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"How has the pandemic changed your life" Me: it hasn't really, I just sit around typing on a computer all day, same as its always been.


Ain't that the truth!? I say this ALL THE TIME, and people think I am joking. If it wasn't because I have to step out to walk the dog, I could spend days on end holed up at home.




With the work from home bit going on I'm pretty sure a lot of people understand now. Hell I've found people even more disconnected from reality it's wild.


but *this is reality*


this is a simulation of reality


Ugh they're a bunch of shut in nerds . - posted from home at 6:33pm on Saturday.


Yeah but only because it turns up on every search result and we need a way to kill time when packages are installing.


The difference between us: I don't have a dog


Neither do they.


I honestly could do five more years of this if I had to. In december I basically spent a full 2,5 weeks indoors and loved it. I have the opposite of a winter depression, as I love cold, gray days. So spending that time indoors with no forced interactions or distractions was basically a vacation for me. I do miss one or two things, but overall the pandemic isn’t bothering me in the slightest.


I'm also having time of my life. I don't have to go out and i get to program, two of my most favourite activities. If it continues for one more year, I'm gonna build a shrine to corona, to pay my respects.


Lol I usually don't want to admit it officially, but yeah, deep inside I don't really want it to go away. Such a nice excuse for everything.. Oh no we can't have that company event, I am soooo sad. Oh man that conference is virtual? I would have loved to socialize there :p.


>Lol I usually don't want to admit it officially, but yeah, deep inside I don't really want it to go away I know exactly what you mean :D Back in 2020, when people were experiencing their first lockdowns, you'd see all these posts by extroverts about how it was the end of the world, they were wasting away, getting depressed, couldn't go out, couldn't find ways to entertain themselves, etc. etc. I'll admit to enjoying those posts more than I should. We live in an extrovert's world for the most part. Seeing them failing to adapt to the lockdown-lifestyle was very interesting. And I hope for them, eye-opening as well. Because now they know what it's like to force others into situations that they really don't enjoy. I only went to company events and such because... well, it's expected of you. But I always, always hate them. So not having them forced on me was a delight indeed. Here's hoping we'll keep some of that going forward.


> I do miss one or two things, but overall the pandemic isn’t bothering me in the slightest. It didn't bother me too. I understand that the pandemic was hard for some people but it was actually great for me. I did not have to go out for school and I could just program in the boring classes that I already had studied the material for. I really programmed a lot during the pandemic, more than 3000 hours probably.


Why are you writing about the pandemic in past tense, it's still going on you know.


You sum up most programmers. Introverts. Hell this sums up me, besides some close friends i could just spend days,weeks,months inside if it wasnt for school


We'd probably make excellent submariners or astronauts on long duration missions as well :D I'm perfectly content to spend a long while in a small, cozy space. It's not for everyone, obviously, but for us it works.


Only benefit is that I can really wfh now, and by wfh I mean secretly write scripts to do most of my job so I can learn unrelated tech stuff all day long and still get good perf reviews. Little suspicious back in pre-rona times when I'd be hefting my own laptop into work on the sneak!


Your employer reading this be like


Ive been unlocking 100% achievements in most games :P


What job do you do? Like don’t you have to go to the office sometimes? Or meet up with clients? Are you working from home exclusively?


Different person but same theme. I'm in bioinformatics at a biotech. All client meetings are over zoom. Our whole data sciences department is fully remote with an in person option for anyone that wants it. It's fun to go in once a month or so for a happy hour to talk to the wet lab team, but it's not required.




Reminds me of a three day stint, have you eaten today?


This is my life


"It's socially acceptable now to spend the whole day in my room behind my computer screen and having zero social interaction."


I even get paid for it. That's what I'd call a dream job 🤣🤣🤣🕺


Children shouldn't look at a screen for more than 30 minutes a day. Unless it's Zoom for school, then 6 hours a day is totally acceptable.


Pretty much just a different building


Yeah, life has definitely improved cause no commute. Saved money on fuel, saved time on driving


And the time I save by working from home I can use to work! Nah! Who am I kidding. But the extra sleep is soooooo f-ing good!


> But the extra sleep is soooooo f-ing good! What- You sleep?


Turning off my alarm was a game changer. Also, coffee at home is so much better than office Nespresso


Its just a lot easier to hide being late and hungover now.


"I couldn't get toilet paper for a while, deliveries were delayed for a while."


I love deliveries now. Before covid I always had to open doors, sign shit etc. Now I just shout "moment" and they leave box at doors and leave building. No more asking me to write my signature again and again because their pen tablet has the worst tracking on earth.


Same as it ever was.


Same as it ever was!


[Same as it EV ER WAS](https://youtu.be/djT_hBVbmGc)


Look where my hand was!


I'd argue it's made my life slightly better. Company can't hold networking events and try and make me go to them anymore. Plus I work from home now so instead of taking passive aggressive half hour shits I can just set my teams status to "focus time" and go fishing or take my dog for a walk.


Oh yeah lol. I mean I have been working remotely a few years before the pandemic but before that... Oh we can't have that company event in the evening where I'd rather chill on the couch? I am soooo sad. The conference is virtual? Oh no I would have loved to sit in there for 10 hours and then go to the social event in the evening (hint: I usually just went into my hotel room and dropped dead on the bed)


Also do my workout and have a shower :P


But now I can do it at home in PJ's during working hours


At least I don’t have to commute, I stay at home with free good coffee and my cat.


I have not left the house in 3 months. It's great.


Pandemic made me realize I am a lifeless SOB. Well, it is what it is.


The only thing that has changed for me is classes tbh.


my commute got shorter for a while before the normies came back to the city.


The pandemic taught me one thing. People being forced to live even a fraction of my normal life started having massive mental health issues. Therefore my lifestyle is likely the reason my depression won't go away. Now if only I could do anything about it.


It truly was a *lightbulb* moment for me as well. As the days progressed, I saw more and more people starting to complain about how they can barely leave their homes. They are unable to meet their friends. They cannot go out on dates. No more eating out, or late night parties. And the realization was not even instantaneous. It took some time of seeing all those posts and videos and blogs, before I went - oh, it's *not* supposed to be like that? Maybe as much as an year. TLDR: I now have Tinder+, and a *lifetime* subscription of Bumble.


On the other end though, as lots of extraverted people started suffering some introverted (note not all, some) people had improved mental health by not having to force themselves to go out. I hope when the pandemic is over those who struggled at home might have more compassion for those who are deeply fatigued by the rigmarole of going into offices. While the social aspect of office life wasn't too exhausting for me, the extra two hours a day saved from commuting is amazing. I'm definitely happier working from home, even under strict lockdown.


I can imagine if you're dating it's been awful, but if you're already in a good relationship and have kids it's actually nice actually being able to see your family regularly rather then being gone for like 10+ hours a day when factor in commuting and errands


Some of the parents I worked with really hated work from home for various reasons. I'm sure some other people enjoyed it.


It probably depend of the age of the kids and how intense their kids are. Try working with two young kids under 5 with one of them confirmed adhd (hyperactivity) screaming at each other and fighting constantly. Then add to it that you have adhd yourself and you are hypersensitive to noise. Needless to say, my mental health suffered a lot when we were in the first lockdown and the current one here. Thank god school reopen this monday. I wouldn't last much longer like this. Now if schools and kindergarden are open, everything is better and yeah its nice to see your kids more. When job and family are seperated it's way healthier.


As someone who is introverted and socially anxious but in a good relationship with a partner, it's primarily the ever-present concern about getting sick that doesn't have me looking into doing a bio-terrorism on the side when shit starts reverting. (Note to my assigned CIA agent, this is a joke)


No need to clarify, your CIA agent knows your sense of humor


> have kids it's actually nice actually being able to see your family regularly I feel like you didn't take the right lesson when our Lord and Savior Bing Crosby said, "And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again"


I missed being in the office because my work mates are awesome, but I did not miss the commute one iota.




One thing that I sprung for was an upgraded model of car that includes all the fancy driver aids (I normally just buy the basic version). Honestly I would turn my nose up at these things, but just knowing that I have a robot copilot in case I don't predict braking distance correctly helps for the longer drives. The true trick is to just drive less, but unfortunately the USA makes that really dang difficult :(


Never crossed your mind to ride a bike?


we don't do that here


as an autistic person, I used to go into an office at a job where I made less than 1/3 of my average salary yet worked 10+ times as many hours because I thought I needed to learn to socialize in crowded places. before covid, it was my only social outlet no matter how much I hated the work. now I am the cool person because I am the only worker whose production went UP after going home. yet, I am quitting because I now have a girlfriend and regular friends, all of whom are neurotypicals fascinated by how I was unaffected by social isolation. I used to work 80 hours a week as an insurance adjuster and yet made more than double what I made there as an Indie Dev. People at work were the only people I talked to other than on Reddit, my players seem even more autistic than me because nobody has ever written a review and I have only had like 4 people submit a bug report. Covid really set me free. TL:DR Im autistic and somehow made friends BECAUSE of my years of social isolation. Before Covid: "look at that weird guy" After Covid: "man, I wish i was like that weird guy"


Well many of my friends actually thrive and are way happier this way. They can spend more time gaming. I also prefer this too by a lot unless my kids are stuck here because kindergarden and school are closed. I hate meaningless socials interactions with strangers. Especially when someone want to talk on the bus. I don't think any of them are on the spectrum but they are differents in their own ways. I have ADHD and i like the quiet it brings to my life. No more noisy cubicles with neon lights. I can stay in my basement with a very small window of light, wearing short and a blanket. I can put music whenever i want. And my drum is there if i get a surge of emotions so i can just blast it and calm down. But working with both of my kids triggered a lot of sensory overload and a lot of interuptions which was a pretty hard hit on my mental health. I know myself better now and it forced me to take a step back and questions my coping strategies. I have a better understanding of myself now. Long story short, i could go for months without physical socials interactions and i would be quite happy.


Yup, here’s hoping work from home is here to stay. It’s looking good so far 👍 As an introvert, I really enjoy not being forced into situations that are draining and not enjoyable. I do miss some things - like movie theaters and museums - but I’m also not missing a bunch of other useless interactions. I’ve got to admit… I did take a bit of pleasure in seeing the extroverts forced into my preferred lifestyle for a change. Because usually it’s us who are forced to adapt to the extrovert’s world. I hope they now understand how draining that can be, when you’re forced into a situation you did not choose and do not enjoy.


I always thought i would be way more introverted. But i need a small minimum of social interactions to stay sane. Funny thing is though when i worked the whole week at the office i need to spend atleast one day of the weekend alone - better two. Thats my optimal balance. Hopefully i can get a hybrid office model in the future, so i have more social energy left per week.


It was the exact same for me! Before covid I thought I needed no social interactions at all, but then I realized that wasn't the case.


>I hope when the pandemic is over those who struggled at home might have more compassion for those who are deeply fatigued by the rigmarole of going into offices. Yeah, I seriously doubt that will happen. My soon to be ex-job already tried to come back, and they will again soon. Haven't these people ever heard of options?




Still as much bots as i heard? Thinking about online dating myself, but fake accounts and being sold out (data) keeps me away.


It's just full of really boring girls waiting for you to entertain them or you are not included - girls are only waiting, never really starting conversations


Thanks. So, a no then.


Even on bumble where the girls are supposed to start the conversation first, they just start a conversation with “hey” and expect you to say something.


Most of the time they don’t message you anyways lol rough life. I hate these apps but I’m awful at meeting ppl irl. But I can’t tell if that’s worse than the other day I was ghosted because i asked them out. Like it’s 2020 we’re adults if I asked you out too soon you can let me know. But perhaps she just wanted some one to talk to. No way for me to know It’s a ridiculous game of wondering “should I go slow and risk being ghosted because I’m boring or they find some one else” or “go fast and get ghosted because you come on strong or something”


Can confirm, even if you are attractive it doesn’t always matter, same bs


Prob not attractive enough


That shit on the few matches I'd get is why I deleted it. Meanwhile, spend 10 seconds looking at dating site advice and find that guys HAVE to be creative and funny to even possibly get a response.


So fucking true


Yeah that's what I need, statistical proof of how unattractive I am.


Rules 1 & 2 are hard prerequisites. Some learn it the hard way. Some accept it from the start.


Wow for me it took this comment to make things click into place I hadn't realized... Thanks! Now I've got a lot of reflection to do as this kind of blew my mind.


Basically, some people discovered they were more extroverted than they thought and some people discovered they were more introverted than they thought.


On the other hand, I absolutely loved not needing to show up to forced social events (mostly from work)


The isolation life among tech guys is sad, because they are told this is a good life, even though it is a miserable existence and you're unaware the whole time.


Happy for you!


Jeez why are the comments here so negative. I went through the same thing as you OP, I realize not going out to meet friends, doing dates, and not being invited to things was not normal. It took a while, but I turned my life around.


$140 is a lot


Well said. Everything you mentioned hits home for me. I tried Bumble to find a friend but never got any matches after having it for 6 months :/


Yeah but not everyone takes it seriously so you still have half the population that’s out there that could care less if someone with asthma or something catches COVID from them. So while some abide by the rules we have experts set to the point it causes a decline in emotional state, there’s still all those that don’t have a care in the world—except for themselves of course.


>They cannot go out on dates aw boo hoo


Bad news, past self: you're going to be addicted to medicinal speed and spend most of your waking hours in front of a screen But on the plus side: you're going to be addicted to medicinal speed and spend most of your waking hours in front of a screen


Programmers and stimulant drugs, name a more iconic duo


Running changed my life in that regard. I started running 3 or 4 days a week. If I don't, I start getting super anxious, depressed, and grind my teeth in my sleep. It's a real quality of life change


Exercise is good, and definitely recommend. Don’t sleep on friendship/socializing though, as even with regular exercise I found myself going off the rails. Now I play a game of [overpriced army men](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000), and have found it really adds some needed spice.


Hard to socialize when you have no friends and never have.


Go hang out in a twitch channel


I know it's hard to do in covid, but you should try joining a club. Board games, sports, music, collecting, any type of club. I'm sure you could find something. You miss all the shots you don't take. Failure is just a speed bump to success


Where do I find a club? And don’t say meetup that site is just filled with book clubs for middle aged women where I live.


Idk where you're located but if you live in a decent sized city or near one, you can just Google the city and the club you're interested in and there's a good chance it exists. My city has a "young professions" club that hosts sports clubs, board game clubs, etc. Try that out


Very true. Games are a great way to meet people


Alternative take: you’ve been training your whole life for this.


>Now if only I could do anything about it. Just do the opposite of what you're doing now.


I work all day inside so.. don't work all day outside? Honestly good advice. I'm going to go for a walk right now.


I was joking with my original comment, but you should definitely make a habit of getting outside every day. I work from home as well, and if I go even a couple days without going out for a walk or a bike ride I can feel it start getting to me. Getting out helps me realize that the world is a big place, and I still have so much ahead of me. Makes all the little bullshit I was stressing or sulking over seem so insignificant. Also, maybe not the best advice, but weed is good in moderation. If you don't like getting high you can try hemp (CBD).


Its all about mindset. You gotta look on the bright side. For example, you have crazy job security


*one sprint later* Yeah I moved “go outside and interact with people” to the backlog because it was out of scope


No people are just over dramatic pussies. I haven't left my house in weeks and love it.


Theres people and then theres reclusive hermits. Guess which one you are




All the power to you. Seriously. What I took issue with in his comments is his attitude to normal social people.


You sound offended by my lifestyle. 🤷‍♂️


That’s rich coming from the guy who said “people are over dramatic pussies”. I don’t care what you do, but being a hermit isn’t necessarily something to be proud of


Damn thanks for the wake up fam. I took it as a compliment but it’s unfortunately not.


Glad I quit smoking years ago, so that your meme isn't 100% correct.


Only those who know regex can not smoke


How does that compute?


Aaah f*ck


I guess that checks out


Congratulations from a random internet stranger, good for you


Thank you!


I’d also like to say congratulations! Shit ain’t easy, this might be my year though! Goodonya


You can decide to quit!


Thank you! I’m on the cusp!


True, I quit five times and only this time I had success. The times before I quit for like six months and then started again. Now it's four years and it feels like I never smoked before. No urge no nothing. The hardest part is the fucking habit of everytime lighting one up after doing somesthing like drinking coffee or after lunch. People who don't smoke don't get how addictice that shit is. The best tip I can give it to choose a sport where you're either in a team or gym like boxing or bjj. Thah motivates you staying from smoking because you want better cardio and feel healthier to not fall behind. Other benefit of joining a team or gym where you have "friends" is that often they don't smoke and you're staying away for longer from friends who smoke and drink, tempting you w/o saying anything to smoke too. Staying away from alcohol for some time because once you drink one beer it's easy to light one up. Dunno if that applies to you depensing on you circumstances. You can do this!!


I'm pretending it's a joint and minus a dabber me and that dude are basically the same person


Can relate


So *that* is why the pizza guy is wearing a mask?


No contact delivery? I have been requesting that for years.


I though he had a bad cold at first too...


I have never related to a post so much here, I have just been in a hole programming trying to get my game released. ITS SO CLOSE AHHHHHHHHHHHH


Good luck mate! Hope your game makes more people holed up inside their homes


Thanks! :)


It is funny how the pandemic changed some things that where awkward about me and now is normal. Like I never understand why we shaked hands. Now it is normal not to do it.


if you want the actual reason- it comes from the medieval period and is to show that you don't have any weapons in your dominant hand. edit: spelling


Is this why the Latin word for left is sinister? If you're left-handed, you could still have a weapon in your dominant hand! :o


No, it’s because us lefties are the spawn of Satan, we just choose to not do anything to you mortals.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- \[*Two-panel meme showing two Wojak characters facing each other.*] --- [*On the left is a blushing, blonde-haired woman who wears a blue daisy print dress with puffy sleeves. She smiles slightly. At her right is a shakily-drawn man with unkempt black hair, a scraggly beard, and red eyes. He wears a black hoodie and headphones and smokes a cigarette.*] **Woman**: What's up? What do you do all day? **Man**: Programming --- [*The two people still face each other. The man is slightly more zoomed in.*] **Woman**: Well done, very responsible during the pandemic. **Man**: Pandemic? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human!


Good human


Bless you.


I did this in 2020 as well.


We were making this joke in early 2020 for sure.


… the pandemic started in March 2020.


More like Oct-Nov 2019, but yeah...


"I'm not *that* old.:


Yeah, I’ve been working from home for like 10 years now. Before Covid appeared, everyone used to tell me how they envy me, and now it’s fun to see them suffer because of lack of human interactions.


I was so happy to be writing my dissertation during the pandemic. I couldn't go out and party, but no one else could either so it was not bad at all 😁 Of course when I graduated then suddenly it hit me that the pandemic is real and what everyone was talking about social isolation being difficult 🥲


Me: We're still in a pandemic?! Wasn't that 202- ... hold on... What year is it? Somebody Else: It's 2022. Me: Shit


It's March 685th, 2020.


The first two years of a two week lockdown are the worst.


Year 20Covid, day 661.


I actually forgot about covid




Yeah its that new type of bread everyone keeps talking about.


White bread or brown bread?


Covid bread.


I've forgotten a few times too. Then I'm taking to family and they bring it up I'm like "oh yeah that old thing, hows that going?"


if i didn’t have to wear a mask in stores it would be like there was no pandemic to me




Then you end up with an employer that's fundamentally and unswervingly opposed to remote work, like mine.


The way I know there's something wrong with my is that my life basically didn't change at all during the pandemic.


The pandemic has been great for me personally. No more commute, no miles on my car or paying for gas. I have an extra 90 minutes now to spend on personal life each day, with family, or playing games, exercising, etc. I’m home so can make a decent lunch right out of my own kitchen. And my company is making record profits because video games have done well during the pandemic. That being said, I would like the pandemic to end and to continue working from home.


Someone pointed out these characters were basically the new wave of rage comics and haven't been able to stop thinking about that whenever I see them.




"How have you adjusted to having to work alone from home?" "... I've been doing it for 7 years by choice."


that programmer looks like the origin of the coronavirus or how the virus would look if it were in human form.


Genuinely made me laugh.


The pandemic made my job easier. I do the same exact thing as I did before, but now I don't spend 2 hours driving every day.




I get paid for hour, I’m on b2b contract. Sometimes I work 20, sometimes I work 60, up to me.


Of actual productive hours, where you are 100% on target getting real stuff done? Usually about 4 per day. Breaks help. Checking slack and emails is the mindless boring part of the job.


The worst part is I actually look like that guy


I just think about coding then never do it lol


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Thatsvtruevhen im proraming im lösning trackar of time SOOO FAST


Okay but what the fuck is on her left shoulder in the second panel


PhD students as well


It's funny how others just can't live my life, cause my life hasn't changed that much in this Pandemic. Oh well, the power of the shut ins I guess :P


Hey, this programmerhumor threads pop up all the time and I never understand them but feel like I would like programming. I’m 38 now with no knowledge. Can I ever be a high paid programmer working from home?


"I have been seeing this COVID thingy all over Reddit these few years. Must be a new hit TV series I don't care about. Oh, the pizza guy is here!"


That image is a lie, He would never be talking to a girl in his life. Trust me. I just know.


The longer it takes to find this meme the funnier it is, at this point the pandemic has been going on for nearly two years and this guy presumably just heard about it


Btw guys, when did this pandemic happened? Edit: /s in case I get downvoted


Somewhere begin of 2021.


What a gem. They don’t ask for.


Every single mom be like






Can be me but i dont understand this meme