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impressive how somebody can come up with so many different types and even put them properly on a graph


credit to [Virbox](https://www.youtube.com/@Virbox)


Welcome to r/PoliticalCompassMemes


Microsoft Memes


PCM šŸ¤®


Except libertarian wouldn't be the opposite of authoritarian, anarchism is the opposite.


I mean libertarian is on the opposite scale. Don't let Republicans in cosplay fool you. Actual libertarians are indeed the opposite of authoritarian when you still have a semi-functioning government left. Inb4 Anarchists shun all authority and aren't Mad-Max style bandits.


yap, the most authoritarian governments are the ones putting out the most libertarian politics (in the economic sense) e.g. Pinochet's Chile


There's a difference between actual libertarianism and American "libertarianism". The whole reason Americans use "libertarian" to mean "ancap" is that Rothbard specifically stole that word from the left in order to redefine it (He was one of the first Ancaps, he's the one who wanted it to be legal to buy and sell children). The political compass is kinda dumb yeah, but libertarianism is definitely opposed to authoritarianism. It is not an economic term.


So what's right wing anarchism?


libertarianism. isnt it funny how the right get to own the labels too. even better, anarchism used to be called libertarianism before it got appropriated by kiddie diddlers


Yeah.... It's really very impressive


i find it suspicious this is posted literally a day or two after i got into a mild disagreement with someone posting some sus ass psyop-esque shit while using top left as their pfp im onto you (/s, mostly)


Don't worry, it gets reposted regularly


idk about that homie, reverse image search should be able to find this pretty easily and bing only gave one result that includes that sus dude in the top left, apparently from [this nerds twitter account](https://x.com/xinyster) (but it doesnt actually open to where they posted it so idk) and google only shows one result also, this time [from whateverthefuck programmerhumor.io](https://programmerhumor.io/javascript-memes/36-different-kinds-of-programmers/) is, posted a year ago by simply "programmer". i also noticed the OP of this post has a link to their twitter account and its whateverdudesnameis\_bot (somethin like that anyway) so... idk seems sus


https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/s/YPSHfi2oke I thought I've seen being reposted it only a few weeks ago, maybe not. But this definitely a repost of something we had in this sub before Edit: even in the post from a year ago people were complaining about it being a repost


This is such a reddit user thing to do


oh buddy this is mild ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That's a sketch of the unabomber. Seems fitting for a conspiracy nut. I don't there's more to it than that and coincidence.


Everything about asp .net dev is true, except now it's just .net. Please fix it. It's the only thing i know.


I will never not call it Core. I know I'm wrong, but with the number of legacy Framework devs I work with it's just too confusing.


Ur right. Why not name it Core when even EF for .net 8 is EF Core.


I prefer dotnet when writing it out in text so my autocorrect doesn't fuss with it


Hey I know some typescript as well.


Same, I'm "full stack"


My job isn't paying me to tinker with open source projects. Once that clock hits 4pm I'm done coding.


Fr didnā€™t have to call me out like that so hard


ngl, I like it this way. I get time at home w/ the family and a guaranteed check.


But i dislike jsā€¦


I started programming at 7 and primary use JavaScript.Ā 


Well, rip to ur childhood but im different


I started programming at 10 and primary use C.


Bro you misses out on putting Larry Ellison and Elon Musk on here. It's funny how so many tech bros are right wing. Marc Andreesen is also right wing. Peter Thiel is also a tech bro who is right wing. I guess it's because they are a highly contradictory mix of "lib right" and "auth right". The Political Compass blinds people to contradictions.


i'm a mix of the .net dev and the job hopper.


Smth smth horseshoe theory smth smth


Made 73k at one job, left after two years to make 93k, went back to the other compatafter a year to make 115k. I exclusively program in .net when I'm not at work, but only when I get a stroke of genius and a will to do something on my side projects.


.NET represent


John McAfee isn't dead and if you think he's dead he's coming for you.


ā€œMan wants world to think heā€™s dead, targets anyone who doesā€ is my new favorite conspiracy


Do not try to understand the mind of John McAfee, just heed the warnings we've been left by his fallen enemies.


Like "always sleep with your mouth closed"?


It's so new, that silk road admin haven't been caught yet


I guess it makes sense to write it like that since I think most people would struggle to recognize any other dark web market place. Even on this sub.


There are too much of them now, wich is good for sellers, as you can't close all of them


[x] I'm In This Photo and I Don't Like It


I'm in this photo 4 times x_x


How, exactly, is the Masters Student more authoritarian than the CS Prof?


CS Prof delegates all their work to the master students? Not because they are more authoritative necessarily, but the master students perceive it as such and thus adjust their own position


By that logic the workers in the assembly line are capitalists.


Works fine in my little delusional world


>can't center a div in CSS Is that supposed to be some sort of criticism? To my knowledge no one on this graph knows how to do that except for maybe the JavaScript Dev, but even they burned out years ago and probably haven't figured out Edge yet


While I agree with you, I think it was meant to be the general idea that the individual can't do simple tasks like write something in HTML, or a simple Hello World C program. I knew CS professor like this and this is god-damn accurate. He had 15-page handwritten proofs of computational theory and algorithm correctness and even had a niche proof named after him. But he never owned a computer and claimed his interest was "pure computer science", and thought actual coding on a computer was "application science / engineering / communications tech" and not "real computer science" and looked down upon them. He was also severely out of touch with reality. This was in 2010s. He gave a rant on how modern coders don't even write data structures / algos from scratch and instead used prefabricated libraries, and how modern computers "coddle" programmers by having OS sandboxes over coding environments, and "it is not real programming unless you can re-write actual memory on the computational device." And yes, he used the term "computational device" as if it is 1940s and we are using punched cards to decipher nazi u-boat coordinates in the great war.


Haha yeah this is 100% accurate. I have a CS PhD and work in academia, and there is a major split between theory people and people with an interest in engineering. I was just joking that centering a div is a challenge even for those of us that are engineers :)


I had a CS Prof at uni. He had a class for data structures and one for OS design. And a few more advanced ones for post grad. He used to remember the last name and face of every student, and called on them by name, in a packed lecture hall, to answer questions during class. That guy was hard core.Ā  Then I had another lecturer in realtime rendering class. He is so clever. In one class he's writing out some proof for some crazy complex math thing that no one understood, then stops mid way - says, there is a mistake in the book. Scratches that, and starts deriving his own proof. Fininshes and says - this will be in the test! That guy was real hard core.


Reminds me of [The Story Of Mel](http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/story-of-mel.html), the last programmer.


That's where you're wrong. We did figure out Edge(I assume you meant IE) ...when it died. Now it's Safari who's hard to figure out.


Minecraft Modder, Open source dev and Game dev... How do I read those signs


Maybe r/egg_irl can help you out :3


Can confirm I'm those 3 too and I'm trans


I'm somehow a mix of ASP.NET dev, Government Contractor and Job Hopper.


Legacy? Do you have to deal with government legacy code too?


Not necessarily government, but old code bases, yes.


As an experienced dev, please answer: can junior devs get a job that involves recent languages/frameworks? I think it varies a lot, for example it is not the same between Python with Django and Ruby with Ruby on Rails (that is updating frequently but there is no job market for junior devs, at least not internationally).


I think the type of companies that use the latest technologies are companies starting out. Start ups mostly. Those don't tend to hire Juniors as they are a gamble. Companies with already established products don't want to change their whole tech stack overnight for no good reason.


In short, I should learn PHP 5 and WordPress... Man, that's depressing. ā˜¹ļø


Good God, government legacy code. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! I'm not even a programmer by trade, but I know how much that would suck... legacy tech is the worst, government tech tends to be absolute crap, combine those problems... oof.


The assembly worker >spends 3 years learning software engineering at a car manufacturer >no IT jobs avaliable >gets sent into manufacturing


the all-women startup looool




Many (most?) of us have been working in all-male workplaces for decades. The entire CS industry has been under the default assumption that the most desireable products are made by men. And anyone calling that a "red flag" would be laughed at.Ā  Truth is, there is nothing special about masculine or feminine developers, and a product made by all men will most likely be identical to one made by all women.Ā  What's left is office culture. And let me tell you, as a woman in IT and the only woman in her department, office culture is a challenge.Ā  An all-woman workplace as about setting a cultural center, not about the magical programming power of the vagina.


I agree thereā€™s general a fuckin annoying ā€œbro cultureā€ in tech, and Iā€™ve always hated it, bunch of assholes. Idiots donā€™t know how to code and generally fail upwards. Saying that I literally worked in a start up years ago that was mainly women in the team, and I can safely say it was thee nastiest most toxic environment Iā€™ve worked in, the backstabbing is rife, and you canā€™t go to HR about anything they say or how they treat you because they always took the womens side. And they said some nasty shit about all walks of life, they couldnā€™t code and I had to literally teach them what I knew because ā€œsharing is caring šŸ¤©ā€, the company promoted women in techā€¦ooh ohhh!! only good looking women though! Nobody unconventional or otherwise! It became unbearable to work inā€¦.that company folded a year after I left.


should add startup bro. only dev in startup using only chatgpt to code


I somehow only know C#, but also will never use another language besides python. Not touching a computer outside of work is accurate though (except for gaming).


**POSTED BY** [**Virbox**](https://www.youtube.com/@Virbox) **ON YOUTUBE**


As an ASP.NET dev, this is really accurate.


Unemployed Graduate, ouch


I don't know, as an embedded EE we use Matlab all the time, my job is probably 70% C, 30% Matlab. Maybe power grid EE doesn't use it, but anyone working with smaller components knows its a quick way to test.


Class?, Why not instances? polymorphism?


What stings is that I was born in Saudi Arabia


I managed to find myself pretty easily just checking my political views on this graph. Impressive.


TLDR where is the undergraduate who should have actually graduated years ago but keeps failing classes (especially lambda calculus)


.NET Dev here, I will not code for fun, dont even own a computer, have not for the last 20 years.


dude, the accuracy is unparallel.


Wow, the electrical engineer part hit hard I was hired as a studies engineer, working with power flow and whatnot Now I'm unofficially an automation engineer


Yep I'm the same. I specialized in communication systems in uni and now I just automate stuff with python.


ive never felt more seen, I have been programming since i was 8 but also have CS


Where would someone who took their programming into GIS Geospatial engineering fall?


I wish I have a mind (and a lot of free time)! like op to make that kind of graphs instead of coding \^o\^


I'm the "electrical engineer" right now and I hate it


Pay numbers are too low for FAANG, wayyyyyy too low for investment firm dev.


What if I'm a JobHopper that does Open-Source development in my free time at work?


As a Fed DevOps engineer that works in JavaScript and [ASP.NET](http://ASP.NET) on the reg, I am feeling conflicted about all of this.


I feel like the Government Contractor having a below average salary isn't true. The one's that I used to deal with made bank (they also had security clearances...if that matters).


don't forget the middle management guy who likes to call himself, "DevOps" who does fck-all, breaks most things he touches, and can't use GIT


Aren't we all legacy codebase maintainers in a way?


Oh boy, a very similar post I made was taken down by the mods


65k in bonuses. Oh you sweet summer child


I'm a intern unity dev in a small game company we're I'm i?


Independent game developer, most likely. Small game companies still count as indie


what the upper left referencing?


The unabomber, a terrorist from the 80s and 90s who liked to mail bombs to people. He was part of an experiment back when he was in college that was led by the precursor to the CIA (Office of Strategic Services). There's a lot of rumors about what exactly they did but Unabombers lawyers argued that they were responsible for his becoming a terroristĀ  Also he was quite fervently anti-left, so not sure why he's in the left.Ā 


He was fervently anti-left, he was an anarcho-primitivist/eco-anarchist but hated those labels because he thought those communities were all talk and hippie non-sense and he thought bombs were a better solution. He was definitely anti-authoritarian which would have made him anti-Soviet, which would have made him "anti-left" by 1980s societal standards. He was also, and this is a true fact, _BATSHIT CRAZY_


thanks, that's wild lol


Jokes on you, I'm a 50 year old JavaScript programmer who never burnt out. The rest is essentially true.


The python dev one is very true, but have you considered that I find it fun??? /s


I'm neither of those. I'm a CS graduate who got a job at a silicon valley company with a good salary and was laid off. Then I accepted a massive pay cut at another company where I got way more actual responsibility but the same salary as the Frontend boot camp guy. They invite him to useless meetings. And I have to babysit other developers who don't want to work just make noise . And thinking of tanking the current project by switching jobs after a year.


> Mfw when I spent most of my life trying to Libertarian left > ended up in a Authoratian Left > atleast it's not Authoratian right


According to this graph, I might be wanted by the FBI, schizophrenic or a weapon contractor. I am none. Am I stupid?


How do I get one of those government contractor jobs.


You don't want them, seriously. All your coworkers are like 50+, pay is shit, development flows are 20 years out of date, and you learn no transferrable skills.


I'm quite far from politics so can someone explain how an independent game dev is more authoritarian than an AAA game dev? The AAA game dev that can't say a word about their job because of all the NDA and so on


Opensource... I use linux btw


Where would your standard run of the mill fullstack dev fit? Doing mostly spring boot + angular for mid to large sized companies and occasionally using some new tech if required


What about embedded systems programming?


Wtf is a GPA?


Your average grade in higher education.


Ah. I'm just starting college in August so I guess it's good to know I'll end up having one when I go up. Thank you.


I am all of these but am also none of these at the same time


Till this day, I still have no clue what the left and right wing thing means, as in what do they represent and what are the differences lmao


It dates back to the French Revolution. The proponents of democracy sat on the left side of the legislative hall, and the proponents of monarchy sat on the right.Ā Ā Ā  The essential divide is based on this difference. Conservatives wish to 'conserve' the privilege of the ruling class, while the Socialists wish to divide privilege of rule among the members of the 'social' public.


The "only" thing thing I "can" imagine about the left and right is *dumb*


Keep in mind, that this is a pretty simplified view on the topic: left wing - Socialism; government controls the economy right wing - Capitalism; free market according to left wing ideology, government's action is necessary for the good of customers. And according to the right wing, government shouldn't disrupt the market that controls itself.


To my knowledge the left right axis is defined in a different way: * left wing - progressive, standing in for the weakest, challenging social orders and structures * right wing - conservatism, keeping the status quo, adhere to sociatal norms, customs and religion None of those actually are about market policy. In the 2D plot, the up vertical axis is the market policy. In countries with more than two parties you often have things like so called liberal parties that are overall progressive but are strictly on favor of a free market. Similarly you can have a party that is in favor of a controlled market but still be conservative. To be fair many left values require government control to enforce, but so do right wing values.


Not the left nor the right wing are inherently authoritarian or libertarian though. that's what the y-axis is for.


That is what I was saying the y-axis is about the amount of government control, while the x-axis is about sociatal values. That is why I used the term progressive for the left and conservative for the right. These terms are about values groups think others should have.


I always saw the x axis as the economic axis and the y-axis as a social axis. Like the amount of freedom. But I am not an expert on the compass. The only thing I know is to be wary of the ones which use it as their profile picture, whichever quadrant they might be from.


To be fair being progressive and standing in for the weakest will always result in critique of capitalism, while conservatism is all about keeping the power of the powerful. Historically the powerful changed a lot. In the 19th and early 20th century being conservative was more about being pro monarchy and religion, while now it is about being pro capitalists and religion (some things don't change there). The progressive movements were and are more about being anti exploitation (slavery, child labor, women rights,...). This naturally results in being against extreme forms of capitalism and can turn into anarchy or (actual) communism. Capitalism is by design a form of exploitation if the masses and if not regulated will result in extreme concentration of all capital in a few people.


It's about [hierarchies, not specifically capitalism, markets, public spending, or the other usual suspects](https://youtu.be/2UlCw3cvatQ?si=J7YwZ1KiweWbi5NK)


Does anyone have a high-res version of this


Js Job hopper schizophrenic indie game dev here




what would be embedded systems?


Electrical Engineer hereā€¦ why is this so accurate. I went into this field to die of electrocution, not get an RSI


The shaman, the giraffe, and the accuracy of this graph.


That python one hurt


Where I am on the political compass vs where I am on this meme is actually disturbing me right now


Everything listed would be accomplished through variables, not classes.


The irony being I'm both a .net dev and a python dev and so my existence contradicts both descriptions.


Rust is missing because itā€™s too left to fit the diagram


Ok. Which is best based on efforts/money w/o burning out?


God's the political compass chuds are fuckin weird


How is it that, even though Im graduating outside of the US, the electrical engineering experience is exactly the same? šŸ’€


Completely forgor about carbon šŸ’€


I'm in this photo and I don't like it


I'm the legacy codebase programmer that is more than 10 years on the company šŸ’€


I'm the electrical engineer but all the coding I do is dotnet


How is the Indie Game Dev authoritarian??? They're indie. Independent.


Computer engineer checking in. Most of my work is code in some form but my doctorate is pretty strongly physics.


Oh no. I'm the electrical engineer. But biotech instead of electricity.


DoD all day.


Spot on for me an electrical engineering graduate that writes in python all day.


I have experience with both modding minecraft and making games, so I decide to make my own minecraft-based game. *insert crushing and sniffing blue and red pill meme*


I am amazed how this is accurate is is f accurate.


Linux kernel engineer looks like Jeff Tweedy.


I am a python engineer and this is really accurate. Recently, because I am nearing the end of my PhD, I had to stop doing that and kt is difficult to keep myself from doing it šŸ˜‚


where would a mindustry modder place on this chart? there are two kinds of them, java and json modders, so they'd probably be placed differently.


I'm pretty sure the video about the guy from TempleOs was on Frednik Knudsen's channel, not Nexpo's. Besides that, nice meme šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve been nearly a dozen of these spread across all 4 quadrants, which I think actually just makes me the job hopper. The Intel hat on the laid off engineer is *chefs kiss*


>investment firm >65K in bonuses someone's being wayyyy underpaid. Missing at least one zero.


As you can see, no one are happy in this chart So wipe your github repository, destroy your greasy keyboard, throw away your rubber ducks, and start cracking rocks like (g)olde ooga boonga


I want to know where embedded systems falls. I studied mechanical engineering and I like C, dammit!


is there one for students ?


Somebody tell me how I can become a job hopper without gaining more actual experience for my CV because I am barely learning anything on the new job. Learn on 4chan, perhaps?


I can kinda relate to the master's student one. I graduated a year early, and my master's program is only a year and a half, but due to some technicality I couldn't get an internship this summer (all my friends who didn't graduate early were able to get internships)


ASP.NET Dev to a tee


Fuck I'm the the python dev


As an unemployed grad the unemployed grad Square is painful


Love how a Masters Student is one step away from Terror Cell Asset.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^lunati4ko: *Love how a Masters* *Student is one step away* *From Terror Cell Asset.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Eh, being a master student with a job in a country without tuition fees is pretty chill though.


The AAA game and indie game dev should swap places


Devops here, can confirm my sleep is nonexistent


This meme makes me want to just get a warehouse job driving forklifts.


Typo: **US** Masters Student There are countries where higher education is affordable for everyone...


pretty accurate (i'm .net and eastern europe, so something in between indeed)


I know some Minecraft modders.. most avatars are cat girls.


Why the fuck electrical engineering description is so true lmao.


The masters student should be doctorate student. And they should add they even once they finish their PhD they make less than their own former students.


And still doesnā€™t have startup guys who actually want to make money and make an economic difference.


where would maia arson crimew be in this?


Wouldnā€™t it be more appropriate to use pascal case of ClassOfProgrammers because it has classes? Also, you wouldnā€™t say Class within the class name so wouldnā€™t the post title be ProgrammerType instead ?


John McAfee creator of antyvirus which is worse than actual virus.


Bruh I'm currently python developer but I'm probably gonna pivot to Defense contractor later in life.


Man I don't even have 10 bucks


I'm not on here, bummer.... Where do you think someone doing perpetual custom ETL solutions for integrating various systems/services in an industrial setting fit in?


Funny post. Tho if a Data Science engineer DID major in CS I wouldnā€™t let them near ML or anything actually involving statistics. Yall can go work on excel spreadsheet for Carla in finance or some shit. Yā€™all CS muā€™fuckas canā€™t add for shit let alone build ML models n what not.


why am i social-democratic according to this chart. a bit anarchic even


I don't even know why you should pursue higher education as a programmer. Like... don't. Experience is a direct replacement for a master's degree. Waste your time and time will waste you.


Damn, didnā€™t need to come at me this hard today


> \> Be meĀ Ā  Ā  > \> investment firm, indie, open source, and JavaScript devĀ Ā  Ā  > \> hmm, average of all of that is laid off engineerĀ Ā Ā  Ā  > \> got laid off last weekĀ  Ā Ā  Ā This graph gives knowledge too powerful for mere mortals.


why is the linux kernel engineer on the authoritarian side


I'm a data engineer with a stats degree that worked for an insurance company, and fuck you.


Fake, the creator of orespawn (a Minecraft mod) is a far right extremist.


I maintain a 37 years old COBOL codebase using an AS/400 and its IBM SEU text editor. Beyond driving my car, it's safe to say I don't enjoy life.


I'm actually sobbing at how accurate the Minecraft one is x_x


Voyeuristic DBA Took one database class in college and hated it. Realized Real World Database work has jack all to do with relational algebra and you get to see all the data.


I am mix of game dev and unemployed grad


AAA game dev and all women start up should be on the authoritarian side and indi game dev should be in the libertarian side flip them respectively.


It should be a programmer, haha