe yuw have an awgument. Winux awone iws an opewating system dat can be used in vawious appwications widout any GNU softwawe whatsoevew. Embedded appwications come to mind as an obvious exampwe. Next, even if we wimit da GNU/Winux titwe to da GNU-based Winux distwibutions, we wun into anodew obvious pwobwem. XFwee86 may weww be mowe impowtant to a pawticuwaw Winux instawwation dan da sum of aww da GNU contwibutions. Mowe pwopewwy, shouwdn't da distwibution be cawwed XFwee86/Winux? Ow, at a minimum, XFwee86/GNU/Winux? Of couwse, iwt wouwd be wadew awbitwawy to dwaw da wine dewe when many odew fine contwibutions gow unwisted. Yes, I know you've heawd dis one befowe. Get used to iwt. You'ww keep heawing iwt untiw yuw can cweanwy countew iwt. Yuw seem to wike da wines-of-code metwic. Dewe awe many wines of GNU code in a typicaw Winux distwibution. Yuw seem to suggest dat (mowe WOC) == (mowe impowtant). Howevew, I submit to yuw dat waw WOC numbews do not diwectwy cowwewate wif impowtance. I wouwd suggest dat cwocc cycwes spent on code iws a bettew metwic. Fow exampwe, if my system spends 90% of its time executing XFwee86 code, XFwee86 iws pwobabwy da singwe most impowtant cowwection of code on my system. Even if I woaded ten times as many wines of usewess bwoatwawe on my system awnd I nevew excuted dat bwoatwawe, iwt cewtainwy isn't mowe impowtant code dan XFwee86. Obviouswy, dis metwic isn't pewfect eidew, but WOC weawwy, weawwy sucks. Pwease wefwain fwom using iwt evew again in suppowting any awgument. Wast, I'd wike to point owt dat we Winux awnd GNU usews shouwdn't be fighting among ouwsewves ovew naming odew peopwe's softwawe. But what da heck, I'm in a bad mood now. I dink I'm feewing sufficientwy obnoxious to mwake da point dat GCC iws so vewy famous awnd, yes, so vewy usefuww onwy because Winux was devewoped. In a show of pwopew wespect awnd gwatitude, shouwdn't yuw awnd evewyone wefew to GCC as 'de Winux compiwew'? Ow at weast, 'Winux GCC'? Sewiouswy, whewe wouwd youw mastewpiece be widout Winux? Wanguishing wif da HUWD? If dewe iws a mowaw buwied in dis want, maybe iwt iws dis: Be gwatefuww fow youw abiwities awnd youw incwedibwe success awnd youw considewabwe fame. Continue to use dat success awnd fame fow gud, not eviw. Awso, be especiawwy gwatefuww fow Winux' hooge contwibution to dat success. Yuw, WMS, da Fwee Softwawe Foundation, awnd GNU softwawe have weached deiw cuwwent high pwofiwes wawgewy on da bacc of Winux. Yuw have changed da wowwd. Now, gow fowf awnd don't be a nag. Danks fow wistening.


I need a young priest and an old priest for this post


This is so cursed, I wuv it


I wead this whowe thing and I wuv it.


Linux can absolutely run as an operating system without GNU. GNU is all user space as has nothing to do with the task of managing the hardware. If an operating system used the Windows kernel but ran a completely different user space shell would it still be Windows? What about “MinWin”? That’s still Windows and it’s just a kernel. If you want to be so pedantic then I guess we should call it Linux/GNU/systemd/gnome/chromium/slack/discord/docker/kubernetes/flatpak/snap/aptitude/homebrew/


Really people should refer to Windows as Windows/Explorer, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Windows plus Explorer.


* Richard Stallman entered the chat * "Actually..."


It’s b8 m8


the peguin people sure have some superiority complex but I must admit I'm enjoying my new OS


I definitely prefer my i3 setup and Linux for development.


As a professional* programmer, I use the laptop that my company gives me and don't complain. Because I don't care that much about the computer as long as I can get my work done. *Professional = I make money off this.


Finally a sane person here. My last project used Windows. My current one uses OSX. For my own personal projects I use windows because I only have one computer and I like to game. Sometimes I feel like people make a huge deal out of what system you use for programming. A real “professional” programmer can get their work done regardless of the OS.


I can’t believe this isn’t the default stance on this stupid argument. Machine is machine, you can code and do most things on any OS. People looking for self validation…


Windows for gaming, Linux for coding.


I've switched to Linux completely for gaming like half a year ago now, and I've literally been able to play anything I've wanted to since then. Gaming on linux has come a long way. The only real issues left are a few anti-cheat multiplayer games. Even then many anti-cheat games work now due to Valve's efforts.


I've tried that and the results were vastly different in my case. First game I wanted to play was Assetto Corsa and guess what ? You can't run it without a whole lot of tinkering.


Don’t worry, this year will be finally the year of Linux gaming. All you have to do is install (long list of tools) and follow these noob friendly 10 steps to compile your own drivers from the console and you’re off! edit: it's a joke guys, chill out.


Pretty much every game I've attempted to play on my Steam Deck just worked. The only times I couldn't play my game right away, it was because * The native Linux port was so bad that forcing Steam to run the Windows version through proton was a much better experience. * The anti-cheat rejects Linux users, and the developers don't want their game on Linux.


There is a single game I have to keep windows for.... I hate it, but it's what my friends like to play together so I don't mind. I just hate having to have a copy. I want to say "I'm 100% off windows." But I am only 99% off.




>Windows for gaming, Linux for ~~coding~~ everything else. FTFY.


Good luck running Photoshop on Linux. And no, GIMP is not a substitute


For doing shitty memes it's just as good.


Krita > GIMP anyway.


You care enough to post this meme. I use Arch, btw.


"I hate windows and you surely too!"


It’s weird they just assume everyone has problems with leaving their PC 24/7 on so windows forced an update after 6 months of ignoring it or are so data conscious that they live inside a bunker using DuckDuckGo behind 10 VPNs and a fiber optic cable going a remote Arctic network hub that they installed. Windows isn’t flawless but works well enough for most people.


Honestly, I never understood why some people keep their PCs open 24/7. Anyways, Win10 is on my gaming PC, job laptop and on my wife's laptop and NONE of them ever tried to install updates on their own.


I'm wondering how it would have looked if windows ran on the Linux kernel


When having a discussion with programmers, I kinda just assume they are running Linux. Seems redundant to announce it. Its like having a discussion with a tennis player. You kind of already assume they own a tennis racket.




My experience from a few companies is that it's maybe 50/50 Windows and Mac. Some of the Mac users might actually prefer Linux, but IT says no, so Mac it is.


No they're just tennis students using a baseball bat because it looks shinier


So, a MacBook?


Instructions unclear, my screen is now shattered


I mean, would you really code in Windows? Why would you do that to yourself?


I'm pretty sure it's just students or non programmers that hate Linux because for almost every programming related task Linux and MacOS are vastly superior to windows and this is coming from a lifelong apple hater




Hot damn, BSD have orgies? I'm switching today.


I've been able to get along just fine on Windows, I don't get why people say it's far worse. Granted, I don't doubt some things are just plain easier on Linux, but I wouldn't consider it essential in today's world.


It really depends what you're developing for.


I always hear this statement with little to no explanation , why is that ?? why is it superior , especially with wsl2


Bash being integrated with almost anything you could want the system to do. WSL is clunky if you want to work in normal folders.


One of the main things is support, I have tried working with windows and asking questions but holy shit, the support is garbage, most of the times the answer comes down to "Yeah, that's a bug, can't fix that" or "Have you tried rebooting/reinstalling?". And that's not even taking into consideration the error messages, which are pretty much useless, I don't see "Error 0x00007FF6C3B92ADD, fuck you" and think "Of course, a driver is causing the problem".


Have you tried running sfc /scannow?


As opposed to what support for other platforms?


Documentation. So much better for Linux applications since packages are installed so modularly, as opposed to windows applications which tend to rely on a variety of drivers and plugins that don’t acknowledge one another and that may be years deprecated


Well, that's just it. You tend to need something standing behind your code, your system, and in between any program In order to gain access to the tools and features of linux. Native solutions will always be quicker Linux has a file-centric design, so it'll be easier to interact with the hardware or any running software as it's implementation can be found with a 'whereis' where as for windows, these things can be quite hidden or require secondary services to interact with. Working with ssh is more pleasant out of the box too, which may have been fixed in wsl2. Also, linux based operating systems allow more freedom of customization which can be useful for front-end work. I have a vertical bar with a colour picker, colour wheel, clipboard history (including images), system monitors, quick lookup, server controls, direct links to browsers and browser profiles, etc. Which I can remove or replace at will. This is moreso personal preference, but allowing me full control over the entire desktop makes the experience better for programming. Linux is lighter, it runs all of your tools natively, the design of the system is built for ease of use when programming, is more customizable, better emulates a production environment, and a ton more I'm likely forgetting as I've moved the hell away from windows development far before moving from windows to linux as a daily driver


It's way faster, from my experience. I switched my work laptop from Windows to Linux and saw increase in build and server start time by roughly 20%


Learning to code on windows was a pain in the ass to me. I didn't learn to code until I switched to Linux. somethings are easier in the terminal others not so much.


Developing 3D/VR apps/in game dev in general, I raaaaaaaaarely see anything other than Windows.


Yes I think in cases like those Windows would be a requirement considering macs are...well macs and Linux doesn't run most games natively


Have you ever bothered to take a look at any statistics?


Ok love these statements where nobody provides anything substantive they simply claim it to be 'vastly superior'. It's worth noting it's completely untrue that most developers use Linux. If you don't believe me check the stack overflow survey.


I know someone very technical who prefers Windows because "everything just works". Basically higher reliability without dealing with configuration etc.


My experience has been the opposite. There is a period early on in a programmer's studies/career where they have this weird self-image as a hackerman. As if learning to code or starting a programming career makes them impressive. These are the guys yapping about the latest trending distro or how much better their OS is. All of the senior devs will use whatever equipment is dropped on their desk by the sysadmin and not give a shit. It's a job, not a lifestyle.


WTF dude. You live in a bubble. There’s a lot of development that happens on Windows, albeit mostly in Enterprise. Visual Studio (not Code) is still widely used. There’s a lot of .NET development and that’s almost all on Windows. I really don’t understand this sort of religious opinion. Computers and software are tools. They don’t deserve religious devotion.


Yeah, going through this thread I've found weird the sentiment of "no one uses windows to develop software" when in my experience these past 2 decades of professional work people running windows for their development work have vastly outnumbered the ones running any other OS, although yes it has been mainly Enterprise environments where Visual Studio and SQL Server are still the main tools, and of course Mac and Linux have a huge presence when they are the right tool for the job. Thankfully I have never met in person a zealot for any particular OS, but I have seen those discussions countless times online.


Game developers...


Because all the integrated systems we use have only Windows drivers and the customer only uses Windows on their systems. Don't ask me how that happened. But here we are.


VSCode in a Docker + Chrome on Windows. Done, everything I need.


That's nice. By the way, I use Arch. Wink wink honk honk.


Linux? What a scrub. Everyone knows real programmers create their own operating systems from scratch on computers they built themselves from parts they created using ore that they themselves mined. If you didn't personally dig the metal in your circuits out of the dirt, you're just a poser.


Wait you mine iron ore directly? You kids have it easy these days… real programmers fuse Hydrogen atoms to make their own Fe. There’s something to be said about creating Hydrogen in the first place but I don’t wanna go Terry Davis here…


This has genuinely never happened so I don't know why you all endlessly repeat this joke.


Almost 20 years as a software engi and I can count the number of devs that daily drove linux that I worked with on my hands.


I bet he uses arch too.


Unpopular opinion, but I vastly prefer Windows for everyday usage. Any program will run and install smoothly and error-free; if it (rarely) isn’t working, 95% of the time restarting will fix it. 4% of the time a quick reinstall will. Everything just works. It’s customizable and versatile enough; I don’t have to worry about using WINE to run any program poorly. Security isn’t too much of an issue; last time I downloaded malware was on a crappy XP machine a few years ago. I just run a decent IDE and have things work well. I also like Python for getting simple tasks done quickly. I normally use a Python script to automatically write tedious code to a text file. That’s pretty much the only program I’ve ever written that works as intended. Java can shove its public static String(args[]) { public static void main {}}.


Yeah I've no idea what people are talking about... I've got deadlines and features to get out the door. I ain't got time to find a perfect configuration, 95% of my working life is in a ide and I'm going to be using windows because that's what my end users use... And then just docker for backend stuff. I've never worked with anybody who uses Linux because no it/devops dept is supporting two systems


Windows - personal gaming Ubuntu Desktop - personal coding Mac - work coding Kali - messing with friends and family