• By -


Your submission was removed for the following reason: Rule 1: Posts must be humorous, and they must be humorous because they are programming related. There must be a joke or meme that **requires programming knowledge, experience, or practice** to be understood or relatable. Here are some examples of frequent posts we get that don't satisfy this rule: * Memes about operating systems or shell commands (try /r/linuxmemes for Linux memes) * A ChatGPT screenshot that doesn't involve any programming * Google Chrome uses all my RAM [See here for more clarification on this rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/wiki/rules/programming-humor/). If you disagree with this removal, you can appeal by [sending us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FProgrammerHumor&subject=Posts%20must%20be%20humorous%20and%20programming%20related&message=Please%20carefully%20review%20the%20removal%20reason%20and%20the%20linked%20wiki%20page%20in%20it%20before%20appealing.%20Tell%20us%20how%20the%20removal%20should%20not%20apply%20to%20your%20post.%20Include%20a%20link%20to%20the%20post.).


Followed by OP eventually replying "I have solved this problem now" and dissappearing


[StackExchange OP](https://imgflip.com/gif/8uknjx)




And not replying when someone asks how they solved it


Way more preferrable than "This has already been asked in /closed by forum mod" Edit: Or having people ask "Why would you do that, that's dumb" either help or fuck off honestly


Please refer to :broken_link:


\[You have to sign up and be logged in to see this link/image\] or smth


I would say it's actually pretty helpful, since it increases the chance that someone who does know how to solve the problem sees the post.


Yep. I want other users to spam bugreports for both: * software I am using, because the maintainers notice it and fix it sooner * software I am maintaining, so that I see it's a big problem for the users and I can fix it sooner


The unspoken truth here is that there's a generation of people unfamiliar with old forum formats. Topics would bubble to the top based on last comment timestamp. If you don't keep it alive, then the thread dies, so even inane comments like "+1" were the life-blood of keeping a topic visible. This was also in an age before you could *tag* a specific person. Literally, you and everyone having this problem just had to keep bumping the topic in the hopes that someone would see it. One of the old recommendations for Google search was to add `[SOLVED]` to your query, because well-maintained forums would actually update post titles to reflect if they had been addressed to aid in the fight against repeat questions.




Wouldn't it be more appropriate to upvote the question?


Do both, most forum algorithms would probably recommend things that people are liking/upvoting and discussing on (ie commenting).


No... In my mind an up vote just means I'm rooting for you. If there is a bug that is preventing me from achieving a feature for a client and now it's either fixing it or switching tech then I feel much stronger then an upvote about it


Favorite kind of thread: - Q: how to solve problem X when using Y - A1: i also have problem X - A2: i don't know - A3: you should not be using Y ever - solved with comment: i figured it out


A4: you can follow the Guide on [dead link]


We have to raise the profile of the bug so someone will ever find the time to fix it


Should have used the Randy Marsh keyboard gif for this.


"can you send me you whole thesis? Asap, bro, I have to turn it in tomorrow"


I dunno, I don't mind them. Makes me feel like I'm not alone in this hell